Novel Name : 10,000 Years In A Cultivation Sect: I Obtained A Powerful Technique From The Start

Chapter 99 - Three Years Swept by; Age of 18 Already;

Chapter 99: Three Years Swept by; Age of 18 Already;

Incredibly Huge Changes
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
The Verdant Emperor Spirit Transformation Technique was a mysterious special ability.
Jiang Ming focused on comprehending the technique even more during his!! spare time in the Supreme Pagoda. Although it did not cost him much effort, he only managed to comprehend it up to the second level, for this special ability was just too hard to master.
The second level of this technique could speed up the growth of spiritual herbs by up to 100 -fold!
Jiang Ming slowly evoked the special ability, molding mana into pieces of tiny runes. These runes formed waves of lights which then merged into each seed.
As the light slowly seeped in, it triggered the seeds’ growth, expanding it until the bud from the seed’s membrane bloomed. The seeds started to absorb all the spiritual essence upon budding wildly and grew rapidly.
Numerous whirlpools could be seen forming on top of each seed as the spiritual essence was siphoned as nutrients.
It didn’t take long before all the small whirlpools caused a storm, devouring the spiritual essence in the entire area in just a glimpse. “So, this is the Verdant Emperor Spirit Transformation Technique’s weakness!” exclaimed Jiang Ming.
The cave, initially rich with spiritual essence, was wiped clean in an instant.
The seeds ravaged even the Enlightening Tree’s two newly nurtured sprouts.
The whole thing was just too violent.
Jiang Ming quickly realized that in order to speed up the seeds’ growth by 100 -fold, the amount of spiritual essence needed would drastically increase by the thousands or even ten thousands!
Jiang Ming evoked the Life and Death Disillusionment Formation Disk to speedily refine the energy crystals, instantly filling up the whole place with spiritual essence once again!
However fast Jiang Ming tried refining them into spiritual essence, the seeds devoured them even faster. This phenomenon continued for another two hours before coming to an end.
This special ability consumed a tremendous amount of spiritual essence in the beginning but started to dwindle down after absorbing to a certain level.
Even so, its consumption of spiritual essence was simply terrifying. Luckily, with the Life and Death Disillusionment Formation Disc’s ability to absorb the energy from the ley lines, Jiang Ming was able to keep up with the seeds’ speed of absorbing spiritual essence. Jiang Ming started to regret his actions and sighed. “I’ll have to find more top-grade spiritual crystals or even immortal crystals if I want to keep up with this.’
It was evident that the Verdant Emperor Spirit Transformation Technique depleted a lot of resources. He might not have been able to keep up with such consumption in the past. If he failed to provide ample spiritual essence, the spiritual herbs might wither out from the technique’s backlash.
The seed from the Ancient Tree of War had already budded to more than 10 inches tall. Even the Enlightening Tea Tree’s seeds had grown substantially.
The growth of some top-grade spiritual herbs’ seeds was truly gratifying.
Jiang Ming stood high above in the air, admiring his work. ‘Hopefully, when the time comes, I’ll get a good harvest from this. Otherwise, this would have been a huge waste,’ Jiang Ming thought before flying off.
Time passed slowly without anyone noticing. The outside world was filled with wars and carnages daily, yet the mountaintop remained as peaceful as always.
Gu Hai returned to the mountains occasionally to loiter around, enjoying the peace there. He went around playing chess and drinking wine and sometimes even visited the city by the mountain foot to listen to some music, enjoymg himself. Meanwhile, Jiang Ming and Zi Linglong were always busy cultivating in
Chuyang Peak. The duo could be seen eating and drinking on their time off and enjoying the serenity too.
Jiang Ming was still trying to comprehend the Sambodhas, for he wanted to master them quickly to move on to the next step, the fusion of Dao.
He would still occasionally cultivate in the Supreme Pagoda but did not visit the Heaven Ladder or the Heavenly Battle Stage. He spent his time comprehending the Heavenly Monuments or observing the Dao Monuments.
Most of the time, however, he would be seen deducing his techniques at the
Million Dao Chart.
Although he did not improve his cultivation realm, his battle prowess rose drastically.
The imprint on the Immortal Weapon Mysterious Light Sword was completely removed during his time in the Supreme Pagoda.
Three years of such peaceful days passed swiftly.
One morning, Zi Linglong finished up her breakfast and washed for Jiang Ming a plate of fruits before continuing her cultivation. Her Yin-Yang Sambodha was almost fully mastered already.
Jiang Ming, who was loitering around leisurely in Chuyang Peak, suddenly sensed something different. He quickly dived into the Supreme Order to open the chat room and quickly realized that a new member had joined their chat room.
