Novel Name : Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son

Chapter 85

Valen POV Caught in traffic on the way to the council chambers , I tried to ring Everly repeatedly . Her
anger was all – consuming , and I was now worried she would do something reckless . The traffic backed
up only added to my anxiety . When her fury became too much through the bond , I found myself
becoming angered by it .

Honking my horn , I tried to see around the cars ahead to see what was holding up traffic . Only then do I
notice the police lights flashing and realize it was a damn accident . How , it is a straight stretch of road ?
How did someone take out the only damn traffic light pole on the center median strip ? I shake my head ,
annoyed . Drumming my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel , I try to call her again , but n o answer
. Yet her anger slowly simmered down as I felt her start to become overwhelmed .

Her emotions all over the place made me feel manic . I had been waiting for ten minutes , and we hadn’t
moved an inch . However , when I felt through the bond she was moving further away , my heart raced ,
wondering where she was going ? Her anger had returned full force , maybe even angrier , and my heart
raced and thumped wildly in my chest as panic set in . Sticking my head out the window , I see the tow
truck start hauling the wrecked vehicle away .

Surprisingly , the buffoon driver survived but was clearly intoxicated as he stumbled over his feet when I
noticed Officer Derrick dragging him into his wagon’s back . Yes ! He is one o f my guys ! Sticking my
fingers in my mouth , I whistled to grab his attention . He looks r up the line of cars backed up , and I
open the mind – link . ” Clear the other side of the road . I need to get my mate , ” I tell him . He nods
,jumping in his car before turning the sirens on and pushing into the oncoming traffic while workers tried
to reove the busted light pole . Leaving his sirens on , I pulled into oncoming traffic that had moved to the
shoulder of the road before coming up behind him . Following behind his car as he forced the traffic to
move . Once I was on a clear stretch , he moved over so I could overtake him , and I pressed my foot
down on the gas headed for the council chambers ,

yet the closer I got , the more I felt the need to keep going . Passing the council chambers , I do not see
her truck parked and curse , knowing where she went . There was only one pack in the direction I felt the
tether forcing me too , and that was Shadow Pack , her father’s pack . This woman would be the death of
me .

She was going to give me a damn heart attack , I thought as I raced to get to her . Coming to the gated
community , I slowed down when I noticed the guards weren’t posted like usual , and the boom gate was
smashed all over the ground , splintered wood in chunks littered the road . Fuck ! Shaking my head , I
head toward the packhouse . After a few more minutes of m e tearing up the streets I come to Alpha
John’s street to find people lining the streets and all looking toward the packhouse . I soon find out why
as people jump out of the way of my car before pulling up out front to find Everly , Ava , and John having
a confrontation .



Border patrol shifted instantly , chasing after my car . I don’t stop . Instead , I navigated around the
suburb I hadn’t been through in years . I ended up driving past my old street , which was a cul – de sac .
” Shit ! ” I cursed . Slamming my foot down on the brake , my truck came to a screeching halt before
shoving it in reverse , making the border patrols chasing me skid along the road and scatter out of my
way as I reversed back before spinning the wheel and flooring it again .

* Howl’s rang out loudly , alerting pack members to the intruder , yet I was not an intruder but by
birthright their true . Alpha . Driving up the street , I begin to slow as deja – vu hits me . The street looked
the same , the houses precisely the same a s I pulled into the driveway and hit the brakes before
smashing in the ass end of my father’s black Mustang parked in the driveway . My old beasty would have
destroyed it , in some ways I wouldn’t have minded seeing my bullbar imprinted in its backend .

My father’s warriors circle around the car , growling and snarling , but I pay them no mind as I toss the
door open and hop.out . I was furious , murderous even . Never in m y life have I been so damn angry
before . N o one , not even Valen , had pulled anger out of me like this . It briefly came to mind that
maybe it was years of pent – up anger , and my father was the tipping point that opened the floodgates
up , also unleashing something else , my aura !

Slamming my door , I silently apologize to my beloved car for mistreating it . Wolves had circled my car
but I was furious and not in the mood . Recognizing me or maybe recognizing my mate’s pack scent ,
scratch that , my pack scent , I was their Luna now , making them also mine . They backed up as I
stalked around my car toward the front door .

Their eyes tracked my every move . Stepping onto the lawn , the front door bursts open , and my mother
steps out , her shock dominating her features as she cupped her mouth with her hands . ” Everly ? ” she
murmurs as I move toward her , her warriors following at my heels , ready to protect their Luna if needed
. My father’s stomping footsteps could be heard from outside as he stomped through the house . The
creak of the screen door opens , and it bangs hard against the wall on the porch .

