Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Tang Tang smiled apologetically at the little one, “Mummy has something important to do now. I’ll give you a massage tomorrow night, Ok?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo pouted and complained, “Mummy, you’re being biased, you love daddy more!”
“No, no, mummy is not being biased. Mummy has something important to do now.” She definitely could not admit such an accusation.
“But, mummy, if you don’t give me a massage, I can’t sleep. Children can’t grow up tall if they don’t sleep properly.”
Even sleep was brought up. It seemed that the little one’s foot massage couldn’t be missed tonight. After thinking for a moment, she blinked coquettishly towards Ji Yan and asked, “Husband, can you give Bao Bao a foot massage tonight?”
If it was in the past, she wouldn’t dare to request something like this from him but since she knew he was angry for her sake last night, she suddenly dared to be a bit spoiled in front of him. Tang Tang felt that he wouldn’t refuse.
As expected, Ji Yan looked at her for a few seconds. After confirming that she wasn’t joking, he nodded in the end even though he didn’t know how to give others a massage.
“Thank you, husband!” Tang Tang smiled sweetly at him. Then she looked at the little one, “Bao Bao, daddy will massage you tonight, alright? You’ll be able to sleep after the massage.”
Without thinking about it, Ji Xiao Zhuo wanted to reject the idea. He wanted his gentle and nice smelling mummy!
Before Ji Xiao Zhuo could voice his rejection, Ji Yan lifted him and directly took one of Xiao Zhuo’s feet, “Daddy will give you a foot massage tonight, don’t disturb your mummy.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked unwilling at his daddy. Distrust filled his eyes, “Daddy, you know how to?”
Ji Yan fell silent. Under Tang Tang’s expecting gaze, he replied something that even he would not believe, “I know.”
To be honest, Ji Xiao Zhuo wasn’t willing to let his daddy give him a massage but under such circumstances, he couldn’t refuse either. So he reluctantly lifted his foot and said, “Alright then.”
The little one’s reluctant attitude really made Ji Yan want to beat him up.
Ji Yan kneaded on the little one’s toes. He was copying how Tang Tang usually massaged him but, who knew that the little one was already wailing just when he got started. Xiao Zhuo pouted as he criticised, “Daddy, you used too much strength. Be gentle!”
In response, Ji Yan reduced his strength but the little one started to laugh this time, “Daddy, you’re too gentle, it’s ticklish. Use a bit more strength!”
So Ji Yan adjusted his strength again, but the little one still wasn’t satisfied. It would be strange if Ji Yan couldn’t tell the little chubby kid was just messing around.
Retracting his hands, Ji Yan carried the little one off the bed and ordered, “Since you can’t sleep then practice the military boxing sequence! Once you’ve finished, I can guarantee that you will be able to sleep.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo was dumbstruck. Seeing that he had dug his own grave, he immediately yawned, “Actually, I’m sleepy now. I don’t want to practice boxing.”
Ji Yan calmly replied, “No. You can go to sleep afterwards.”
“Because I’ve discovered you have gained weight again. You need to lose some weight.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo was helpless and furiously pinched his belly and retorted, “ I haven’t. My belly hasn’t got bigger!”
Ji Yan pointed at the weighing machine at the corner, which was the one that Tang Tang usually used, “Go and get the weighing machine. Weigh yourself. If you haven’t gained weight then you don’t need to do boxing. But if you have, then you need to finish a set of boxing combinations every night before you sleep.”
The situation had escalated. Ji Xiao Zhuo quickly shot a glance at the weighing machine. Uncertainty flashed across his eyes. Then he secretly glanced at Tang Tang.
Instantly, Tang Tang lowered her head to her phone and pretended to look busy.
Seeing his mummy wasn’t going to save him, Ji Xiao Zhuo wrinkled his nose. He didn’t want to weigh himself but if he backed out now, it would be too embarrassing. As such, he clenched his teeth and breathed in to shrink his tummy before he went to get the weighing machine. Afterwhich, he stepped on it like he was facing death.
Ji Yan took a glance at the weighing machine. It was displaying 20kg on its screen.
“Ah, Ji Xiao Zhuo, take a look at how heavy you are. Do you still remember how heavy you were last week?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked unbelievably at the number that was displayed. He was heartbroken as he put his hands on his head and shook, “Why is it like this?”
