Novel Name : Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

Chapter 95 - Auctioning at a High Price

Chapter Ch95 - Auctioning at a High Price

Translated by: DMlations/Zryuu
Edited by: Butter
Duan Yuyang took the Rocking Sky Fan and went to the Duan family’s Font of Fortune
The auction house’s steward immediately greeted Duan Yuyang with a smile when he saw him to butter up to him.
“Young master, what good item did you bring over this time?” The steward looked at Duan Yuyang with eager eyes.
“You have a really good nose, don’t you? I’ve just arrived and you knew straight away that I have a treasure in my hands.” Duan Yuyang smiled as he took the Rocking Sky Fan out of his storage bag.
The steward smiled as he accepted the Rocking Sky Fan. He scrutinised this magic treasure, “That’s because young master only comes over when you have something good– yo, this is a three-in-one offensive, defensive, and auxiliary magic tool, and it’s even a high-grade one! That’s really rare in Qing city. Young master, where did you get this from?”
“Don’t ask about where it came from, that’s not important. Bring it to Master Yan for an evaluation first.” Duan Yuyang said.
The steward hurriedly went upstairs with the Rocking Sky Fan in hand. Not long after, an old man with a long, white beard who wore a craftsman robe walked down with the Rocking Sky Fan.
“Where did you get this Rocking Sky Fan from?” Master Yan asked excitedly as he stroke his beard.
Duan Yuyang raised his eyebrow, “Old man Yan, I can’t answer that question of yours. But from how you’re looking like right now, this Rocking Sky Fan should be worth quite a bit of money ba?”
“Not only is it worth a lot of money, this fan is filled with an abundance of spiritual Qi and soul force; the crafting hand seals used are extremely rare, and did you see the patterns engraved on it?” Master Yan excitedly pointed at the intricate patterns along the fan’s bamboo strip, “Do you see these patterns? Each one of them is full of soul force! If it can be utilised to its utmost, it won’t be much worse than a magic treasure!”
You must know, even if the same materials were used, you may still not be able to produce a good magic treasure. But an amazing craftsman is wholly able to merge and refine ordinary materials — through special hand seals and a strong soul force — and get it to exert extraordinary effects.
Duan Yuyang had seen those dark patterns of course, and he couldn’t help but think: usually, craftsmen would have some trouble with their forged engraving pens the first time they used it, yet Lin Xuanzhi was somehow able to utilise it this easily. He didn’t know if it was because the divine firminia simplex pen was really good to use or because of Lin Xuanzhi’s so-called talent and secret.
But that had nothing to do with him.
However, for a mere high-grade magic tool to have the potential of exerting the same effects as a magic treasure is extraordinary.
Duan Yuyang clicked his tongue with admiration in secret as he asked, “How is this craftsman as compared to you?”
Master Yan can be said to be the top craftsman of the Duan family. He’s also one of the best within the whole Qing city.
He stroke his beard and thought for awhile before saying, “The hand seals are well-practiced and mature; if we were to compare this master and me, this master is absolutely above my level.”
Duan Yuyang was extremely surprised, “Above you? How could that be?!”
“Why couldn’t it be?” Master Yan’s gaze swept over Duan Yuyang, “Just based on those patterns alone — if you didn’t have several hundred years worth of experience, it would be impossible for you to carve them out. And I haven’t even mentioned that I think there’s a hidden array within those patterns.”
Duan Yuyang’s jaw was about to drop to the floor. Does Lin Xuanzhi even know how indifferent of a person he is?!
“It’s just that I don’t know what kind of person this senior actually is.” Master Yan sighed as he threw Duan Yuyang a few winks.
The moment Duan Yuyang saw this, he knew what he was trying to say so he grinned and said, “Master, why don’t I go find out who that person is on your behalf?”
Master Yan was stunned, “You don’t know who he is?”
Duan Yuyang nodded, “Yeah. He was wearing a mask and a cloak which covered him up very well. How would I know who he is?”
Master Yan immediately said in a stern tone, “Then you shouldn’t inquire about him anymore, craftsmen have always had weird tempers. He probably passed the fan to you because he was just passing by and had other plans in mind. If you probe around rashly for his identity, you could very well annoy him.”
“That’s what I thought too.” Duan Yuyang felt no pressure at all as he lied. He sighed contentedly, “It seems like this magic tool can be sold for a lot of money.”
