Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

At the Zhuo’s family residence, Ji Yan and the others all had their own room. They slept very well that night. After a dreamless night, Tang Tang felt refreshed when she woke up on the next day.
She turned her head to the side and saw Ji Xiao Zhuo spread out like a frog. He was still in a deep sleep while Ji Yan was missing. Tang Tang looked at her mobile. It was only 6:30 am.
“Where did he go so early?”
Tang Tang got up and washed apprehensively. After she had changed her clothes, she went downstairs. Apart from the servants busying about, she didn’t see anyone else. It seemed like everyone else was still sleeping.
Ji Yan was also not here. Where did he go?
Suddenly, Tang Tang remembered Ji Yan would go out and train every day when they were at home. Tang Tang realized Ji Yan must have gone out to train. The Zhuo family had a large garden at the back. He probably went there to train.
Thinking up to this point, Tang Tang headed to the garden since she had begun to go out for a run every day to train her body. She might be able to run with her husband today.
The Zhuo family’s back garden was very big. Although they call it a garden, it might as well be a big beautiful park. The path was lined with trees, the flowers were fragrant, and the birds were singing. The scenery was beautiful and the air was especially fresh which made one’s mood become good. It was just that the garden was too big so Ji Yan’s figure was nowhere in sight.
Tang Tang admired the beautiful scenery as she ran down the little path. She wanted to see if she could find Ji Yan. If she couldn’t find him then enjoying the scenery was not a bad idea.
When Tang Tang had run for about fifteen minutes, she finally saw a figure running at a distance. Based on her understanding of Ji Yan, Tang Tang could tell that was Ji Yan’s figure at a glance, but there was a pretty figure next to him. It was Gu Yan Ran.
Tang Tang pursed her lips and quickened her strides as she chased them from behind. Because the two people in front were running too fast, Tang Tang couldn’t catch up based on her current physical capabilities. She could only watch them from behind at a distance.
Gu Yan Ran’s steps were light and agile, and her long and soft hair was tied into a ponytail. Her hair flowed freely in the air after every step. She was running effortlessly. Not only could she keep up with Ji Yan’s pace, but she was also chatting happily with him while running and she would move her hands every now and then to gesture something.
In response, Ji Yan would nod, shake his head, or occasionally reply back. Tang Tang didn’t know what was said but Gu Yan Ran smiled radiantly. From behind, Tang Tang could see Gu Yan Ran was very happy and excited. She was different from her usual cool and aloof persona.
The reason was unknown but when Tang Tang saw that scene, her legs suddenly couldn’t move. It felt like her heart was being pinched. She felt sour and uncomfortable. Every time she saw Ji Yan and Gu Yan Ran interact, Tang Tang would always feel a bit iffy. Tang Tang always thought Gu Yan Ran’s attitude to Ji Yan was different from how she acted around brother Zhuo Ji and the others. Tang Tang didn’t know specifically what it was but it was different.
For Ji Yan, Gu Yan Ran seemed to feel …
They grew up together, and they were closer than real siblings. Their level of interaction wasn’t inappropriate but Tang Tang didn’t know why she got that feeling. However, from when she was young, her intuition was like an animal and it was never wrong.
So, maybe Gu Yan Ran really has deep affections for Xiao Zhuo’s father? Maybe she actually likes him?
Tang Tang got frightened by her conclusion and her footsteps immediately stopped. Her heart was thundering like a drum as she watched the two figures in front of her gradually disappear from her sight.
Tang Tang remembered the first time she saw Gu Yan Ran. At that time, Gu Yan Yan did not greet her at all. It was like they were strangers. Gu Yan Ran only spoke to Ji Yan. On the second time they met, which was at the villa, Gu Yan Ran didn’t really speak. Even when everyone was praising her, Gu Yan Ran was the only one who didn’t. There was also the incident at the military housing base. At that time, Gu Yan Ran suddenly spoke a lot to her. She said Ji Yan liked girls who enjoy exercising and Grandpa Ji wanted a granddaughter-in-law who was in the military. Tang Tang didn’t match any of those conditions while Gu Yan Ran matched them all.
Also, Gu Yan Ran called Ji Yan “brother,” but she had never called Tang Tang “Sister-in-law” before. Not even once …
All those things proved that the conjecture Tang Tang had was not wrong.
