Novel Name : So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 1128 - A Love Journey

Chapter 1128: A Love JourneyTranslator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“En, then sorry for the trouble!” Mayor Mark Vader said politely. “There is another thing. Can you see if you can arrange for my son to meet Miss Shu Ya alone? Maligeben, this kid, is very obsessed with Miss Shu Ya…”
“This…” Locklaring had some difficulty. Mayor Mark Vader’s son, Maligeben, was a typical playboy. He operated a trading company and had some money on hand, but he spent all the money on pursuing little celebrities. He did not have much profit in a year.
However, Mark Vader only had one son, so he spoiled his son very much. Fortunately, Mark Vader had a daughter who ran an investment company. The profit was good; Mark Vader did not expect his son to have any great success.
“How is it? Is there any difficulty?” In the view of Mayor Mark Vader, this was not a difficult thing at all. It was rare that the little celebrities did not love money. As long as he gave more money, he did not have to worry about failing to pursue.
“Mayor Mark Vader, Miss Shu Ya is a foreign singer, and her family is well-respected… so, I have no way to request anything from her…” Locklaring explained.
“Foreign singer… Her family is only well-respected in her local area. She has no power here. Can’t you just hint this?” Mark Vader thought that with his own power, Shu Ya would have to submit!
“Mayor Mark Vader, Miss Shu Ya is a VIP invited by Miss Alice, and Miss Alice is also her fan. If something goes wrong…” Locklaring hinted.
“Ah!” Mark Vader was shocked. He didn’t expect Shu Ya to know Miss Alice. Then, this matter was a little complicated. If you gave him another set of guts, he did not dare to disrespect Shu Ya any more!
The power represented by Miss Alice was something that he could not resist!
“If that’s the case, then can you let them meet each other? Just meet once, if not Maligeben… Ai, that kid will trouble me…” Mark Vader said with a smile.
“That can be done!” Locklaring thought, Anyway, Patriarch Old Buffon also made the same request of me. I can just arrange it at that time. And if Patriarch Old Buffon is there, I believe that Maligeben would not dare to act rashly!
“That’s great!” Mark Vader breathed a sigh of relief. If this request were rejected, then his face as the mayor would be disgraced! However, even if Locklaring refused, Mark Vader couldn’t say anything. After all, he was not as strong as Miss Alice!
“Let’s do it this way. I will call you after I have arranged it!” said Locklaring.
“Sorry for the trouble then!” Mayor Mark Vader said politely.
Hanging up the phone, as Mark Vader was going to work, the study’s door opened. His son, Maligeben, came in. “Dad, how did it go? Can it work?”
Mark Vader frowned and said, “How many times have I told you? Knock on the door before you come in. Have you forgotten?”
“I’m sorry, Father. I was anxious…” Maligeben said without hesitation. He did not have the intention to apologize.
Mark Vader shook his head helplessly. “You, ah. You really make me worry. My face is gone just for you!”
“Hehe, who asked you to be my father? If you don’t help me, who will?!” Maligeben said with a smile, “Father, I have longed for Shu Ya. I have not tasted an Asian celebrity chick yet!”
“Don’t talk nonsense!” Mark Vader stared at his son. “I heard that Miss Shu Ya’s family is not ordinary. Your little bit of money is probably nothing in her eyes. Don’t hold any unrealistic fantasy!”
“Hah, although I don’t have much money, I still have the identity! Don’t I have you too, mayor father?!” Maligeben said with disapproval. “Shu Ya wants to develop a career in Europe, and she also needs connections, right? Who has more connections than you?”
“In short, don’t mess around!” Mark Vader warned. “Don’t force her. Or else, if something goes wrong, I can’t do anything!”
“Hah, look at what you said. When did I give you trouble?” Maligeben said indifferently. “Didn’t I use my own money to solve the problem every time? Even if my money is not enough, don’t I still have my sister?”
