Novel Name : To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 258: Enemy News

Chapter 258: Enemy News

TDADP chapter 258: Enemy News
Looking up at the light source that slightly illuminates the feet in the darkness that no one can see even a few meters away, the moon that emits soft light looks into one´s face through the clouds. The sun has set and six hours have already passed. Most of the shops lined up on the streets of the royal capital, Tencassi, have been cleaned up and closed. It is a street where many people come and go during the day, but the flow of people is sparse during this time. Even so, the places with a lot of traffic are so-called night shops such as bars and brothels. The streets lined with such shops were crowded with male customers and attracting women, contrary to the daytime. The bustle is quiet when it is about 100 meters away and when it is far away, it is a residential area where ordinary people live. The lights have gone out of most homes and they are sleeping. There are countless dwellings with the lights on. There were men running through the quiet residential area.
"You don't have to hurry, because the starting team is watching"
"I know. That's why I'm going to go all the way around and run so that the patrol guards won't find me"
"Hey, don't make a loud voice. It doesn't make sense to sneak up!"
"Your voice is the loudest"
These men running in the dark night are from Alcom. They´re acting so as not to be noticed by anyone in the residential district, but soon they can see the target building.
"Even if you look at it again, it's a ridiculous big mansion"
It is one of several wealthy areas in the royal capital of Tencassi. It's not as big as the aristocratic district, but it's still a place that ordinary people can't afford to have, even if it's a small house. The mansion in front of me was by far the largest building in the wealthy area with fine houses.
"Oh, have you finally come?"
The Alcom man who was watching the mansion earlier calls out to the latecomers.
"How is it?"
"Thank you very much. They don't think they'll be attacked. They have guard dogs in the yard, but other than that, there are no lookouts"
"Well, that's right. I don't think there were any people here who were going to their teeth. Wrong guess"
"Wrong guess you say. In fact, if you're the kind of guy who picks fights with Lawrence, can't you look around Udon Kingdom?"
"Until now"
To the words of the man, the people of Alcom around him look at each other's faces without trying to hide their anxiety.
"What do you think?"
"In what way?"
"Do you think the boss will really kill Lawrence?"
"I don't know what you´re saying. After all, we're in multiple groups, each working under different instructions. It's only Boss Maos who is following the boss to know all the details, isn't it? He'll be here soon, so you should ask him"
"There are at most 20 people, including the latecomers. If you mobilize all the additional people from Kamar City to the royal capital, there will be 300, but why are there only two bosses? Ten people attack Lawrence's headquarters, too. There's a lot of Lawrence guys in that mansion and it's rumored that there are always two high-ranked adventurers and mercenary bouncers"
"Therefore, don't ask me――......boss"
In a hurry, the Alcom men stretch their backs and line up in a row to welcome Yuu.
"Don't line up in a place like this"
When Yuu gives an instruction to scatter by hand, one of Alcom's executives smiles with a friendly laugh, 「I'm sorry」.
"If you laugh amiably, make a better smile"
At Yuu's words, others relaxed their shoulders and smiled.
"So what is it like?"
Maos, who is Yuußs guide, asks the men.
"As you can see, there is no movement"
"Bo――Yuu-san, there doesn't seem to be any problem"
"Okay, then I'm going, so don't come until I call you"
Not surprisingly, Maos bent down and saw Yuu off. What surprised him was the Alcom men who were watching over the mansion.
"Hey, hey! Wait, wait! Boss, please wait!!"
"What the hell, don't make a loud voice. I'm always saying that you shouldn't call me boss"
"I, I'm sorry. B, But, that, that's right! Even if it looks like that, that mansion is protected by a magic tool that creates a barrier that even aristocrats don't have and there is no watch, but the guard dogs――"
"No problem"
It was Maos who broke into the conversation between Yuu and the executive man.
"It's okay, Maos, you......ah, he is gone"
Yuu walks straight toward Lawrence's mansion. The Alcom men could only see him off.
"What's going on! The boss has gone alone!"
"That's why it's okay. Look at that"
Maos points to Lawrence's mansion to the man who grabs his chest. At the point where the man swam his eyes as if following the tip of the finger, he could easily see Yuu passing through the barrier stretched over the mansion and walking toward the entrance.
