Novel Name : So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 1072 - Enlightening Zhao Ying

Chapter 1072: Enlightening Zhao Ying

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales
“Yang Ming, what are you talking about? What money?” Chen Fei suddenly received a call from Yang Ming. He was somehow inexplicable. He didn’t know what Yang Ming was referring to.
“The bank; the money that was robbed,” said Yang Ming.
“How do you know?” Chen Fei was a bit puzzled.
“Uncle Chen, I was at the bank with Mengyan, but as for how I know, I can’t say it,” said Yang Ming.
“Supernatural Investigation Bureau…?” Chen Fei immediately thought of something. Although Xia Bingbao did not say it, he knew a little about Yang Ming joining the Supernatural Investigation Bureau.
” En .” Yang Ming responded with a touch of faintness.
“Okay, I got it.” Chen Fei did not say anything more. That Yang Ming was able to join the Supernatural Investigation Bureau meant that he had a position which surpassed others. So when Yang Ming accurately stated the location of the robbery, it was not weird.
“As for the transcripts, you don’t have to do it. These customers should have nothing to do with the robbers.” Yang Ming also observed every customer in the bank when the robbers came. At this time, these people were emotionally tensed. Everyone was thinking about how to escape and whether the robbers could hurt them. Yang Ming also looked with his special abilities, and no one had any noteworthy thoughts. So, he could conclude that these people were innocent.
“Alright, you give the phone to someone who is handling the case,” said Chen Fei.
Yang Ming handed the phone to the bureau chief next to him. The bureau chief took the phone and listened to Chen Fei’s words.
Chen Fei did not dare to delay, and directly took people to Huruo Street that Yang Ming said. He secretly monitored the movement of the third trench. As for Yang Ming, the bureau chief listened to Chen Fei’s command and allowed these customers to leave.
The reason why Chen Fei dared to be so determined was because of Yang Ming’s other identity. The Supernatural Investigation Bureau’s influence and reputation were huge. There must be no mistake in recruiting Yang Ming. There must be a reason. However, these things were classified as confidential. Chen Fei naturally did not dare to ask too much.
Seeing that Chen Fei had no doubts about Yang Ming’s words, it could be seen that Yang Ming’s identity didn’t have any problems. The ID was returned to Yang Ming, and the chief bureau’s attitude was much better. He wanted to ask Yang Ming to go to the office, but Yang Ming didn’t have much time. He politely said a few words and left the police station with Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun.
In the car, Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief. Chen Mengyan patted her chest. “I was scared to death. I was afraid that you would rashly manage this matter…”
“I am not a fool. If I can, I will manage it. If I can’t overpower them, then isn’t that courting death?” Yang Ming said, “The three of them were armed with guns. I am not invulnerable. How can I go head-on against them?”
When Yang Ming gave the ID to the bureau chief and called Chen Fei, they were all outside the transcript room. So, Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun did not see this. Moreover, Yang Ming did not want to let Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun know about these things.
“However, these people moved very fast. I don’t know if this case can be solved.” Chen Mengyan heard about different cases from Chen Fei from a very young age, so she knew the difficulty of this robbery.
The robbers were very professional. When they entered the door, they destroyed the monitoring system, and they systematically killed a person to warn people in the bank not to act rashly. Then, they quickly evacuated after taking the money. Only two inexplicable English letters were sprayed on the wall before they left.
If it was not a spoof, the robbers probably wanted to express something. Yang Ming also thought the same way. However, from the overall flow of these robbers, there were no useless actions that delayed the time, so why would they leave those two letters before leaving?
The possibility of spoofing was relatively little because Yang Ming thought that these robbers were not boring people. Then, there was only one possibility left. That was, these robbers wanted to express something through these two letters.
If the dumb*ss had no stupid meaning, then it was possible that the robbers, like the terrorist organizations, had left a mark after they had done something bad to claim that this was a masterpiece of their organization.
“Sister Lin, how are you?” Chen Mengyan’s courage was still relatively large, and it took a short time to recover. She clasped Lin Zhiyun’s hand tightly in hers and asked.
