Novel Name : The Tang Family’s Seven Os

Chapter 77 - TTFSO Chapter 77

Chapter 77 - TTFSO Chapter 77

Cai Ke Ke had a black face, pursed his lips and did not say anything, the ‘Ke Yuan’ CP was something he had personally fried, which had his countless efforts. Gu An asking him to say this is equivalent to asking him to demolish the CP himself, it was too cruel!
Gu An saw that he did not say anything for a long time, raised his eyebrows, and gave him a not-so-subtle look: “It’s fine if you don’t want to say it, I will change to something else……”
He lowered his head, making a thoughtful appearance, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly with a hint of evil charm, as if he was thinking of some bad idea.
“……I’ll say it!” Cai Ke Ke gritted his teeth and agreed. Just looking at Gu An’s expression made him tremble with fear, so he quickly agreed. After all, Gu An’s task now is only to say a sentence, if he waits a while, who knows what Gu An will think of to deal with him, he has suffered enough from Gu An, and does not dare to provoke Gu An easily.
Gu An lifted his head, looked at him with a satisfied smile and extended his hand to him in a gesture of invitation.
Tang San Yuan looked at Cai Ke Ke with anticipation in his eyes, excited that he and Cai Ke Ke would finally be untied! He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and as soon as he thought that he would be free from Cai Ke Ke this misery, he was so happy that he wanted to jump up and cheer, and he also wanted to jump over and hug Gu An and say thank you to him.
Cai Ke Ke took a deep breath, hesitated for a long time, and stammered out: “Love is not…..Ke Yuan, San Gu……for life…… ”
The corners of Gu An’s mouth smiled, but his eyes were sharp and clear, “Louder.”
Cai Ke Ke gritted his teeth, his voice small and fast, “Love is not Ke Yuan, San Gu for life.”
Gu An looked up at him and asked in a cold but weighty voice, “Do you need me to teach you how to say it?”
Cai Ke Ke was intimidated by the look in his eyes and took a deep breath once again in annoyance, as if he was going out of his way, and said loudly in one breath, “Love is not Ke Yuan, San Gu for life! Love is not Ke Yuan, San Gu for life! Love is not Ke Yuan, San Gu for life!”
Gu An curved the corners of his mouth and applauded in satisfaction, “Said pretty well.”
Cai Ke Ke coldly snorted and angrily turned his head to the side. He only had one thought now, that is, Gu An must be a hurdle in his life!
After hearing Cai Ke Ke’s slogan, the pop-ups were instantly buzzing with activity:
[My cute San Gu fans, did you guys record the live broadcast just now?]
[Hahahahaha I already recorded it all, later I’ll add subtitles then it’ll be perfect, I’m not only gonna make a video, I also want to make Cai Ke Ke into an emoticon.]
[The sisters upstairs are cruel……I like.]
[Cai Ke Ke has already personally shouted the slogan, let me see what face he’ll have in future to fry CP, later I’ll send the video to ‘Ke Yuan”s super talk to wake his fans up.]
[I declare the Ke Yuan CP disbanded!]
[San Gu’s fans attack! If we don’t wipe out Ke Yuan fans in one fell swoop now, when are we waiting for!]
The pop-ups were all over the place and Lin Da Tian was so enthused that he couldn’t resist slapping Tian Da Di on the shoulder, “Gu An is really too amazing! If you need anything in the future, you can tell us, San Yuan and I will help out whenever we can!”
Tian Da Di: “……” Actually, he needs a wife……I seem to need a wife too.
The assistant sat on a chair not far away, looked down at Gu An and Tang San Yuan on the live broadcast, and then looked up at Lin Da Tian and Tian Da Di who were leaning together not far away, for a moment regretting that he had not come along earlier to record this variety show, he suspected that this variety show was actually a matchmaker show, if he had come earlier, would he have a partner by now?
At lunchtime, the guests were wailing because the evil programme crew was making them eat the sweet and sour pork that they had just made with their own hands! It was too cruel and absurd that even the fans on the live broadcast couldn’t stand watching and couldn’t help but furiously swipe the pop-ups.
Yue Le Feng took his phone and looked at the pop-ups and was moved to say, “The fans are all fighting for us.”
Ji Mei asked, “What are they saying?”
Yue Le Feng: “They said, Is that something that humans eat?”
Everyone: “……”
The director sat in front of the monitor, turned his head to glance at the live broadcast pop-ups, and then looked at the guests’ faces, which were uglier one after the other. He instantly looked at his nose, his nose looked to his heart1眼观鼻, 鼻观心 (yǎn guān bí , bí guān xīn): The appearance of bowing because of shyness, shame, etc., and pretended he couldn’t see anything.
