Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Gu Zhang An never imagined his own little sister to have romantic feelings for his good friend all this time. Previously, Ji Yue had mentioned it multiple times to him but he always thought that Ji Yue must be thinking too much into it. Who knew Ji Yue was actually right.
“Gu Yan Ran, Ji Yan is a married man. He isn’t someone you can like. End those thoughts! You can only think of Ji Yan as a big brother!” If Ji Yan was not married, he could have accepted it but Ji Yan currently had a wife and a child. No matter what, Gu Yan Ran had to end those feelings she had.
Gu Yan Ran clenched her fists and her eyes turned red as she said, “Based on what reason? I have loved Ji Yan for many years ever since I was young. Tang Tang is the third party. If it wasn’t for her, Ji Yan would have been mine!”
Gu Zhang An got angry, “What nonsense are you saying? Even if there wasn’t Tang Tang, Ji Yan wouldn’t like you. He thinks of you as his little sister.”
“You’re lying! It was obvious grandpa Ji wanted to connect with our Gu family through marriage. Ji Yan agreed, that means he has feelings for me.”
Gu Zhang An almost laughed in anger by her delusion, “Gu Yan Ran, it’s true grandpa Ji wanted to connect the two families through marriage but our family has many girls at the appropriate age. It was never said that you were chosen. You must have gone crazy after thinking of marrying Ji Yan so much!”
“Big brother, who is the most outstanding girl in our generation? Me, it’s me, I’m the most outstanding. Also, our father is the head of the Gu family. Naturally, grandpa Ji would pick someone who is the most outstanding and can help Ji Yan, so I am the only one who is most suited for Ji Yan! Grandpa Ji would surely choose the best than someone worse, right?
“You!” Gu Zhang An really didn’t know if she was too confident or too conceited, “Yes, I admit based on ability, education, and career, you are the most outstanding. But based on personality, you’re not the best match for Ji Yan. Grandpa Ji is always looking for a gentle granddaughter-in-law who can take care of Ji Yan. A considerate wife to love him. Grandpa Ji has never even considered you.”
Gu Yan Ran didn’t believe him, “That’s not true. Brother, you’re lying to me!”
Seeing that she didn’t believe his words, Gu Zhang An had no choice but break her delusion, “Then I shall tell you clearly, the person grandpa Ji wanted as his granddaughter-in-law is third uncle’s daughter, Yi Yi, he never considered you from the beginning!”
Immediately, Gu Yan Ran froze for a moment before shaking her head in denial, “No, that’s not true. Gu Yi Yi is only an ordinary nursery teacher. Her education, appearance, and income are way worse than mine. She doesn’t even dare to speak out loud in general. How can grandpa Ji think she is suitable?”
“Because grandpa Ji cares for Ji Yan. He doesn’t look at education, appearance, and income. It’s the personality that he is looking at. Yi Yi has a good personality. She’s patient, gentle, considerate, and she likes children. She is much more suitable for Ji Yan than you are in every area. What’s wrong with grandpa Ji choosing her? On the contrary, you have an arrogant personality, strong, and overbearing. You and Ji Yan are not suitable at all. Ji Yan never had any other feelings for you either.”
Gu Yan Ran carried on clenching her fists tightly. She muttered as if she was trying to hypnosis herself, “It’s not like that. Ji Yan has feelings for me …”
Gu Zhang An couldn’t bear to go overboard and said, “Anyway it’s impossible for you and Ji Yan, it’s better if you end your feelings as soon as possible. Otherwise, if our parents find out you attempted to destroy someone’s marriage, what do you think will happen? You should think things through.”
When Gu Yan Ran heard that, she immediately became pale. She held on to Gu Zhang An’s arm and begged, “Big brother, I’m begging you, don’t tell mother and father. I know I’m wrong. I will handle this matter properly.” If their parents found out, they would definitely get her married to someone else straight away. She doesn’t want to marry someone else!
Seeing that she was reflecting, Gu Zhang An became soft-hearted. After all, she was his little sister who he doted on since young. He couldn’t bear to be too fierce with her, “Alright, but you can’t have such feelings towards Ji Yan anymore, ok?”
Lowering her head, Gu Yan Ran made an “En” sound but no one could see her expression properly with her head down.
From the side, Ji Yue, who was packing things for Tang Tang from the beginning, rolled her eyes. Gu Zhang An, that idiot, really believed his sister’s words. It would be strange if Gu Yan Ran really gave up that easily. She must be planning something.
With Tang Tang’s simple personality, she would definitely get bullied by Gu Yan Ran. Ji Yue became increasingly worried as she thought about it.
No, that can’t do, she must send Tang Tang some secret weapons which will tie Ji Yan to Tang Tang’s side. As long as Ji Yan’s heart is set on Tang Tang, Gu Yan Ran’s schemes would become useless.
And so, on the next night, Tang Tang received a secret parcel from a person Ji Yue had sent. The box was wrapped tightly. No one could tell what was inside.
