Novel Name : The Law of Webnovels

Chapter 262

Chapter 262: Chapter 262

Despite what happened, Eun Hyung told me the following words repeatedly on our way back home after that incident while dusting off the rock dust on my hair.
‘Donnie, it’s okay. Things will gonna be fine.’
And there was a pause before he uttered,
‘I’ll make it happen.’
Recalling those memories, I looked forward again. Yeo Ryung wouldn’t know the conversation that went between us at that time; however, how could she react the same as Eun Hyung?
“No, this is… I’m really fine but just afraid if you aren’t.”
“Donnie, everything’s gonna be okay… I’m gonna make that happen.”
Although she said so, I found her face looking unusually pale, at last. She then twisted her upper body that was tied to the rope.
‘What is she doing?’ Keeping a fixed stare at her for quite a while, I suddenly got aware of the reason for her action.
Ban Yeo Ryung wasn’t trying to untie the rope. She was just helping herself to hold my hand. Her gaze was fastened on my hand for the whole time.
While I was at a loss of words, Ban Yeo Ryung’s voice approached my ears.
“No one can touch you. I’ll make it that way.”
When she spoke to me like that, I somehow got all choked up. Although she wasn’t able to stretch out her hand to me, her words and the look in her eyes were already grabbing my hand so warmly.
Looking at her black eyes burning with flame, I murmured, ‘How on earth can you guys react like this when these episodes were centering on you guys?’
The car accident happened in front of Eun Hyung to stir him up, whereas this abduction aimed at arousing Ban Yeo Ryung. The two were, however, putting me first when they would be feeling indeed more frightened than me.
Scowling down at the floor for a while, I finally opened my mouth.
“No one can touch us BOTH. That’s what we should do, Ban Yeo Ryung.”
“I will also let no one dare to lay a finger on you.”
Her eyes, which were on me, widened. She then nodded while flaunting a rich smile, which looked unbelievably radiant for a person who was tied and trapped in an unknown warehouse.
Soon, a chain rattling noise reached our ears.
As if we had never smiled in here, Ban Yeo Ryung and I quickly turned our heads at the same time with a look of deep anxiety.
After a long rattle, we heard something like a heavy iron ball dropped on to the floor with a loud thud outside the door. Maybe the lock fell off.
While both of us directed our eyes in that direction nervously, the door sprang open. It was wide enough for not only people but even a car to get in.
The headlight of the car, which was still on, lit up people’s silhouettes like a lamp. People’s shadows were long shaded on the warehouse floor.
Furrowing my eyes against the bright light, I soon opened my eyes wide, thinking, ‘Hold on, who’s that?’
Those who stepped into the warehouse one after another had blue, red, and gold hairs. These extraordinary hair colors were something very unanticipated that my mouth just fell agape with wonder. ‘Oh, come on… it won’t be what I’m thinking…!’ I thought.
However, when I found the last guy who came in having ebony hair, I crumpled the hopes that sprung within me for a very short time.
‘Yeah, sure. How could those who kidnapped us turn out to be another Four Heavenly Kings? No way, that couldn’t happen. We aren’t having a surprise party or so.’
While I had that thought in mind, the guys walked across the warehouse with confident steps like models in the runway. As they finally stopped in front of us, the guys then slightly raised their chins and dropped their gaze at us.
Looking up at their faces revealed through the lighting, I was too flabbergasted to speak.
This crazy novel should PLEASE stop wasting the supporting roles’ handsome appearances on these silly episodes.
For which reason should the kidnappers look so damn gorgeous like celebrities?
The guys, who looked like they were in their early to mid-twenties, wore all black from their suits to the ties; however, they didn’t look creepy at all. Instead, due to their hair colors as fancy as those of the Four Heavenly Kings, the guys looked like an idol group wearing some matching outfits for their group concept.
A guy with red hair among them then detached his lips.
“You girls look seemingly normal, but what the hell have you been doing?”
What he just dropped made us grimace immediately.
I muttered, ‘What we have been doing? Does that mean they also don’t know why we are being kidnapped?’
This time, a blue haired-guy, standing beside the redhead, spoke to us.
“Maybe because of their grades? You know, there’s a story about a kid, who always gets the second-highest scores in school, pushing the top student out of the window.”
“That’s just some stupid ghost story. Why are you bringing up such an old-school joke now?”
The red haired-guy replied out of absurdity. Someone with blonde hair then stuck his head out behind the redhead and asked, “Are they then fighting over boys?”
‘Oh, please, I wish we knew the reason too,’ saying that to myself, I quickly put my brain to work. At first, they pointed out if we were having problems with grades; next, it was about boys. Both were related to things taking place in school.
‘Then…’ I murmured, ‘Does it mean the person, who requested this kidnapping, is a student our age?’
Perhaps it was an unquestionable fact given the circumstances so far.
Oh, this god damn web novel! If there was someone you didn’t like in school, wouldn’t it be enough to just call that person to the schoolyard or the rooftop?! How could you hire people to kidnap someone you hate? Was that something a normal person could attempt?
No… that wasn’t what I should be thinking at this moment. I fell into thought again.
