Novel Name : Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 2: 2 Kismet


Translation: Fate

Origin: Turkish


He is taking my breath away.

He is very handsome. Very very very handsome. Manly handsome. Scruffy handsome. Goodness.
Look at him!

His facial beard is making him even more mature and hot. And damn his light clear blue eyes are to die
for. It's so blue that I think it's almost colorless. I'm lost for words to answer him cos he's oozing with
sex appeal. He's ridiculously hot. His eyes are not heavy-lidded anymore. His very intense and
penetrating stares are making my morning awkward.

Very awkward.

"I..." I trailed off.

Recover Savannah! Quick! I thought.

"I should be the one asking you that cos you're the one who's in my property. You're invading my
space." I said with my arms crossed together while raising my eyebrows at him.

He looks around as if he's looking for something or someone. Maybe he's looking or hoping for
Catherine to be here. He looked over the other side of the bed and then looked back at me. He's mad, I
could tell. He's doesn't like it that he's here or he doesn't like it cos I'm here. Why the hell is he mad? I

helped his drunk ass last night and he let me clean his mess three hours ago. A hello or hey sorry
about last night my name is blah blah conversation would fine for 6AM.

"You should be answering my question. Why are you here?" His eyebrow arched.

I'm surprised.

"You should be the one who needs to answer my questions. Why are you here? What are you exactly
doing here? You woke me up at three in the morning and knocked on my goddamn door so loudly like
you were trying to wake up the whole neighborhood. You even puked on the floor and I had to clean up
the mess you made at three in the morning!" I breathe.

I had to emphasize the three in the morning a lot of times cos well it was three in the freaking morning
and he woke up the shit out of me.

He just looked at me. "Where's Tracy?"

Wow he actually just ignored what I said to him. I don't know if he listened well or he intentionally didn't
listen at all to what I said but god he's a jerk. He's unbelievable. Last night he was looking for Catherine
and now he's looking for Tracy. Oh, I wanted to tell him how remorseful he looked last night and how it
will embarrass him. How many women does he have anyways?

"Who's Tracy?" I asked.

"Where's my goddamn phone? Where in hell is Tracy anyways and who the fuck are you?" He
bombarded me with questions.

I gaped. I can't believe how rudely demanding he is about his things without even recognizing the fact
that I helped his ass last night and how his carelessness have caused inconvenience to me. I certainly

would like to know where my thank you or nice to meet you is hiding behind his handsome facade,

"Wow mister. Look whoever you are, you're inside my room and you can't just curse at me cos you're
mad about not findinfwhat you're looking for in here or your head is hurting! Besides you're the one who
came here and I should probably get a thank you after letting you in and to think I don't even know you
but I still cleaned your goddamn mess last night! And my back hurts because of you!" I raged.

"Yeah, leaving me sleeping on the floor at three in the morning. Thank you." He said sarcastically and
god he's mocking me it's even making me even more angry.

"Okay that's it. You're heavy and as much as I want to drag you to the bed I can't cos you're dead
drunk! Why did you even drink so much when you can't even stand anymore? You're still lucky I didn't
leave you right outside the doorstep and didn't call dorm security on you! How can a man like you be
so.... Mean. Rude. Heartless."

He closed his eyes while sucking in some air through his nose and exhaled heavily. He opens them
again and looked at me.

"Where's my phone?" He asked monotone.

"I don't know." I rolled my eyes at him. It's already too annoying that he only cares about his goddamn
phone which I don't even know where!

He's still standing right in front me and just looked at me. He doesn't seem to move away. He looks
confused and I don't know what he's thinking but I'm sure he's thinking about something. I wonder
what's on his mind right now. He's exterior is so strong that it's too scary. Damn it he's really handsome,
no doubt about that, without those bloodshot eyes from last night.

"Are you Tracy's new roommate?" He asks.

"I don't know who the hell Tracy is and I don't know where the hell is your phone! Now will you just
leave my room cos I haven't slept for three hours because of you! Get out." I push him.

He went silent again and I was hoping he would march towards the door but he didn't.

"Did we...." he keeps motioning his finger back and forth between us.

I arched my eyebrow.

"Did we fuck last night? That's why you're pissed at me?" he asks blandly.