"It's a lie, isn't it......what's going on?"
"Look at that. Instead of barking, the trained guard dogs are scared by boss and can't get out of the kennel"
Not believing the sight in front of them? The Alcom men mutter in a stunned manner.
"As you can see"
"Mao, tell me more about it. You've been following the boss, so you know that"
" the conclusion"
Maos is frustrated that the men don't want to mess with words that don't get his point.
"So, the only remaining place of Lawrence is the headquarters here. All the other branches were crushed by Yuu-san. Those of us who are not here are rushing to carry gold items from the Lawrence branches by this time. For that purpose, Yuu-san had prepared an item pouch, so don't you think he's scary? "
When they heard Maos's explanation, the men were stuck with their mouths open. It was the executive man who quickly regained himself after staying there for a while.
"Ma, Maos, is that a real story?"
"What do I do by telling a lie?"
"No, that's right. But, really, the boss was the only one who crushed the twenty-four Lawrence branches......ah, the boss has crushed twenty-three and only one is remaining. That's it. You're sure he's crushed all the branches, right?"
"Yes, no doubt"
Even when they heard Maos's words, Maos is a little muffled by the men who still think it's unbelievable.
"I've seen it with my own eyes! However, the boss seems to be sorting, not killing all......he sent the Lawrence guys who didn't kill somewhere"
"Where did he send them?"
"I don't know that! I don't want to remember that kind of thing!! Ah......I'm sorry"
"N, No, don't worry"
Maos apologizes because his words became rough involuntarily. Everyone thinks that scene was the one that he didn't want to remember so much.
"Eek! Good drink"
A whore hugs Lawrence's man and kisses his cheek.
"Isn't it? This bottle of alcohol doesn't cost me 500,000"
"500,000 is 500,000 Madoka!? Amazing!"
In Lawrence's mansion, it was in the midst of a nightly horseplay. Prostitutes cling around the men, recommending alcohol or drinking a lot. High-class prostitutes and beautiful slaves are assigned, especially around Bugsy and executives. The high-class whores are fluffy and even if you oppose it, they don't get angry, so they give affection to Lawrence´s men, but the female slaves died because they were forced to be obedient by the slave collars. It was divided into those with such eyes and those with rebellious eyes.
"Bugsy-san, how long do I have to put up with it! I want to commit that fucking cheeky Satou kid's ass!!"
"I told you to wait, or not? Can't you listen to me?"
Bugsy-san, who had been eating fruits by mouth from a whore, strokes the chin of an executive man.
"N......No......I mean............just"
The big man suddenly gets sweaty and becomes muddy.
"Don't worry. Tomorrow. When tomorrow's award ceremony is over, that fucking cheeky Satou will be my dad's property. Do you think I'll keep this guy who made fun of me alive?"
"He......Hehee. That's right. You can't leave the guy who made fun of Bugsy-san as it is!"
"That's right. Come on, enjoy the alcohol and women"
Bugsy presents a glass. The prostitutes on the left and right try to pour wine as if they were competing with each other, but Bugsy lifts the glass and prevents it.
"Eh, why?"
"Bugsy-san is mean~"
"It's not you. The elf there, you pour it"
Bugsy orders one of the many slaves, a female elf who has been rebellious, to pour alcohol.
"W......Who that......gahuu"
The female elf who disobeys the order suffers from pain due to the effectiveness of the slave collar.
The female elf refuses, blowing bubbles from her mouth. When it seems that she will die as it is, Bugsy releases the order.
"Hey, bring me"
"Y, Yes!"
Even if she doesn't tell everyone, the men understand who Bugsy is talking about and rush to another room.
"Shut up and come over here!"
Men come back from another room. A chain was held in one's hand and there was a person who was pulled with all one's might.
"Ol, Older sister......"
The female elf shouts at the figure of the person being pulled.
"M, Meaness!!"
"Who are you talking to? My body has the blood of the greatest aristocrat in the Udon Kingdom. You disobey my orders"
Bugsy points to her feet at the prostitutes with her eyes. Then, the prostitutes who understood what to do by themselves take off Bugsy's shoes.
Bugsy orders the female elf woman to crouch down.
