Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 76

Chapter 7676 An Offer
RAIHANA My heart pounded with fear when Delsanra’s heart stopped beating. I jumped up from the bed,
chanting a spell trying to heal her or do anything to bring her heartbeat back.
Goddesses above, help me! “Delsanra! You are not leaving me!” I cried out. “I need help!”
Damn her heart. No! No!
Ahren, who had been playing on the bed, froze in panic at my shouting, his eyes pooling with tears.
“Fuck! I NEED SOMEONE!” I screamed.
Where the hell were the guards?!
Hold on girl… hold on… “Delsanra!”
The door burst open as Raven appeared with Dante, Azura, and the twins. “Teleport her to the hospital!”
She said to me, scooping Ahren up. “She’s not breathing!” I exclaimed. “Calm down. She’s going to be
fine.” Dante interrupted, staring at Delsanra. Despite the calm in his voice, his heart was thumping and
his hands were shaking as he approached her. “She’s going to be ok… She has to…” He whispered,
staring down at her as he took her hand in his. 1
“Then why are you terrified?” I whispered fearfully, before shaking my head and chanting another spell of
healing. It couldn’t be her time! Not yet!
Raven had run out and I was sure it was to call a doctor, but it wasn’t going to help. Her heart had
stopped. I knew it hadn’t even been a minute, but it felt like eternity as I did my best, trying to use every
spell I could think of.“Was I wrong?” Dante whispered, his face pale. What was he going on about? The girls stood silently,
fear in their eyes. Kataleya looked fearful; Skyla was frowning, whilst Azura was scanning the room as if
it’d give her an answer. “We need to shock her awake.” She said in a panicked whisper. “Like a lightning
bolt, a jolt!” 1
She was right, we may not have the machinery here, but I could use a spell. I could
Delsanra’s eyes flew open just as Dante gasped, staggering back. A darkness emitted from them,
followed by a blinding light, and before my very eyes their skin returned to normal. The veins vanishing
and colour returning to them. The bright light and that surge of power vanished and I wasn’t the only one
to sigh in relief.
Delsanra shot straight up in bed, her eyes blazing red, looking as beautiful as she did the first time I saw
her in her demon form. Dante’s eyes seemed to sharpen as he rolled his neck, removing the kinks from
“Ri.” Delsanra whispered. Her voice was hoarse despite the fact that her pale skin was glowing, and her
hair seemed to be full of life.
“Thank the goddesses! I could kiss you right now!” I exclaimed, flinging my arms around her, hugging her
tightly. My best friend… Goddess, my best friend was ok! “That scared me for a moment.” Dante
muttered, frowning slightly. 1 I looked up at him, wiping my tears.
“Aw, my poor baby! You looked terrified too. Come here.” I said, pulling him into a tight hug. “Let go of
me!” He retorted, trying to pull away. “I wasn’t scared.” “Weren’t you?” Delsanra asked teasingly before
she smiled at the girls who stood there looking relieved.
Two doctors, Uncle El, Raven, and two guards appeared in the doorway. “Not at all.” Dante said, quietly
looking at Delsanra, before glaring at me. “Let me go, you’re squishing me.” I raised an eyebrow beforeletting go of him. It was good to have him back. “Thank fuck.” Uncle El muttered, hugging Raven, who
was grinning happily. 1 “This means they did it right?” She said, kissing Ahren’s cheek.
“They did it.” Uncle El replied with a nod, exhaling in relief.
“Did it!” Ahren repeated before he giggled and hid his face in Raven’s shoulder, then jumped up as if just
realising Delsanra was awake. “Mama!” 2
“My baby.” Delsanra whispered, her eyes full of emotion as Raven brought him over. 1
“Sienna’s asleep, I’ll go get her.” She said gently. Delsanra smiled, trying to control her tears before she
hugged him tightly, rocking him gently. Dante watched them, and for some reason, he looked… sad and
happy at the same time.
“Hey, what’s up?” I asked him.
He shook his head, shrugging, before he turned and brushed past the guards and left. I frowned, feeling
concerned as Skyla jumped onto the bed.
“We thought you died.” Azura stated bluntly.
“We were thinking we had to bury you.” Skyla added dramatically. “We knew you were going to be ok
because Daddy promised.” Kataleya added, making Delsanra chuckle.
“I missed you girls too.” She replied, ruffling their hair.
“This means it’s over.” Uncle El said, running his hands through his gorgeous sandy brown locks.