I was shock by how he said it so casually and I almost dropped my mouth. I quickly thought, he's really
a jerk. I was about to respond but am cut off by the sound of a creaking door and suddenly I see the
door swinging open from behind him all of a sudden and another blond girl enters the room. I noticed
that he was still looking at me, waiting for an answer to what he asked. She looked surprise to see me
here in this room as she stands by the doorway. Holy shit, I think I'm the same room with his girlfriend.
She's either the girlfriend or the recent fling or a past fling or an ex. Jesus, it's still too early for a cat

"Nick?" She calls out while she stares at me eagerly but rather quickly.

I glanced at him then back at her then back at him as he looks back to this woman. I'm thinking she's
Tracy. She walks inside the room and headed towards us while my heart was feeling heavy even
though I didn't do anything wrong here. God she is so beautiful, like an angel with a perfect straight
blond hair. She looks up to him.

"Where the hell were you last night?" She asks him.

"I left the party obviously." He answers.

"Yeah obviously. You were too drunk when you left. Wait, were you here all along? You knew I was
there but you left and came here? I was so worried of you did you know that? Did you two... Screw or
something?" she points at me.

My eyes narrowed. "What? No. Hell no." I answered right away. He looked at me and I could see he felt
relieved when he heard my answer and I know he doesn't like the vision of us making out based on the
unflinching look he's giving me. He's disgusted by it which makes me dislike him even much more!
Ugh, as if I'd screw him.

She smiled at me. "Did he say things that hurt you? I apologize for him. He's just hard to deal with all
the time."

I nod once. "He is hard to understand."

I see her smiling sheepishly while he gazed at me piercingly. God why is he so mad at me? I helped
him last night. He should be thankful for what I did.

"Oh are you my new roommie? This is exciting! I'm Tracy. And you are?" She extends her hand.

So you're really Tracy, now who's Catherine? Is he two-timing on her?

"Savannah." I accepted it.

I smiled at her and she seems to be too nice for a troubled man like him. She looks like an innocent
looking girl and he's the total opposite of the kind of man she's perfect to be with. He's too old for her
too. I wonder how old he is. My eyes moved to this tall man who's name was Nick and goodness his
height makes me feel so small about myself. His eyebrows knitted together again as he looks at me
madly but he looked away and turned his attention to his girlfriend.

"Look for my phone for me. Will you? I'm leaving. My head is killing me." He says while he kisses her

Okay that was sweet.

He walks pass us and headed for the door. To be honest, he actually looked like a super model cos of
his physique and he's tall and he's hot but he's got a really sick attitude. He's so moody and hot
headed. God I can't stand any second longer than five around him! Not even a thank you for everything
last night, really pathetic!

"Nick, stay out of trouble. Please." She begs while he halts.

He just nods. "Call Alec when you find my phone."

"Alright. Do you still have the spare keys?"

He nods again.

Spare keys for what?

"Please stop losing it again." She begged.

He nods once more. "I'll see you tonight."

"Yeah. I'll see you. I'll be there."

He looked at me. "And don't bring anyone uninvited, you hear me?"

He walks out of the door as shut it loud. Tracy moved his head back to me and smiled. It was obvious
that Nick was talking about me. As if I would want to go to where he was talking about.

"Your boyfriend is something." I muffled as I sit back down on my bed.

She laughs. "What? He's not my boyfriend."

"Uhhh, okay." I said timidly since I know she'll say he's just a fling. She doesn't deserve him anyways.

"He's my brother." She answers.

My eyes just went out wide. "You're what?! Say that again?"

She laughs again. "I get that impression a lot from people when I say that he's my sib. It's quite the
same as always."

I was still left amazed by what she just said to me. I was still trying to sink it in cos they don't look alike
at all. Well, the hair color is a little the same but the attitude is a total no-no. They're total opposites.
He's mean but she's nice. He's cold but she's friendly. He's dead but she smiles.

"Yeah. He's my older brother. Sorry about him. He's just really moody. It's like he's always on period."
She jokes.

I laughed softly as I watch her walk towards her bed. "I really need sleep. And I'm glad I've finally met
you. Sorry I was out all day."

I smiled at her. "I'm glad to meet you too."


"Savannah are you really sure?"

I nod.

"Let's go out. It's Sunday. You need to go with me." Tracy begs me again while she puts on her brown
leather jacket and puts on her mascara, twice now.