Master Yan immediately blew on his beard and glowered at Duan Yuyang resentfully, “You rascal…all you think about everyday is money money money, your mind is going to be filled with nothing but money! How could you measure this kind of magic tool with a vulgar thing like money?”
Duan Yuyang didn’t feel ashamed and instead felt proud as he said with a wide grin, “But I can’t help it~ Elder, you’re the only Red Soul craftsman in the Duan family. The Duan family treats you as our VIP guest and gives you a high salary; if I’m not always thinking about how to earn money, then how could we afford to support you?”
Master Yan uttered a hng, “Vulgar.”
Duan Yuyang pondered for a bit before he said, “What about this, since the elder Master Yan doesn’t seem to think much of money and is so aloof, let’s cut your offerings by half? It’ll still be considered to be quite a lot — a whole 2000 gold per month eh~ Aiyaya, you get so much more than I, the young master of the family.”
Master Yan, “…”
This rascal.
Master Yan threw him the words “keep dreaming”, then held the Rocking Sky Fan like it was a treasure as he left.
Duan Yuyang was waving his handkerchief behind him as he shouted “Master Yan don’t leave~ let’s discuss this a little more~”. Master Yan quickened his pace and rapidly vanished from Duan Yuyang’s line of sight.
Duan Yuyang laughed as he scolded “old fox”, then went to a first-class room to sit down. He drank some tea and ate a few fruits to wait for the results of the auction.
Yan Tianhen was currently shopping along Overlooking Immortals street with Lin Xuanzhi. Overlooking Immortals street was not actually a street, but an entire market where many cultivators would engage in various trades everyday. It was very lively.
Yan Tianhen wasn’t in the mood to shop today. Every time he saw Lin Xuanzhi buy something, his face couldn’t help but twist with bitterness. A 500-year-old Yin Snow Ganoderma, 5000 gold.
A Silver Silk Ice Jade the size of his palm, 13,000 gold.
Land Creation Rock, 5000 gold.
Yan Tianhen couldn’t stop the chill that went down his spine as he used his fingers to count Lin Xuanzhi’s expenditure.
Lin Xuanzhi heard Yan Tianhen muttering to himself nonstop behind him, so he turned around and knocked on his head.
“Aiya!” Yan Tianhen held his head and looked at Lin Xuanzhi in anguish.
“I’ve listened to you mutter the whole way here.”
“Dage, you’re too good at spending money. You’ve finished spending all the money that Fifth elder had given you in one shot, and even spent what little savings we had left too.” Yan Tianhen pouted as he complained, “We’re now up to our necks in debt. Dage, you bought so many useless items, they’re such a waste!”
Lin Xuanzhi almost laughed out of anger. Ever since this kid knew that he was buying this many items to craft the equipment that can contain the Chiyang blood, Yan Tianhen had been persuading him incessantly not to waste money.
How could Lin Xuanzhi listen to him? Even if he had to use up all of his savings, Lin Xuanzhi would still do it in order to craft that medicinal bottle.
After all, keeping Yan Tianhen’s Mingyin body under control was Lin Xuanzhi’s biggest goal right now.
“How could a craftsman not spend money?” Lin Xuanzhi pinched Yan Tianhen’s cheeks, “In any case, it goes out quickly but returns just as quickly, so it’s not that big of a deal.”
Yan Tianhen shook his head, “Once this sum of money leaves, it’ll never come back.”
He wasn’t ignorant. He knew what the purpose of buying all these things was for.
Lin Xuanzhi pretended to helplessly sigh, “But I’m the one who hopes that Ah Hen can become healthy again. In any case, let’s settle it this way: if you start to mutter to yourself again, I might leave you at home and not let you come out with me anymore.”
Yan Tianhen thus did not dare to act like a Tang Monk again.
Yan Tianhen was extremely moved as he thought, Dage really is the person who treats me the best.
Yan Tianhen gratefully said, “I’ll definitely cultivate properly next time and earn more money so that I can pay Dage my filial respects!”
“Filial respects?” Lin Xuanzhi raised his eyebrows and thought this phrase was a bit weird.
“No no, not just Dage.” He thought for a bit, then solemnly clenched his fist to promise, “And also my future sister-in-law!”
Lin Xuanzhi, “…….”
Wait, where the hell did a sister-in-law come from?
“Daaang–” A prolonged noise sounded. Lin Xuanzhi raised his head and looked towards the East, “Looks like the auction this afternoon has ended.”
Yan Tianhen immediately nodded and said a bit nervously, “I wonder how much money Dage’s Rocking Sky Fan was sold for.”
Lin Xuanzhi smiled, “The God of Wealth is coming, we’ll know very soon.”
In the distance, Yan Tianhen saw Duan Yuyang who was adorned in a glamorous attire with various magic tools and treasures hanging all over him. He was swaggering towards them under the escort of two guards.
