Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 64

64. Boys Night Out LEO. ‘You got this.’ Azura‘s words when I left were in my mind, the fuck in the
shower had been fucking hot and had done far more than relax me. I felt refreshed, and when she had
kissed me and told me I would be ok, it just gave me a whole new level of fucking confidence to get this
shit over with.

The only fucking problem was the smirks from Kiara and Alejandro when we came down. I knew
Alejandro‘s hearing was good... but I wasn‘t sure if that meant soundproof walls... 6

Ah well, he‘s a fucking prick, I don‘t give a shit. We had left the mansion when Dante motioned to his
ride and I raised an eyebrow.

“No thanks.” I wasn‘t going to fucking sit in the back... I walked to my own car, feeling both Rayhan and
Dante watching me, and got in, only for Dante to open the back door of the car and got in. “What the
actual fuck?” I growled.

“What? I‘m sitting in the back because I‘m the youngest, it‘s fair right?” He asked, smirking.

And the fucking biggest...

He couldn‘t read minds, could he? That meant that the bastard was about to– yeah he fucking got in... I
cast both men a cold glare, before hitting the gas and turning the car violently speeding towards the

Great, now I am in the same fucking car as him...

“This is a nice ride. I like the added tech.” Dante remarked.

I didn‘t reply, driving towards the nightclub Dante had chosen. A club that belonged to me, and I knew
he fucking knew it was mine.

We got to the nightclub at record speed, and I got out, mind–linking my men to stay clear of me. The
three of us headed inside without even a pass, obviously. The bouncer lowered his head towards me
as we entered from a back entrance.

The moment we entered, the music reached our ears, but I avoided the main club, heading up to the
topmost floor via the lift. Rayhan glanced at me but said nothing. Dante just had a small smile on his
face, still wearing his shades although it was night and yeah, I know werewolves can see in the dark
and I‘m sure as fuck he could, even if he wasn‘t exactly a werewolf. I knew he was a Demi–God or
whatever that shit was, but I wondered what exactly his wolf was like. Could he even shift? He didn‘t
really smell exactly like a werewolf… And if he could, what did his wolf look like?

Well, I don‘t care how intrigued I was, I hated how I wanted to know everything, but yeah, I‘ll just ask
Azura. 8

This place looks pretty neat.” Rayhan remarked, so he had clocked on that it was mine too.

“Hm.” I replied not wanting to entertain him. lled the way to the VIP lounge on the top floor, there were
several men in suits and women in dresses, some just having drinks, others deep in discussions. One
of the human managers approached me. It was obvious he felt intimidated, he was a professional and
a strong man for a human, but no one could ignore Dante‘s aura.


“We‘ll be seated out on the balcony, make sure no one disturbs us.” I said, sounding cold and

“Of course, sir, but there is a reservation, someone booked out the entire floor.” He lowered his head
apologetically. “Shall I cancel?”

“That would have been mine, Dante Rossi.” Dante said, smirking. The manager looked a little uneasy
looking up at him but nodded. “Ah yes it was, then that‘s perfect.” He said before he led the way,
holding the doors to the rooftop sitting area for us.

A human bartender was at the bar, this place was usually reserved for a select few. Music was playing
out here, but it was far quieter than inside.

I chose a seating area far from the bartender and a waitress came over to take our drink orders once
we were seated on the leather sofa. I raised my eyebrow when Rayhan chose a non alcoholic one.

Once she had come back with our drinks and left us alone I couldn‘t help but question it.

“Why come to a club if you don‘t drink?” I asked coldly

Rayhan picked up his mocktail and raised an eyebrow. “You invited me out after any years, why would I
refuse?” “Hmm.” I grunted, downing my glass of whiskey and poured another.

“The weather‘s nice.” Dante remarked. 13

Weird shit.

“And? As a werewolf or whatever the fuck you are, does the weather even matter?” “Let me enjoy the
small things in life. I‘m still human.” Dante replied, his head tilted up as he looked at the sky. “Only
you‘re fucking not.” I replied, but I got what he meant.

Just because he was different, didn‘t mean he couldn‘t live a normal life... In a way, I felt bad for him...
It was obvious he was someone who lived far more isolated than the rest of us. Even the pack
members found his presence too much... Their future Alpha‘s.

I guess I can relate to that…

“It is a good night.” Rayhan agreed, the tension was growing again and so I knew I had to fucking make
a start somewhere…

“You just got the two kids, right? Or you got more?” I asked him.