“I’m fine… Luckily, you came with Yang Ming, or I myself really wouldn’t know what to do…” Lin Zhiyun said with a lingering heart.
“Yang Ming, you crow’s beak 1 , you were really spot on. Look at how scared Sister Lin is!” Chen Mengyan complained to Yang Ming.
“What does this have to do with me?” Yang Ming said with a wry smile, “I am not a god, where whatever I say would come true. If so, I would say that all the beauties on the earth are my wives.”
“You are really improper.” Chen Mengyan glared at Yang Ming and said, “Isn’t it enough already?”
“Just kidding…” Yang Ming smiled and said, “We couldn’t deposit the money. How about we find another bank?”
“Alright, I hope this time our luck will not be so bad.” Chen Mengyan said, “However, fortunately, the robbers did not take away the money in our hands. Otherwise, because the money was not deposited in the bank, the bank won’t be responsible for it.”
“Yeah, fortune in the misfortune…” Although Yang Ming said so, he was puzzled. Chen Mengyan’s words reminded him that when the robbers rushed in, Lin Zhiyun was opening the briefcase and taking out the money. It was impossible for the robbers not to see it! Moreover, Lin Zhiyun’s briefcase had at least three hundred thousand yuan. It was not a small amount. The money they had stolen from the bank was just a few million.
What made Yang Ming feel was unfathomable was that these people clearly saw that Lin Zhiyun had money in her hands, but they did not rob her. What was the reason?
The possibility of forgetting was not too big. If one person forgot, then did the other two people also forget it? This situation seemed unlikely…
Therefore, the other possibility left may be that first, the robber didn’t bother with Lin Zhiyun’s money. The second was that the robbers simply did not have the consciousness to grab the cash from Lin Zhiyun.
Yang Ming had long felt that this group of people was not like a group of professional bank robbers. Although the action and shooting methods were very professional, they were more likely following a flow of tasks. The purpose was not to steal money! Perhaps there was another motive!
The first possibility may not be the case. Three hundred thousand was naturally less than three million, but it was not unworthy to grab. Moreover, this was extremely easy for the robbers.
Then there was only the second possibility. The robbers did not rob the bank for the money!
As he thought of this, Yang Ming’s heart was suddenly shocked. Oh no, I was fooled! My attention has been on the pack of money that the robbers snatched, and I ignored their whereabouts!
If my doubts are correct, the robbers did not go to the bank to rob money. So after they have thrown away the money, they would not come back again!
Yang Ming sighed with helplessness. Perhaps Chen Fei would not have any gains this time. The subjective consciousness had influenced his own judgment. He believed that since they came to rob the bank, their purpose was naturally for the money. Since the money was hidden, then someone would definitely go to get the money.
However, this matter should not be the same as common sense, but there was something else.
However, now, it was no use to regret. It was already a great achievement for Chen Fei to be able to retrieve the stolen money. As for the arrest of the robbers, that was left for the future.
According to the skills of these robbers, the possibility of trying to catch them was almost none.
Yang Ming’s group found another relatively large bank. There were police officers on duty. Thinking that the security measures should be much better than the previous bank, Yang Ming did not dare to take risks this time. He made Lin Zhiyun and Chen Mengyan wait in the car, and he walked into the bank with the briefcase.
Even if he encountered another robbery, Yang Ming was only one person, so he could act according to the situation. Although he couldn’t say that he could capture the robber alive, he was more than capable enough to protect himself.
However, Yang Ming did not encounter any incidents when he took a number and completed the deposit. After he successfully completed his business and was leaving the bank, Yang Ming received a call from Chen Fei.
“Yang Ming, I have surrounded Huruo Street and closely monitored the third sewer trench. What else should I do?” Chen Fei knew that Yang Ming’s identity was different from the past, so he spoke in a semi-discussing tone.
“Uncle Chen, I am afraid that I let you down this time.” Yang Ming sighed as he stood outside the car and spoke. Yang Ming did not immediately return to the vehicle. He also did not want Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun to hear his conversation with Uncle Chen.