No matter how much the guests wailed, six plates of sweet and sour pork were still on the table, and under the strong contrast, everyone shifted their burning eyes to Gu An’s plate of sweet and sour pork.
Gu An lifted his head and looked at them indifferently, then under their gaze, he very cruelly brought the sweet and sour pork in front Tang San Yuan, “Xiao San San Ge, this plate I made is for you to eat.”
Everyone instantly shifted their gazes to Tang San Yuan and looked at him eagerly.
In the midst of everyone’s attention, Tang San Yuan smiled at Gu An: “I can’t finish eating so many……”
Everyone’s eyes instantly lit up, still Tang San Yuan it’s you who have a conscience! You are the kindest, kindest little angel!
Please hurry up and say you’ll share it with us! We already have our chopsticks ready.
Tang San Yuan looked at Gu An and smiled: “You can eat with me.”
“……” They need to take back what they just thought.
“…… ” Is the interstellar government issuing partners this year? If it’s issued they’re going to claim one.
This meal, except for Tang San Yuan and Gu An, everyone else ate the most unpalatable meal, and after eating, they just wanted to desperately eat food that was so colourful and flavourful that they would forget the taste of those dark dishes……They never wanted to eat sweet and sour pork again in their lives!
After eating, because the weather was now too hot, the programme team finally had the kindness to let everyone rest and take a nice nap, waiting until the sun in the sky was not so hot did they announce that they would start preparing for the next game.
He began by telling everyone that the results of this game competition would determine the dinner tonight, first place, a seafood feast, second place, a regular box lunch, and third place, a loaf of bread.
The listless guests regained their energy in an instant and they were all high-spirited. Although they had eaten countless good things, after the horrible sweet and sour pork at noon, the seafood feast now seemed so precious and the best food in the world! They are all gearing up and eager to show their skills. Even if they couldn’t get the seafood feast, it would be nice if they could get the boxed lunch!
The fans looked at each of the glamorous celebrities, but because of the seafood feast, they revealed their yearning and excited eyes, and the fans all laughed happily:
[How about this changing the name of this variety show to ‘Good Food Hahaha’ instead, it is a history of guests working hard for the sake of good food.]
[I feel like my blood is boiling ah, roll over ba! Good Food!]
[Hahahahaha the programme crew is so cruel to use sweet and sour pork to stir up everyone’s fighting spirit, but what to do, I want to laugh so badly.]
[Isn’t this what I look like when I see good food? It seems that celebrities are human too, instantly I feel the distance isn’t so far away.]
[Wu wu wu……I want a seafood feast too!]
[Upstairs, me too. I haven’t eaten all day in order to lose weight, and looking at that plate of sweet and sour ribs from Le Le whetted my appetite.]
[Upstairs is a ruthless person.]
[I’m a Le Le fan who couldn’t bear to look directly at the dish he made. Did you pay attention just now? Lele secretly took the plate and tilted it downwards when everyone was not paying attention, and then the ribs were firmly stuck to the plate, it actually didn’t move at all and didn’t fall off.]
The name of this game is: Big test of tacit understanding!
The big test of tacit understanding is actually a traditional game of “You speak, I guess”. The guests will follow the requirements of the cue board, one will speak and the other will guess. The person who speaks cannot say the words on the cue board, but can add some action gestures, and the guessing person can guess the answer to test the speed of their tacit understanding. Within the given time, the team that guesses the most answers wins, and there are a total of three chances to skip the words on the cue board in each game.
With the active cooperation of the guests, the game started immediately.
The first group to compete was the Ji sisters, who are sisters and naturally have a good tacit understanding. They used two chances to skip and easily guessed 12 questions in two minutes. When they heard the results, Ji Mei immediately flipped her hair proudly, as if the seafood feast was already in her bag.
The second group to compete was Cai Ke Ke and Yue Le Feng, with Yue Le Feng speaking and Cai Ke Ke guessing. The tacit understanding between the two of them could be said to be non-existent, they used three consecutive skips from the beginning until they could no longer skip. Yue Le Feng even spoke with gestures, and Cai Ke Ke didn’t guess the correct answer. In the end, Cai Ke Ke blamed Yue Le Feng for his poor descriptions and Yue Le Feng felt that it was Cai Ke Ke’s inability to understand, and the two almost quarrelled. Finally, because the quarrel wasted time, they only guessed five questions.