But Gu Yan Ran was pretty, capable, had a high education and good family background. If such a confident woman like that liked Ji Yan, why didn’t she make her feelings known? Tang Tang believed if Gu Yan Ran, who had such good qualifications, wanted to marry Ji Yan, many people would support her. At least, Grandpa Ji should be very supportive.
Then why did Ji Yan marry someone like the original host? Did something happen in between?
Or was it that Gu Yan Ran did make her feelings known and Ji Yan is also aware but he doesn’t like her, or maybe it was because he was already married so he had to reject her? After all, this world only allowed one husband and one wife. Mistresses were shameful.
What was the truth? What does Ji Yan really think?
At the moment, the little bit of confidence that Tang Tang had from Ji Yan’s praises and recent nice actions were approaching a crisis. Compared to Gu Yan Ran, Tang Tang was just like the common bristlegrass. Would such an outstanding man like Ji Yan really fall for a common grass?
Tang Tang pondered while running aimlessly. In the end, she didn’t even know where she was. When a bench came into view, Tang Tang just simply went to sit down and blanked. Her mind was chaotic.
She didn’t know how long she stared into space when she suddenly felt someone shaking her shoulders.
“Tang Tang, why did you run out here to stare into space alone? Everyone is looking for you!” Ji Yue was panting as she rested her hand on Tang Tang’s shoulders.
Finally coming back to her senses, Tang Tang suddenly remembered what day it was and immediately jumped up in a panic and quickly asked, “What time is it? Where is Xiao Zhuo?”
“It’s almost ten! Xiao Zhuo searched for you for two hours when he didn’t see you after he woke up. He was crying to us that he wanted his mummy. Ji Yan is also searching for you. Why didn’t you bring your phone when you’re going out?”
After touching her pocket, Tang Tang just realized she had forgotten to take her mobile phone when she left. The little one should be really worried when he couldn’t find her. Why did she run here to stare into space?! So stupid of her!
Tang Tang didn’t have time to say much. She grabbed Ji Yue’s hand and ran, “Let’s hurry back!”
Both of them were gasping for breath when they arrived at the waiting room. Zhuo Ji was the first one to see them, “Tang Tang, where did you run off to? Xiao Zhuo is crying for you. I’ll give them a call now!”
It hasn’t even been two minutes after Zhuo Ji’s call and Ji Yan, who was carrying Xiao Zhuo, was running over. Gu Yan Ran followed from behind.
When Ji Xiao Zhuo saw his mother, his tears that just stopped started to unconsciously fall again. He cried as he stretched his arms out to Tang Tang and called out, frightened and with grievances, “Mummy——Mummy——”
Tang Tang’s heart was filled with regret. She ran up and took the little one into her arms and kissed him lightly, “Sorry, Bao Bao. Mummy shouldn’t have left you for so long. Be good, don’t cry now.”
Ji Xiao wrapped his arms tightly around his mother’s neck. He sobbed while grumbling his grievances, “Where did you go, mummy? Why didn’t you take me along? I searched for you for a long time but I couldn’t find you! Do you not want me anymore?”
The little one’s tearful complaint made Tang Tang’s heart break. Unconsciously, her tears started to fall, “No, of course not, mummy will never leave Bao Bao. Mummy just went to the garden for a run and forgot about the time. I forgot to take my mobile as well so that’s why Bao Bao can’t find me. Mummy was wrong. Mummy won’t do it again, okay? Forgive mummy.”
After listening to Tang Tang’s explanation, Ji Xiao Zhuo’s terrified mind finally calmed and his tear slowly stopped. He wiped Tang Tang’s tears with his chubby hand, “I don’t blame you, mummy. Don’t cry. You won’t be pretty if you keep crying.”
Tang Tang nodded as she cried, “Alright. Mummy won’t cry when Bao Bao stops crying as well.”
Very quickly, Ji Xiao Zhuo sniffled, “Then I’ll stop crying!”
Tang Tang wiped the little one’s tears with a handkerchief. She looked up and saw Ji Yan who was standing quietly at one side. When her eyes matched his deep gaze, Tang Tang panicked and instantly diverted her eyes.
At this moment, Gu Yan Ran walked up to them. She wanted to take Ji Xiao Zhuo away, “Tang Tang, give Xiao Zhuo to me. You should go and tidy yourself. The guests will be arriving soon and it won’t be good for them to see you like this.”
But Ji Xiao Zhuo wasn’t willing to separate from his mummy. He kept his tight grip and shook his head, “I want to stay with mummy. I want mummy to carry me.”