"I've got a novel unfinished." I raised a book and lied that I didn't finish it.

She walks to my bed and sits down, "It's gonna be the last party of the year. I mean for summer since
school starts tomorrow. And it's gonna be epic for sure."

"I'm not really a partygoer."

"Me neither but it's fun and you'll engage to different people." She trailed off.

She exhales. "You'll meet friends. Well my friends. Think of it as a stressor relief. Come on, just one
party. And I'm sure my brother's friends won't let anything happen to us. They'll be in trouble for that."

Then I remember from a while ago how Nick doesn't want me to go with her. He made it loud and clear
that I'm not invited. I don't know why he hates me so much. I haven't even done anything wrong to him.

"Your brother said--"

"I'm inviting you. Forget about what that goofball said. We're going. You're going with me. Now get up
and get dressed." She stands from my bed and smiles.

I pulled myself up and grabbed something to wear. I was wearing a white shirt and some pants and
well, a pair of sweater. Tracy states at me and her look tells me that I'm wearing something

"You do know it's a party." She warns.

"I just wanna wear something that makes me comfortable." I said.

She smiles. "Okay. Well, someone will be here to pick us up. Nick told him to."

I try to fix my hair and watch her doing the same as well. "So, what's Nick around here? I mean who is
he? The way you described him earlier seems like he's someone needs to be scared of."

She looks at me over the mirror and smiles, "He's a frat guy."

Frat guy.

"He's president of Phi Delta Theta." She adds while she was combing her hair.

My eyebrows furrowed since I didn't quite catch what she said. Phi Delta... What?

"He's the frat leader, Savannah." She says with a soft chuckle.

Frat leader.

Holy cow, the guy who I was yelling at and getting mad at this morning was a frat. He's the freaking frat
leader. He's not the kind of guy who needs to mess up with.


Song For This Chapter:

Style - Taylor Swift


Translation: Fate

Origin: Turkish


He is taking my breath away.

He is very handsome. Very very very handsome. Manly handsome. Scruffy handsome. Goodness.
Look at him!

His facial beard is making him even more mature and hot. And damn his light clear blue eyes are to die
for. It's so blue that I think it's almost colorless. I'm lost for words to answer him cos he's oozing with
sex appeal. He's ridiculously hot. His eyes are not heavy-lidded anymore. His very intense and
penetrating stares are making my morning awkward.

Very awkward.

"I..." I trailed off.

Recover Savannah! Quick! I thought.

"I should be the one asking you that cos you're the one who's in my property. You're invading my
space." I said with my arms crossed together while raising my eyebrows at him.

He looks around as if he's looking for something or someone. Maybe he's looking or hoping for
Catherine to be here. He looked over the other side of the bed and then looked back at me. He's mad, I
could tell. He's doesn't like it that he's here or he doesn't like it cos I'm here. Why the hell is he mad? I
helped his drunk ass last night and he let me clean his mess three hours ago. A hello or hey sorry
about last night my name is blah blah conversation would fine for 6AM.

"You should be answering my question. Why are you here?" His eyebrow arched.

I'm surprised.

"You should be the one who needs to answer my questions. Why are you here? What are you exactly
doing here? You woke me up at three in the morning and knocked on my goddamn door so loudly like
you were trying to wake up the whole neighborhood. You even puked on the floor and I had to clean up
the mess you made at three in the morning!" I breathe.

I had to emphasize the three in the morning a lot of times cos well it was three in the freaking morning
and he woke up the shit out of me.

He just looked at me. "Where's Tracy?"

Wow he actually just ignored what I said to him. I don't know if he listened well or he intentionally didn't
listen at all to what I said but god he's a jerk. He's unbelievable. Last night he was looking for Catherine
and now he's looking for Tracy. Oh, I wanted to tell him how remorseful he looked last night and how it
will embarrass him. How many women does he have anyways?

"Who's Tracy?" I asked.

"Where's my goddamn phone? Where in hell is Tracy anyways and who the fuck are you?" He
bombarded me with questions.