” What is the meaning of this , Everly ? My border patrol said you smashed through m y barriers ? ” ” No ,
hello , father ? ” I ask , stopping at the bottom steps as he stomped down them to stop in front of me . ”
You have no business being here , Everly , he boomed . ” I wouldn’t be here except you signed my
rejection letter for the fucking petition I handed in yesterday !

” I yell back at him just as the door opens , and I see Ava step out . Oh , was she a defiant piece of work ,
give him hell sis ! Ava waves her fingers at me , and I smirk as she strolls down the steps , slapping my
mother’s hands away as she tries to stop her . Ava smirks like she had been waiting for this showdown
all her life and wanted a front – row seat .

” Get inside . Ava ! ” my father snaps at her a s she walks past him to lean on the hood o f my father’s
car . He growls at her when she doesn’t listen . ” Sign the petition , dad , ” I tell him , diverting his

attention away from her . He turns his head to glare at me and takes a step forward .

The shock on his face when I didn’t move made his eyebrows rise and almost disappear into his hairline
. Ava laughs , falling into fits of giggles holding her stomach , and my father snarls at her before nodding
to one of his men . When I felt the strange tingling sensation rushing over me , he tried to use his aura on
me , and it had no effect whatsoever .

One of dad’s warriors , Lance , shifts back t o grab Ava and drag her inside . Her shriek had me turning
my head from my father t o look at him . ” Do not touch my sister , ” I warned him . When I see his hand
reach for her arm , he freezes , glancing at my father , who waves him off .

” We can discuss this inside , ” he says to m e before turning his back on me and heading for the steps . ”
No , here will do , Alpha John , ” I tell him , and he stops . He turned slowly – on the step , and my
mother looked terrified behind him as he turned to face me . He glances around the cul – de – sac , and I
turn to see what he is looking at . Pack members flooded the footpaths as they came out of their houses
to see the commotion .

I shake my head . Same shit all over again . All he cared about was his reputation and how he looked to
others . ” This is a family matter , Everly . We will talk inside . No need to air our dirty laundry for the
world to see , ” he growls , his eyes flickering black . I laugh and shake my head . ” What now I a m
family ? Funny , last I checked , you shunned me and banished me from the pack along with your
grandson , the blood Alpha’s son ! ” I tell him . H My father growls , his eyes darting around to his pack
members who watched on . Inside ! ” he spat through gritted teeth .

” No , you won’t save face this time . Now d o the right thing and sign off on the petition , ” I tell him . ”
This debate will not be settled in front of my pack ! ” he snarls , stomping back down the steps . ” You
mean MY pack ? I am the rightful heir to YOUR pack ! ” I tell him , and murmurs break out around us at
the challenge . “

Sign the petition , John , or you leave me n o choice , ” I tell him . Despite my blistering hot rage at him , I
was surprised at how cold and calm my voice came out . Ava laughs , and my mother’s mouth opens
and closes like a fish as she looks nervously between us . The sound of screeching tires and the roar of
an engine tearing through the streets could be heard easily as the car drifted through the streets . I knew
it was Valen . I could feel him getting closer to me through the bond , his panicked voice flitting through
my head , wanting to know what was going on and if I was alright , yet I couldn’t answer without
becoming distracted .

My father laughs . ” You dare come here and threaten me , ” he growls . ” It’s not a threat , Alpha .
Threats mean you can back out , and mere words , not actions . I intend to do what I say . Words are no
use to me . Actions are . So final warning , ” I tell him . He laughs and shakes his head , stepping down
the last step

. Now he was pissed off . I wouldn’t back down , not this time . I wasn’t a little girl anymore . I wasn’t a
child , and one thing being on my own for s o long showed me is I didn’t need a pack t o fight for me . I
could stand on my own two feet and still succeed . He scoffs , folding his arms across his chest .

Think Everly , just because you have Alpha Valen behind you now doesn’t mean I will submit . Your mate
doesn’t scare me . ** ” I don’t need him to challenge you , and I would never ask him to , but as the
rightful heir to this pack , I have every right to challenge you for MY title . Now sign the damn petition .
This isn’t about m e , or you . It is the right thing to do ! “

” They are rogues for a reason , Everly , you can’t expect us to suddenly grant them back their rights for
their misdoings , ” he states , and everyone murmurs in agreement as whispers break out from the crowd
we have gathered . Turning , I see most of them are in agreement with my father , which just makes this

even more disgusting . They were sheep , all of them . ” Misdoings ? They are rogue for having a fucking
child , the same as all of you here .

