Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

After receiving the little one’s signal for help, Tang Tang slowly started lifting her head. She racked her brains for a passable excuse, “Husband, I think what Bao Bao said is reasonable. There isn’t enough space for all three of us in the bed. There’s no way to sleep well at night so it’s better for us to sleep separately…”
Tang Tang was simply lying with her eyes open. The bed was 1.8 metres big. It was perfectly big enough for the family of three. Ji Xiao Zhuo could even do a forward roll on it. There was plenty of space.
“Not enough space?” Ji Yan squinted his eyes as he repeated the phrase.
“Haha. Yes.” Tang Tang scratched her head guiltily. She summoned enough courage to nod. She really didn’t dare to sleep on the same bed as Bao Bao’s daddy tonight. How should she answer him if he interrogated her later? Her mind was currently in a mess. She could barely say her words properly.
Ji Yan stared at Tang Tang for a moment before asking, “You really don’t want to sleep here?”
Tang Tang could sense that Ji Yan was not very happy. Honestly, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to sleep here but she was too nervous. He was being too unusual today. She was afraid. So she could only nod again.
Ji Yan snorted softly before replying dully, “Fine.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo was somewhat stunned. He didn’t expect his daddy to agree so easily. It was obvious that his daddy didn’t want to agree before no matter what he said. How come he agreed so easily from just one sentence from mummy?
Tang Tang was also in disbelief. She thought he wouldn’t agree to their request. How come he was letting them go so easily?
The mother and son pair remained still without budging. Ji Yan flipped a page of his book to read while asking, “Why are you not leaving? Didn’t you two say you don’t want to sleep with me?”
Suddenly, Tang Tang felt guilty. She felt like they were abandoning him. Wouldn’t he be lonely? There would be no one there to speak to him. He could only read a book silently.
Tang Tang bit her lips. She was going to change her mind. But before she could say anything, Ji Xiao Zhuo ran out of the room while pulling Tang Tang along with him. He went as fast as the wind like he was afraid his daddy would suddenly change his mind.
Tang Tang: “…”
Ji Yan: “…”
Very quickly, Ji Xiao Zhuo pulled Tang Tang to enter the other bedroom. With the speed of the wind, Ji Xiao Zhuo threw himself onto the bed and rolled around excitedly. The originally neat bed looked as if a tornado had come by.
Didn’t the little one’s conscience hurt from abandoning his daddy?
Ji Xiao Zhuo’s conscience wasn’t hurt at all. He only stopped rolling around after getting tired. Then he patted on the bed and called Tang Tang over, “Quickly get on the bed, mummy! It will be just us sleeping together from now on!”
Tang Tang went over to lift him off the bed. She tidied the messy bed up before putting the little one back on the bed, “Bao Bao, don’t you think it’s not good for us to do this? Daddy would be lonely by himself. There is no one there to speak with him and we just left him to sleep alone.”
The happiness disappeared from Ji Xiao Zhuo’s face. He twiddled his fingers as guilt flashed across his eyes and mumbled, “But daddy keeps hugging mummy to sleep.”
Tang Tang didn’t understand why Ji Xiao Zhuo would react so strongly over this matter. It was like the little one particularly didn’t like Ji Yan holding her. At night, it was like the little one was desperate to separate his parents. He would explode whenever he saw his parents sleeping together. It was scary. But the little one usually wasn’t very possessive, as he cared about other people’s feelings most of the time.
Not understanding what the little one was thinking, Tang Tang stroked his head, “Bao Bao, why do you dislike your daddy hugging mummy? Other people’s daddy would hug their mummy.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo’s eyes flashed stealthily as he stammered, “Because I can’t hug mummy when daddy is hugging mummy. I want to hug mummy.”
“Then we can still let daddy sleep with us. You will sleep in the middle and mummy and daddy will hold you together to sleep, okay? Then daddy won’t just be hugging mummy.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo shook his head without thinking. He hesitated before he went closer to Tang Tang’s ear to quietly say, “Mummy, I think there is a problem with daddy. He must be stealing you while I’m asleep. Otherwise, you wouldn’t go from my left side and end up on my right side. Daddy definitely must be doing something!”
Tang Tang stared blankly at the little one, “How do you know?”
“I guessed!” Even though he said it was a guess, Ji Xiao Zhuo looked very certain about it. “It’s a man’s intuition! It has to be accurate!”
Tang Tang was speechless. When did men get intuition? But it had to be said that this little man’s intuition was pretty accurate because she also thought that the issue must be related to Ji Yan.