Tang Tang didn’t give Xiao Zhuo to Gu Yan Ran. Instead, she apologised to everyone present, “I’m sorry. I have troubled everyone. I’ll take Xiao Zhuo back to our room.”
Zhuo Ji smiled and waved his hand, “There’s no trouble. Quickly go up and refresh yourself up.”
Tang Tang nodded towards them and carried Xiao Zhuo to go upstairs. Even though she couldn’t really carry him, Tang Tang didn’t want to let go and kept a tight hold onto Xiao Zhuo.
Ji Yan pursed his lips and quickly went next to Tang Tang and took Ji Xiao Zhuo from her, “I’ll carry him. You’re not strong enough.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo wanted to reject but Ji Yan looked back at him seriously, “Mummy can’t move while holding you. You still want mummy to keep carrying you?”
Instantly, Ji Xiao Zhuo wilted and obediently wrapped his arms around Ji Yan’s neck.
Ji Yan carried Xiao Zhuo back to their room. He looked at Tang Tang but he didn’t scold her about her temporary disappearance. Instead, he said, “I need to go down and help big brother greet the guests. I probably can’t look after you two. You and Xiao Zhuo shouldn’t run around later. Wait for me to finish and I’ll look for you.”
Tang Tang nodded in silence.
Ji Yan stroked Ji Xiao Zhuo’s head. Then he stroked Tang Tang’s head after a moment of thought before going downstairs.
Tang Tang’s mood became more complex but now was not the time to dwell on her thoughts. She pushed those feelings back and when she tidied up herself, the mother and son’s state of mind was back to normal. Small children were forgetful. Xiao Zhuo was being lively and chatting up a storm to Tang Tang.
By the time they went downstairs, most of the guests had already arrived. Everyone was all outstanding people with high temperaments. They all chatted in groups of two or three about different topics.
Unconsciously, Tang Tang searched for Ji Yan’s figure and found him with Zhuo Ji and the others greeting the guests. He was busy and Tang Tang didn’t know those guests so she didn’t know if she could help with anything. As such, she took Xiao Zhuo to an empty corner to sit down and eat.
The mother and son pair chatted while they ate. They didn’t find it boring.
After some time had passed, Ji Xiao Zhuo, who was sitting obediently in Tang Tang’s embrace, suddenly patted on her shoulder while pointing to the person who just entered. He excitedly said, “Mummy, mummy, quickly look! That is great-grandpa! Great-grandpa is here!”
Tang Tang was shocked. She looked in the direction where Xiao Zhuo was pointing and saw an imposing, dignified, white-haired elder walking in.
When Tang Tang was about to feel rueful of Xiao Zhuo’s great-grandpa imposing manner, she saw four people following him from behind. She actually recognized those four people. They were the people at the restaurant who Ji Yan had an unpleasant meeting with.
Who were they? Why were they with Grandpa Ji?
Once they discovered Grandpa Ji had arrived, Zhuo Ji’s group instantly went to welcome Grandpa Ji. Zhuo Ji, Gu Zhang An, Gu Yan Ran and Ji Yue greeted him respectfully.
But Tang Tang discovered Ji Yan only stood behind them. He didn’t say anything to Grandpa Ji’s group. It was like they were strangers.
It seemed like Ji Yan’s relationship with Grandpa Ji really wasn’t good.
Tang Tang felt like she shouldn’t go and join their conversation because Grandpa Ji would probably just ignore her.
Ji Xiao Zhuo also didn’t go up to Grandpa Ji. He continued to stay in Tang Tang’s embrace and ate obediently.
Apart from Ji Yue, Tang Tang didn’t know anyone. She originally planned to stay in one spot silently until the party ended. Unexpectedly, someone actually came to find her.
“Tang Tang, I didn’t think you would come this time.” A woman appeared and disturbed the quiet corner.
Tang Tang looked up and immediately recognized the delicate and beautiful woman. She was the woman Tang Tang met at the restaurant below Ji Yue’s company. It appeared she had a close relationship with the body’s original owner.
Tang Tang nodded at her without batting an eyelid.
Seeing Tang Tang calm this time, Tang Mi eyes brightened and she sat down on the sofa. She glanced at Ji Xiao Zhuo who was in Tang Tang’s embrace and smiled, “I didn’t think Xiao Zhuo has grown so much now.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at Tang Mi curiously. He didn’t know who she was.