Tang Tang understood the pain the little one felt at the moment because she would get the same pain and despair whenever she weighed herself. So she silently went and hugged the little one. She stroked his head and kissed his forehead and consoled him, “It doesn’t matter, Bao Bao. When you grow up, you’ll become tall and thin like your daddy. You’re only temporarily chubby.”
Her words comforted the little one a bit and he rubbed his head against Tang Tang’s stomach.
A slight smile flashed across Ji Yan’s eyes but he didn’t change his mind about Ji Xiao Zhuo’s punishment. “Alright now, Ji Xiao Zhuo. A man always keeps his word. What should you be doing now?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo slowly pulled himself away from Tang Tang and quietly went to the middle of the room. He shouted once and started to practice the military’s boxing combinations. Each punch and kick looked proper and every move had strength put into it.
This was Tang Tang’s first time seeing the little one practicing boxing. She didn’t expect he would be so good at it and she pulled on Ji Yan’s sleeve, “Bao Bao is amazing!”
Ji Yan watched Xiao Zhuo’s movements and satisfaction flashed across his eyes. Even though Xiao Zhuo was chubby, at least he was nimble.
The “Ah” and “Ha” that Ji Xiao Zhuo shouted lasted for about twenty minutes before he stopped moving. His forehead was full of sweat and it was obvious that he was tired.
Very quickly, Tang Tang wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and kissed his cheek, “Bao Bao, you were amazing! You looked so cool!”
The little one’s eyes were shining brightly. He secretly glanced at Ji Yan from the corner of his eyes and said, “Nah, not really, it was alright.”
Ji Yan gave the little one a faint nod, “Not bad.”
The corner of Xiao Zhuo’s lips raised quietly. He was extremely proud of himself.
Restraining her smile, Tang Tang took the little one to the bathroom for another bath. She wasn’t sure if he was tired from the shadow boxing but the little one went to sleep as soon as his bath was finished. He was even snoring.
Who was it who said he couldn’t sleep …
Tang Tang used all her strength to carry the little one out of the bathroom but because she was too weak, she almost fell flat on her face. Luckily, Ji Yan grabbed them on time. Otherwise, there would be a tragedy tonight.
Also, the little one didn’t even wake up after the sudden jerk. Clearly, he was in a deep sleep.
Tang Tang guiltily said, “Husband, it’s my fault that I’m so weak. I’ll be more careful from now on.”
Seeing Tang Tang looking so pitiful, Ji Yan unconsciously pushed the blame onto Xiao Zhuo, “No, it’s because Ji Xiao Zhuo is too fat.”
Tang Tang decided to defend Ji Xiao Zhuo, “Husband, you can’t say Bao Bao is fat. Children should be chubby but he won’t always be like this. His appearance is like yours, he will grow up to look the same as you.”
Ji Yan nodded, “I know.” That was because he was the same as Xiao Zhuo when he was young. He was also chubby but started to slim down when he started school.
“Eh? You know? Don’t you dislike Bao Bao for being plump?”
Ji Yan shook his head, “Boxing is not just for him to lose weight. It’s also to strengthen his body and grow taller, so from now on, he must complete a set of boxing combinations every night before he sleeps. Even if I’m not present, you must supervise him. Can you do that?”
Tang Tang realised she had misunderstood. Therefore she firmly guaranteed, “Don’t worry, I will supervise Bao Bao.”
Nodding his head, Ji Yan’s gaze remained on Tang Tang. She was too skinny. It looked like her limbs would snap from a push. Unconsciously, Ji Yan wrinkled his brows.
Tang got nervous from his stare and stuttered, “Husband, why … why are you looking at me like that?”
“Tang Tang, your body is too weak. You need to eat more during your meals.”
Not knowing where to place her arms, Tang Tang replied, “I … I am already trying hard to gain weight. It’s true, I have already gained 3kg. I will gain more weight in the future!”
Ji Yan couldn’t tell she had gained any weight but it was not enough just to gain weight for a healthy body. Tang Tang’s body was weak. She needed to exercise.
“Just eating is not enough. From now on, take Xiao Zhuo with you to the training ground every morning. You and Xiao Zhuo need to run five laps each.”