“What do you mean? Why let me down?” Chen Fei asked, “Isn’t the money here?”
“The money is there; there is nothing wrong with that.” During this period, Yang Ming had been watching the vicinity of the trench with his special ability, so Yang Ming was sure that the money was still inside.
“Then how would you let me down?” Chen Fei was even more puzzled when he heard Yang Ming’s words.
“The money is certainly there, but I suspect that the purpose of the robbers is not the money.” Yang Ming did not conceal and conveyed his thoughts to Chen Fei. He also revealed that the robbers did not steal the three hundred thousand yuan from his own hands.
Chen Fei heard Yang Ming’s analysis and fell into deep thought for a while. Indeed, this was his first time seeing such a robber. He also saw the “S.B.” photo from the location. Chen Fei did not understand what it meant.
In short, this group of robbers revealed a lot of mysterious clues. After Yang Ming analyzed it again, Chen Fei also felt that the purpose of this group of robbers was not just to steal money.
“So, you think that the robbers will not come back to get the money?” Chen Fei came around to the idea and asked.
“Yes, I think they should not be.” Yang Ming did not dare to be a hundred percent certain, but it was already pretty close.
“Alright, I will take other actions, but the manpower here will not be withdrawn yet.” Chen Fei hesitated and said.
” En , do this first, Uncle Chen. If I have any news here, I will contact you anytime.” Yang Ming hung up the phone after he said that and got in the car.
“Who was calling you? It took so long?” Chen Mengyan asked curiously.
“Who else could it be? It’s your dad.” Yang Ming waved his hand and said, “He knew that we were in the bank and called me to ask if there was any danger.”
” Ah !” Chen Mengyan heard and said, “It’s my dad? Why didn’t he call me?”
“He said that it seems that your phone was temporarily unable to connect. Maybe there is no signal in the police station.” Yang Ming casually found a reason to brush her off.
“So that’s it…” Chen Mengyan did not doubt, nodded, and no longer said anything.
Because of such a thing, Lin Zhiyun’s mind was a little restless. She simply didn’t go to the company. Anyway, there was nothing to do at the company these days. It was preparing the exhibits for the exhibition. These things naturally had someone to deal with it.
Yang Ming drove directly back to the villa. Chen Mengyan hugged Lin Ziyun and took a peaceful nap. Yang Ming wanted to sleep together, but Chen Mengyan refused. Yang Ming also did not insist. He was clear about his own intentions. It was daytime, so it was clear that Chen Mengyan was unlikely to agree. There was still some possibility at night.
Yang Ming returned to the room at the end of the corridor and opened the netbook with ease. Yang Ming, who had experienced many life and death moments, didn’t take the previous situation seriously. He even felt that it was ordinary, and nothing was special about it.
To Yang Ming’s surprise, Zhao Ying was online. Yang Ming quickly sent a smiley face .
“What? I am in class.” Wild Female Teacher quickly replied.
Yang Ming also wondered how Zhao Ying installed the broadband so quickly. Apparently, she was at school.
“How are you lately? I haven’t seen you online for a long time.” Yang Ming naturally pretended not to know Zhao Ying’s tone and asked. Otherwise, if he confessed his identity, it was likely that Zhao Ying would directly block him.
“I haven’t installed broadband yet, and I’m not in a good mood these days, so I didn’t go online,” said Wild Female Teacher.
“How can you not feel good when you moved to a new home?” Yang Ming asked quickly.
“It’s not because of moving to a new home… Ai , it was better not to move.” Wild Female Teacher sent a crying expression .
“What happened? Tell me.” Yang Ming, though clear in his heart, still pretended that he was unclear and asked.
“He… had gotten along with my best friend…” Wild Female Teacher hesitated and said.
Although these things were considered personal concealment, the network was illusory. Previously, Zhao Ying and this netizen, There’s No True Love In This World, said a lot of her own things, so this time it was natural for her to pour out her mind to him. Anyway, she didn’t know who he was.
“Got along with your best friend? How could this be?” Yang Ming asked hurriedly.