I gaped. I can't believe how rudely demanding he is about his things without even recognizing the fact
that I helped his ass last night and how his carelessness have caused inconvenience to me. I certainly
would like to know where my thank you or nice to meet you is hiding behind his handsome facade,

"Wow mister. Look whoever you are, you're inside my room and you can't just curse at me cos you're
mad about not findinfwhat you're looking for in here or your head is hurting! Besides you're the one who
came here and I should probably get a thank you after letting you in and to think I don't even know you
but I still cleaned your goddamn mess last night! And my back hurts because of you!" I raged.

"Yeah, leaving me sleeping on the floor at three in the morning. Thank you." He said sarcastically and
god he's mocking me it's even making me even more angry.

"Okay that's it. You're heavy and as much as I want to drag you to the bed I can't cos you're dead
drunk! Why did you even drink so much when you can't even stand anymore? You're still lucky I didn't

leave you right outside the doorstep and didn't call dorm security on you! How can a man like you be
so.... Mean. Rude. Heartless."

He closed his eyes while sucking in some air through his nose and exhaled heavily. He opens them
again and looked at me.

"Where's my phone?" He asked monotone.

"I don't know." I rolled my eyes at him. It's already too annoying that he only cares about his goddamn
phone which I don't even know where!

He's still standing right in front me and just looked at me. He doesn't seem to move away. He looks
confused and I don't know what he's thinking but I'm sure he's thinking about something. I wonder
what's on his mind right now. He's exterior is so strong that it's too scary. Damn it he's really handsome,
no doubt about that, without those bloodshot eyes from last night.

"Are you Tracy's new roommate?" He asks.

"I don't know who the hell Tracy is and I don't know where the hell is your phone! Now will you just
leave my room cos I haven't slept for three hours because of you! Get out." I push him.

He went silent again and I was hoping he would march towards the door but he didn't.

"Did we...." he keeps motioning his finger back and forth between us.

I arched my eyebrow.

"Did we fuck last night? That's why you're pissed at me?" he asks blandly.

I was shock by how he said it so casually and I almost dropped my mouth. I quickly thought, he's really
a jerk. I was about to respond but am cut off by the sound of a creaking door and suddenly I see the

door swinging open from behind him all of a sudden and another blond girl enters the room. I noticed
that he was still looking at me, waiting for an answer to what he asked. She looked surprise to see me
here in this room as she stands by the doorway. Holy shit, I think I'm the same room with his girlfriend.
She's either the girlfriend or the recent fling or a past fling or an ex. Jesus, it's still too early for a cat

"Nick?" She calls out while she stares at me eagerly but rather quickly.

I glanced at him then back at her then back at him as he looks back to this woman. I'm thinking she's
Tracy. She walks inside the room and headed towards us while my heart was feeling heavy even
though I didn't do anything wrong here. God she is so beautiful, like an angel with a perfect straight
blond hair. She looks up to him.

"Where the hell were you last night?" She asks him.

"I left the party obviously." He answers.

"Yeah obviously. You were too drunk when you left. Wait, were you here all along? You knew I was
there but you left and came here? I was so worried of you did you know that? Did you two... Screw or
something?" she points at me.

My eyes narrowed. "What? No. Hell no." I answered right away. He looked at me and I could see he felt
relieved when he heard my answer and I know he doesn't like the vision of us making out based on the
unflinching look he's giving me. He's disgusted by it which makes me dislike him even much more!
Ugh, as if I'd screw him.

She smiled at me. "Did he say things that hurt you? I apologize for him. He's just hard to deal with all
the time."

I nod once. "He is hard to understand."

I see her smiling sheepishly while he gazed at me piercingly. God why is he so mad at me? I helped
him last night. He should be thankful for what I did.

"Oh are you my new roommie? This is exciting! I'm Tracy. And you are?" She extends her hand.

So you're really Tracy, now who's Catherine? Is he two-timing on her?

"Savannah." I accepted it.

I smiled at her and she seems to be too nice for a troubled man like him. She looks like an innocent
looking girl and he's the total opposite of the kind of man she's perfect to be with. He's too old for her
too. I wonder how old he is. My eyes moved to this tall man who's name was Nick and goodness his
height makes me feel so small about myself. His eyebrows knitted together again as he looks at me
madly but he looked away and turned his attention to his girlfriend.

"Look for my phone for me. Will you? I'm leaving. My head is killing me." He says while he kisses her

Okay that was sweet.

