Novel Name : Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 86: 86 Scatterbrain


- a person who is unable to concentrate



"Can I talk to her? Could you hand her the phone?" I startled.

I began hearing my own heart beating fast inside my chest. I'm nervous?



Who am I kidding?

I am nervous.

"She's on her labor right now. She's asking you where you are." The nurse tells me.

I sigh.

She knows I'm in England. Damn it Dakota. Why did you have to deliver your baby while I'm here?

"I want him to come hoooooome!!!! Arghhhh!!!" I hear Dakota yelling from the background.

I put my palm over my forehead.

"Tell him. To. Coooome. Hooooooome!" She yells again.

"She knows I'm in England." I whined.

I hear Dakota yelling again.

"I can't come home right away. I'm still at the party." I tell the nurse.

"Sir? I couldn't hear you well." The nurse's struggle hearing my voice over Dakota's scream.

I sigh. Of course she couldn't hear me. All I could hear right now is Dakota's hysterical voice.

"Hand her the phone." I demanded.

Finally I hear Dakota's scream growing and growing stronger. Now I know she's closer until I hear her
screaming at me. "Get fucking home now!!"

I pulled my phone away from my ear and put it back. "Dakota." I called out.

"Listen." I tell her again but she's not even listening to me. All she ever cared about was her screaming
and her pain.

"Listen to me." But I couldn't even hear my own voice coming to her.

"Dakota!" I try to call out her name.

"Nick!! Arghhhh!" All I hear was her screams and I couldn't calm her down.

Damn it. I pulled the phone away from my ear because it's already hurting. "Is someone there with
you? Dakota! Stop screaming for fuck's sake!"

I hear her calming down now but I'm sure she'll blow up anytime soon. I know that she was still crying
for pain but calmer than a while ago. Goodness, what does labor even mean and how hurtful would
that be? I don't know how painful that is but it's really killing Dakota right now. She sounds dying.

"Dakota! Answer me!" Useless. She's still crying peacefully.

"Is someone with you?!" I demanded an answer. I'm even more pissed.

She cries.

I waited for an answer from her as I listen to her crying.

I exhale.

"Yes.... There is. Two maids and the butler..." She sounds calm.

"Arghh!!!" She screams again.

"They're outside." She whimpers while saying it weakly.

I exhaled. "Good."

"Come home!" She yells.

"Dakota. England isn't just next door from New York! Get to your senses! What do you want me to do?
Get my cape and become superman?"

She cries even louder and starts screaming again. I could hear the pain from her voice and I honestly
pity her too but she knows I couldn't get back there as soon as I could even if I try to. When I come
back home, she'll already deliver the baby. And I really really hate it when she becomes this hysterical
though it's understandable that she's in pain.

Suddenly she calls out my name more and she gets louder and louder. I quickly pulled my phone away
from my ears. Goodness she does want me to go deaf. I scratched my hair and I don't know what to do
right now. I'm stuck in between going back to New York and staying here because Savannah is here.

"Mr. Wilde she does want you to come home." I hear the nurse now and I think she's holding the

"She says she won't deliver the baby out if you're not here." She adds.

I sigh. Goodness Dakota! You're giving me a headache right now.

"Alright." I say.

"I'm on my way to the airport." I added despite the fact that I want to tell her it's not my baby but I

I don't really care about Dakota if she won't deliver it out if I won't be there but you can't deny the fact
that I'm nervous for her even if it's not mine. As if I have a choice right? I know I have to go back home
because I know how hard headed she is.

"Tell Dakota I'm coming back home." But I honestly I don't wanna leave.

I ended the call and started looking for Savannah. I started heading out of the garden planetarium and
began calling her name. I hated the fact that I have to go back to New York because my fake wife is
about to deliver her baby. Goodness I really hate it so much just thinking about leaving Savannah here
when I haven't even enjoyed much time with her just yet.

"Savannah?" I finally found my way out of the garden planetarium.

To be honest, I almost got lost because of the darkness filling the entire place and I honestly didn't
enjoy the planetarium much because it ended soon. I should've kissed her. Damn it. I know I should
have kissed her. It was one of the most romantic places where I could be with Savannah.

"Where are you Savannah?" I ask myself as I walk along the hallway.

I kept walking and finally found the bathroom. Female, it reads.

I put my hands inside my pockets and waited for her to come out. I leaned my back against the wall
and waited. I was thinking of what I was going to say to Savannah that I'm going to leave right now
when I don't want to go anyways. I take a long while to find the right words to say to her but then I end
up without a thing inside my head because I really don't want to go.

I pull my hand up and stare at my watch. "What's taking her so long?"

Is she even in here? I'm sure she is. It's the nearest bathroom around here. I try to knock again but
there's no response. I knock again. No response.

"Savannah?" I called out as I keep on knocking. "Savannah are you in there?"

No response.

"Savannah?" I called out again.

Damn it. Where could she be?

