Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 16

Chapter 1616. Back Home ALEJANDRO
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookThe sun was setting through the window , casting red and orange hues around the room . As much as I
wanted to be by Kiara’s side , I was doing what I knew she’d want me to , be there for our pups .. ” How
you feeling ? ” I asked , sitting down o n the sofa in the living room next to Dante , who was leaning back
against the cushions , clearly exhausted . ” I’m completely fine , Dad . ” He replied , despite the red
pulsing veins that covered his body . ” Yeah ? Glad to hear you’re not a fucking wuss , but you know it’s
ok to fucking say i f shit hurts . ” I remarked lightly , reaching over and ruffling his hair .
He gave me a cocky smirk . ” Obviously , but I’m completely fine . I’m glad Kat’s back . ” He added ,
frowning slightly as he looked at Skyla , who was setting up the dollhouse for when Kataleya returned
from her bath . Scarlett was showering her . We had been back an hour or so . After the doctor had
checked her over , taking note of her injuries , she had then fallen asleep and had only woken up a short
while ago . I was still to look at those reports , knowing they weren’t going to be easy to see . I knew I
was delaying it , trying to build the courage I needed to face them . Skyla had been on edge wanting to
see her twin , from the moment we had entered she had been beyond fucking ecstatic . Currently , Elijah
was here , as was their pup , Azura .
Rayhan had taken Delsanra and headed home , I was fucking grateful for all his help . Everyone else
had also returned home , apart from those working on finding that fucker . I knew Kiara had seen him ,
and Kat , but I was not going to question her , not when I knew that experience was fucking traumatic for
her . Raihana did say she’d stop by if I needed her to , so we could probe Kat’s mind , but I wasn’t sure
yet . She had managed to heal the most severe of her injuries before leaving . Guilt still fucking
consumed me ; I was the reason this shit happened . On top of that , Kiara had been the one to find her ,
at the experise of her own safety . .
I fucking hated that I had failed my pups a and queen . ” So , Dad , we are getting pizza right ? ” Azura’s
voice broke me out of my thoughts , and I removed my hand that was resting on Dante’s head . ” Are we? ” Elijah asked her , raising one of his brows from where he was standing by the window , busy on his
phone . I knew he was handling the search for now , telling me to take a break , not that the fucker took a
break himself . ” Aren’t we ?
” I glanced at her , her eyes a little too suspiciously wide as she stared at her dad , looking like a fucking
puppy . Azura Rayne Westwood , she may be known to the world as Elijah and Scarlett’s daughter now ,
but she was really the daughter of Indigo , Scarlett’s biological sister , one who died eight years ago .
The pup had almost died too , if one of their relatives with witch heritage hadn’t performed a spell ,
sacrificing her own life to place the unborn pup into Scarlett’s womb .
Indigo had been mated to a man from my pack … one who was fiercely loyal and efficient , yet he had
been abusive … , Right under my nose , and I had missed it . Yeah , I knew he was a fucking shit show
but Indigo still refused to leave him , but I had missed all the abuse . It had reduced Indigo to a shell of
the woman she had once been . Looking at her daughter I saw the same fire in her that the young Indigo
once had , and I hoped it remained .
Indigo had always had Elijah wrapped around her finger from when she was a fucking pup , and her
daughter sure was the same . ” I’ll order it . ” He finished . I didn’t miss her victorious smile as she winked
at Skyla . Right , so Lucifer incarnate had a say . Speaking of , she turned to me , giving me a devilish
smile .. ” Is everything ok , Daddy ? ” ” 1 ” Yeah , sure is . ” Scarlett entered with my little girl looking
normal , not a bruise or a speck of dirt on her , but we all fucking know the unseen effects remain .
” Kataleya ! Look what I set up . ” Skyla pointed to the dollhouse , brushing her hair back from her face .
She usually didn’t play with dolls often , everyone fucking knew this was an act of kindness towards her
sister . Kataleya smiled as Azura jumped up . ” Come on Kat , let’s play . ” She stated , walking over to
my pup and taking her hand confidently . ” Girls are so loud . ” Dante added , shaking his head .
” Dante , be nice , because I’m trying to be nice . ” Skyla shot back , narrowing her eyes . ” Play nice
children , so I heard we are having pizza ? ” Scarlett raised an eyebrow , walking over to Elijah andtugging him down for a kiss . I stood up . ” Mind staying with the pups ? I’m going t o go have a smoke . ”
I remarked .