"Who will lick it! Kyaaaaaaa......"
"Older sister!"
The female elf who didn't obey orders twists her body in pain. Just before the limit, Bugsy releases the order. She seemed excited to see the elf struggling with the pain.
"Can't you hear me?"
"Who listens to what a sneaky guy like you says!!"
While the body is still suffering from severe pain, the female elf endures the pain and behaves patiently.
"Well, can't you hear me?"
Bugsy laughs happily. And towards the big executive man.
"Hey, love having sex"
With that word alone, the big man's lower abdomen swells and his pants are torn off.
"N......No way....... Stop. Don't come!"
The face of the female elf who thought she was going to be fucked turns pale. However, the big man passes by the female elf.
"No! Stop it! Someone, older sister, help me!!"
The big man heads for the cute elf who is still young. When he tried to straddle the clothes as it was.
"Wait! Wait!"
With a humble smile, Bugsy calls for a stop. The big man slaps his tongue and looks down at the crying elf unfortunately. The other men also had a blatantly disappointed look.
"What? Did you say something?"
"I can't hear you"
"I, I'll lick't touch her"
"Lick it? Hey, what are you going to do as a slave?"
Blood flows from the mouth of the female elf who clenches her teeth.
"Please let me lick"
"What is it? You didn't like it a while ago, do you want to lick my feet now?"
"Yes......please let this slave lick your feet......please......please let me lick it!"
While the men grin, they drink alcohol and look at the female elf who endures the humiliation.
"Well, you want to lick my feet so much! If you ask that much, I'm not a demon, I'll let you lick it"
Bugsy puts her feet on the female elf's head.
"You know what? Lick my toes carefully, one by one, from the root to the point. It's not something that a dingy slave elf like you would be allowed to lick. Do you understand? If you understand, thank me and lick it"
Overflowing tears flow down the female elf's cheeks.
"Stop! Sister, don't do that!!"
"Silent! You should keep quiet!"
The female elf trembles, sticking out her tongue and bringing it close to Bugsy´s toes. When the tongue tried to touch the toes――
"It smells. In this case, the slums still smell better"
Everyone looked back at the voice. Yuu stood in front of the door before someone knew it.
"Who are you? From where――gyaaaboo......"
Yuu grabbed the throat of a man and tore it up casually. From the mouth of the man who had lost part of his throat, the air leaking out of his lungs sounded like the sound of wind. Then, as it is, the man spouts a large amount of blood from his throat and falls behind and breathes out.
"This......isn't this an adventurer when you think of who this is?"
Even Bugsy couldn't hide her agitation in this unusual situation.
"Who are you? Don't talk to me in a familiar way"
Blue streaks appear on Bugsy´s temples.
"Co, Coming to the mansion of a person without permission! I, this me, who am I!"
"Don't make a loud voice. Every time you open your mouth, the smell of a rat's death drifts over here"
Lawrence´s men hold weapons in their hands.
「Bugsy-san, it's okay! I will commit Satou!」 The big executive man drooled and confirmed with Bugsy――he was already in motion. Spreading his hands wide and rushing towards Yuu.
"Satou, I'm gonna commit――yo......bohyoo?"
Yuu's big sword, the black dragon light, split the big man into two pieces. The body of the big man divides into the character of a reverse eight like slow motion. Later on, his brain and organs overflow and spread to the floor with his blood.
As if he remembered something, Yuu hurriedly tried to heal the wound of the big man, but he disliked his face in the misery.
"I will leave you to Torcha"
Yuu creates a gate with 『Space-Time Magic』 and throw the corpse of the big man into it.
"B, Bugsy-san"
Lawrence executives call out to Bugsy to ask for instructions on what to do.
"Kill, it's just that I'm scolded by my father. If you don't die, you can do whatever you want. I got it......that fool came on his own. You guys bothered to play with that Satou. I'm here. Be so cute! However, it's forbidden to kill! I'll reward the guy who knocked him down with 100 gold coins!!"
Lawrence's men change their eyes and scream at the permission and reward of 100 gold coins that they can do anything other than kill. Lawrence´s men in the mansion rush into the room one after another and head towards Yuu to take credit.
"The hundred gold coins are mine!!"
"Stupid brat!"
