Novel Name : To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 269: Second-rate leader

Chapter 269: Second-rate leader

TDADP chapter 269: Second-rate leader
In the dark night, the sun begins to appear on the horizon. It is an indescribable time zone where light and darkness are mixed. However, the fantastic sight doesn't last long. When the darkness goes away and the light begins to illuminate the world, the world surrounded by silence begins to work. The chirping of birds, the sound of vegetation swaying in the wind, insects and monsters gradually begin to appear from the bed in search of food. People are no exception, and if you look into each household, you can see them preparing breakfast here and there. And the same goes for Yuu's mansion.
"Tin, what about the fish?"
"Even if I'm not told, its baking, so I'm going to do it"
Upon confirmation from Vanamo, Ting replies with dissatisfied sharp lips.
"I cooked the meal"
"Pokori, please take the salad"
Melanie and Ariane cleverly prepare their meals. The profession of an adventurer is capitalized by the body because of its profession. Both the vanguard and the rearguard consume more food than other manual workers. Currently, Yuu's mansion has Marifa,Nina and Lena, Agafon´s group and Tin, who is a slave maid apprentice. The amount required for a single meal is unusual.
"Master, it looks like we're ready to eat"
Marifa, who was watching Nepora arranging the finished dishes and Namari helping them, reports to Yuu. Grafira, who isn't here, is taking Koro and the rest for a walk in the morning, so it will be a little later to join them.
"Okay. The omelet will be done soon, so Marifa――"
"Good morning!"
Agafon greets them loudly, perhaps because of the smell of breakfast. Marifa, who blocked her ears, glares at Agafon, who doesn't notice her gaze and Tin and the other slave maids rush to the living room for fear of being hit.
"Good morning. Agafon, you´re noisy in the morning"
"Good morning, leader. Oh! There is fish today!"
Then Flavia shows up. From there, when Nina and Lena come down from the second floor in the usual order, they greet Yuu and sit in their seats in the living room. At the end, Lena is always weak in the morning――but not today.
"Oh, Tin. What's the meal today?"
It was Joseph who appeared in the living room while scratching his head with a pair of pants. It can be said that the appearance of his own face is more likely to be predominant than Yuu who is the owner of the mansion.
"Good morning, Joseph-sama. Well, today's breakfast is rice, omelet, nameless dried and opened horse mackerel, pork soup and salad. And if it's just fish, Agafon and Beibu complain, so it's a pile of sausages and thick slices of bacon"
"I know sausages and bacon, but I don't really know the rest. Well, the smell is good. Nepora, please get me some alcohol"
No matter where he was refraining from drinking, when he stayed at Yuu's mansion, Joseph drank alcohol.
"Certainly. Is it okay for Odono-sama to drink the wine purchased in the royal capital?"
"No, not good! I took care of that. That's right, firewater - extreme good"
"Firewater......extreme it is?"
"Yes, it should be in the basement. The other day, Noah, that bastard was so proud that he had got it from Yuu, so I wanted to buy it myself. It's so expensive and I didn't think it would be hard to get it"
Joseph sits down in response to the greetings of Agafon´s group.
"I prepared it"
"Isn't it great for a kid?"
When Joseph strokes her head, Namari and Momo smile happily.
"Why can't we eat yet?"
"I don't think Grafira is back"
It is a rule at Yuu's mansion that all meals are eaten together with everyone. Tin and other slave maids are also expected to eat during the meal.
"Oh, come to think of it, I don't see the wolf girl. What? You look pretty grumpy"
"Do you understand?"
Looking at Yuu, Joseph smiled with a fearless smile.
"When it comes to me, I know at a glance. Oh, tell me. You're worried, right?
"Well, actually, I'm sick of a tough half-naked man wandering around"
Everyone's eyes gather at Joseph.
"A half-naked man? It's a pervert, isn't it? If you see it next time, tell me, I'll beat that guy up"
"Its you!"
Lena involuntarily blows out and even Agafon´s group who were patient burst into laughter.
"Ah? It's about me....... Wahahaa!! Ah, it's something not worth considering. Yuu, you're joking, don't you?"
Yuu's face becomes stiff seeing Joseph, who doesn't understand sarcasm. After such a silly exchange, Grafira, who was taking a walk with Koro and the others, returns.
"Oh, have you finally come back?"
"Sorry I made you wait"
"We haven't waited so long, so don't worry about what the gorilla says"
"What, I've been insulted just now. Haha~h, he's in a rebellious period, right?"
To Joseph, who shifts one´s attention to lukewarm, Yuu ignores him when he gets tired of dealing with him and asks him to eat breakfast. As soon as they waited for the signal, Nina and the rest started eating all at once.
"That's it! Gahugahuu, delicious! Ah, I can say with confidence that for『Bewitching Tree Garden Labyrinth』, we were able to reach the 24th floor. But after all, it's hard just to push it. Without Beibu´s and Akane´s magic, I would have died three times''