She nodded , although the look in he fucking eyes was almost as if she knew where I wanted to go , or
more like needed to . Kiara was my real addiction and I needed her to feel fucking sane . The guilt inside
o f me was only growing , and I needed a dose of Kiara before I saw my princess ‘ medical report . I
walked through the hall , and up the stairs , heading to my bedroom . I opened the door , her scent hitting
me like a strong dose of nicotine . Serena and Kevin were both in the room . ” Alpha . ” Kevin said ,
politely lowering his head . I gave a curt nod before looking at Kiara . ” Excuse us .
” Serena murmured as they left the room , the door shutting behind them with a click . I looked down at
Kiara , the clear cut along her head still vivid , although the blood had stopped flowing . The blanket was
draped over her , pulled up to her chest , her plump kissable lips slightly parted . I walked over to her ,
sitting down on the bed . ” Fuck , Amore Mio … ” I ran my hand tenderly through her hair , making sure
not to pull at it . Despite it being cleaned up , there were still traces of dry blood that remained , making
her hair stick together . The sparks of the bond danced along my hand and arm . .
I closed my eyes , inhaling her intoxicating scent that overpowered the distinct scent of whatever the
doctor had used to clean her wounds . ” You found her … protected her , and I didn’t even get there in
time to protect you . ” I murmured quietly . I know she won’t blame me , and I was still fucking pissed that
she went alone , but I also knew she was the one who had found her , the reason our angel was back
with us and that she was capable …. but still . Pretty fucking useless , that’s how I fucking felt … I
couldn’t even protect my family . On top of that , times had fucking changed .
There was a time I would have found the bastard behind this and killed him slowly and fucking painfully .
I would have kept going , hot caring for anything but to reach my goal . But now I had priorities and
responsibilities , to make sure my family was safe , and as much as I wanted to get the fuck out there
and find the fucker , I couldn’t go and leave any of them behind . Kiara in this state , although the doctor
said she’ll be awake soon , Dante … Kat … even Sky , who although she was acting like she was ok ,was fucking affected by everything that had happened . I leant down , a few strands of my hair brushing
her face as I touched my forehead to hers ever so lightly , not wanting to hurt her , the sparks between u
s dancing across my skin . ‘
I fucking love you , Amore Mio … so fucking much . ” I moved back slightly , my nose brushing hers
before I kissed her deeply . ” Wake up , so I can fucking punish you in the best fucking way for running
off . ” I smirked , running my fingers through my hair , pushing it back and standing up . Time to go see
my girl’s reports … I walked past the dresser , spotting Kiara’s wedding rings . I picked them up , and
glanced towards the bed , my chest constricting at the memory of how we had parted that day I placed
them down before I left the room , glancing at Kevin and Serena . ” Keep an eye on her .
” ” Yes , Alpha . ” Kevin replied with a nod . I left the mansion , heading towards headquarters . ‘ Callum ,
meet me at my office . ‘ I said through the link to the head doctor . I entered the silent building , although
I knew there were people around , in the many different departments doing their duties . I glanced at the
guards who stood i n position , attentive , alert and doing their job . Order . It was something I tried to
keep , but when something came , it tore apart everything I had put in place . No matter how much you
try , you can never be prepared for everything .
A question from earlier replayed in my mind as I thumbed in my passcode and entered my office , leaving
the door open . Was Kiara safe , or had she perhaps been cursed ? It was a question that Elijah had
asked , and it made me think just like Dante , she had been injured . But from what Raihana had said
she wasn’t sure , she didn’t sense anything from her , but I had also refused to allow her to probe too far
. This was the fucking problem , I couldn’t risk hurting more people no matter how desperately I wanted
answers and wanted Kiara safe . Fuck , Amore Mio … I took out a cigarette and lit it just I heard Callum
coming .
Fucker was slow . ” Alpha . ” He said gravely , when he appeared at the door , bowing his head . ” Skip
that shit . Show me the report . ” I cut in , taking a drag on my cigarette . He hesitated , before
approaching . ” Alpha , both I and doctor Jemimah were the ones to perform the examinations . Thegood news is , there was so signs of sexual abuse and doctor Jemimah confirmed that . ” A wave of
relief washed over me , but from the look on his face , I knew there was still more . ” Pass me the file . ” 1
” Do you mind if I explain it to- ” ” Take a fucking seat and I don’t want or need shit sugar – coated .