Ji Xiao Zhuo gave his conclusion, “So that’s why we can’t sleep in the same room as daddy. Even if I do sleep in the middle, I can’t do anything about daddy when I’m asleep. I won’t be able to protect you.”
Was his daddy a monster? Why did she need protection? Tang Tang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Sometimes, it was very hard to understand a child’s world.
“Alright, mummy understands now. Quickly go to sleep. Mummy is very safe now and doesn’t need your protection.” Tang Tang patted on the little one’s back to coax him to sleep.
However, Ji Xiao Zhuo stared at the door and suddenly jumped off the bed. He locked the door like he was trying to prevent a thief from entering.
Tang Tang watched him, speechless.
The little one didn’t mind at all, “I’m afraid daddy would come to steal you while I’m asleep. I can relax now.”
Tang Tang was completely amazed. His mind sure thought things out thoroughly.
As he no longer had to be wary about his parents sleeping together, Ji Xiao Zhuo felt relieved. He messed around on the bed for a while and fell asleep. Instead, Tang Tang, who also usually fell asleep quickly, ended up staying awake. Maybe it was due to the change, Tang Tang didn’t feel accustomed and felt something was not right. She kept changing her sleeping position but she just couldn’t sleep. It was a particularly quiet night as she stared at the ceiling in the dark. Her heart felt like it was in a mess as she thought about the events from earlier.
Although Gu Yan Ran got it wrong in the end and her secret hadn’t been exposed, she couldn’t explain or speak her way out from the evidence Gu Yan Ran brought. As long as someone was willing to investigate, anyone would discover her differences with the original.
No one could pretend to be another person forever.
When she thought Gu Yan Ran had discovered her secret, she was not afraid of what Gu Yan would do to her. At that moment, she was only afraid that Ji Yan wouldn’t want her after knowing the truth. She was scared that she couldn’t live with him and his son anymore. Apart from that, all of her previous fears and worries had already disappeared.
As long as Ji Yan accepted her, she had no other fears. There was nothing else for her to be afraid of in this world.
It was like having a guillotine hanging above one’s head. When it was hanging, one would worry about it every day but when the guillotine finally falls, they would feel relief. Just like tonight, it wouldn’t be all bad for Gu Yan Ran to expose her secret. At least that would give her the courage and a chance to confess her biggest secret to Ji Yan, as she never knew if she should or how to approach the subject before. She even thought if she would ever have the chance to confess about her secret in this life. But now she had decided to confess, even if the ending wasn’t in her favor.
Tomorrow. She would confess to him tomorrow. She would tell him everything and she wouldn’t have any objection no matter what he decided to do. Even if he kicks her out of the house.
Feeling the disappearance of the burden she carried, Tang Tang felt her entire body go light. Since her worries have disappeared from her heart, the feelings that were trapped naturally rushed forth and her eyes started to get heavy.
When Tang Tang was about to fall asleep, the sound of a door opening was heard in the darkness. Tang Tang became alarmed. Her eyes quickly went towards the door and saw it was getting opened slowly. A figure was standing behind it.
Tang Tang thought it was a thief at first, but when she heard the footsteps, she forced down her scream.
Those footsteps belonged to Ji Yan.
Tang Tang sighed in relief. But suspicion soon replaced her previous feelings. It was late. Why wasn’t he asleep yet? Why did he come here?
Out of curiosity, Tang Tang didn’t make a noise. Instead, she closed her eyes and quietly lied still. She wanted to know what he was going to do.
But Ji Yan didn’t come in to do anything else but to steal someone. She was lying still when he suddenly lifted her up. Then he left the room while carrying her.
Tang Tang’s heart skipped a beat from suddenly being lifted but she remembered she was pretending to be asleep, so she could only hold herself back from screaming. She tried to not react as she got carried out. But her mind remembered Ji Xiao Zhuo’s words to her before he went to sleep. He said he was afraid his daddy would secretly come and steal her. At the time, she just thought the little one’s action was funny but it now seemed the son knew his father the best.
But Bao Bao, did you know locking the door didn’t stop your daddy?
Ji Yan carried Tang Tang to the master bedroom. After he placed her on the bed, he also got onto the bed. One of his hands went under her neck and his other hand went around her waist. Then, he pulled her close to him just like the past few nights.
Ji Yan’s action seriously exceeded Tang Tang’s expectation. The closeness between them also far exceeded her bearable limit. She couldn’t control her heart rate anymore and her mind became a puddle of mess.
He… He… What was he doing?
Tang Tang remembered Ji Xiao Zhuo’s complaints to her for the past few mornings. He said she and Ji Yan were holding each other closely to sleep. Could it be like this? Then had it always been him doing this for the past few days?