He walks pass us and headed for the door. To be honest, he actually looked like a super model cos of
his physique and he's tall and he's hot but he's got a really sick attitude. He's so moody and hot
headed. God I can't stand any second longer than five around him! Not even a thank you for everything
last night, really pathetic!

"Nick, stay out of trouble. Please." She begs while he halts.

He just nods. "Call Alec when you find my phone."

"Alright. Do you still have the spare keys?"

He nods again.

Spare keys for what?

"Please stop losing it again." She begged.

He nods once more. "I'll see you tonight."

"Yeah. I'll see you. I'll be there."

He looked at me. "And don't bring anyone uninvited, you hear me?"

He walks out of the door as shut it loud. Tracy moved his head back to me and smiled. It was obvious
that Nick was talking about me. As if I would want to go to where he was talking about.

"Your boyfriend is something." I muffled as I sit back down on my bed.

She laughs. "What? He's not my boyfriend."

"Uhhh, okay." I said timidly since I know she'll say he's just a fling. She doesn't deserve him anyways.

"He's my brother." She answers.

My eyes just went out wide. "You're what?! Say that again?"

She laughs again. "I get that impression a lot from people when I say that he's my sib. It's quite the
same as always."

I was still left amazed by what she just said to me. I was still trying to sink it in cos they don't look alike
at all. Well, the hair color is a little the same but the attitude is a total no-no. They're total opposites.

He's mean but she's nice. He's cold but she's friendly. He's dead but she smiles.

"Yeah. He's my older brother. Sorry about him. He's just really moody. It's like he's always on period."
She jokes.

I laughed softly as I watch her walk towards her bed. "I really need sleep. And I'm glad I've finally met
you. Sorry I was out all day."

I smiled at her. "I'm glad to meet you too."


"Savannah are you really sure?"

I nod.

"Let's go out. It's Sunday. You need to go with me." Tracy begs me again while she puts on her brown
leather jacket and puts on her mascara, twice now.

"I've got a novel unfinished." I raised a book and lied that I didn't finish it.

She walks to my bed and sits down, "It's gonna be the last party of the year. I mean for summer since
school starts tomorrow. And it's gonna be epic for sure."

"I'm not really a partygoer."

"Me neither but it's fun and you'll engage to different people." She trailed off.

She exhales. "You'll meet friends. Well my friends. Think of it as a stressor relief. Come on, just one
party. And I'm sure my brother's friends won't let anything happen to us. They'll be in trouble for that."

Then I remember from a while ago how Nick doesn't want me to go with her. He made it loud and clear
that I'm not invited. I don't know why he hates me so much. I haven't even done anything wrong to him.

"Your brother said--"

"I'm inviting you. Forget about what that goofball said. We're going. You're going with me. Now get up
and get dressed." She stands from my bed and smiles.

I pulled myself up and grabbed something to wear. I was wearing a white shirt and some pants and
well, a pair of sweater. Tracy states at me and her look tells me that I'm wearing something

"You do know it's a party." She warns.

"I just wanna wear something that makes me comfortable." I said.

She smiles. "Okay. Well, someone will be here to pick us up. Nick told him to."

I try to fix my hair and watch her doing the same as well. "So, what's Nick around here? I mean who is
he? The way you described him earlier seems like he's someone needs to be scared of."

She looks at me over the mirror and smiles, "He's a frat guy."

Frat guy.

"He's president of Phi Delta Theta." She adds while she was combing her hair.

My eyebrows furrowed since I didn't quite catch what she said. Phi Delta... What?

"He's the frat leader, Savannah." She says with a soft chuckle.

Frat leader.

Holy cow, the guy who I was yelling at and getting mad at this morning was a frat. He's the freaking frat
leader. He's not the kind of guy who needs to mess up with.


Song For This Chapter:

Style - Taylor Swift


Read Love Aint Always Pretty Chapter 2: 2 Kismet By Ellyreiv

Love Aint Always Pretty Chapter 2: 2 Kismet Updated Here. Love Aint Always Pretty Author Ellyreiv update Chapter 2: 2 Kismet,With a gentle caress, he wiped away her worries,With a whispered promise, he vowed to never leave her side,Their love was a sunrise, bringing light to their darkest days,Their love was a dance, graceful and timeless,With a single word, he captured her heart,In his embrace, she found the courage to be herself, Love Aint Always Pretty Has the latest chapter been updated?


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