Tang Tang was puzzled as she muttered, “Why is the parcel sent at night? Don’t they usually arrive during the day?”
Ji Yan asked her, “Did you ask Ji Yue to buy something for you?”
Tang Tang shook her head, “No, I haven’t asked her to buy me anything, but it’s probably some skincare products, Ji Yue recently likes sending me those things. I’m reluctant to keep accepting them.”
Ji Yan smiled, “There’s no need to be reluctant. Let’s treat her to a meal in the future.”
“Okay!” Tang Tang answered sweetly. When she was about to get a pair of scissors to cut the wrapping, Ji Xiao Zhuo, who likes opening packages, was already rushing over with the scissors. “Here, mummy.”
Even with the scissors, it took Tang Tang a while to cut through all the wrapping. Ji Xiao Zhuo was getting impatient and asked, “Mummy, what’s inside?” Only a big secret would need so much wrapping.
Tang Tang was also curious about the contents that required such secure wrapping. When the box finally opened, there was only a small box and a bottle inside. What was so special about this box?
After taking a look at the bottle, Tang Tang couldn’t figure out what it was, so she passed it to Ji Yan, “Do you know what this is, husband?”
Ji Yan took the bottle and studied it. He also shook his head, “I don’t know. This should be something Ji Yue packed personally. You could give her a call to ask.”
Tang Tang nodded. When she was about to get her phone, Ji Xiao Zhuo asked, “Mummy, what is this? It looks weird.”
Both Tang Tang and Ji Yan turned to look at the little one and saw he had opened the small box and was currently holding a bra. It was a sexy purple lace bra.
Blood rushed to Tang Tang’s head. Her face was as red as a monkey’s butt. Ji Yan wasn’t much better. His ears turned slightly red but he was much calmer than Tang Tang. He immediately yelled, “Xiao Zhuo, put that down, now!”
Ji Xiao Zhuo was still puzzled and looked at it, “Daddy, you still haven’t told me what it is but the material looks pretty.”
Tang Tang really wanted to find a hole to hide. It was already embarrassing for her son to see such things but Ji Yan was also present! Ah! Ah! Ah! She was too embarrassed to look at him!
This was the first time Ji Yan got a headache from Ji Xiao Zhuo’s vigorous desire for knowledge, but he would not tell Xiao Zhuo the answer this time. Ji Yan went to grab the bra from Ji Xiao Zhuo’s hands and put it back in the box. With a bang, he put the lid on the box and passed it to the red-faced Tang Tang. His voice was slightly hoarse as he said, “Store it properly.”
Hugging the box, Tang Tang ran to the bedroom. She locked the room from the inside then she fell onto the bed and hit the duvet silently. So embarrassing, ah! It was all Ji Yue’s fault that he saw it! Why did she send her such a thing?!
Remembering that it was Ji Yue who caused this situation, Tang Tang took her phone and called Ji Yue. Her call was quickly answered and Ji Yue sounded very excited, “Tang Tang, are you calling me for something?”
Tang Tang kept feeling Ji Yue’s tone of voice didn’t have good intentions and resentfully said, “Why did you send me that?”
“What? What is it?”
“Don’t pretend. You know what I’m talking about. Why did you send me that!”
Laughter was heard in response. The laughter made Tang Tang feel more unease.
“Aiya, it’s for your own good. Didn’t you think your breasts are too small, that’s why I sent you those two sets of underwear. Let me tell, those are not some ordinary underwear. If you wear them, even a flat chest would look bigger! Also, those are enlargement underwear. If you wear it for a long period, your breasts will get bigger. Using it along with the bottle of breast enlargement cream, I guarantee you’ll soon no longer be flat-chested.”
So that bottle was for breasts enlargement. As Tang Tang remembered Ji Yue’s chest size, she wished she would be like her someday and then … ah ah ah … quickly stop those thoughts, Tang Tang! What were you thinking!
Covering her face, Tang Tang complained, “It’s fine that you sent it but why did you send it at night? Don’t you normally send things in the afternoon?” It was Ji Yue’s fault that Ji Yan saw the items. Tang Tang felt Ji Yue did it on purpose.
On the phone, Ji Yue gave a profound “Oh” sound before saying, “Hey, what’s wrong? Did Ji Yan also see the underwear? Did he think it was sexy? Did he tell you to try them on immediately for him to take a look?”
“Smelly Ji Yue, what are you saying! Ji Yan is decent! He didn’t say that!” Tang Tang really wished she could instantly cover Ji Yue’s mouth.
“Che, no man is decent. If he treats you honourably, it’s clear that he doesn’t have any desire for you and that is not a good thing. Also, men like women with big breasts. If your breasts get bigger, I’ll guarantee Ji Yan wouldn’t bear to stop touching you.”
What was Ji Yue saying? ‘Wouldn’t bear to stop touching her’? Tang Tang thought if she carried on speaking to Ji Yue, she would soon release steam. Tang Tang could only quickly end the call and stop talking to Ji Yue.
