Novel Name : Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 316 Bear-san finds where currently the crystal plate map is.

316 Bear-san finds where(currently) the crystal plate map is.
[Its just ahead. We’re close.] Karina
Karina happily announced on top of Hugging Bear.
If we can recover it, we can safely go up the labyrinth. Then, replace the water magic stone and we’re done.
[I wondered what would happen after defeating the worms, but it was pretty easy.] Toya
Toya, who’s walking in the front was saying such thing.
[What are you talking about? Yuna-chan built the bridge and could have killed the worms on her own.] Mel
[It was Yuna who defeated Scorpion.] Senia
[Because Yuna-chan is doing the hard part.] Mel
[Sure, but we struggled as well.] Toya
[Because Toya thinks it was an easy job. I would say it would have been hard without Yuna-chan.] Mel
[If I had a Mithril Sword, the scorpion would be nothing.] Toya
[Of course, it’s a very unfortunate story for Toya. Now then, are you buying a Mithril Sword when we return to the Royal Capital? It will also raise the level of the party members.] Jade
[That’s right. If Toya has a Mithril Sword, Jade’s burden will be reduced.] Senia
[No objections.] Mel
At the time of the golem subjugation, he said, [It’s still too early,] but Toya seems to be growing.
Everyone gave their permission, so I thought Toya would be happy.
But his expression is subtle.
[Toya, what’s wrong?] Yuna
[……… No money] Toya
[Oi!] Yuna
I want to put a Tsukkomi on that.
Didn’t you said you’ll buy it earlier.
You didn’t have the money?
I want to ask him that for about an hour now.
[I don’t believe this.] Senia
[Toya, is the worst.] Mel
[That’s why I’ve been telling you to save up your money.] Jade
[That’s the reason I’ve been telling everyone it’s too early…] Toya
Attempting to make an excuse, Jade-san slaps Toya’s back.
[I’ll give you a little bit.] Jade
[Jade.] Toya (TN: ship?)
Toya was pleased with Jade-san’s words.
Jade-san is so kind.
Mel-san, when she looked at those two she sighed as if giving up on something.
[Can’t help it then. I’ll lend you too.] Mel
Mel-san says with an embarrassed face.
[I’ll lend you. But if you don’t return it, I’ll make you eat my Mithril Knife.] Senia
Senia-san takes out the knife and flickers in front of Toya.
[Wow, everyone, thank you.] Toya
They’re messing around with Toya for saying such thing. It’s a good party.
I have some Mithril ore surplus from when I defeated the Mithril Golem (Haribote). Should I tell Toya?
Jade-san’s party have been taking care of me during the golem subjugation and this time as well. So, I’m glad to give them a little mithril ore, but I don’t think they’ll need it.
Toya is happy with everyone’s words and everyone is looking at him with a smile. I will not do anything extra.
I’m not borrowing Toya’s words, but if we can find the crystal plate without any problem, it indeed easier than I thought.
We’re going down the slope.
[Its just ahead.] Karina
Karina would be rolling by now, if she wasn’t riding on Hugging Bear.
After going down the slope, a straight path continues. As we walk down the path, we come out into an open space.
[This is……..] Yuna
A large circular space expands. We came to a room of about the height of a 2-storey house. Intuitively, we are on the second floor of the room.
Looking at the center of the open-space area. There was something that should not be seen.
[What the hell’s this?……] Yuna
It is a swarm of scorpions that spreads into view.
And what’s in the center?
It has a black body, is covered with hard shell, has scissors that can easily pinch a human body, and its large tail is sharp like a needle.
If I’m not mistaken, its a Scorpion.
There is no doubt its a Scorpion.
But the size is completely different.
[What the, that’s a big Scorpion.] Jade
The scorpions that were as large as a wolf look tiny.
There are tens of meters in the size of the torso alone. The tail bends sharply and shakes, it also had big scissors that seem to be hard. And above all, the color is ominous. It has a pitch black color.
The color fuels the fear.
[There is such a monster?] Yuna
[I’ve heard about it, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it.] Jade
Jade-san was surprised and observed quietly so that he doesn’t get noticed.
I’ll check with Bear Detection Magic.
[Scorpion] is displayed.
Yeah, its pointless, so I’ll stop.
Its bigger than the other scorpions, so its a big scorpion, its black, so its a black scorpion or a dark scorpion, etc..