“You, ah. Our family will be ruined by you!” Mark Vader shook his head. He wanted to talk about Miss Alice, but his son would not know who Alice was, and he would seem incapable after saying it.
He didn’t want to lose face in front of his son, so he didn’t mention much about Miss Alice. In his opinion, if he had already instructed, then his son would certainly not be rash.
“No way. A few days ago, I got in contact with the deputy governor’s son. He wants to partner with me to do a big business. At that time, I will earn a fortune!” Maligeben said proudly.
“En.” Mark Vader nodded. He didn’t object to his son contacting the offspring of other politicians. Especially over serious business, Mark Vader agreed with it. “I have already told Locklaring. He will arrange a small banquet for you to attend. At that time, you will be able to get to know Miss Shu Ya.”
“It’s not a private meeting!” Maligeben was slightly disappointed.
“This is already good! You know, although Locklaring is a member of parliament, his background is not worse than mine. He has the support of the Sound Magic Music Group. If he wasn’t still young, and his foundation unstable, he may become the next mayor candidate!” said Mark Vader.
“Hah, I know; I know!” Maligeben raised his hands and smiled. “Well, this is fine. If I can meet her, I am not unafraid that she will escape from me!”
Maligeben did not put his father’s words in his heart at all. He was a prodigal young master who was not afraid of anything. Especially after knowing the son of the deputy governor, Saven Geese, Maligeben felt that he could be overbearing. He could do whatever he wanted in this state.
After returning to his room, Maligeben called Saven Geese.
“Maligeben, it’s so late already. Why did you call me? Don’t you know that I am picking up a girl?” The cynical voice of Saven Geese and the heavy metal music in the background came over the phone. Obviously, he was in a place like a disco.
“Saven Geese, things are done. Locklaring will arrange for us to participate in a small banquet, and Shu Ya will also attend; then we can get close to her!” said Maligeben.
“Good job!” Saven Geese nodded with satisfaction. “You don’t have to worry about other things. Just follow my arrangement!”
“Sure!” said Maligeben.
“Okay, then let’s do this first. Don’t disturb me picking up the girl. Today, this girl is hot… oh…” Saven Geese made a strange sound.
Maligeben no longer disturbed Saven Geese. He quickly hung up the phone, hummed a song and played the video game console.
“Who is that Shu Ya?” Wang Xiaoyan wouldn’t believe that Yang Ming would pursue celebrities. Based on her feelings, there must be something between Yang Ming and Shu Ya.
Yang Ming didn’t expect Wang Xiaoyan to be so sensitive. He just mentioned a few words with Old Buffon, and Wang Xiaoyan could guess the matter. Yang Ming felt a little touched. Wang Xiaoyan had really changed; she was not as indifferent as before.
He had to admit that she was more and more like a little woman, and she also had the joys and sorrows that a woman in love should have. Although in many cases, she would suppress her emotions and not trouble Yang Ming, Yang Ming could also feel the change in her mind.
Yang Ming didn’t know whether this was good or bad, but one thing was certain. After Wang Xiaoyan returned to her true self, she became a lot happier.
Therefore, Yang Ming did not deliberately avoid the occasional jealous question from Wang Xiaoyan. Because Yang Ming was also clear that Wang Xiaoyan was often just asking. When she got the answer she wanted, she would throw these things to the back of her head. She would not make a fuss with Yang Ming because of this, and she would not ask for more troubles because of this.
Yang Ming appreciated this characteristic of hers very much. Fortunately, Chen Mengyan was also developing toward this trend, so Yang Ming was very pleased.
“You really want to know?” Yang Ming asked with a smile.
“What do you say?” Wang Xiaoyan rolled her eyes at Yang Ming. “If you do not want to say it, don’t say it. Who cares?”