Men attack Yuu with swords, daggers, hatchets, axes and various weapons.
"M, My feet!?"
"Po, potion......someone......pick up my arm!"
Yuu throws down those who have been slashed off their arms and legs, or who have broken their spines and become stuck, to the gate. Each time Torcha, on the other side of the gate, trembles with joy.
"Wh......What is that?"
"I've never heard of such strength......"
"W, What's that strange thing about it!"
One of the guys thrown by Yuu falls in front of the gate. The man, who has lost his limbs, still crawls and tries to escape, but a beautiful arm appears from the back of the gate. A hook was held in the hand, which he could tell at a glance that it was a woman's arm and when she hooked it on the man's back as if she were handling meat, she forcibly pulled the man's body.
"Those guys are pitiful! Give up! Give up!"
A man wearing full plate armor and a battle axe appears, pushing away Lawrence´s men who have begun to flinch at the unreasonable strength of Yuu.
"Ooh, Yabul!"
"If you're the same B rank adventurer, you'll be fine!!"
"Remind that kid of your nickname 『Immortal』"
In addition, men wearing armor come out from the ring surrounding Yuu.
"Yeah! It's A rank 『Delayed Sound Umeji』!"
"This is Zakiya from the B-rank mercenary 『Mizuyouken』!!"
Lawrence's bouncers cheer as if the upset was a lie.
"I'm sorry boy, this is also a job"
"This is the end of your march"
"I doubted my ears when I heard that such a kid was a B-rank adventurer, but he seems to have the same ability as rumored. But, why am I alone enough?"
"Then I can do it alone!"
"Don't fight. Just defeating one child is 100 gold coins. How about first come, first served?"
""I agree!""
Three men started to move towards you.
Yabul swings the battle axe lightly so that it doesn't seem like a huge battle axe. Reluctant to attack, Yuu aims at the seam of Yabul's full plate armor.
"Damn, the seam of my armor!"
Picking up from his left elbow, which was cut off by Yuu, Yabul smiles with a fearless smile through the gap in his armor. Then, when he presses the arm he picks up against the cut surface, his arm is surprisingly connected.
"Have you seen it! This is the power of 『Immortal』 Yabul-sama!!"
"So what"
A spear attacks from Yuu´s side who is trying to chase after Yabul.
『Delayed Sound Umeji』 shoots a high-speed thrust. The piercing sound is delayed so fast that it is heard late. Yuu continues to hesitate the piercing by slightly turning his body without using a shield.
"Hou, you can easily dodge my 『Three-stage thrust』!"
"Neither Yabul nor Umeji show mercy!!"
From above Yuu, Zakiya from 『Mizuyouken』 swings his sword down. Yuu tried to catch it with his black dragon light sword, but Zakiya's sword passed through the blade and approached. Yuu decides that he can't dodge just by twisting his body, but with 『Devil´s Fist』 he puts ice on his left arm. The cold air from his left arm freezes Zakiya's water sword and Yuu catches the blade with his arm.
"Oyoyo, you're the first to dodge at first sight!!"
The water sword was Zakiya's freedom to cut and pass through anything. Zakiya jumps out of Yuu and crushes the frozen blade to create a new water sword.
"Wahaha! Did you see that? Let's hurry!"
"We're not going to forgive you for apologizing now!"
When they see that the situation has reversed, Lawrence's men swear at Yuu. Bugsy was wondering what would happen at one point, but she sighed with a little relief.
"Gahahaa! I see. I see. If it was one-on-one, I might have fallen behind you!"
"There is no cowardice in the battle for life and death. Give up and die"
"If you sit down, you can pull out a little bit"
While tapping lightly, the three men are alert and narrow the circle surrounding Yuu.
They are not the men who think 「Is it a surrender?」. Yuu, who has such skill, cant easily raise the white flag.
"It's a waste of time. Now that you know how much, come on!"
"Cheeky boy!"