As I was about to walk away, I hear someone grunting.... Inside the bathroom? I'm not really sure
where it is coming from but then as I listen to it, I noticed that it's Savannah. My eyes widened and
rushed back to the bathroom. I knocked continuously.

"Savannah?" I called out.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I hear her.

Without second thoughts I opened the restroom not thinking if there were other female inside. I barged
into the door and rushed inside then looked for every cubicle, finally I saw her. I stared at her, she was

holding her stomach and water was coming out in between her thighs. My eyes widened over what I

"Shit. You're peeing.... A lot." I say.

"I'm not!" She yells back.

I stare at her longer and that water gushed. There was a huge puddle beneath her. It doesn't smell like
pee as well and we were the only ones inside the bathroom. I began to panic.

"My... my water broke!" She exclaims.

Her water broke.

I try to understand what she was saying to me. Her water broke. Her water broke. It repeats inside my
head, until it finally processed what she said. Her water broke. Her.... My eyes widened.

Holy shit her water broke!

"Nick! Don't just stand there." She says while leaning her hand against the wall and the other hand was
holding on her huge stomach.

What should I do? I froze for a second, thinking what I could do, and a few more seconds before it
could all sink inside my head.

Her water broke... That means she's going to give birth!

"Nick!" She called out.

I hurriedly snapped myself out and rushed towards her. I seriously don't know what to do right now
because my fake wife is on labor in New York while the woman I love is here in England with me with

her water broken. I quickly shove her over my arms and carried her weightlessly. A few women entered
the restroom and shrieked once they saw me.

"Her water broke." I tell them.

"Oh my god! Rush her to the hospital! Quickly!" One says.

I was about to but you're all blocking my way. I thought.

I ran out of the restroom and past the hallways with Savannah on my arms. She's groaning, just like
Dakota over the phone but hers was a little bit softer. She's whimpering on my arms. People were
looking at us but I hurriedly ran down the stairs. She's getting heavier but I still don't bother about it. I
feel her gripping tight on my arm so I move my head to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Hurry." She says weakly.

"Does it hurt?"

She nods while whimpering. "It's getting worst."

I rushed out of the hotel, running towards my car, without caring on telling her husband about this
because I was worrying more about Savannah. She starts to groan louder as I slowly put her down on
the passenger seat. Oh shit she's on labor too?

"Savannah.... I'll take you to the hospital." I say.

She grunts.

I run to the driver's seat and started driving as fast as I could. Savannah started groaning for pain and
the more she screams, the more I get scared. My heart is racing, my hands are shaking and my knees

are honestly getting weak. I don't know where to go because I don't know the nearest hospital around

"Savannah where's the nearest hospital?" I tried to ask her.

She groans. "Go straight... On the corner of that intersection, turn left... That's the nearest hospital."

I followed her direction and thank goodness no cops caught me over speeding. The second we arrived
the hospital, I carried her over my arms again and ran inside the emergency room.

"Hold on there." I tell her while she curls for pain on my arms.

Nurses started crowding us and I slowly put her down on a stretcher. I was nervous as hell for a reason
that this is my first time of encountering such eventful night like this one. I was scared what might
happen to Savannah and her baby. I wish they'll both be ok. I followed the hospital staff that were
pushing her stretcher. My hand was holding onto Savannah's hand and she doesn't seem to let go of
me. I move along the speed of the stretcher while I glued my eyes on her.

"Don't leave me." She says.

"I won't." I assure her.

We finally reached outside a delivery room where I wasn't allowed to go inside. She cries and won't let
go of my hand and of course I won't want to leave her. I want to be by her side even if she'll go
hysterical, I won't mind her screaming for pain.

"Please... I want him inside the room with me until I give birth to our baby." Savannah begs while her
face was full of sweat.

She said our, but then I ignored it, thinking maybe she's wanting to fool the nurses that I'm her

"Don't worry babe." I tell her. "I'll be right outside this room. I won't go anywhere. I promise." I add.

Savannah looks at me and I smile at her making sure that I won't leave her alone. Finally she agreed to
it and I was left all alone outside the room. I take a peak through the small glass window but I couldn't
see clearly cos of the blinds. I walk in circles as I stare at my wristwatch, nine in the evening. I hear her
screaming even more and louder every minute.

Every twenty minutes that passes, I would glance at my watch or I would take a peek from the window
time to time or tap my fingers over my lap. I see her on her bed, she'd calm down for a while then starts
to scream for pain again. I would worry every time she calls out my name or when she screams loud as
if the vein on her neck would explode. It must really hurt much. I would stand, walk in circles, take a
peak from the window then sit back down and do it all over again.

It's already two in the morning on my watch and I haven't left this chair and my butt hurts like hell. The
nurse said Savannah had already dilated ten centimeters and she's ready, whatever that means she's
making me wear this outfit that's fitted inside a surgery room, like those on a movie. I seriously look like
a doctor on this while this nurse leads me to somewhere.