“If you want to know, telling you is no problem.” Yang Ming sighed and told the story of Su Ya to Wang Xiaoyan, from the initial acquaintance to the subsequently forced separation, and until they met again in Macau…
Although the whole story seemed simple, it was twisted. The joys and sorrows of his life. For a time, Wang Xiaoyan was deeply absorbed in it. When she heard what Wu Chiren did, Wang Xiaoyan couldn’t help but clench her teeth. “Tell me where he is. I will go back and kill him!”
“Hehe, he has gotten his retribution. Otherwise, do you think I will still keep him?” Yang Ming pinched Wang Xiaoyan’s cute face and couldn’t help but smile.
“That’s true!” Wang Xiaoyan nodded. “You are better than me. I don’t need to kill him.”
“Later, she continued on her concert tour… This stop was probably when she came to Europe… After that, nothing has happened yet, so it ends here.” Yang Ming told of his own experiences meeting with Su Ya in one short breath.
“That is, when I went to Macau, you actually went to find Shu Ya, and you met me by chance?” Wang Xiaoyan asked in surprise.
“Yeah, I saw you, this acquaintance, almost get harmed by others, so I had to help you out. I didn’t expect that you even wanted to kill me.” Yang Ming shrugged and said with a bitter smile.
“You’re even mentioning it! Who told you to be lecherous always to take advantage of me?” Wang Xiaoyan now remembered the previous things, and she felt a little sweet in her heart. The process of her meeting with Yang Ming could also be written into a novel, right?
Before Wang Xiaoyan met Yang Ming, there was no such thing as love in her life. Although there were times when she was longing for it, and she had expectations for it, she was just thinking about it in her dreams.
However, after Wang Xiaoyan met Yang Ming, it completely overturned Wang Xiaoyan’s previous thoughts. Although Wang Xiaoyan felt that her love experience with Yang Ming was not perfect, now she was very blissful instead.
But when she thought about the process of her and Yang Ming becoming lovers when they were nemeses, was it not an extraordinary experience too? Wasn’t there a similar plot in many bubble love dramas?
Every time Wang Xiaoyan thought of this, she was very content. She felt that this month with Yang Ming was the happiest time in her life. If it could be continued, it would be great.
“When did I take advantage of you? It was you who always revealed your naked body…” Yang Ming said in grievances.
“Forget it. Anyway, I am used to it all day. I am too lazy to pursue your responsibility.” Wang Xiaoyan waved her hand and said generously. “I didn’t expect Su Ya to be your first girlfriend. I always thought it was Chen Mengyan.”
“Hehe…” Yang Ming didn’t know how to answer this question. He could only laugh awkwardly.
“Well, I won’t make fun of you! Take this opportunity!” Wang Xiaoyan said, “It seems that Su Ya is worse off than me. She didn’t even see you a few times. I thought I am worse as your mistress.”
“You are still not satisfied? In fact, I have been with you for the longest time. This month, I almost slept in your home every day.” Yang Ming saw that Wang Xiaoyan acted like she gained nothing after she got the benefits and spoke helplessly.
“Wasn’t that because you want to promote tacit understanding…” Wang Xiaoyan laughed and smiled slyly.
The two stayed in the independent villa where there were no outsiders around them. It was just like in their own home. They could do whatever they wanted. They didn’t have to care about anything, so they regained the life of “cultivating tacit understanding.”
Huang Xiaofei was out of his mind over the glory that he longed for. He did not consider the consequences of the matter. Now, his mind was thinking about a few years in the future, when he would return to his hometown after getting rich, and become the object of people’s envy.
Indeed, if the gold mine were profitable and properly mined, it would not be difficult to become the richest man in the city. After Huang Xiaofei adjusted his emotions, he came out of his study.
He was afraid that his family would notice his abnormality. Especially for Huang Lele, he had to prevent her from seeing it.
“Dad, you are going out?” Huang Rongjin had already learned from Huang Lele that his father was going to transfer the money. Huang Rongjin intuitively felt that his father’s transformation was a bit too fast. It was almost unbelievable.
“En, I am going to the company.” Huang Xiaofei said normally.