Yabul, who was furious that he was insulted, thrusts in first. With that momentum, he releases the LV4 axe technique 『Burst Axe Bakufu』. It is a technique in which the fighting spirit contained in the battle axe explodes at the point where it is driven. Yuu, on the other hand, kicks the handle of the approaching battle axe with his left leg and deflects the trajectory. Umeji and Zakiya, who followed Yabul, jump out of the spot for fear of being involved. The fighting spirit of Yabul's battle axe pierced the floor explodes and debris scattered around, but Yuu doesn't care. He rotated his body so that it would flow as it was, jumped the armored helmet of Yabul and kicked it straight up with a back kick.
Yabul, whose face was revealed, had a strong face suitable for his voice. Yu, who has released a kick, is flying in the air and falls upside down. At the same time that the real face of Yabul and Yu's eyes meet, Yu sways Yabul's neck sideways with a black dragon and a candle.
"Not enough!"
However, while wearing full plate armor, Yabul pulls and dodges with a quick movement. Still, his neck was cut by about a third.
"Guhuu....... No, I'm gonna do it......isn't it? But this level......without......?"
Yabul, who has the skill of 『High Speed Regeneration』 while holding down the wound on his neck, is surprised that the wound will not be closed forever and tries to take out a potion from the item pouch in a hurry.
"You didn't have to resist each other......"
This time, Yabul is killed by being decapitated by Yuu.
"Yabul!? You!!"
"It's because he let his guard down!"
Umeji and Zakiya attack Yuu while taking advantage of each other's strengths. Zakiya attacks at a short distance and Umeji pokes with a spear at a medium distance. They are also moving so that they always sandwich Yuu.
"How long can you dodge!"
To prevent Yuu from reading the trajectory of the piercing, Umeji shoots the LV3 spear technique 『Meandering Thrust』.
"Can Master Umeji make a hole or will it be my water sword? Choose the one you like!"
A myriad of meandering thrusts and an onslaught of water swords attack Yuu.
"Not yet! Shhh! Shhh!"
Umeji murmured inwardly that Yuu is a terrifying boy. How many people can behave like that in the Udon kingdom, such as dodging Zakiya's water sword that he can't understand and at the same time dodging his own piercing from behind him? Whether you can count with one hand, if any. However, the marvelous offense and defense will not last long. Gradually, Umeji's spear began to hit Yuu's body.
Umeji interweaves with LV6 『Dragon Fang Ryuga』 at Yuu who keeps dodging 『Meandering Thrust』. The moment he thought that the piercing reminiscent of a dragon's blow was decided――
While facing backwards, Yuu bends over and dodges the 『Dragon Fang Ryuga』 released by Umeji. In addition, Yuu twists only his upper body and throws his black dragon light sword toward Umeji on the spot. Umeji's reaction, which was unexpected to use a big sword as a thrower at this distance, is slightly delayed. Umeji tried to dodge, saying that he could still dodge enough, but his legs didn't move as if they were stuck to the floor. When he looked at his immobile feet, the floor and his feet were covered with ice. From Yuu's feet to Umeji, the ice was so thin that he had to squint his eyes.
"I, Impossi――gahaa......"
At the same time as throwing the black dragon light, Yuu put magic power into the ice that had been prepared and frozen Umeji's legs and floor. Umeji's upper and lower body broke into tears and even though Lawrence´s men hurriedly put on potions, he soon died.
Zakiya tries to swing his water sword down to Yuu, who has let go of his weapon and is turning his back on himself.
Invisible, Zakiya's body leans back as if he was hit with an air fist.
(I, It’s bad)
In front of Zakiya, who had returned to his body, Yuu, who was already in good shape, was approaching Zakiya. Yuu's dagger is swung sideways toward Zakiya's neck.
"Don't underestimate me!"
He jumped backwards and dodged Yuu's dagger, but the knife stretched. No, to be correct, like Zakiya's water sword, a water sword was configured at the tip of the dagger.
"Agaa......m, my......water............stolen......"
Zakiya's neck rolls on the floor. Those who didn't expect Lawrence's proud bouncers to lose seemed to have yet to understand what had happened and were staring at Yuu. And late――
"Run away!!"
"It's a monster!!"
"I, I don't have anything to do with it!"
They escape by scattering in all directions.
"Move away! I'll be the first!"
"Wait, Bugsy-san! Please take me with you!"
"Noisy!! What's going on!? It won't open!!"
The door of the room and the windows don't open in any way.
"Why can't I break it!!"