The quiet, gloomy chat room suddenly became active again! [Zhan Ge: A warm welcome to our new friend here, Ye Qingxian! Qingxian, such a nice name! I can tell that you must be a lady for sure by your name! An exquisite lady radiating with temperament! Sister Ye, send us a photo of yourself and let us know more about you!] [Feng Wu: Sister Ye, don’t listen to this guy babbling. He is really a pig!] [Zhan Ge: Hey! That was personal!] [Feng Wu: TeeHee!] [Zhan Ge: (speechless)] [Jiang Ming: Ms. Ye, welcome to the Supreme Chat Room!] [Ye Qingxian: Brother Jiang! I knew it, I knew you were here! Thank you!] [Feng Wu: Huh? Seems something is going on here!] [Zhan Ge: You should just say this here is an affair!] [Feng Wu: You stupid guy! You just freed yourself from getting killed, and now you are trying to get yourself into trouble again! One day you might offend some powerful being, and they will put you out of your misery!] [Zhan Ge: We are all God’s Destined Children! What are we even afraid of?] [Ao Jiu: Enough squabbling you two. Group admin, I went through Ye
Qingxian’s information, and it seems her cultivation base is Level 5. I guess you two acquainted each other in the Supreme Pagoda?] [Jiang Ming: Yes. Her talent is peerless, and she’s not any weaker than us here!] [Ao Jiu: Those who manage to reach this chat room are surely not weak!] [Wang Ye: Now that we have a new member joining us, I think it’s time I take my leave! Meeting each other here is fate after all, so if anyone here needs any help, speak up now, and I’ll see what I can do!] [Feng Wu: If Brother Wang is going to break through soon, I guess I can’t wait any longer myself! Fate brought us together, and I hope we can still meet each other in the future! group admin, do you still need anything?] [Jiang Ming: I do need something, actually. I’ll DM you. I’m sure we will meet again in the higher-tier supreme chat rooms in the future!] [Feng Wu: Great! See you all again then! Also, group admin, when you join the higher tier, you can definitely be an admin again!] [Wang Ye: Given Brother Jiang’s talent, I think it’s really possible!]
Ye Qingxian joining the chat room sparked many conversations, and some even started trading among them.
In the Supreme Pagoda, Ye Qingxian was standing at the Heavenly Ladder and had just stepped foot onto the 10th level. Although she failed at the 11th level, it still gave her the opportunity to join the chat room.
It was through joining the chat room she came to realize that those in the group there should be called the real peerless geniuses from the infinite worlds. Ye Qingxian went through a few of the members’ information and saw there were many peerless bloodlines, such as the Divine Being, phoenix, and even dragons. ‘To think that Jiang Ming was able to become the chat room’s group admin.
That was truly incredible,’ Ye Qingxian thought. ‘This is really an unbelievable chance for me!’ Ye Qingxian gasped. What really made her euphoric was that she could even trade among worlds through this chat room. “Jiang Ming was able to get a 5 stages record, 18 levels record, and even managed to become the group admin on his first try upon entering the
Supreme Pagoda. If they knew of his achievement, how shocked would they be?
Jiang Ming! You are truly remarkable!” exclaimed Ye Qingxian.
The more she understood him, the more she realized how terrifying Jiang
Ming’s potential was. As conceited as she was, she couldn’t help herself from marveling at Jiang Ming.
On top of Chuyang Peak, Jiang Ming smiled as he received a message from Ye
Qingxian thanking him.
He then messaged Feng Wu and Wang Ye privately and traded some things. ‘A group even superior to the Supreme Chat Room? Are these the true immortal beings?’ Jiang Ming pondered as Gu Hai suddenly flew back and landed next to him.
Gu Hai lifted the teapot nonchalantly and drank the whole thing in a sip. “Like that, and you’ve just wasted such a good tea.” Jiang Ming laughed. “I’m satisfied, and that’s what matters,” Gu Hai replied as he sat right next to
Jiang Ming. He then sneered jokingly. “Little brat, you really don’t show this old -timer his due respect. I’ve come back, and you don’t even stand up to greet me anymore!” “What if you try making your grand appearance again? I’ll stand up and welcome you this time. Master, do you need anything?” Jiang Ming chuckled in reply. “You are looking for a beating young man! I’m the First Seat for crying out loud! Can’t I come back to my own turf as I wish?” Gu Hai sneered while Jiang
Ming continued just to chuckle. “Why do I feel like beating you up?” As Gu Hai started to get worked up, Zi
Linglong suddenly flew down and joined them.
Gu Hai’s face instantly lit up when he saw her. “Little girl! You’ve grown so much!” “Master! I’m 18 now!” Zi Linglong smiled as she sat next to her Master. “Do you have anything to tell us this time, Master?”
Gu Hai’s face slowly turned solemn, and he explained, “Yes, I do. It’s been 1,000 years now, and the Immortal Treasure of Lei Province has finally opened again. Only those below the Nascent Soul Realm can enter. There will be not only trials or inheritance but also great chances of blessings. “Chances of dying are slim, and most who enter the Immortal Treasure are bound to benefit from it. Legend has it that if a person manages to pass the last trial, he or she will even obtain the core inheritance of the Immortal Treasure.”
Gu Hai paused and looked at her, asking, “Linglong, do you want to go? “Lei Province’s Immortal Treasure?” Zi Linglong exclaimed before asking her
Master for more details of the place.
Gu Hai nodded in agreement and started to explain more as Jiang Ming listened attentively. “Tens of thousands of years ago, there lived a peerless warrior who many called him as God of Thunder. “His cultivation reached an extraordinary level, and he left his inheritance behind for others before starting his journey toward immortality. However, he also put a restriction on his inheritance, and those who have exceeded the