"Where's Savannah?" I asked her.

"She's requested you to be inside with her."

My brows creasing. "Inside with her? What does that mean?"

"You'll be on her side while she deliver your baby out."

My eyes widened from my eye sockets. Holy shit, I'm going to witness her giving birth. She opens the
door for us and I followed her in, I saw a few other people inside while Savannah was on top of this bed
with her legs wide open for this doctor who's about to do what he's suppose to do. Everything inside
the surgery room just terrifies me a lot because I would remember Catherine and what happened to

Savannah is crying and my heart is beating ridiculously fast because I'm so nervous that I might
collapse inside this room once I'll see the baby's head coming out from her vagina. Even the thought of
it, terrifies me so much. Imagine a head coming out from a vagina and even though I love Savannah so
much, I'm still nervous of seeing it.

"Nick..." She calls out to me.

I stand beside her and I quickly held her hand. She takes a grip on it and my eyes widened when I saw
a few bruises on Savannah's arms and a huge dark circle on her cheek. No wonder she winced when I
touched her cheek and arm a while ago. She's hurt and it's undeniably obvious now that the make-up
that she covered it came off. I couldn't believe this.


It had to be Damon.

I curled my fist into a ball as I feel it shaking. I couldn't even imagine him hitting Savannah's precious
face. It just makes me angry so much when I think of it. I couldn't wait to hit that guy on his face and
make him pay for what he has done on her. Maybe this was what Savannah wanted to tell Aries that
she couldn't tell me because she's scared I might find out about it.

"Did you do it on her?" The doctor asked and I think he noticed I was looking at her bruises.

I shake my head. "I couldn't hurt the woman I love."

Savannah was looking at me and I know it's obvious from my eyes, even if half of my face was covered
with this surgical mask, that I was intensely getting angry but I couldn't rage because she's about to
give birth. Now's not the right time.

"He didn't do this on me." Savannah speaks.

"Some jerk did. Nick couldn't do this even if he'll be so mad at me. He wouldn't." She adds.

I leaned down on her and kissed her forehead. "You're a strong woman." I tell her.

I'm so mad right now that I want to go to their house and kill the shit out of Damon for hitting the woman
I love the most. But I know I had to focus right now because Savannah is giving birth and I am the only
one around here for her. She needs me. I pushed her hair off her face and smiled.

"When you deliver this baby successfully, Damon will pay for doing this to you Savannah." I say.

"I will make him pay for what he did to you." I added.

The ob-gyn started instructing Savannah what to do and I just stood there next to her giving her my full
support while my heart started beating faster than a while. I'm too nervous, I couldn't think straight right
now but I know I need to be ready. When the doctor says push, I would hold my breath and push with
Savannah, as if I was giving birth too. Our hands would hold each other even tighter and I would tell
Savannah to breath and that she could make it, that she could do it.

"Push a lot harder come on. It's already coming out. I could see the head." The gynecologist says to

I gulped at the thought of it. Stay strong Nick.

I was close to Savannah's ear, "C'mon babe. You can do it. C'mon."

Savannah takes a deep breath in and exhaled heavily then pushes harder and I was pushing with her. I
could feel myself getting red from all the pushing I was doing. As if my shit was hard as rock that I had
to push it out my anus.

I hope I didn't shit my briefs after all these push I'm doing.

I'm sweating with Savannah. I'm breathing with Savannah. I'm pushing with Savannah. I'm giving
Savannah my full support while she's doing her best to push her baby out.

"You're doing beautiful babe. C'mon. Let's do this. Push harder. Push with me." I encouraged her.

Finally I hear a baby's cry.

A smile came to my face, I'm relaxed once I saw the baby finally out of her. Savannah was trying to
catch her breath and I'm tired as he'll too. She's sweating all over and so was I. I moved my head to
Savannah and she was smiling with little happy tears filling her eyes.

"My baby..." She says.

The doctor handed me the baby and she was crying on my arms. I stared at the baby and she was the
most beautiful thing that I have ever seen and I have ever held. Her cry was life to me and my heart
skipped a beat once I felt her on my arms. For some reason I felt calm holding her and I don't know
why I felt that way. She's so beautiful, so small and so fragile.

My heart felt so happy and I didn't even notice that I already had tears on my eyes too.

It felt like she was my own blood and flesh.



Let It Begin - Griffin Peterson


Read Love Aint Always Pretty Chapter 86: 86 Scatterbrain By Ellyreiv

Love Aint Always Pretty Chapter 86: 86 Scatterbrain Updated Here. Love Aint Always Pretty Author Ellyreiv update Chapter 86: 86 Scatterbrain,In his embrace, she found solace and warmth,In a garden of roses, their love blossomed,He whispered sweet nothings into her ear,With a soft touch, he wiped away her fears,In the silence of the night, they shared whispered promises,With a single word, he captured her heart completely, Love Aint Always Pretty Has the latest chapter been updated?


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