Seeing Ji Xiao Zhuo’s curiosity, Tang Mi introduced herself to him, “Xiao Zhuo, I’m your mother’s younger sister. You can greet me as Auntie.”
Her words made Tang Tang’s heart thump. As expected, this woman had a close relationship with the original owner. They were actually sisters. Then the last time she mentioned her mother was ill was also the body’s original owner’s mother which is now her present mother?
Ji Xiao Zhuo raised his head and looked at Tang Tang and asked, “Mummy, she is your young sister?”
Tang Tang pursed his lips. She didn’t know how to answer the question.
Seeing this, Tang Mi’s eyes became complex and she hoarsely said, “ Tang Tang, I know you’re blaming me, father, and mother in your heart. But I have told you at the beginning, I didn’t purposely snatch your things. I give up all the Tang family’s inheritance to you. Apart from Shi Yue, I can give up on everything else. Shi Yue and I are mutually in love. Even if you forced yourself and married him, you wouldn’t be happy. Do you still not understand this? Could it be that after so long, you still haven’t let go of Shi Yue?”
Who was Shi Yue? When has she not let go of Shi Yue? Did the original owner like Shi Yue and wanted to marry him?
Tang Tang’s mind was in a mess and it was full of questions but she couldn’t say a word.
Seeing Tang Tang stay silent all along, Tang Mi was extremely disappointed and spoke after a long time, “Tang Tang, no matter what, mother gave birth to you. She’s ill now, you should go see her. Mother really needs you now. Just treat it as I’m begging you, alright? Go and see mother.”
Tang Tang didn’t know what she could say. If she could, she wanted to find somewhere to hide so she could avoid the situation.
But Tang Tang’s current display made others think she was a cold-blooded and merciless person.
Ji Shi Yue quickly came over and pulled Tang Mi, his voice was filled with love and regret, “Mi Mi, what else is there to say to this woman? Aren’t you clear about what she’s like? Why are you insulting yourself?”
“Shi Yue, but mother really ——”
Ji Shi Yue interrupted her, “It’s fine. I’ll think of something. You don’t need to lower yourself.”
Tang Mi bit her lips. In the end, she took a glance at Tang Tang and helplessly left with Ji Shi Yue.
Before they left, Ji Shi Yue shot a glance at Tang Tang. His eyes were filled with hate and disgust. It made Tang Tang, the outsider of the situation, feel apprehensive and a slight heartache.
Why did that man hate her so much? What is his relationship with her?
Those two people arrived like a tornado and disrupted Tang Tang’s tranquil mind. It made her thoughts become a mess and she seemed to feel a dull headache.
“Mummy, what’s wrong? Do you not feel well?” Ji Zhuo became worried when he saw Tang Tang’s face pale.
Forcefully, Tang Tang shook her head, “Mummy is alright. Mummy is just feeling a bit tired.”
“Then I’ll give you a massage, mummy. You won’t be tired afterwards.” Ji Xiao Zhuo stretched his chubby arms out and massaged Tang Tang’s arms and shoulders. The little one was not strong enough, so his massage felt like tickles instead which made Tang Tang wanted to laugh. Her mood improved a lot.
“Alright now, mummy is not tired anymore. Bao Bao should take a rest. Do you want to go and play?” The little one was probably bored staying with her.
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at a distance at a child who had the same little gold monkey necklace as him. He wanted to go and play but he didn’t want to separate from his mummy.
Tang Tang smiled and kissed his cheeks, “It’s okay. Mummy will stay here and won’t move. Mummy promise you that you will see mummy straight away when you come back!”
Hearing Tang Tang’s words, Ji Xiao Zhuo hesitated before heading out while instructing his mummy, “Remember, ah, you can’t move.”
Tang Tang pledged, “Mummy promise!”
The little one was finally at ease and ran with his chubby legs. He headed straight towards another child.
So he really did want to play with the other children.
When Tang Tang saw the little one was at a distance, she rested one hand over her heart and the other hand on her head. She wanted to force the sudden uncomfortable feeling away.
“Tang Tang, are you alright?”

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 37 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 37 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 37,Their love story was written in the constellations above,Their love was a melody, sweet and enchanting,With a soft sigh, she melted into his embrace,In the quiet mornings, they shared whispered confessions,In his arms, she found a love she had never known,With a single word, he captured her heart completely, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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