[As expected we can’t beat it.] Jade
[And the Scorpions around it are in the way. We can’t fight it normally.] Mel
[Courage and recklessness are different things.] Senia
We look around as we hide.
There are countless normal-sized Scorpions around a large Scorpion.
There are roughly more than 50 of them.
In the back, you can see a worm being eaten. This is the scorpion’s nest and may be a hunting ground.
Fighting here means fighting on the opponent’s home ground.
I personally want to fight that big scorpion. But if I fight in front of Karina, she might start to cry again.
I wish it was one-on-one.
I’m not borrowing Mel-san’s words, but the small (about a wolf’s size) scorpions are in the way.
[So Karina. The thing that we’re looking for, is it here?] Jade
Jade-san asks.
If it fell somewhere here, we have to pick it up.
Hopefully its not in the Scorpion.
Karina closes her eyes and tries to find the crystal plate.
Then she slowly open her eyes.
[…..It can’t be. Is this for real?] Karina
She muttered in a small voice.
Karina descends from Hugging Bear and looks at the incredibly large scorpion.
[This has got to be a lie… Why now, when we’ve come this far?] Karina
[What happened, Karina?] Yuna
[Yuna-san…] Karina
Karina looks at me with a crying eye.
[The crystal plate. It’s in that big monster.] Karina
[……You gotta be kidding me.] Jade
[We can’t beat that.] Toya
In Karina’s words, Jade-san and Toya looks at the large scorpion.
[There’s a big difference between looking at it and defeating it.] Jade
That’s exactly what Jade-san says.
If it fell somewhere near it, I would be able to draw its attention using my and Mel-san’s magic, then it pick up and dash.
But if its inside the Scorpion’s body, then I’ll have to defeat it.
[If you want to defeat it, you will need to gather more adventurers or call high-ranked adventurers.] Jade
[Can’t we defeat it with Mel-san and everyone here?] Yuna
Mel-san thinks a bit about my question.
[Um, it’s pretty tough. If we fight with our lives on the line, we might be able to win. But in that case, we’ll have to be prepared for sacrifices. If we fight it, someone may die. Even if you don’t die, you’ll be seriously injured.] Mel
[But that is a condition that doesn’t count those little scorpions. Those little scorpion are in the way.] Senia
Senia-san adds battle conditions to Mel-san’s words.
Sure, that small (not for me small) scorpions are annoying. If you went for a fight, they will definitely gang at you.
Even if you defeat the small scorpion first, you can’t imagine that there are so many of it and the big scorpion doesn’t look like it will stay silent.
[It’s better to turn back and ask for Balima-san’s opinion.] Jade
[That’s right. As expected, we should avoid impossible fights.] Mel
[We should head back first.] Senia
[If only I have a Mithril Sword.] Toya
No one responded into Toya’s monolouge.
Karina is staring at the big scorpion.
Well, is there a way to beat it?
If it didn’t have a small scorpions around it, it would have been nice to have it as a game. (TN: a trophy.)
The scorpions surrounding it are in the way. Should I attack the Scorpions from above and reduce the numbers first?
When I’m thinking of a way to defeat it, everyone decided on returning.
[That’s fine for Karina-chan too, right?] Mel
[……….Yes.] Karina
Karina bites her lips, then she replies with a small regret.
Karina agreed, so everyone tried to back-track on the road, but I didn’t move.
[Yuna-san?] Karina
[Karina, return with Jade-san and the others.] Yuna
Everyone has a surprised expression in my words.
[Yuna-chan, Are you going to fight it?] Mel
[Scorpions are different from worms. The shell is hard and it moves fast. Its too dagerous.] Senia
[This is not the place to do the imposible. It will not be too late, even if we we talk to Balima-san.] Jade
Everyone tries to stop me.
But there is the object in front of me.
I don’t think that big scorpion can be beaten by gathering adventurers in the city. It takes time to gather strong people from the Royal Capital and other countries.
Moreover, I have a Bear Cheat here. If I can’t fight it here now, when can I fight it?
I put my hand on Karina’s head with .
[Yuna-san…] Karina
[It’ll be alright. I can retreive the crystal plate.] Yuna
Karina shakes her head many times.