Some slammed chairs against the windows to break them, but they still didn't scratch the windows.
"I can't afford to miss trash like you"
Yuu stood behind Bugsy, who was trying to push his minions away and to escape.
"Hiii!? D, Do you know who I am !! I'm the son of the Finance Minister, B, Ba, Balue, Voli Nox!!"
"Oh really"
There, Bugsy's consciousness ceases. It was despair waiting for those who were left behind.
"There is a hidden room in that room, so don't forget the hidden safe there"
Maos gives instructions plainly. In Lawrence's mansion, where only prostitutes and slaves were remaining, Alcom´s people were busy moving around.
"Then it's okay to leave the disposal of the whores to me"
"Ah, leave it to me"
"Slaves are the same as before?"
"That's right"
"How long should I take care of the slaves? No, I'm not worried about money or food, but the instructions will change depending on how long it takes"
The slaves at Lawrence's branch were to be taken care of at Alcom. Maos wonders if it was in anticipation of this that he was instructed to prepare multiple large warehouses and dwellings.
"It doesn't take more than two months at the longest"
"Two months......"
Despite destroying Lawrence, there are still many pieces left which belong to the Finance Minister. Maos is afraid of Yuu's fighting power and actions, wondering if they will be processed within two months at the longest.
"I'll leave the rest to you"
"Leave it to me! By the way, where is Yuu-san from now?"
"It's an appointment with Mago"
With that said, Yuu, who has Bugsy on his shoulder, goes down the gate created by 『Space-Time Magic』. He doesn't know what promises have been made between Yuu and Mago, but Maos thinks it's a good idea that it's hell waiting for Bugsy.
", what is this?”
When Bugsy recalls what happened earlier, he tries to get up in a hurry, but his body doesn't move at all.
"W, What is this!?"
Bugsy moves his eyes to grasp the situation. Apparently, he was sleeping on a table like an examination table and his body seemed to be fixed by something. The reason why he doesn't know what restrains his body is that he can't see it at all even if he moves his eyes to the neck, waist, elbows and wrists, but apparently his body is carefully fixed to the table up to his knees and ankles. It seems that if he raises his head even if he wants to see it, something will tighten and he will not be able to raise his head. What's more, it seems that all the clothes and magic tools that he wears have been stripped off and he can tell that he is naked by the touch of his body touching the table. But he is not feeling sick. No, on the contrary, it is not as much as the leaves that he usually uses, but he can feel that it is filled with an uplifting feeling.
"Hohoo, you seem to have awakened"
"Who are you! You know who I am and I wonder if you're imitating me like this!!"
"Yes. Bugsy, the son of Finance Minister, Value......oh, you weren't even allowed to have a family name, so it was just Bugsy"
"I'll kill you! I don't know who you are, but I'll definitely kill you with my hands!! Isn't it just you !! All your family, friends and acquaintances! I'll kill them!!"
Bugsy gets angry when he gets used to the part he doesn't want to touch the most, but he can't do anything if his body is restrained.
"Oya? You should know me. Look, take a closer look"
Mago looks into Bugsy so that he can see his face well.
"Who! The face of an old man like you......wait. You, that time......are you the old man of Mago Company?"
"Hoho, you remembered me. Yes, it's me, Mago Piet from Mago Company"
"What are you laughing at! This......cough cough!"
"Oh, your neck is fixed, so if you overdo it, your neck will get tight and it's just painful"
"What is your purpose? Is it a talk to my father? Or is it money? If it's money, I will give you as much as you like――"
"No. I have something to ask Bugsy-sam. Is it for me to answer honestly?"
"Aah? Are you going to threaten me!"
"You should understand your position right now. As you can see, I'm an old man who seems to be everywhere, but if I feel like it, I can't just squeeze your neck and kill you"
Did Bugsy, who was agitated, return to himself with Mago's words? Cold sweat stucks to his body.
"I, I understand. What do you want to know? Answer anything! Instead, release me after answering! That's the condition !! Isn't it okay?"
"Hohoo, I see. If you answer, I promise to release you"
Bugsy is relieved at the word to release.
"What I want to know is about those you have killed"
"Wait! How many people do you think I've killed so far! I don't remember them one by one!"