” I reached over , snatching the file from him , and sat backflipping it open … Several fractures in the ribs
, a fractured collar bone , a fracture in her left leg , and both forearms … Her pinkie on the right hand had
been broken . Bruised spine … Some had been partially healed …. it seemed she had used her arms to
protect herself whilst being kicked repeatedly … There was a hairline fracture to her skull . It felt like
someone was punching me repeatedly in the gut , cutting off my fucking windpipe … I swallowed hard . ”
Leave . ” ” Alpha , she will heal , her regeneration gene- “
” I said . Leave . ” I growled , trying to control my emotions . ” Alpha . ” I didn’t look up , clenching my jaw
and focusing on regulating my erratic heartbeat . The door shut with a clic , and I closed my eyes ,
lowering my head . My daughter had gone through this … all o f this … The file felt heavy in my limp hold
, no parent would ever want their child to ever be treated like this . Well , any fucking sane one …
My angel had gone through so much at the hands of that fucking bastard , I am going to rip him apart .
But it won’t change the past … it won’t turn back time . I It won’t take away that pain she had
experienced … I had turned my back on her that day , if I hadn’t , perhaps this wouldn’t have happened .
Had I made a mistake ? I dropped the file , placing my head in my hands . How do I fix this ? Werewolf or
not , no child deserves this . .
I get it now … What a father feels when his child is hurt … or if anyone tries to hurt them … The
unfamiliar sting in my eyes made – me take a deep , shuddering breath . Fuck , Al … A light knock on
the door made me quickly wipe my eyes roughly . Fuck this shit . ” What do you want ? ” I growled ,
knowing exactly who was on the other side of the door . He opened the fucking door like he owned the
damn place . ” Did I give you permission to enter ? ” ” Did I say I needed your permission ? ” I glaredcoldly at the dickhead who gave m e a smirk that held no humour , his cerulean eyes as shadowed as
my own . ”
What do you want , Elijah ? ” ” To see the report . ” He replied as if that was fucking obvious . Coming
over and crouching down , he picked it up off the floor . I stood up , taking a long drag on my cigarette ,
trying to fight the agony that was ripping through me . I walked to the window , staring out at the shadows
that had settled over the pack grounds . The sun was gone from the sky . Will my family ever be fucking
safe ? ” Don’t blame yourself for this . ” ” I ” Fuck off . I left her that day … He sighed , and I could sense
his irritation . ” Alejandro , you didn’t have much of a choice .
You made the right choice , now Kataleya is safe and back with us . ” ” Yeah , but the mental damage of
being fucking tortured and abused doesn’t go does it ? ” I could hear the pain in my voice no matter how
much I tried to conceal it . ” No , it doesn’t , but with love and care she will be ok , she’s a Rossi as well
as of Westwood blood . All we can do is stay strong , continue to be that wall of strength and support for
the ones we love . No matter how hard it gets , or how hard that wall is battered on … if we stay strong ,
then so will they … “
What do you say to that ? He’s right , I know he is but what happens when that shield has fails ? I
allowed her to be taken ….. ” You will need to ask her what happened , but perhaps it’s better to do that
when Kiara is awake . Do it together . ” He added quietly . ” Yeah . ” ” Well , pizza should be here soon .
Get back home , I’m sure if Kiara wakes up soon , she will want to see that ugly mug of ” yours . ” Yeah ?
Well , she fucking loves this mug . ” I shot back cockily . ” No fucking idea why . ” He replied , equally
fucking arrogant . ” I could list a few things , if you’re ready t o hear exactly what she loves about it . ” ”
No thanks . ” He growled , as he held onto the file opening the office door . I’m sure he got the fucking
hint … I pushed past him , smirking slightly . Yeah , if only h e knew what his daughter liked about this
face , or better , where .
My smile faded as I smoked my cigarette . Sometimes you become friends with the most unexpected of
people . Although I was closer to Elijah’s age than Kiara’s , he was her fucking dad , but he was still myclosest confidant after Kiara , the only one who sees the demons I try to hide … We walked in silence
through the pack grounds , heading towards my mansion . One day soon , I hope everything is back to
normal . ” Any updates ? ”
” They are looking for leads on the curse , along with the witches too . The only problem is that Delsanra
is affected . She could have proved vital in finding answers . ” He spoke after a moment . I frowned . That
was fucking true … ” Yeah ? Well , we are going to have to find a way to fix that shit without her , and we
will . ” “

Read King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 16 By Moonlight Muse

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 16 Updated Here. King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Author Moonlight Muse update Chapter 16,Their love was a dance, graceful and passionate,She found strength in his unwavering support,Hand in hand, they walked along the moonlit beach,Their love was a dance, graceful and timeless,With a bouquet of daisies, he asked her to be his forever,In the quiet moments, they found joy in each others company, King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Has the latest chapter been updated?


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