Nascent Soul Realm will be slaughtered if they try entering his place of inheritance. Those who are below the Nascent Soul Realm, however, will not be met with much danger. “There was a time when many powerful warriors tried to force themselves into this God of Thunder’s inheritance and were killed mercilessly. Because of that, the place slowlv became a forbidden area. “The Immortal Treasure was set to open once in every 1,000 years, and there will surely be a lucky person who will be met with great fate and rise among others. “This is now the ninth time the Immortal Treasure opens up.” “I want to go for a try! Senior Brother, may I?” Linglong answered as she looked over at Jiang Ming, asking for approval.
Jiang Ming smiled. “If you want to go, just go. I will be there to protect you along the way. You can go anyvvhere you wish under this vast world.” “Keep bragging. You are only a Core Formation brat! I can easily kill you with just one finger. How do you plan on protecting Linglong along the way?” Gu
Hai huffed.
Zi Linglong only smiled but kept her silence.
Jiang Ming scratched his head. He had the urge to try pulling off a strand of his hair and see if he could overwhelm Gu Hai with it. “Well, just go and try. With your cultivation, coupled with you obtaining some lucky encounters in the past, I don’t think the sect can give you much help.” Gu
Hai sighed reluctantly before he continued to advise, “The Sect Master will always be monitoring the whole thing as it progresses. If you meet any troubles, just wave around our flags and scream for help. Using our sect’s name seems more imposing. I think that’s all you can do, anymvay.” “Master, that is more than enough.” Jiang Ming smiled in reply. “How is that even enough, you brat?” Gu Hai huffed again “It’s best if nothing bad happens. But if something happens, it will make your
Master and our sect seem useless. I’ll go discuss with the Sect Master and see if
I can get more information on this Immortal Treasure.” He sighed before flymg off.
The wind blew strong over the vast land. Waving his hand, Jiang Ming evoked a formation, isolating him and Zi Linglong from the surrounding area. A few items suddenly appeared in front of them with a simple thought. Their appearance instantly caused the sunlight to turn as rays of light started diverging from them, radiating a powerful aura that filled up the top of
Chuyang Peak.
Zi Linglong gasped in shock at the items and asked, “What are these, Senior
Brother?” “Golden Phoenix Shoes, Golden Phoenix Feather, Golden Phoenix Suit, Golden
Phoenix Crown, Golden Phoenix Belt, Golden Phoenix Sword, and Golden
Phoenix Fan.” Jiang Ming named each of the equipment and pushed them over to Zi Linglong. He then added, “This here is a full set of top-grade Dao Vessels.
They will fit perfectly with your phoenix bloodline. If you manage to refine the set of equipment, coupled with your peerless battle prowess, you can even fend off against Paradis experts!”
Zi Linglong was moved by Jiang Ming’s gift and sniffed while her eyes started to water. “Senior Brother, you prepared this set just for me!?” “I only have you as my Junior Sister. Who else would I prepare these for?” Jiang
Ming replied. “You’re the best, Senior Brother! Did you have to pay a lot for them? I think maybe you should just return them,” Zi Linglong said because she was worried for him.
Jiang Ming chuckled. “Haha, it’s fine. Don’t worry. Wait till you get to the
Paradis Realm. I’ll get you a full set of Immortal Weapons!”
Hearing that Jiang Ming would even give her a set of Immortal Weapons, Zi
Linglong leaped into his arms and said, “Senior Brother, I’m starting to think that you might be a reincarnated immortal!”
Half a month went by, and Zi Linglong finally left.
Jiang Ming called up the Human Path Record and was occasionally looking for any changes in her status.
He discovered that his relationship with Zi Linglong had increased another point, reaching 98 points in toatal, which seemed to be the maximum already.
He flipped the pages out of boredom and stumbled upon the Status of Yue
Cheng, the First Seat of Zhiyang Peak. As he looked through his status, he looked shocked at first, but deep inside of him, his urge to kill was bubbling. “This guy! Is he finally making his moves? I’ve been waiting for ages for this!
Old Yue, I’d really hate to kill you,” muttered Jiang Ming..

Read 10,000 Years In A Cultivation Sect: I Obtained A Powerful Technique From The Start Chapter 99 - Three Years Swept by; Age of 18 Already; By Li Baijin

10,000 Years In A Cultivation Sect: I Obtained A Powerful Technique From The Start Chapter 99 - Three Years Swept by; Age of 18 Already; Updated Here. 10,000 Years In A Cultivation Sect: I Obtained A Powerful Technique From The Start Author Li Baijin update Chapter 99 - Three Years Swept by; Age of 18 Already;,With a single word, he captured her heart,In the candlelight, their love illuminated the darkness,With a simple smile, she stole his heart,With a stolen kiss, they sealed their fate,Their love was a dance, graceful and passionate,She found sanctuary in the warmth of his love, 10,000 Years In A Cultivation Sect: I Obtained A Powerful Technique From The Start Has the latest chapter been updated?


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