Okay, so this person was wealthy enough to hire people to abduct someone whom he or she hated. I would have then definitely encountered this person earlier at Hanwool Group’s party.
Quickly recalling those whom I saw at the party, a clear and ringing voice awoke me to my full mind.
“Who are you guys then?!”
‘Ban Yeo Ryung! If you’re abducted, please stay calm for now or, at least, use some honorifics! What’s the point of provoking the kidnappers?!’ I shouted inwardly.
What I thought earlier was correct. It was Ban Yeo Ryung whom I should worry about instead of the kidnappers. Feeling my liver fluttering, I switched my gaze to the guys.
Thank goodness, the kidnappers didn’t seem to care about Ban Yeo Ryung’s behavior at all. As if feeling invigorated, they rather pointed her with their fingers and giggled about how wild she was. The guys then tossed a question.
“Who we are?”
Their voices sounded meek as if showing us mercy.
I, however, just turned my head apathetically without any expectation. I didn’t expect them to let us know who they were so easily. From a commonsense point of view, why would the kidnappers tell their names to the hostages without making any fuss? Not just their names but they should also hide their faces when thinking rationally.
Furthering my thought to that point, I suddenly realized that those guys didn’t even wear any face masks upon their impressive appearances. The pattern of this story was then…?
I turned my head blankly to check the look on their faces.
They were showing a sign of pride and confidence through their overall look while standing there triumphantly. Now that I think about it, the genre of this novel was none other than a web novel.
Those guys would then belong to a pattern of villains who had a big mouth to chatter about their names as well as the whole plan when a hostage yells to know why…
There was nothing more fortunate to us then. ‘Indeed,’ I nodded, ‘The genre of this novel goes on as expected…’ Watching me keep murmuring, Yeo Ryung flung a question.
“What did you say, Donnie?”
“Shoosh… be quiet, Yeo Ryung. These people are talking right now.”
Whether she was looking at me in wonder or not, I lowered my body close to the floor and faked to throw an admiring glance at them. Enjoying the gaze I was sending for quite a while, the guys then opened their mouths again.
“You asked who we were, huh?”
At that very moment, I prayed with all my might. Their identities and the purpose of this abduction, which was going to escape from their mouths, would determine the age group and the ending of this novel.
The guys then detached their lips again.
“We are…”
‘PLEASE!’ I murmured.
“… Called…”
Oh, please… rated G! All ages admitted!!
As I put every ounce of my energies into the prayer, a low voice then finally declared something.
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Chapter 263: Chapter 263
“We are called the Four Symbols.”
A heavy silence prevailed in the air.
The moment of quietude was as deafening as a scene in a TV drama that revealed the main character’s fiancée actually being his missing sister.
I then slowly lifted my head as I finally recovered from the shock. The first thing that came into view was Ban Yeo Ryung’s face.
Surprisingly, she didn’t seem to lose the anxious look on her face at all.
With the utmost serious look, she muttered, “The Four Symbols? What is that?”
Ban Yeo Ryung! I burst into a scream of grief, thinking, ‘In the end, you also couldn’t break the limit of the female protagonist?’
A female lead of a web novel, who was brilliant enough to always score the first place in every nationwide mock test, surprisingly, knew nothing about the four mythical creatures of our neighborhood country. Well, she was the only person who didn’t know that the whole school was calling her friends the Four Heavenly Kings. Thus, her reaction now was so Ban Yeo Ryung herself.
Next, I turned my head to observe the guys’ faces.
As I expected, they looked solemn enough to show no sign of a joke. Checking those out, I spoke to myself in a low voice.
‘This novel has sacrificed probability in exchange for being G-rated. Not just sacrificing but completely throwing down the probability onto the ground! No way to find the persuasive power as it’s been stepped and covered with dust storm!’
Although it was a thankful situation to me, would it be sincerely okay to leave this novel continuing this way? That was when I moved to tears by the sacrifice of probability happening in this novel.
To make matters worse, the guys blurted something one after another.
“I’m the Azure Dragon of the Four Symbols.”
“I’m the White Tiger.”
“The Vermilion Bird.”
I suddenly began to shake my tied wrists violently. It was such a fierce movement like a chicken trying to jump out of the cutting board where its wings are bound.
“Donnie, what’s wrong?”
Ban Yeo Ryung, sitting beside me, shouted in surprise.
“What’s going on? Is there any pain?!”
I dropped my words with great difficulty.
“The names…”
I swallowed the words unspoken.
‘Their names are painful to hear…’
If my hands were free, I could have covered my ears. Scowling at my tied hands with resentment, I raised my head out of the blue.
As I got to realize, one person didn’t open his mouth yet.
A guy with black hair as dark as the night sky was standing in the lightless corner as if he was buried in the blackness. He then turned around to look in our direction. One side of his eyes was, unusually, wrapped up in a bandage instead of wearing an eyepatch.
I opened my eyes narrowly, wondering, ‘Is he a fugitive? Is that why he isn’t able to get the benefits of modern medicine?’
Ban Yeo Ryung then cast a question just in time.
“Who is that person then?”