Did she accidentally find out the truth?
However, something she never even thought about occurred a second later. Gentle and warm lips fell onto her forehead then it went to her eyes, nose, and finally her lips. She could feel his breathing and a familiar scent.
Tang Tang felt as if her body had been electrocuted and forgot to breathe.
“Are you trying to suffocate yourself? Breathe.” Ji Yan’s indifferent voice that held a hint of humor was heard next to her ear. It shocked Tang Tang so much that she almost jumped.
Was he speaking to her?
Ji Yan laughed gently, “You still don’t want to wake up? Do you want me to carry on kissing you?” As he spoke, his warm breathing was felt on her face again.
Tang Tang was frightened and immediately opened her eyes. Her body was rigid and she stared blankly at the handsome face close to hers.
Ji Yan found it funny and pinched her nose, “Hmm, you’re not going to pretend to be asleep anymore?”
“You. You. You. How did you know I was pretending to be asleep?”
“How did I know you were pretending to be asleep?” Ji Yan replied to her with her question, “I knew from the moment I carried you. Your body was so stiff. There was no way you were asleep. Also, your heartbeat was very loud.”
“You. You. You.” Tang Tang could no longer form sentences.
Ji Yan sighed. He gently stroked her cheek and looked into her eyes, “It’s alright. I know what you are thinking. I will tell you everything tonight.”
Tang Tang blanked. She felt her chest heating up but she didn’t know whether it was from expectation or nervousness.
“I originally thought I would be frightening you if I were to suddenly tell you this. I wanted to let you get used to it first before telling you everything. But who knew such a thing would happen tonight. I’m afraid that if I leave it any longer, you wouldn’t simply just be sleeping separately from me.” Ji Yan paused. His eyes were as dark as ink. It felt like his words were hammered into her heart. “Tang Tang, listen to me carefully, I like you. When you were ill, I discovered I have fallen for you. From now on, let’s be a real husband and wife, alright?”
Tang Tang covered her chest and her mouth opened. Her words that came out after a moment made Ji Yan want to laugh, “Am I dreaming? Pinch me for a second.”
Ji Yan laughed from her antics. Then he suddenly clasped her face and said, “There’s no need to pinch you. I have a better way to prove that you’re not dreaming.” After that, he directly kissed her, and this time, it wasn’t a gentle touch of the lips. It was a deep kiss, and his tongue attacked crazily.
Ji Yan completely broke his usual calm and steady persona. At the moment, he was just like a fierce wolf that caught his prey. He attacked crazily while pressing his prey down so she couldn’t resist and let him do as he pleases.
At the moment, Tang Tang was the pitiful prey.
After an unknown amount of time had passed, Ji Yan finally released Tang Tang when she thought she was going to be kissed to death.
Tang Tang’s entire face went red from the lack of air. She unconsciously took large breaths of fresh air and felt like she had been reborn. But she couldn’t look Ji Yan straight in the eye again.
Where was his usual calm, steady, and restrained self?
Ji Yan smiled gently as he pinched her flushed cheeks, “What do you think? Do you still think you’re dreaming?”
Tang Tang quickly shook her head. This was definitely reality!
“Then what do you think of my words? Are you willing to be a genuine married couple with me?”
Of course, Tang Tang was willing, she was 100%, 1000%, and 10,000% willing. For him to like her, it was practically like a dream for her. An extremely good dream! If it was in the past, she definitely would have fainted from happiness.
But, why didn’t he ask about the matter from before? Didn’t he have any suspicion towards her?
Tang Tang bit her lips. She was hesitant and probed, “You … Aren’t you going to ask about the matter Gu Yan Ran brought up? Are you not suspicious of me? What if I am really not the Tang Tang you know?”
Ji Yan went silent for a moment before answering, “Previously, I really thought you have lost your memories. But I realized tonight that I was wrong, you haven’t lost your memories. You’re a completely different person.”
Tang Tang’s heart tightened, “Then you’re still…”
Before Tang Tang could finish her sentence, Ji Yan covered her lips, “But do you know why Gu Yan Ran got suspicious and investigated about you while I didn’t?”
Tang Tang looked puzzledly at him.
“Because… I don’t know anything about the original Tang Tang and I don’t plan to understand her. So I don’t know about the difference between you and her. I also don’t want to know. After you got amnesia, I thought your change was good for Ji Xiao Zhuo and me. I was happy to see such a change, so why would I investigate you? For me, I like the current you.”
Tang Tang stared at him blankly. She had forgotten how to speak for a moment.