The only difference is they were banished for who fathered them , their children then forced to live in
poverty and with the weight of their parent’s so – called misdeed on their shoulders , labeling them for
something that shouldn’t be shameful , ” I tell them . ” How can you say that ? They are home wreckers ,
whores . ” Comes Amber’s voice from somewhere in the crowd gathered . I turned to look for her , and
she stepped out from behind my father’s Beta , who was also his neighbor and her father . ”

So , what does that make Micah ? ” I ask her . ” You dare label my friend because your mate stuck his
dick someone that wasn’t you ? Sorry to tell you , Amber , clearly you aren’t aware how a child is made ,
you seem to have it stuck in your head that Micah tripped and fell into her vagina . ” m y crude words
earned some whispers and a couple of laughs but I was done being slut shamed , done hearing the term
Rogue Whore . ” She should know better , ” Amber screams , her face turning red . ” And so should he .
They had sex , and she got pregnant . Yet she is punished for it . How is that fair ? How is any of it fair ?

” I ask . Fools , the lot of them .. It makes me laugh . ” I could call out , ” I look around at all the staring
faces . ” Easily 10 men here I know that fathered an illegitimate child ? ” I yell and I glance around to see
some of the men stiffen . ” You call us whores for raising the children you turned your backs on , yet we
are the deadbeats , the scum of the city ? The ones labeled , so where are all your labels , huh ?
Punishing your own children for something they had no part in , they never asked to exist that was the
decision of two consenting adults that had sex , yet you shame them too for who their mother is , “

They made that mistake . They brought it on themselves . We are all taught the same thing to save
ourselves for our mates ! I did the right thing , yet your friend has a child with my mate !

” Amber screams at m e . ” No , amber she had sex and got pregnant ! Don’t stand here and make
yourself out to be better than her , just because no one here is willing to talk about the fact that the

Beta’s daughter was also the school bike , doesn’t make you any better just because you didn’t get
knocked up ! ” ” How dare you , I am the Beta’s-

” ” A whore ? Half the football team ran through you from what I remember of school , but let’s not
mention that , ” I tell her . ” And let’s not forget half the school . Daddy must be so proud , ” Ava chimes in
behind me . Woah , clearly , these two weren’t friends anymore .

” Ava , stay out of it , ” my father snapped at her . Seconds later , Valen’s car screeched and drifted
around the corner down the end of the street . Everyone on the road jumped out of his way as his car
screeched to a stop out the front of my father’s house . He jumps out of his car and growls , and
everyone jumps back as my mate gets out , stalking toward us only to stop when Ava keeps arguing with
my father .. ” Why , it’s the truth ? What Everly says is the truth !

You all shunned my sister , your future Alpha , because she had a kid . Well , jokes on you , isn’t it
because it turns out she wasn’t a rogue whore and mates to the most notorious Alpha in the city , the
very man who fathered her child . ” Ava says , pushing off the car to stand beside m e as I confront the
pack that should have been mine and my father . ” But you knew that ? Didn’t you , father . I knew it . We
all knew it . Only one bloodline has those eyes , ” Ava continues , making m e suck in a breath as I turn
to face my father . I glance at my mother , who looks away , confirming her words .

” Can’t have that , can we , dad . Daddy’s little girl sleeping with her father’s rival ? S o instead , you shun
her , sweep her disgrace under the rug , ” Ava says . I press my lips in a line . Her words stung . What I
wasn’t expecting was for him to admit it , especially in front of Valen . ” Of course , I fucking knew ! Do
you think I didn’t check hotel security cameras when neither of you returned home ? I knew exactly
where you were and whose room you were in .

Who do you think had the security cameras wiped ? ” he bellowed . My father points at an angry shaking
finger at me .. ” You ruined everything . You had one job , Everly , and you fucking disobeyed me . ” He

yells , ” You nearly cost me my pack ! ” My brows furrow at his words , which made n o sense to me
whatsoever .

Me having a child was the downfall of his pack ? It made no sense . However upon hearing my father’s
words , Valen growled before taking a step forward and swinging at my father . My father , blinded by his
rage , didn’t see it coming or by the time he did , he had no chance to block it as Valen’s fist connected
with his face .


Read Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son Chapter 85 By Jessicahall

Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son Chapter 85 Updated Here. Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son Author Jessicahall update Chapter 85,In the quiet moments, they found peace in each other,In the silence of the night, their love spoke volumes,Their love was a symphony of passion and desire,With a whispered promise, he vowed to never leave her side,Their love was a painting, vibrant and full of life,With a single word, he captured her heart completely, Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son Has the latest chapter been updated?


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