[No good. Its seriously dangerous. It’s already good enough. I will report to my father. No matter how strong Yuna-san is, its still dangerous. You can’t beat such a monster.] Karina
[Nope, you’re wrong, My job is to get the crystal plate and go up to the labyrinth with Karina. Besides my strength has been approved by His Majesty the King.] Yuna
[Yu- Yuna-san…..] Karina
Karina holds onto my Bear Costume with her small hand.
I place my hand on Karina’s head and look at her.
[Karina, please.] Yuna
[Are you really going to fight?] Mel
[If that’s the case, we’ll be right behind you.] Jade
[Mel-san and the other’s job was to escort me and Karina to where we will be searching. The request has already been fulfilled. The rest is my job.] Yuna
[If so, Yuna should return as well.] Senia
[That’s right. No matter how important it is, you don’t have to fight for your life here.] Mel
Senia-san and Mel-san tries to stop me anxiously.
I do not intend to fight with my life on the line. I’ll just fight because I have a Bear Cheat.
Not fighting here is an embarrassing act as a former gamer.
[If I feel that I’m not going to win, it’ll be fine because I’ll run away.] Yuna
[Do you really want to do it?] Karina
[I guess Karina is the one going to take responsibility if anything happens to me.] Yuna
I once again put my hand on Karina’s head.
[Yuna-san…] Karina
[……I got it. Karina-chan will take responsibility when we reached the top. That’s why Yuna-chan should come back properly.] Mel
Don’t send people to their graveyard.
Generally, this is the situation where you raised a death flag and you know the person who left is going to die.
I will not die.
If I can’t do it, I’ll give up and run away.
[Hugging Bear, protect Karina.] Yuna
Hugging Bear rubs his face against me.
[I’m going to sleep with you tonight.] Yuna
Hugging Bear moves to Karina and sits down.
Today, Hugging Bear is easy to figure out. When I return, I’ll have to play with him a lot.
[Really now, don’t do the impossible.] Jade
[I won’t.] Yuna
As I walked to the passage where everyone came, I made a wall with earth magic to seal the entrance.
[Yuna-chan!] Mel
[Yuna-san, why did you block the path!] Karina
Karina was screaming from the other side of the wall.
[It would be terrible if the scorpions here pass through and chase Karina and the others.] Yuna
If they notice me, they may climb up here.
If that happens, it will be the worst case scenario.
Moreover, it is to prevent Karina and Jade-san’s party from entering. I don’t know how the battle will turn up, but the cave may collapse.
I might end up using the full extent of the cheat. If possible, I don’t want to show them such appearance.
And if Karina saw how I fight she may cry again, I don’t want that.
If I close the entrance, I will not be able to return.
[I don’t understand.] Mel
[Yuna-san…] Karina
Even now, Karina is crying.
That’s strange. I haven’t fought yet and she didn’t saw any dangerous scenes.
Was there an element that made her cry?
[Yuna-san… please don’t die.] Karina
It’s okay because I have a Bear Cheat.
When I’m in a pinch, I’ll also use the Bear Gate.
I cannot possibly use it when everyone is on this side.
[Whether I can beat it or not. I’ll be back. Jade-san, please protect Karina.] Yuna
[Yeah, just don’t overdo it Yuna.] Jade
[I won’t.] Yuna
[Jō-chan. When we return, let’s eat together.] Toya
[It’ll be Toya’s treat.] Yuna
[Yuna-chan, when you come back, let me ride on Swaying bear-chan again.] Mel
[Just a little.] Yuna
[I want to play a knife game after this.] Senia
[Please take care of yourselves.] Yuna
Somehow it’s like a send off party over the wall.
Stop it.
I’ll come back alive.
[We’ll be waiting for you upstairs.] Jade
[I’ll be back, so don’t worry about it, just wait for me diligently.] Yuna
Karina and the others left.
Now then shall we fight?

Read Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Chapter 316 Bear-san finds where currently the crystal plate map is. By Kumanano

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Chapter 316 Bear-san finds where currently the crystal plate map is. Updated Here. Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author Kumanano update Chapter 316 Bear-san finds where currently the crystal plate map is.,With a single glance, they understood each other completely,In his eyes, she saw her reflection - pure love,In the silence of the night, their love spoke volumes,Their love was a fire, burning bright and fierce,In the quiet moments, they found strength in each other,With a bouquet of tulips, he declared his affection, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Has the latest chapter been updated?


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