‘Of course, he would be the Black Turtle,’ I murmured. It was such a pity that Ban Yeo Ryung, Miss Brainy, wasn’t able to guess even something this simple since she didn’t know about the Four Symbols at all.
At that moment, the black haired-guy flaunted a grin.
Oh, no… please, hold on. I felt somewhat ominous.
He then suddenly uttered something, which made me so speechless.
“I’m the Black Flame Dragon.”
Come on, why the hell are you the Black Flame Dragon?
You guys told us that the name of your group was the Four Symbols. Then, why was he suddenly blurting out something irrelevant? At that time, the guy with the black hair directed his eyes on me, not Ban Yeo Ryung, and asked a question.
“Aren’t you curious why I’m in between the Four Symbols when I’m not one of the guardians?”
I mumbled in a voice as small as a mosquito; however, it didn’t seem to reach them. Giving some dry coughs, he cleared his throat then continued with a decent baritone voice.
“There’s a long story.”
“No, I am not curious.”
I carefully expressed my point of view, but the Black Flame Dragon still didn’t seem to hear that. That was when the Black Flame Dragon’s life story was about to unfold regardless of my opinion.
The door burst open and interrupted his remark. While everyone looked in that direction, I felt touched and thought, ‘If I could, I would like to kiss the person, who just stepped in, on the shoes. No, I’m going too far… Kiss that person on the cheek.’
That thought, however, continued only until I saw the person’s face. As soon as I looked up at the countenance revealed under the warehouse lighting, I turned stiff.
Having eye contact with me, the girl put a twisted smile on her face. She then turned her head to look at the four guys.
“Hey Misters, I didn’t hire you guys to hang out in here like that, did I?”
Her short brown hair, which had the same length as mine, waved on her shoulders. She had mono-lid eyes and soft facial features. Just as I saw at the party, she wore a lightweight dress with white top and purple gradation all over.
“Choi Yuri…” I murmured at a slow pace.
Sealing the Four Symbols’ mouths at ease, she didn’t even listen to my call but pulled over a chair that had been sitting empty.
She then crossed her legs and waved her hand at me.
“Hi?” she said.
I was too frozen to answer back. She then smiled as if feeling excited.
“You look totally blown away to see me. Someone you never expected, huh?”
I couldn’t answer but just bit my lips.
When the Four Symbols questioned us earlier about why we were here, I got to narrow down the suspect list to someone in our school and quite wealthy at the same time. Choi Yuri was actually on that list since then. Above all, what lingered in my mind the most was the following question.
If the suspect didn’t like us, why didn’t that person call us out to the schoolyard or the rooftop to speak individually? It would be way easier than making such a hassle like this.
Despite all that, I never thought that Choi Yuri was the culprit. As what she just said, I never expected it would be her.
Still, it was none other than Choi Yuri standing in front of us right now.
Just like me, she looked relatively less impressive to take a significant role in this novel. Choi Yuri, however, seemed to be the culprit of this abduction! Why, for what reason? How was this novel distributing the roles?
That was when I gnawed my lips while hiding myself being at my wit’s end. I heard Ban Yeo Ryung yelling from beside me.
“How can you do such things to the students in the same school? Get this off us right now!”
Choi Yuri then slightly tilted her chin and laughed ridiculously.
“Haha, Ban Yeo Ryung, I never thought that you were this stupid. Do you know how difficult it was to break through Hanwool Group’s impenetrable security? How can I easily release you guys upon such an opportunity? Why would I commit a kidnap then?”
Her ferocious remark continued, which made my jaw drop onto the floor.
“I’ll have to see Eun Jiho crying tears somehow because of me. I’m gonna confirm that I’m not just a nobody to him, but, at least, a person who can grieve him.”
That was total bullshit; however, the look in her eyes had a horrifying, evil gleam that it hardly sounded like a joke.
Did I get her wrong? Was it my big mistake to estimate in advance that she wouldn’t play a crucial role in this world?
Unlike my expectation, could something serious happen, for real? Shoot! Why didn’t I take Yi Ruda’s advice more seriously and stay alert? That was when I blamed myself inwardly.
Suddenly putting her hand inside her clothes, Choi Yuri took out something. I shrank back in fear while thinking if it was a weapon or so, but as I found out what it was, I gave a sigh of relief.
Instead of the small and slim phone these days, she had a blunt walkie-talkie in her hand. She then pressed some numbers on the device. From her carefree attitude, I convinced that the walkie-talkie had something untraceable installed on it.
Pressing the call button at the last, Choi Yuri took the device close to her ear.
After a second, she opened her mouth. The name she called after made Ban Yeo Ryung and my face tinge pale and bite our lips firmly.
“Hello, Eun Jiho?”
That name was just what I had anticipated.

Read The Law of Webnovels Chapter 262 By Yoo Han Ryeo

The Law of Webnovels Chapter 262 Updated Here. The Law of Webnovels Author Yoo Han Ryeo update Chapter 262,With each heartbeat, their love grew stronger,With a single word, he captured her heart,With a soft sigh, she melted into his embrace,Their love was a sunrise, bringing light to their darkest days,In the quiet moments, they found peace in each other,With a soft touch, he wiped away her fears, The Law of Webnovels Has the latest chapter been updated?


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