When it was Tang San Yuan and Gu An’s group to take the stage, the ‘Ke Yuan’ CP fans and Cai Ke Ke’s fans cheered on the pop-ups, all waiting for Gu An and Tang San Yuan to make a fool of themselves, after all, no matter how close they were, they had only known each other for less than a month, and there would be no such thing as tacit understanding. Their performance would probably be similar to that of Cai Ke Ke and Yue Le Feng’s group.
Tang San Yuan couldn’t help but be a little nervous, he hadn’t played this game before and was worried that he might implicate Gu An into eating bread.
Gu An smiled indifferently, reached out and gently patted his head and said, “Don’t be nervous, Xiao San Ge, I’ll speak later and you guess.”
Tang San Yuan nodded and walked over to stand at the guessing position.
The timer started and the cue board, which Tang San Yuan could not see, showed two words: bread kiln.
Everyone couldn’t help but be stunned when they see these two words. Some of the fans didn’t know what a bread kiln was, they hurriedly searched it online and couldn’t help but be a little surprised, the bread kiln is a bread baking method, such a word that is neither an idiom nor a commonly used product, how to guess? This is a very tricky question from the programme team.
The black fans who were secretly waiting for Gu An and Tang San Yuan to make a fool of themselves immediately gloated that their first question was so difficult, maybe they might not be able to guess a single question until the end of the two minutes.
When Gu An saw the question, he smiled easily and without thinking, he said, “Xiao San Ge, three words, the last scene in your first film, do you remember what you were doing?”
Tang San Yuan thought for a while. The first film he made was a literary film. The male protagonist has been a rich young master for 18 years, but he didn’t expect it to be just a dream. It turned out that he was a child from a small mountain village. Back then, he was accidentally held by a nurse and exchanged his life with the original rich young master. After the secret of his birth was exposed, he was sent back to his biological parents by his adoptive parents. It was a poor and backward small mountain village with green mountains and clear water. He was out of place there, struggling, suffering, conflicted…The habits of the past collided violently with the life of the present.
The last scene……Tang San Yuan thought carefully and then his eyes lit up, “Baking bread!”
The male protagonist in the movie had always liked bread since he was outside the mountains, but it is not easy to go out in the small mountain, and it is even more difficult to buy bread. However, he learned by chance that his biological parents had been secretly saving money to buy him a bread machine. The male protagonist suddenly wakes up after knowing this, and his shaking heart settled down. He began to adapt to the life on this small mountain village from his heart, only then did he realise that this small mountain village was peaceful and beautiful. He gained redemption from the bottom of his heart and finally recognised the reality and started his own life.
But until the end of the film, he did not give up his love of bread, but he did not let his parents buy him a bread machine, instead choosing the bread kiln. The bread baked in the bread kiln is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, which has a unique flavour.
The final scene of the film shows him contentedly eating the freshly baked bread, while next to him is a turtle-shaped bread kiln, the turtle representing in its witty humour his change of mentality and his perseverance in life.
Gu An smiled and continued to guide Tang San Yuan, “The first word is correct, there is one word that is incorrect.”
Tang San Yuan immediately responded, “Bread kiln?”
Wtf, this could even be guessed? The guests in the room couldn’t help but be surprised for a moment.
Tang San Yuan was a little surprised to hear that this was the correct answer, this movie was very niche because it was his early work, even few people among the fans had seen it, he didn’t expect that Gu An had not only seen it, but also remembered that last scene so clearly.
The black fans were dumbfounded, and the following tacit understanding between the two men was even more shocking to them.
Gu An: “Last year on your birthday, the official Weibo released a photo of you as a child, what was the bottom half of your body wearing in that photo?”
Tang San Yuan: “Suspender trousers.”
Gu An: “You once said you saw a beautiful flower when you were on holiday, what kind of flower was it?”
Tang San Yuan: “Violet.”
Gu An: “Describe Cai Ke Ke in one word?”
Tang San Yuan: “Actor.”
Cai Ke Ke: “……” You guys answer your questions, please forget about me, thanks!
Gu An: “Why did Uncle Tang give you this name?”
Tang San Yuan: “Because my Big Dad’s surname is Tang, my daddy’s surname is Yuan, and I am the third in line.”
Gu An: “How do you feel about this?”
Tang San Yuan: “…… speechless2无语凝噎 (wú yǔ níng yē): an idiom, means that the throat is choked with air, so that one cannot cry or speak. 凝噎: choked with grief and could not speak..”
The speed at which the two answered the question was astonishing and before anyone could react to what Gu An asked, Tang San Yuan had already given a quick answer.
There was only one question, and Tang San Yuan paused slightly.
Gu An: “What is your favourite animal?”
Tang San Yuan was torn for a second, struggling hesitantly for a moment between admitting to liking rabbits and losing the question, and answered honestly: “……rabbits.”