“Why?” Tang Tang felt as if she had received a bolt of lighting from nowhere.
“Your physique is too weak and needs exercising. When your physique improves, you’ll naturally gain weight. There are many people at the training grounds every morning. You’ll take Xiao Zhuo with you. Can you do it?”
In her mind, she wanted to shake her head. However, she only dared to nod, “I can.”
Ji Yan was satisfied and reached a hand out to switch off the lights, “Let’s sleep. I’ll wake you and Xiao Zhuo up tomorrow for the morning run.”
Tang Tang felt like crying inside. She couldn’t imagine how miserable Ji Xiao Zhuo would be tomorrow when he got the news.
Bao Bao, mummy is sorry. Mummy implicated you.
At this moment, no one in the room knew that a pair of eyes were staring at the master bedroom door in the darkness from the living room. They stared at the door all night.
Tang Tang got called awake by a low voice. She opened her eyes with difficulty. The first thing she saw was Ji Yan’s expressionless but handsome face.
“Tang Tang, wake up. It’s time to go down for a run.”
Tang Tang blinked. After a while, she finally remembered about the conversion from last night. She immediately withered but she still got up obediently. There was no choice. After all, her husband’s words had to be obeyed.
Seeing that Tang Tang was awake, Ji Yan lifted Xiao Zhuo, who was sleeping deeply and stretched out on the bed. He patted Xiao Zhuo’s bottom while walking towards the bathroom, “Ji Xiao Zhuo, wake up!”
Of course, Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t wake up. When Ji Yan splashed cold water directly on Xiao Zhuo’s face, he immediately woke up.
“Eh —— Daddy, is it raining?”
“It’s not raining but you should wake up.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo opened his eyes forcefully and saw his daddy washing his face. He was dumbstruck, “Daddy, why are you washing my face?”
“Because you and mummy should wake up and go downstairs for a run.”
The atmosphere suddenly went quiet.
After three seconds, a despairing shout came from the bathroom, “W-H-Y?”
Tang Tang, who was in the bedroom, covered her face with her hands.
Ten minutes later, both Tang Tang and Ji Xiao Zhuo were wearing sportswear as they appeared at the compound’s training grounds. Gu Yan Ran was there as well.
Ji Yan came back to wake them up after his morning training. He had to leave when he took them to the training grounds. Before he left, he was still worried and warned them, “You need to run properly. Remember, both of you need to run five laps each. I will check when I come back tonight.”
Both Tang Tang and Ji Xiao Zhuo nodded obediently.
Gu Yan Ran smiled at Ji Yan, “Brother Ji Yan, I’m also exercising. Don’t worry, I will accompany them during their run.”
Gu Yan Ran could be considered to be a soldier. Ji Yan was not worried about her so he nodded before leaving.
When Ji Yan’s figure was no longer in sight, Gu Yan Ran waved at Tang Tang and Ji Xiao Zuo, “Let’s start running. The early morning is the golden time of the day. A morning run is very important.”
Tang Tang and Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at each other and resigned themselves as they started to run.
Gu Yan Ran ran beside them. It was obvious that she had slowed her pace because she was so relaxed it was like she was just taking a walk. On the other hand, Tang Tang was running like a snail and was already out of breath. Even Ji Xiao Zhuo was better than her with his short legs and he was running while cheering for her.
Tang Tang felt ashamed.
“Tang Tang, you normally don’t exercise, do you?” Gu Yan Ran asked while jogging.
“Yes, I, I have never run before,” Tang Tang nodded as she panted.
Gu Yan Ran wrinkled her brows and hesitated before saying, “You can’t stay like this. Brother Ji Yan likes healthy women that exercises. I remember he disliked weak, unhealthy women the most. It’s because of this reason that I started to run five kilometres every day from junior high school to train my body. Before junior high school, I used to be gasping for breath after running two steps. You are better than when I first started.”
So it turned out that her husband liked healthy women who exercised. Then someone like her wasn’t possible. No wonder her husband told her to run every day …
Tang Tang forced herself to carry on running. She clenched her teeth and said, “I …. I will come down and run every day.”