He looked at me, almost surprised at my question, before siniling and nodding. “Yeah, Ahren and
Sienna.” He replied, taking his phone out and showing me the lock screen. There was Delsanra, her
hair as white as it had been since the day it changed… In front of her were his kids. The girl was
smiling brightly, whilst the boy had only a hint of a smile on his face. “They‘ve grown.” I said. I hadn‘t
seen them since back then. “They have. Corrado is a lovely kid too, and clearly has taken a liking to
Azura already.” He


I nodded, “He has.”

I remembered when I tossed Sienna up in the air years ago to scare Rayhan, only for her to start crying

It had pissed him off, but I get it, anyone who scared Corrado like that would be fucking dead… But
Rayhan had kept his shit together better than I would have.

“So, let‘s cut the small talk.” I said, placing my glass down and lighting a cigarette as I looked ahead
coldly, refusing to look at either. “You know the reason that I fucking hate you all. I still don‘t think what
went down was right... How you went about that shit, affected so many innocent lives... I mean, even
your mother hated Delsanra, right? We were all raised to hate witches, but because your sister ended
up being a hybrid your family became more accepting, and because she was your mate, otherwise...
no one fucking cared. You dealt me a hand of injustice, and I get it. I got that she was your mate, and I
don‘t hold her accountable for any of it because she was a victim just like us... What you did is not
something I‘ll ever forget, but I‘m going to try to let it go... Not just for me, but for Marcel and that fucker
of an uncle... and for Rafael... Because of all you fucking Rossis, he was different.”

He really was...

A silence fell at the mention of Rafael, and I took a drag on my cigarette befo. continuing. 8

“I have a question... when we had that talk, after defeating that Djinn years ago, did you even
understand the repercussions of your actions?” I asked, now turning to him.

He was frowning, a hand to his chin. He sighed heavily and looked at me.

“I did. At the time, all I saw was Delsanra‘s pain. But when you put it like that, ten years ago back then,
I realised I was wrong... When we visited your pack, I genuinely meant that apology. I should have
looked into it deeper; I shouldn‘t have let myself put Marcel in that position. I messed up and I get it. I‘m
sorry Leo, for causing you pain too. For breaking the trust that you had in us – in Uncle Al.” He said,
looking out over the city. “When I saw those memories... when we went into her mind and witnessed
everything that she had gone through... From Endora to the hunters, it was too much. I realised I had
already failed her, and I wanted to somehow fix things... I went about it wrong, and that is a regret I still
hold. In all honesty, it was as if I was doing it for myself to make me feel better... because she told me
to stop. I‘m sorry and I know you won‘t ever be able to forgive me fully but I do hope that we can move
past it, although it isn‘t something small or easy to forget. Now, I wish I could go back and do things

Our eyes met, and I realised he wasn‘t the same man he was years ago. There was wisdom there

... and regret.

I looked away first. It made me feel better knowing that he regretted it.

“I‘m letting it go, not for you, but for me. We all make mistakes... I‘d be an even bigger hypocrite if I
didn‘t admit that I‘ve fucked up too, and only after, did I realise the consequences of my actions. Those
bullets I made... have killed and will probably kill many more...”

“We‘ll fix it before it gets out of control, I‘ve already got my men to work with uncle‘s too. I have
connections in the human world as well, if anything comes to light I‘ll let you know.”

“Yeah? Great.” I replied. I had my own eyes and ears in the underworld, and I probably would be able
to track them all down faster, but at least they were on it, if something happened to me.

There, it was done.

How did I feel?

Lighter... It wasn‘t something I‘d forget, but I was willing to move on and I will...

‘I did it.‘ I said to Azura through the link.

‘I‘m proud of you, and I – I... I‘m going to go see Atlas soon too.‘ She was going to say something
else... I frowned but decided to not push it. ‘Good luck, you‘ll be fine, if anyone, I think he‘s the one who
needs the good luck.’ I smirked, drinking my whiskey, almost imagining her pouting. ‘Hey, I‘m not that

‘You‘re as bad as they get.‘ I replied huskily.

‘Yeah? Well, you like it...‘

The memory of earlier in the shower came back to me and fuck just the thought, was a damn turn on...

‘Without a fucking doubt.‘ She laughed. “See you later, have fun with your cousins, I‘ll be having some
girl time with my sister until you get back.’

That was her way of telling me to talk to these two for longer.

‘I don‘t think there‘s any way I‘d find these two fun to hang with. But take care of yourself, I‘m here if
you need to talk.’

‘I know, you‘re tied to the Westwood devil for life now.‘

‘I guess I have fucking sold my soul.‘

‘Oh absolutely

We ended the link and Rayhan spoke.