"Do you have any idea about a man named Chesslav Heuer?"
"I don't know such a guy!"
"What about a woman named Ijinka Heuer? What about Jarmila Heuer?"
"Ijinka? Ah, ah! I remembered it!! Are they the Heuer from that Heuer Company?"
"Yes, tell me everything you know about the Chesslav Heuer family"
"Okay, okay. I remember that company very well. After all, that man――kyahahaa!"
"What happened?"
Mago mysteriously stares at the suddenly blown out Bugsy.
"No, it's bad, it's bad. But it's funny when I remember that family. Because they didn't give in to threats or violence! The guy who said that has his store employees killed by me in turn. When I did that, I was excited while looking at them. However he was still cheeky and refused to give up the company with a gentle deposit and a nuisance fee. Therefore my masterpiece, where I committed his wife Ijinka in front of Chesslav eyes! I directly? No, I don't have a hobby of an older woman, but I was excited at that time. I wonder if the face of Chesslav who was crying regretfully was good!! S !! When I tried to let him surrender, Chesslav killed himself!! I'm so excited because I've never seen such an indignation! Well, you think so too? Well, after Cheslav died, Ijinka died while we were having sex. I didn't remember the excitement. Oh yeah. I found their daughter hiding and melted her face with acid. I released her on the busiest boulevard in the royal capital, but she also was a terrible daughter. Even though her parents' souls were in front of her, she ran away crying. What kind of raising would make such a parent unfaithful――gya !? Hyama no ha hyaga! "
A knife was held in Mago's hand. He cut off Bugsy's nose with the knife.
"Hohoo, don't worry, the blood will stop soon. This knife is known as 『Knife of Confession』, but it's not very sharp. However, it has a hemostatic effect"
"Ya, Yakuhuokuu! Yakuuhupkushihya!" (Promise! What about our promise!!)
"Promise? Hoho, a promise......promise............huu............huhuu..................don't be silly!!"
Bugsy's body shrinks by the sudden angry voice. It was so loud that he couldn't believe it was made by an old man and the voice was filled with tremendous anger.
"Promise with a man below the maggots who flock to a corpse like you? Who will keep such a promise!! Above all, you!
When rolled up at once, Mago lays down the blade of 『Knife of Confession』 against Bugsy's right arm and presses it.
"Hyaa!? St, Stop――gyaaaaaaaaaa!? Ihya!! Ihya!! Stop it――ogaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
It's very thin and it scrapes the skin and flesh. Every time, Bugsy tries to twist himself in severe pain, but he can't do anything because his body is fixed on the table. Bugsy's screams echo in the room. Still, Mago silently continues the work. Eventually, the flesh from Bugsy's right elbow to his wrist was scraped off, exposing his bones.
"Hohoo, next is the left leg?"
"Ihyada!! Ihyada!! You're crazy!! You're crazy!! I'm gonna stop it!! Oyahi, I'm gonna go――gyaagagaaaaaaaaaa!!"
No matter how much Bugsy cries, this is the basement of a factory owned by Mago Company, far from the royal capital. No one comes to help. If Bugsy faints in severe pain, he scrapes his ears as soon as he notices it and if that doesn't happen, he finally pulls out his teeth with scissors. Mago repeats over and over again. Even though Bugsy tried to reflect from the bottom of his heart, the work continued until dawn.
"Is it over?"
Yuu greeted Mago who came out of the basement.
"'s over"
Mago's face after revenge was full of resentment.
"Then, I'll get Bugsy´s corpse as promised"
"What do I say, what do you do with something like that?"
"Mago is sweet, so you'll forgive it at this level......but I won't. I'll torture him for decades and hundreds of years"
Mago then remembered that Yuu could use 『Undead Magic』. Mago couldn't forgive himself for not being able to save the Cheslav and his family even if he tortured Bugsy so much, but if Yuu would give him more pain, the dead Cheslav and Ijinka would forgive him. He wondered while he saw Yuu carrying Bugsy´s corpse away.