Gu Yan Ran smiled and patted on Tang Tang’s shoulder while encouraging her, “You need to work hard. The Ji family has been a military family for generations. In the Ji family, no matter the gender, they all need to have a strong body. Especially grandpa Ji, he likes valiant women. He even said before that brother Ji Yan’s wife must be part of the military. Unexpectedly, brother Ji Yan didn’t marry someone from the military in the end. It was out of everyone’s expectation.”
Unconsciously, Tang Tang frowned because Gu Yan Ran’s words made her come up with many questions in her mind but she didn’t ask them out loud. She didn’t know why Gu Yan Ran would suddenly say those things to her, but her intuition had always been accurate. She felt that Gu Yan Ran didn’t really like her as much as how she acted in front of her. Gu Yan Ran didn’t say these words to her out of kindness.
Tang Tang went silent and carried on running.
Gu Yan Ran thought Tang Tang would ask her some questions. She didn’t expect Tang Tang not to ask anything. Gu Yan Ran frowned but also chose to go silent as well.
After their run, Gu Yan Ran directly went to the military station to work while Tang Tang took Ji Xiao Zhuo home.
Tang Tang held on to the little one’s hands and remembered that she had never heard the little one mention anything about his great-grandpa before. That was slightly abnormal. Normally, a great-grandpa would dote on his great-grandchild. How come they never contacted each other before?
“Bao Bao, do you know your great-grandpa?”
In response, Ji Xiao Zhuo’s eyes widened a little. He was slightly on guard and shocked as he replied, “Mummy, why did you ask about great-grandpa?”
Tang Tang was getting confident that there was a deeper story, so she asked, “Mummy is curious. Mummy has never seen your great-grandpa before. Why has great-grandpa never contacted us? Does great-grandpa not like us?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo lowered his head and fell silent. He intertwined his hands together.
The little one must know something. Tang Tang kissed his cheek, “Bao Bao, can you tell mummy?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo frowned and thought for a long time before leaning closer to Tang Tang’s ear, “Mummy, I can tell you but you can’t tell daddy. Otherwise, daddy will be unhappy, and great-grandpa doesn’t allow me to say it either.”
Tang Tang pledged, “Mummy promise.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked around. After confirming there was no one around, he said, “Actually, I secretly go and see great-grandpa, but daddy doesn’t know. Great-grandpa doesn’t let me tell daddy about it. This is a secret between me and my great-grandpa. Mummy, I think daddy and great-grandpa had an argument and they still haven’t made up yet.”
“So it was like this….” Tang Tang bit her lips as she contemplated. She felt that Ji Xiao Zhuo’s guess was probably right. If her husband and grandpa had an argument and they no longer interacted, that was the only explanation why she has never heard anything about him after so many days.
But why did their relationship become like that?
Was it because her husband married a woman that he didn’t approve? Then the grandpa probably wouldn’t like the current her either.
That was probably the reason. Her husband was an excellent man. Only a beautiful woman who works and has a good family background would suit him. Someone like her who had no beauty, talent, or background didn’t suit him. If it was her, she wouldn’t like it if her grandchild married someone like herself.
Tang Tang suddenly wanted to sigh. Luckily, there was Ji Xiao Zhuo, a little treasure, that existed so she could have a bit of confidence. If there wasn’t Ji Xiao Zhuo, she would probably be getting a divorce.
She was currently a typical model of a mother relying on the child to rise the ranks.
But no matter how many suspicions she had in her heart, Tang Tang couldn’t ask Ji Yan about it. Since he never mentioned it to her, that meant he didn’t want her to know. If she asked rashly, there would be a possibility that he would be unhappy. It would be better if she pretended that she didn’t know anything.
Gu Yan Ran didn’t appear again for the period of time. Tang Tang didn’t know if she had left the base yet, but Tang Tang chose not to ask. Apart from the morning run every day, Tang Tang was working hard on the clothing she was making. She was pretty much forgetting to eat or sleep, and very soon, she finally completed the gift before Grandma Zhuo’s birthday.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 35 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 35 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 35,With each heartbeat, their love grew stronger,With a gentle touch, he wiped away her tears,In the silence of the night, their love spoke volumes,Lost in each others gaze, time seemed to stand still,She found comfort in the sound of his heartbeat,With a gentle whisper, he declared his love for her, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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