“Okay, then you pay attention to safety.” Huang Rongjin, though skeptical, did not see anything wrong, so he nodded. Besides, he also had no right to interfere with his father’s behavior.
Huang Xiaofei went out of the villa and did not dare to ask the driver to drive. Instead, he went to the garage and took the car. He drove to Li Zhichun’s Li Group. Li Zhichun made an appointment with him at the company at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Huang Xiaofei did not drive for a long time; he felt a little rusty. Even when waiting for the red light, he almost could not stop the car and hit the car in front. Fortunately, the traffic light just turned green, and the car in front moved, so there was no accident.
Otherwise, if there were an accident, it would be inevitably noticed by Huang Rongtian. Then, his plan might be ruined.
This time, Huang Xiaofei began to act with caution. He did not dare to be sloppy at the slightest. Finally, he parked safely in the parking lot of the Li Group, and Huang Xiaofei was relieved.
If he knew it would be so hard, he would have taken a taxi. Huang Xiaofei thought with some complaint.
“Greetings, Mr. Huang!” The guard of the Li Group had long been instructed by Li Zhichun to meet Huang Xiaofei here. Although he wanted to scam, he still had to do the courtesy.
“Do you know me?” Huang Xiaofei was a bit startled. This was his first time coming to the Li Group. He did not expect the security guard here to know him.
“Hehe, the chairman personally arranged for me to welcome you here. I saw your photo from the chairman!” The security guard said respectfully.
“So that’s the case.” Huang Xiaofei was very happy when he was valued. When he walked, he was floating on air. “You lead the way. I will go to your chairman, Mr. Li.”
“Okay, Mr. Huang, please come with me!” The security guard politely bowed to Huang Xiaofei with courtesy and led him toward the elevator.
The private elevator went directly to the top floor of the building, the chairman’s office.
“Please, Mr. Huang…” The security guard led Huang Xiaofei to the door of an office and then said, “You can go in!”
Huang Xiaofei nodded and knocked on the door. From inside came Li Zhichun’s voice. “Who is it? Please come in!”
Huang Xiaofei pushed open the door to the room and walked in. When Li Zhichun saw Huang Xiaofei, he quickly stood up. “Mr. Huang, you are here! Welcome!”
“Hehe.” Huang Xiaofei saw Li Zhichun’s attitude was not bad, and his heart was very satisfied. After all, this was a cooperation between the two sides. If Li Zhichun were overbearing, then he would not have any right to speak in the future. “How is it? Has General Kars arranged it properly over there?”
“Mr. Huang, I have contacted General Kars over there. As long as the funds are in place, I can fax the contract right away!” said Li Zhichun.
“That’s great, then let’s be quick!” Huang Xiaofei was afraid that things would get worse with time, so he quickly said.
“Well, I will call General Kars, and we will confirm it!” Li Zhichun saw that Huang Xiaofei had already been hooked, and he nodded in his mind.
“In a moment, can you let me talk to General Kars first?” Huang Xiaofei did not think that Li Zhichun could lie to him, but he wanted to get close to General Kars.
“No problem!” Li Zhichun readily agreed. Anyway, he had already arranged it. He was not afraid that Huang Xiaofei would notice it. The reason why Li Zhichun was so fearless was that he knew that Huang Xiaofei did not have direct contact with General Kars before, so he could not find any flaws.

Read So Pure, So Flirtatious Chapter 1128 - A Love Journey By Fishman the second

So Pure, So Flirtatious Chapter 1128 - A Love Journey Updated Here. So Pure, So Flirtatious Author Fishman the second update Chapter 1128 - A Love Journey,In the candlelight, their love illuminated the darkness,In the silence, their love spoke volumes,Every moment spent together felt like a dream,In the quiet moments, they found joy in each others company,Their love was a story, written in the stars above,In the silence of the night, they shared whispered promises, So Pure, So Flirtatious Has the latest chapter been updated?


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