Akane, lying on Agafon's head, murmured, dyeing her cheeks, 「I don't know very well」.
"That's right. The Rank D 『Gorgo's Labyrinth』may have worked with it, but the Rank C 『Bewitching Tree Garden Labyrinth』will really be your end if you don't think more and capture it"
"That's right! I thought so too!"
It was fun and unavoidable to talk to Yuu for Agafon, but it was Marifa that wasn't interesting.
"Agafon, what's the point? You've always been careful, so stop talking while eating. And don't you know that every time you talk, a dirty spit hangs over master's face"
"Guu....... I know"
"Do you know? Who are you talking to?"
"Nyahahaa. Beibu look, Agafon is being scolded"
"Don't do it. That's how you always get into fights"
This exchange is also usual. But today was a little different. Because there is Joseph, a man who makes his name known not only to humans but also to other races such as beastmen and elves. The interest of Tin and the slave maid apprentices naturally turned to Joseph.
"Joseph used to defeat the 『Demon King of Calamity』, right?"
Ariane, with her dazzling eyes, speaks to Joseph.
"Ah? I wasn't the one who defeated him"
"Tin knows. It was the hero who defeated the Demon King, right? What kind of person was he? Tin is curious"
"The hero, mean Roy. What a weak guy. Just look at my complexion"
"Eh!? I'm disappointed even though he is the hero"
Melanie is overtly disappointed, perhaps because it wasn't what she expected. She doesn't say it in words, but so does Grafira and her tail seems to be sullen.
"Tin isn't interested in a sissy. So who was the strongest person Joseph has ever fought against?"
The dining table, which was noisy and chatting with the question, calmed down. Even Yuu is interested. The strongest opponent that Joseph has fought.
"Even if people say they were strong......after all, I'm the strongest, aren't I? I can't always be a strong opponent"
"Well, no matter how strong Joseph is, Tin thinks there are many difficult opponents"
"Is it a difficult opponent....... Which reminds me, there was only one person. I forgot the name, but I'm sure there was a nickname――"
Everyone gasps as they wait for Joseph's next words.
"Na, na......ah, I remembered! It's 『Natural airhead Gomen』!!"
"Tin who heard it seriously thinks you´re stupid......"
Tin stares at Joseph with cold eyes.
"Wa, Wait! It's not a lie! No, wait......was it peerless Gomen? Anyway, he's a swordsman with four or five swords on his back! That damn old man was still strong. The strongest, but that was when I was young......"
Sadly no one was listening to Joseph's words anymore.
"Ah~, I'm full"
"......Upuu. I ate too much"
"Lena's stomach is full!"
Satisfied, Nina strokes her belly and Lena dispels Namari's hand as she tries to poke her belly. Everyone flattened the mountain-like dishes lined up on the table in about thirty minutes. Momo and Akane, who are not so big eaters, competed with Agafon´s group and ate to their limit and as a result, their stomachs swelled up and they were stuck on their backs on the table.
"Yuu, you're going to the Adventurer's Guild today, right?"
"That's right. Give me the materials you collected in 『Devil's Prison』. I can go alone, but that doesn't seem to be the evaluation of Nina and others"
"......If it's my ability, I should be able to jump over B rank and A rank"
"......Older sister laughs"
"I had a very small sister. I tell you, it's not about my chest"
Marifa and Lena start arguing at Lena's remarks.
"If you go out, I'll take care of the house"
"No, leave"
"By the way, I'll train Agafon´s group"
In contrast to Joseph, who seems to be having fun pretending to be unable to hear Yuu's voice, the faces of Agafon´s group become steep. Agafon´s group have had Joseph deal with them several times before, but the results were disastrous. Normally, Yuu and Nina are their opponents and when they are absent, the skeleton knight created by Yuu's undead magic will deal with them, but if Joseph is the opponent, they will be unilaterally beaten up without any explanation. That's right. It's not that they should remember it with their bodies, but Joseph teaches them, but to put it simply, he is not good at teaching.
"That Joseph-san, it's a great proposal――"
Agafon, under silent pressure from Flavia, tries to refuse――
"You guys are lucky......"
Joseph interrupts before Agafon finishes speaking. When Joseph gets up from the chair, he decides to pose, but it's just unpleasant for a muscular big man to pose with just one pair of pants. For some reason, Namari gets excited and poses in the same way and Ariane and Pokori scold 「Don't imitate!」.
"How many soldiers have challenged me and scattered in this wide world......I can only say that I'm the strongest and invincible trainer"
"Huu......Yuu, do you want to be like me?"
"Don't get elated just because you have a little muscle"
"Are you jealous?"
"Is the brain made of muscles? I can't go out with you"
"Yuu, wait~"
"......I'm the only true strongest and super genius magician"
"Master, please wait. Tin, you guys are there too――Joseph-san should train you."
"Eh, Tin and the others too? It sounds bothersome"
Tin was complaining, but her eyes were warlike, trying to make Joseph frustrated.