Name: Yuu Satou
Race: Human
Job: Magic Warrior / Enchanter / Master Swordsman
LV: 56
HP: 3671
MP: 4555
Strength: 744
Agility: 691
Vitality: 813
Intelligence: 754
Magic Power: 773
Luck: 1
Passive Skills
Swordsmanship LV8
Axe Technique LV7
Dagger Technique LV6 ↑UP
Cane Technique LV6
Fencing LV8
Spear Technique LV7
Hammer Technique LV8
Shield Technique LV7
Staff Technique LV6
Throwing LV7
Strong arm LV5
Intensified Physical Ability LV4
Intensified Agility LV3
Search LV7
Leadership LV7
Intimidation LV6
Night Eyes LV6
Attribute resistance LV8
HP Recovery Speed Intensification LV3
MP Recovery Speed Intensification LV4
Trap Discovery LV6
Stealthy Steps LV6 ↑UP
Status Abnormality Resistance LV8
Skinning LV6
Skin Hardening LV3
Devil Longan LV5
High-speed Regeneration LV5 ↑UP
Cooking LV5
Magic Resistance LV8
Strengthened Agility when light equipment LV3
Strengthened Defense when heavy equipment LV4 LV5
Strengthened Strength when heavy equipment LV5 LV5
Evasion LV7
No Cast
Magic Power Strengthening LV7
MP Consumption drastically reduced LV3 ↑UP
Taming LV7
Riding LV5
When equipped with a sword, strength increases LV2
Increased Critical Probability LV2
Increased Critical Strength LV2
Blessing of Light
Blessing of Darkness
Active Skills
Swordsmanship LV8
Holy Sword Technique LV3
Dark Sword LV3
Fighting LV6
Dagger Technique LV4
Staff Technique LV5
Cane Technique LV5
Barehanded LV5
Devil Fist LV8
Spear Technique LV6
Shield Technique LV7
Axe Technique LV6 ↑UP
Hammer Technique LV7
Martial Arts LV6
Tactics LV5 ↑UP
White Magic LV8
Black Magic LV8
Undead Magic LV8
Enchanting magic LV7
Dark Magic LV7
Spirit Magic LV5
Space-time Magic LV7
Summoning Magic LV7
Ancient Magic LV5
Dragon Magic LV5
Holy Magic LV3
Magic Sword LV8
Blacksmithing LV5
Alchemy LV8
Steal LV4
Spy LV6 ↑UP
Appraisal LV4
Analysis LV3
Roar LV6
Unlocking LV5
Trap Setting LV5 ↑UP
Trap Releasing LV5
Barrier LV8
Magic Power Awakening LV7
Breath LV5
Subordinate Strengthening LV7
Follower Strengthening LV7
Enslavement LV6
Status Abnormality Attack LV8
Unique Skills
Devil Eye of the Spirit World LV5 ↑UP
Pillage LV4 ↑UP
Follower Subordination LV3
Beast Killer
Increased Hearing
Herculean Strength
Spirit Whispering
Parallel Thinking
Opening Gate
Insect Killer
Dragon Killer
Holy Beast Killer
Rapid Empty Space Inexhaustibility
Empty Space Fist NEW!
: Black Dragon Light (Grade 3): Intensified Strength / Automatic repair / Black Dragon Breath
: Flying Cap Type 2 (Grade 4): Enhanced Blind Resistance and Stun Resistance
: Adamantite Armor (Grade 3): Enhanced Physical Resistance, Strengthened HP Recovery Speed and MP Recovery Speed
: Black Dragon Scale Gauntlet (Grade 3): Enhanced Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance and Darkness Resistance
: Holy Beast Leather Boots (Grade 3): Enhanced Holy Resistance and Holy Divine Protection
: Black Dragon Scale Shield (Grade 3): Enhanced Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance and Darkness Resistance
: Mirage Ring (Grade 3): Displays Falsely Against Analysis

Read To Deprive a Deprived Person Chapter 258: Enemy News By Mino

To Deprive a Deprived Person Chapter 258: Enemy News Updated Here. To Deprive a Deprived Person Author Mino update Chapter 258: Enemy News,Their love was a journey, filled with twists and turns,With a whispered promise, he vowed to love her forever,With a whispered confession, he bared his soul to her,With a single word, he captured her heart completely,Their love story was written in the constellations above,He held her hand, guiding her through the storm, To Deprive a Deprived Person Has the latest chapter been updated?


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