“And it means our mates are ok.” I added, feeling my chest feel lighter, but with it, my heart suddenly
It meant Mom was gone… Fuck…Suddenly, I felt my own body become numb and I excused myself from the room. Before the tears came,
I needed to be alone. 1 “She’s alive.”
I froze, turning and looking at Dante, who stood there. “What?” I asked, refusing to cry. “Mama Mari is
alive.” He repeated.
Confusion hit me and my head spun.
“What… how? She was…”
“It’s not her time.” He said quietly, looking down.
I sighed, placing a hand on my heart.
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookWas it selfish that I was relieved she was ok? I promise I’ll work on something, even if it’s by using
magic, I will make sure Mom stays strong…
Dante was glancing at the open bedroom door, and I crouched down in front of him.
“Tell me, my Alpha prince, why are you behaving weirdly? Shouldn’t you be in there so when Rayhan
comes back you can piss him off and say you were by her side when she woke up?”
“I… I told Rayhan that if he followed the plan… That I’ll let Delsanra go, so I can’t keep annoying him
anymore. I have to stop.” 3 I frowned, what? Rayhan knew? Dante knew?! Ok, my mind was spinning,
but I’ll get the deets later. For now, I needed to handle this.
“So let me get this straight, you asked Rayhan to help you to save Mom, to save everyone from being
sacrificed, and you have to give up crushing on Delsanra? I find your crush really cute! And if Rayhan
has an issue, I will handle him! What an ass! Making you do that? What the heck! Let him come back!”
“Ri!” Dante snapped his fingers in front of me, a frown on his cute little handsome face.“What?!” I growled.
“Calm down, why are women so emotional..? Jeesh… it’s fine… I need to behave. Mom and
Dad keep telling me to anyway… I need to realise she is Rayhan’s.” Despite his words, he rolled his
eyes, making me chuckle. “Yes, but you know… even if you aren’t going to pursue her, you can still be
her friend?” I suggested wiggling my eyebrows. “No one said you have to avoid her like the plague.”
Seriously, Rayhan needed a smack.
He nodded, smirking slightly. “That’s true.”
“See.” I stood up crossing my arms. “Let’s go inside.”
He nodded, before pausing. “Don’t tell anyone about this conversation. Or that I admitted that she’s…”
He warned me, trailing off as he glared at me.
I frowned despite the amusement I was feeling inside.
“I’m not a tattle tale. That’s your Dad’s talent, or your uncle Liam’s.” I shot back.
“Hmm, maybe, but either way, if you don’t tell anyone, then I will tell you about your baby.”
I narrowed my eyes.
“Oh you little brat, you know the gender don’t you?!” “Maybe.” He replied haughtily. I frowned as he
smirked arrogantly. “So it’s your choice.”
“Fine, I won’t tell anyone about our conversation…”
“Good.”He gave me a once over before walking back into the room, I smiled. Our little Alpha prince was back
and so was my best friend… Now I just need Chris back, so we could fuck until we drop, because I
swear, the moment I see my man, I’m not letting him rest.
My smile vanished and I frowned.
I had felt the pain through the bond, I knew he was injured but he was alive. I was scared of losing him,
but I won’t admit that, I’ll just scold him for being careless.
My annoying sexy man…
I almost bumped into Uncle El as I entered the room.
“I’m going to go see Kiara.” He said.
I smiled and nodded. “I’m sure she’s ok. I’ll come with you.” “Me too!” Raven added, then hesitated. “Will
you be ok?” She asked Delsanra.
“Of course, besides, I have Dante here to help if I need him.” Delsanra said with a wink at the boy who
was acting so awkwardly that he was making it obvious that something was up. He shrugged, pretending
to be unbothered, only making Delsanra more curious.
“I’m here too.” Claire said politely, she had just entered. “Perfect then.” I said as the three of us left the
“Can I come see Mama too?” Kataleya asked.
Uncle El nodded and held his hand out to her.
“Of course, you can. Come on.”
ALEJANDROIt was over… the aftermath was horrific, but we were done. The Fuego De Ceniza wolves instantly
seemed to change in colour, taking on hues of different colours. They were mostly of warm colours, but
there were changes in them, the biggest being their eye colours and their demeanours. From brutal
killing machines, they suddenly became wary and alert as they backed away. Their eyes were full of
Our own were tending to the injured and dead, passing around pants and shirts for those who needed
“Shift.” I commanded coldly, tightening the drawstring on my baggy shorts that were a fucking mess with
blood and dirt.