Wherever he walked past, several young female cultivators who were shopping would quickly dodge to another place, as if they were extremely afraid that Duan Yuyang would take a fancy to them and snatch them away to be his bed-warmer concubine.
Duan Yuyang walked over unimpeded.
Yan Tianhen blinked, then sighed like the weight of the world was upon him, “Yuyang Ge, the way those big sisters acted made me think of a phrase.”
“What phrase?” Duan Yuyang asked, “Is it ‘overwhelming awesomeness’?”
Yan Tianhen shook his small head and sighed, “It’s ‘avoiding snakes and scorpions’.”
Duan Yuyang, “……”
Duan Yuyang almost used his folding fan to smack Yan Tianhen’s head, but he held back. After all, Lin Xuanzhi was watching.
Duan Yuyang corrected him, “What ‘avoiding snakes and scorpions’? These girls just know that they can’t compare to honourable me’s beauty, so they’re too ashamed to stand next to honourable me as they’re afraid of being called inferior. You must know, when a firefly is next to the sun and moon, you won’t be able to see the firefly’s light anymore.”
Yan Tianhen looked at Duan Yuyang’s delicate facial features that didn’t lack any manly handsomeness, then nodded pensively.
Lin Xuanzhi looked at Duan Yuyang speechlessly. He considered it for a moment before he said, “Why do I always hear people say that you deceive men and tyrannize women? And that you would even snatch people to serve as your concubines?”
In his past life, Duan Yuyang’s reputation was as lousy as a tattered rag because of this. And in this life, it didn’t seem any different. You could tell just by looking at the reactions of those female cultivators.
Duan Yuyang waved his hand and rolled his eyes up to the heavens, then said unhappily, “Fuck, isn’t it all because of that bastard Duan Yuhao? He did all those dirty things yet he placed his shit basin on my head.”
“Ah, so it was him. I just knew he wasn’t a good guy the moment I saw his face.” Yan Tianhen shook his fist.
“When did you become a prophet?” Duan Yuyang looked askance at him.
“I don’t even need to be a prophet to be able to tell?” Yan Tianhen said, “Yuyang Gege, he might have given you his shit basin, but why did you accept it!”
Duan Yuyang, “…….”
That was clearly what he had said at first, but why is it that after it was processed through Yan Tianhen’s mouth, its flavour managed to change this much?
Duan Yuyang frowned in distress, then used his fan to knock his head, “I’m perplexed too. Why is it that no matter how I explained that I wasn’t the one who did all those things to deceive men and tyrannize women, my Dad just refuses to believe me, and all those female cultivators firmly believe that I was the perpetrator too.”
Lin Xuanzhi looked at Duan Yuyang’s vagabond attire, then looked at his pair of peach blossom eyes that look seductive no matter how serious he gets, then thought about Duan Yuhao’s angular face that’s popular amongst the female cultivators and appeared to have understood something.
In order to prevent the topic from flying 800 miles away, Lin Xuanzhi said, “How much was that Rocking Sky Fan sold for?”
Duan Yuyang’s eyes lit up. He patted Lin Xuanzhi’s shoulder and made eyes at him as he said excitedly, “Xuanzhi bro, you’re really too fucking awesome. That fan of yours started with a price of 10 000 gold, but no one expected it to actually be raised to 45 000 gold!”
“45 000 gold?” Even Lin Xuanzhi was startled by that price. He knew that the items he craft are definitely of good quality, but there aren’t many people around who’re good at recognising value, and there are even fewer people in Qing city who can recognise the value of items. At first he had thought if it could be sold for about 25 000 to 30 000 gold, then it wouldn’t be too bad a price, but he didn’t expect…….
“I don’t even need to be a prophet to be able to tell?” Yan Tianhen said, “Yuyang Gege, he might have given you his shit basin, but why did you accept it!”
Duan Yuyang, “…….”
Also, huge thanks to Нина for your ko-fis!!! (*ノ∀`*)

Read Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being Chapter 95 - Auctioning at a High Price By 冰糖莲子羹

Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being Chapter 95 - Auctioning at a High Price Updated Here. Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being Author 冰糖莲子羹 update Chapter 95 - Auctioning at a High Price,He promised to love her until the end of time,Every moment spent together felt like a dream,Their love was a sunrise, bringing light to their darkest days,With a soft touch, he wiped away her fears,He promised to love her until the end of time,Their love was a painting, vibrant and full of life, Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being Has the latest chapter been updated?


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