Everyone looked at Tang San Yuan’s adorable face with his features crumpled into a ball, and the pop-ups had already burst into laughter:
[Yuan Bao, don’t show such a worried expression, we already knew long ago that you like rabbits lah, love is something you can’t hide, so unleash your love for rabbits ba.]
[Hahahahaha what did Tang San Yuan do wrong and being born the no. 3 in the family, inexplicably some heartache ah.]
[Who was just laughing at the fact that San Gu must not have a tacit understanding, open your big Carslan3A leading professional makeup brand in China. eyes and take a look, this is called real tacit understanding! Please come out and accept the face slapping of reality!]
[You guys quickly take a look at Cai Ke Ke’s black face, we witnessed together the day when the ‘Ke Yuan’ CP was officially disbanded, scatter flowers to celebrate.]
[Scatter flowers 1]
[Scatter flowers 2]
At the end of the answering time, their group got a total of 20 questions correctly, and even the programme crew was grinning from ear to ear in surprise. If they answered faster, there would be no questions left on the cue board, because they didn’t expect that so many questions would be answered correctly and they hadn’t prepared so many questions.
While everyone exclaimed at the tacit understanding between them, Tang San Yuan could sense that this tacit understanding was due to Gu An’s knowledge of him, but how could Gu An know so much about him? If it was just to fry cp, it seemed unnecessary for him to do so much homework.
He couldn’t help but give Gu An a somewhat probing glance, and Gu An had a frank face and even winked at him.
This round of competition is over. The seafood feast for tonight’s dinner was moved out by the programme crew and placed on the table in the lawn. The guests could not help but look with eyes of yearning when they smelled the smell, and looked at Gu An and Tang with envy.
Originally, the competition should have ended here and the crew should have started announcing the results, but the director was so shocked by the speed at which the two of them had finished that he once suspected that the questions he had set were too easy, so he decided to make it more difficult by asking Gu An and Tang San Yuan to think of a number in their minds and say it at the same time, if they were consistent, then they could go to the seafood feast, otherwise the lobsters in the seafood feast would be taken away.
Gu An and Tang San Yuan looked at each other with a tacit understanding, with a strong smile in their eyes, and spoke almost simultaneously: “12.”
This was the countdown to the number of days they would soon be dating, and they both kept it firmly in their hearts.
Director: “……” Okay, you guys win.
Everyone: “……” Refusing to receive your dog food and throwing out the wrath of the single dogs at you.
The fans watching the live stream were pretty much in the same mood as the guests.
[Okay, even if you don’t repeat yourselves, we already know you’re twelve days away from starting a relationship, so thank you for giving us twelve days to prepare our hearts].
[Once I accepted the setting of upstairs, I suddenly felt that our idol is so good, giving us a notice twelve days in advance and giving us time to adapt.]
[……later I’ll go start a relationship countdown topic for them, I’ll see twelve days later if they are really going to date, CP fans are welcome to play there.]
[I don’t think it should be fake, after all they’ve said it seriously twice.]
[Who knows if a celebrity is real or fake, let alone it was said in a comedic variety show, I don’t care, as long as they don’t announce their relationship for a moment, I won’t believe it for a moment.]
[San Gu is so sweet, you guys continue to study the authenticity of the countdown, I’ll just happily eat dog food by myself.]
[Of course, you have to take me along when you eat dog food. It doesn’t matter whether it’s real or fake. What matters is that dog food smells good, and I want to keep eating it.]
[Since the recording of this variety show, our San Gu has been winning ah. It’s true that San Gu together are invincible. Please get married quickly!]
……1眼观鼻, 鼻观心 (yǎn guān bí , bí guān xīn): The appearance of bowing because of shyness, shame, etc.2无语凝噎 (wú yǔ níng yē): an idiom, means that the throat is choked with air, so that one cannot cry or speak. 凝噎: choked with grief and could not speak.3A leading professional makeup brand in China.

Read The Tang Family’s Seven Os Chapter 77 - TTFSO Chapter 77 By 白云朵

The Tang Family’s Seven Os Chapter 77 - TTFSO Chapter 77 Updated Here. The Tang Family’s Seven Os Author 白云朵 update Chapter 77 - TTFSO Chapter 77,In the quiet mornings, they shared whispered confessions,In his embrace, she found the courage to be herself,Every touch sent shivers down her spine,Their love was a melody, sweet and enchanting,In the warmth of his embrace, she found sanctuary,With a gentle stroke, he brushed the hair from her face, The Tang Family’s Seven Os Has the latest chapter been updated?


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