“Tang Tang, what I’m trying to tell you is that even if you’re not the original Tang Tang, there is no difference for me. The one I like isn’t the original Tang Tang but you, the current you. So it’s the same for me no matter who you are. It’s fine as long it’s you.”
Tang Tang’s heart gradually settled. She no longer had to worry about it falling and getting smashed to pieces.
Without her knowing, tears swelled in her eyes.
It turned out it was not that he wasn’t suspicious, he just didn’t care. The one he liked was her, the real her.
Tang Tang had never felt as happy as she did now. Tears fell from her eyes, but she smiled more happily than she ever did, “Husband, I’m very happy.”
Ji Yan wiped her tears, “What are crying for, you silly girl.”
“I’m really happy. At first, I was very worried that you don’t want me. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to see you and Xiao Zhuo again. Who knew,” Tang Tang smiled as she cried. She felt so light that she wanted to confess her secret now, “I need to tell you the truth. I’m really not the original Tang Tang. What Gu Yan Ran said is right but I’m not an imposter. I actually took over the body.”
“Took over the body” Tang Tang said those four words very carefully. She was afraid she would frighten him. However, Ji Yan calmly didn’t say anything. His face didn’t turn pale like how she expected either. He was so calm it was like he didn’t hear her say those words at all.
He didn’t get shocked silly, right? Tang Tang was alarmed and went to poke his cheek and asked, “Husband, do you understand what I said? Did you get frightened? Don’t be scared. I’m not a ghost.”
Helplessly, Ji Yan caught her finger that was poking him, “I understand and I’m not scared. I have already thought of that earlier.”
This time, it was Tang who got shocked, “You already guessed?”
Ji Yan nodded slightly, “I may not be clear of what’s inside, but your body definitely hasn’t been switched. When I came back the first time after you lost your memories, I took your hair and Xiao Zhuo’s to do a DNA test at a hospital. You are definitely Xiao Zhuo’s biological mother.”
Tang Tang widened her eyes. She never thought that would have happened.
“At that time, your changes were too great and I thought that maybe you were an imposter who wanted to get military secrets from me, so I had to be cautious. But after confirming your identity, I didn’t worry anymore. As for your personality change, I really never thought about investigating it. Your reaction from earlier told me you’re not the original Tang Tang, so the only possibility left is the soul of the body has changed.”
Tang Tang was astonished, “Are you not shocked about something as strange as another soul taking over a body?” Why was he so calm?
Ji Yan smiled gently and explained, “Truthfully, such a matter is very odd but it’s not something I can’t accept. There are many things that cannot be explained in this world. But because they are unknown, it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.”
Tang Tang really wanted to prostrate to him in admiration. He was so smart and calm. If it was her, she definitely would have gone into shock. But he accepted it so easily while she worried about it so much. She really got worried for nothing.
Tang Tang pouted gloomily, “If I knew you would react like this, I wouldn’t have worried so much about it and would have just told you the truth.”
The corner of Ji Yan’s lips lifted. He turned around and embraced her, “It’s not late to tell me now. So tell me.”
Happily, Tang Tang rested against his chest and told him her true identity without any worries. She told him about her first life without hiding anything.
Ji Yan also listened quietly.
By the time she finished, the sky was already brightening up. Morning had arrived. They spoke through the night without noticing, but neither of them felt tired.
Ji Yan looked at the time. There was an hour left before he had to get up so he gave Tang Tang’s forehead a kiss and said, “Go to sleep now. Have a good rest during the day. I will take Xiao Zhuo to the nursery.”
Tang Tang rested against him and smiled. She felt very happy and relaxed. She had nothing to worry about anymore.
She was very happy!
“Be good and sleep.” Ji Yan patted on her back like he was coaxing a child. Tang Tang immediately shut her eyes and fell asleep a second later.
Ji Yan held her tighter and grabbed his mobile. He sent a text and transferred a sum. If Tang Tang saw the contents of the text, she would definitely be very shocked. That was because Ji Yan had gotten someone to destroy all the information about Tang Tang. No one would be able to investigate her anymore.
Since Gu Yan Ran could easily get the information, anyone who wanted to could also get it. But Ji Yan couldn’t allow anyone else to investigate her again and use the information to threaten her. It was fine if only he knew her secret in this world.
She would always be Xiao Zhuo’s mother, and she would always be his wife.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 54 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 54 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 54,Their laughter echoed through the quiet night,He held her close, never wanting to let her go,Their love was a journey, filled with adventure and wonder,In the stillness, they found solace in each others arms,With a single word, he captured her heart completely,With a love letter in hand, he confessed his feelings, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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