“How could it not? Could it still be fake when I saw them holding hands?” Wild Female Teacher sent a tortured expression .
“It is not necessarily a fact just because you saw it with your own eyes… The so-called seeing is not necessarily the truth…” Yang Ming naturally excused himself.
“What you say is true, and my friend told me that she asked him to pretend to be her boyfriend to deceive her family because of some things in the family…” said Wild Female Teacher.
“Then that should be enough. Since your friend already said that it’s fake, what else do you have to worry about?” said Yang Ming.
“But… I saw something in the bathroom of her house… I became uncertain…” said Wild Female Teacher.
Yang Ming’s heart suddenly jumped. Sure enough, Zhao Ying really saw the half-used box of condoms in Wang Xiaoyan’s bathroom cabinet. This is a bit difficult.
“What is it?” Yang Ming had no choice but to continue to ask.
“A box had been opened, and some condoms were used.” Wild Female Teacher also didn’t conceal.
“This, it seems that it can’t represent anything… Maybe your friend is quite lascivious. She could frequently be meeting some male netizens or something…” Yang Ming thought, Little Girl Wang, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to talk bad about you, but now, it is a special case. You have to be wronged. I will let you be on top next time.
“Impossible… I know who she is…” Wild Female Teacher resolutely denied.
” Ugh … then since she is a person you know, do you still suspect that she stole your boyfriend?” Yang Ming caught Zhao Ying’s faulty wording and quickly replied.
“I… I have some contradictions. In short, she is not a casual person… but…” Wild Female Teacher was incoherent.
“How about this? Maybe she used it when she uses a vibrator to touch herself…” Yang Ming thought lewdly, She said before that it is more comfortable than doing it herself, so what would she look like when she masturbates? Uh… It’s so tempting… However, Yang Ming’s idea was unlikely because Wang Xiaoyan was a virgin before that night. Yang Ming was sure about that.
“What nonsense are you talking about?!” Wild Female Teacher sent an expression of anger and a knife .
” Hehe , I’m just simply saying. It’s just a scientific assumption…” Yang Ming laughed and felt that he had gone too far.
“Don’t simply make jokes! Otherwise, I will block you,” warned Wild Female Teacher.
“Alright, I won’t say it.” Yang Ming was afraid that Zhao Ying would be really angry with him and block him. Then he would be a little f*cked. If he lost the online route, he really had no way to communicate with Zhao Ying.
“What should I do now?” asked Wild Female Teacher.
“If I were you, I would act as though nothing happened. Didn’t you say it before? He has more than one woman, so it is nothing to have another one…” Yang Ming said and laughed. This enlightenment is a good errand.
“But… this is different…” said Wild Female Teacher.
“What’s the difference? I think it’s almost the same.” Yang Ming persuaded Zhao Ying based on what was beneficial to himself.
“I’ve known him longer than her, but they got together first. Moreover, the relationship has developed to the most intimate step… but I have not made any progress with him. I think, could it be that he doesn’t like me at all…” Wild Female Teacher finally said what she thought.
Yang Ming looked at the things that Zhao Ying worried about, and he was a bit dumbfounded. If you weren’t hesitant every time, you and I would already have had s*x in high school…
“This… Love and the speed of being pushed down 2 are not necessarily related… If he did not push you down, maybe he respects you; he cherishes you even more in his heart…” said Yang Ming.
“Really?” Wild Female Teacher was surprised and asked.

Read So Pure, So Flirtatious Chapter 1072 - Enlightening Zhao Ying By Fishman the second

So Pure, So Flirtatious Chapter 1072 - Enlightening Zhao Ying Updated Here. So Pure, So Flirtatious Author Fishman the second update Chapter 1072 - Enlightening Zhao Ying,In the candlelight, their love illuminated the darkness,With a gentle whisper, he declared his love for her,In the silence of the night, their love spoke volumes,With a soft touch, he wiped away her fears,With a bouquet of carnations, he declared his devotion,With a bouquet of lilies, he professed his adoration, So Pure, So Flirtatious Has the latest chapter been updated?


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