"Ah, I forgot"
As if remembered, Yuu throws an item pouch with fish embroidery towards Flavia.
"Eh......this is......"
At first, Flavia didn't know what the item pouch she received was, but as she gradually understood what it was, she stared at the item pouch with incredible eyes. It previously was Flavia´s item pouch which was stolen by the clan 『Dragon Fang』.
"Don't lose it anymore"
It did not last long, too, and it was Flavia who was going to put up with the wrinkle between the eyebrows and crying. Hugging Yuu with overflowing tears and a runny nose.
"Runny nose!?"
"Flavia, stay away from master!!"
Nina and Lena watch over the scene with a smiley face. Except for Marifa, who tries to pull Flavia away from Yuu, and Joseph, who doesn't know what happened.
"Yam, look. Look at Flavia's pitiful face"
Agafon talks to Yarm to disguise it, even though he has been worried for a long time.
"Ah, her crying face is cute......"
"Haaa!? Are you really saying that? Her eyes aren't rotten"
Yarm dyes his pale cheeks slightly red and gazes at the crying Flavia with gentle eyes.
"Then I'll be back before noon"
"Ou, leave it to me"
"I haven't told you"
"You're not straightforward. You can rely on me more"
Yuu who is disappointed goes to the Adventurer's Guild as it is. After that, Nina and others rushed to chase after him.
"I went ... Then, do you want to start?"
When Yuu leaves the mansion, Joseph puts a glass of alcohol on the table. Wherever the bad dad up until now was, he looks as if he is valuing Agafon´s group with his glaring eyes.
"Oh, we just ate that meal, so I think we shouldn't exercise right away"
Beibu, who is afraid of Joseph's guidance, struggles to extend it.
"If you ask me to wait because you´re full, will the enemy wait?"
"B, But......"
"Everyone is fine"
Joseph's words change the color of everyone's eyes except Beibu.
"Don't underestimate us!"
"I'll tell you that if you get too elated, you'll get hurt"
"Haah, are you about yourself?"
"Haaa!? Agafon! Do you want to get hurt first?"
"Hu, both of us shouldn't fight!"
"Beibu, relax. It's always the same"
"Monique is right. Let's make that person scream earlier"
Agafon´s group makes a lot of noise, but Joseph doesn't care as he cleans his ear with his finger.
"Do you guys know? Recently, not only in the Udon Kingdom, but also among adventurers in neighboring countries, Yuu Satou, who is the leader of the clan called 『Nameless』, is in Comer City in the Udon Kingdom. It's rumored that there are great adventurers"
"As expected of Odono-sama"
"Of course if its our leader"
"Don't say it like yours"
"Well, I thought it would be better for a human"
"Mou! It's not straightforward if its you, Akane"
"But it's really amazing, Yam"
"Oh, because our leader is the best"
The noisy Agafon group look proud as if they were their own.
"I always look happy when I see a kid"
Looking at Joseph grinning, he whispers to Vanamo next to Tin, 「Joseph looks happy too」.
"Then, do you know this rumor? 『Nameless』is a one-man clan only for Yuu Satou and the clan members are all small fishes. It may be amazing as an adventurer, but the clan itself is second-rate without their leader"
Agafon´s party who had been proud of themselves uttered no words and their smiles disappeared from their faces.
"The other day, adventurers from the royal capital said the same thing. Well, when I treated them politely, they cried and went home. There are a lot of adventurers and clans who say that the weak and small『Nameless』 is good for selling the name if even Yuu is careful. If Nina, Lena and Marifa hear that, they would be able to fight back against such antics, but what about you guys? Wahaha, but are you alright? In the end, even if that were the case, Yuu would wipe your backs''
"Ah? Did you say something?"
"I said I'm going to do it!!"
Agafons barks like a beast. His murderous eyes bleed and his whole body hair stands upright. He is always timid and frightened, staring straight at Joseph with strong eyes, even Beibu, who does not make eye contact stares at him.
"You can have better eyes, right?"
Joseph smiles fearlessly.
"Our leader is second-rate!? It's ridiculous!! I'll beat all those who have underestimate us!! Old man, let's get started!"
Excited Agafon jumps out of the mansion as it is. After that, Flavia and others follow.
"Oooh, I'm glad they got motivated, but I was disappointed――Hmm? Hmm !? O......Old man......? Hey! Who is an old man!!"
Joseph succeeded in blasting, but he was excited by Agafon´s words and went outside with just one pair of pants.

Read To Deprive a Deprived Person Chapter 269: Second-rate leader By Mino

To Deprive a Deprived Person Chapter 269: Second-rate leader Updated Here. To Deprive a Deprived Person Author Mino update Chapter 269: Second-rate leader,With a bouquet of wildflowers, he professed his love,She traced her fingers along the lines of his palm,She found peace in the melody of his voice,With a gentle caress, he wiped away her doubts,She found home in the warmth of his embrace,Their love was a story, written in the stars above, To Deprive a Deprived Person Has the latest chapter been updated?


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