They did, and I was fucking surprised that half were still on their feet. ‘Give them clothes.’ I commanded
through the link. “Return home. You’re free from the curse of the Djinn. He no longer has any power over
your Alpha’s family.” I said coldly. They exchanged looks before one of them stepped forward. “We
apologise for everything.. Please don’t punish us.” “I already said you can go. Liam bring the pup.” I
commanded. He nodded, seemingly mind linking someone before I heard footsteps and two blood moon
warriors alongside a witch came leading the young boy. He stared ahead blankly, and I crouched down
before him. Instantly several wolves from his pack tensed and a few ran forward.
I cast them one last cold glare before looking at the young boy. “Do you want to come home with me?” I
asked quietly, placing my hand on his shoulder. “My home is in Puerto Rico.” He said emotionlessly, not
looking me in the eye.
“You can start a new life here. If you want, I would happily take you under my wing. I and Kiara can take
care of you, when you’re old enough you can return to Puerto Rico and take your place as Alpha if you
so wish. I can make sure you get to visit-”
“No, thank you. You have done enough.” He cut in bitterly.He looked around at the ground that was covered in blood and bodies. I knew no matter what I said, he
wouldn’t change his mind. I nodded and stood up, looking at the pack members.
“Before you leave, I need to make sure this pack takes care of him. Does he have family in Puerto Rico?”
I asked, knowing that many of them had family they hadn’t seen in ages.
The werewolves split as an older man walked through the middle, his face solemn. In his smart suit, he
didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of us who were covered in injuries, blood, soot, and sweat. He held a
cane in hand.
“I vouch that the young master will be safe. He does have family and a pack that loves him. We were just
bound to the devil without a choice. We will forever be indebted to the Lycan king
and his army for defeating this monster-”
“We are not indebted. Let’s go home.” Enrique cut in, his eyes full of anger as he looked at me. “Killing
isn’t the answer. The queen Luna, said kindness was the answer… but she was wrong too…” I frowned,
as he turned away and walked off through the group of his people, who parted, letting him throw, bowing
their heads to their future Alpha. 1 Violence wasn’t the answer…
No matter how much we did, there was so much more that needed to change…
The man bowed, passing me his card.
“We will keep in touch so you can rest assured the young master will be safe… Don’t take his words to
heart, he is just hurting.” “And you don’t seem to care that I killed your alpha.” I remarked coldly, taking a
bottle of water from a warrior who was offering it to me and gulping it down.
Fuck, I was thirsty. “He was far too gone to save, but I have never seen the young master as healthy as
he was after being in your care… That in itself says more to me than anything you say verbally. Thankyou for taking care of him and remembering he is a child. I will look forward to your call.”
“Yeah, I will call you soon. If the pup needs anything, I’m here. If you need assistance in returning to
Puerto Rico, I am willing to help. I will also want to ask a few questions regarding everything that
happened and to the extent of what your people know.” I said. I would ask them if they knew about
Dante’s truth, and if they did, I wanted it kept hidden. “As for the pup, even if it’s from the shadows, I plan
to help in any way I can.” I added quietly. “Thank you, Alpha King.”
“We’ll discuss this more when I’m a little rested, you can go, I have your number. I will call.” I said, my
entire body was aching, but the moment that fucker died, I had a burst of energy that I had been
deprived of thanks to the fucking poison.
He bowed his head before mind linking his men something, and they all backed away, some carrying the
dead and injured.
I turned back to my own people. Scarlett was bent over Carmen’s wolf, she was already healed. She
touched Carmen’s burnt wolf only for part of her body to crumble, she was burnt to a crisp which meant
we couldn’t move her.
“Someone collect the ashes of those we are unable to move.” I commanded, emotionlessly walking over
to Carmen.
I looked down at her, wondering if I ever told her that I did appreciate her and admired her skill? She was
a good head warrior; brave, smart and skilled, but now was a tad too fucking late
I turned away, searching for Maria. I spotted her standing to the side, her long black hair billowing around
her, her arms wrapped around her slim frame. Rayhan was trying to talk to her but she was refusing to
listen to him.“…tell me, not even once?” Rayhan was asking her. “Not now, ya hayati.” She replied, her voice was
bleak and it fucking killed. As much as I was happy she was here, hearing her sound so defeated
sucked. “Rayhan, can you call home, make sure everyone’s ok?” I asked. He looked at me, hesitating for
a moment but I knew for his mate he would agree. Sure enough, he nodded, glancing between Maria
and me before running off.