“So, you own this club if I‘m correct?”


“I‘m sure he has several businesses under different names.” Dante added.


“Maybe.” “You have a fair share in the Rossi empire too.” Rayhan said, running his hand through his

“I still don‘t want it, not because of whatever, but because that empire went to those heights because of
your father. So why the fuck would I take that shit?” I asked.

“He made it for us, but it was started by our grandfather, we are the Rossi Legacies and it belongs to us
all.” He replied.

“Well carry on running that shit... if I ever need money, I know where to come.” I said, although I had no
plan to take his money, I wanted the conversation done.

He may be on the list as one of the richest men in the world… Even the humans knew who he was…
But like I‘ve said before... in the shadows, I was king.

“Great.” He replied with a smile. “Thank you, Leo, for giving me a chance. I assure you I will not give
you any more room for complaints.” Yeah, I don‘t do fucking mush and shit so I simply gave a careless

“And you thought you‘d be fucking needed.” I muttered, glaring at Dante.

He raised an eyebrow.

“The night isn‘t over.” He replied with a small smirk.


I was pretty smart, but I the way he talked grated on my fucking nerves. What was he going on about?
“So why do you wear those shades?” I asked, frowning. “People don‘t really like looking me in the eye.”
He replied, and despite the light tone of his voice, I could feel the heaviness in it. “Or more like we are
unable to look into them,” Rayhan added. “Show me.” I said coldly, unable to fucking stop myself from
asking. “Sure, if you want.” He placed his glass down, removing his shades. For a moment, his eyes
remained lowered, almost as if he was scrutinising his sunglasses in his hands.

He had thick lashes, and I kinda get why Azura had issues with his hair. Something that crossed her
mind at least three fucking times today. That or how she was a whole day fucking older. 9

She was stuck on that weird shit just as Corrado was stuck on her not being able to cook.

Perfect duo of weirdos. My weirdos. 4 He looked up slowly, and I found myself looking into those deep
red pupils. Instantly, I felt like I couldn‘t breathe, and I was being sucked in. My surroundings seemed to
vanish and all I could see were those burning orbs. My eyes stung as I tried to hold his gaze. My entire

felt like it was going to split open from the intense pressure, and just when I thought I couldn‘t take
anymore, he quickly looked away. “Sorry. It can get a little intense, “he said when I let out a sharp

My heart was thundering, and I realised it had been just a glance.

What the actual fuck?

“Yeah, no shit.”

Rayhan chuckled, and I glared at him. “Sorry but if it‘s any consolation, you did better than most.”

“What the fuck was that?” I asked, glancing back at the younger man. “I wasn‘t doing anything.” He
said, picking up his glass again. “It happened when I turned thirteen.”

“Is that when you shifted? Like a Lycan then?” I asked “I wouldn‘t call it a shift...” He said, making me
look at him sharply. “Yeah, definitely not a shift...” Rayhan agreed,

I looked between them, and Dante simply smiled faintly.

“I‘ll show you sometime.”

“Just be ready for another intense experience.” Rayhan smirked. “I wonder, why the fuck Selene put a
demigod on earth.” I mused. The distant sound of a police siren could be heard and the sound of a car
horn blaring far below, and Rayhan‘s brows furrowed.

“Even I don‘t know the exact answer to that.” Dante murmured. 5

We fell silent as a soft wind blew around us, and I suddenly realised that this wasn‘t so fucking bad...

Was I actually just relaxing with these two?

Well shit... Seems like I was.

“Another round.” Rayhan said motioning to the waitress who stood to the side. She didn‘t take long,
bringing us a fresh round, and we all reached for our glasses at the same time.

“To the future?” Dante asked, raising his glass of Tequila. “To a better bond.” Rayhan added.
“Whatever.” I said, making them both smirk as I begrudgingly clinked my glass with theirs before we
downed them in one

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire - Alpha Leo And The
Heart Of Fire Chapter 64

Read with many climactic and unique details. The
series Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire one of the top-selling novels by Moonlight Muse. Chapter
content chapter Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 64 - The heroine seems to fall into the

abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So what
was that event? Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 64

for more details


Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 64 By Moonlight Muse

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 64 Updated Here. Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Author Moonlight Muse update Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 64,In the quiet moments, they found peace in each other,In his embrace, she found the courage to be herself,She found love in his laughter and joy,With a stolen glance, they shared a secret smile,Their love was a tapestry, woven with care and devotion,She found happiness in the depths of his eyes, Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Has the latest chapter been updated?


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