“Was this your plan?” She asked, hurt clear in her eyes as she looked at me accusingly.
I sighed.
“No, it fucking wasn’t. I don’t even know who the fuck that guy was or how the fuck Leo and Rayhan
were working together.” I said, placing my hands on her shoulders. She didn’t respond, staring at the
ground, her body tense. “Maria…”
She refused to look at me, her chest heaving as she tried to control her emotions. I sighed, pulling her
into my arms, hugging her forcefully. She may be strong, as she tried to pull away, but I was fucking
“I’m sorry… I know you were looking forward to seeing him, but it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe Raf didn’t
want you to do this.” I said quietly, not sure how to explain what had happened.
“I said goodbye… I was ready to meet him, I was so close and then, that chance was pulled away from
me.” She whispered.
“I know… and call me fucking selfish, but I’m glad you’re still here. We all still need you, Mari.”
She didn’t respond, but her body relaxed a bit as I rubbed her back. “You really need to fucking eat.” I
remarked. “I can feel your bones.” She pulled away, giving me a scathing glare. “I’m perfectly fine as I
am.” “He doesn’t know any boundaries.” Scarlett added, making me smirk arrogantly. “Or how to notspeak every damn thing that crosses his mind.” “Still holding a grudge about that comment, I made
earlier?” I taunted. “Who would have thought we’d have that in common?” 4
Her eyes flashed. She sure wasn’t Elijah, and if Liam didn’t step in, I’m sure she would have lunged at
“Mom, relax, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She growled as I smirked tauntingly back at her.
Westwood women… I swear I won’t ever admit it out loud, but Kiara was definitely more like Elijah. As for
the little crackpot, she was like her mother. It seems like Liam was the common peacemaker. 3
My smirk faded away as I looked at Leo, who was smoking a cigarette, just as Rayhan returned, a smile
on his face. “They’re all ok, all of them.” He said, relief clear in his voice.
“Thank the goddess.” Maria murmured, a hand on her heart. I knew they would be and I felt even more
relaxed knowing my nympho and family were fine. Things were finally going to be ok. Crossing my arms,
I turned and looked at my two nephews. “Do you two fuckers want to explain what the fuck that was that
you guys pulled?” I asked coldly.
“Yeah, I want to know too.” Marcel added, frowning coldly. Leo shrugged, in nothing but his sweatpants I
could see he already had a vast number of tattoos, a lot more than I had at eighteen. “You might want to
ask your own fucker first.” He replied coldly.
“Yeah, unless you got another?” Leo shot back cockily. A
“He knew what he was doing, obviously. No one died.” Rayhan said seriously and quietly, looking back at
his mom, sadness and an apology clear in his eyes. “He said it’s not your time, I’m sorry.”Silence ensued. One thing was fucking clear; if Dante had said it… it fucking meant something. For him
to know what was to happen, and the fact he knew we’d get help, was fucking intense. The level of his
power was worrying. I needed to make sure he was safe until he was ready to protect himself. The fact
he was put on earth meant there was a purpose, and I would be lying to say that didn’t fucking worry me.
There’s an old saying that the gods test those they love most… If that was the fucking case, I sure didn’t
want to be loved by them. What are you planning, Selene? What more do you have in store for us?
Because something told me it wasn’t fucking over. 2 When the time comes, we’ll handle it, like we always
have. For now, we will celebrate our victory and mourn our losses.
For every child who had lost a family member tonight, I would make sure their future was funded by
I scanned the area, assessing what was left to do. There wasn’t much left now. I went over to
where a few other pack Alphas were, to thank them and to let them know that, like always. I wouldn’t
forget their help.
Once I was done, I turned back to my own family.
“Let’s head home.” I said loudly and clearly, before looking up at the sky for a final time.
We had fucking done it.
The Djinn was gone, and our family was safe once again.
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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 76 Updated Here. King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Author Moonlight Muse update Chapter 76,Every touch sent shivers down her spine,Their love was a fire, burning bright and fierce,Every heartbeat was a reminder of their connection,With a stolen glance, they shared a moment of understanding,With a single word, he captured her heart,With a soft touch, he wiped away her fears, King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Has the latest chapter been updated?


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