Before the call was cut off, Ji Yue hurriedly shouted, “Remember to use it. They’ll definitely get bigger!”
“I won’t use it.” Tang Tang mumbled to herself but her line of sight went towards the box. She hasn’t taken a proper look at the things since she was so embarrassed before. Truthfully, she was actually very curious about the items. The underwear she was currently wearing belonged to the original host. It was plain black without any patterns. It was extremely simple. Tang Tang hasn’t seen one with many patterns.
Slowly, Tang Tang opened the box. The two delicate sets of underwear rested inside. One was purple and the other was black. There was lace intertwining which made it a beautiful design. In the middle, there was a band that intersected. It was revealing but it looked very pretty. Even Tang Tang, who was from the ancient times and didn’t have much knowledge of such underwear, thought it was attractive. She wanted to wear it.
Would they really get bigger?
Tang Tang looked down and touched her chest. It was really flat. Would it really get bigger after wearing that? Maybe she should try it …
In the end, Tang Tang couldn’t resist the lure and took the purple set and went to the bathroom. She changed into the new set of underwear. Tang Tang discovered the cup was very thick and the shape looked quite odd. After wearing the bra, her small breasts were propped up and looking from the side, the curve looked much bigger.
Tang Tang was stunned. As expected, Ji Yue didn’t lie. It really looked bigger! If she wore clothes on top, she guessed no one apart from herself would know she was actually quite flat.
Oh my god, how come the people are so clever, they could even do this! Tang Tang was fully convinced by the underwear. She didn’t want to take it off. After having meat and fish, no one would want to go back to eating plain congee and vegetables.
But when Tang Tang left the bedroom, she didn’t dare to look at Ji Yan’s eyes. She was afraid that he had discovered she had changed into the sexy underwear. Fortunately, there was no anomaly in Ji Yan’s behaviour. It appeared he hadn’t found out. Tang Tang finally relaxed.
How could Ji Yan not know? Truthfully, he subconsciously cast a glance at her chest from the moment Tang Tang came out from the bedroom. He immediately noticed it had become much bigger. This was not because Ji Yan was sleazy. People in the special forces were very good at noticing little details. So any changes with Tang Tang naturally won’t escape his eyes.
His mind unconsciously remembered the purple underwear he just saw. Then he started thinking about what Tang Tang would look like wearing the purple underwear. Thinking up to this point, a fire suddenly started burning in his lower abdomen. An urge that men were familiar with instantly rushed forward.
Ji Yan’s expression changed. A man naturally knew what this feeling was but ever since he passed puberty, Ji Yan could control his desires. Especially after having Ji Xiao Zhuo accidentally, he never felt impulsive in front of her.
What was happening today…
Ji Yan’s expression was strangely unsightly. Tang Tang noticed it and looked at him worriedly, “What’s wrong? Your expression looks bad.”
“It’s nothing. I’ll shower and go to sleep.” Ji Yan shook his head and his face looked taut. He quickly headed to the bathroom and he shut the door much heavier than usual.
Confused, Tang Tang turned to ask Ji Xiao Zhuo, “Why is your daddy in a rush?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo pointed his fingers together and guessed, “I think daddy is rushing to poo, not shower.” Because every time he needed a poo, he would rush to the bathroom like daddy just did.
Tang Tang looked worriedly towards the bathroom, “There’s no need to be in such a rush to use the toilet. Unless he had a stomach ache because of the food?”
Tang Tang was going to ask Ji Yan when he came out. Hopefully, he didn’t have a stomach ache, but he didn’t come out after a long time. Tang Tang became certain that he wasn’t well because Ji Yan normally finished showering in five minutes. He didn’t use as much time as tonight.
Even using the toilet normally wouldn’t take so much time, his stomach must not be feeling good. But why didn’t he just tell her directly?
Immediately, Tang Tang went to search for stomach medicine from the medicine box and poured a cup of hot water. When Ji Yan finally came out from the bathroom, Tang Tang swiftly pulled his arm and showed him the medicine in her hands, “Is your stomach alright? Do you want some medicine?”
“Huh. Huh.” Ji Yan coughed. The red flush he just calmed by the cold shower came back from Tang Tang’s question. He didn’t know if he felt helpless or embarrassed. He must have spent too much time in the bathroom which made her mistakenly think his stomach was unwell, but he couldn’t explain either. Ji Yan could only shake his head expressionly and replied, “My stomach is fine. I don’t need to take medicine.”
Tang Tang didn’t really believe him and reached out to touch his forehead, “But you were in there for so long and your face is red as well. Don’t lie to me. Let me know if you feel unwell. I’ll get the medicine for you.”
Feeling uncomfortable, Ji Yan pulled the small hand down from his forehead, “I’m honestly fine. I will tell you if there is anything, ok?”
“You’re really alright?”
“I’m fine!”
Tang Tang sighed in relief and went to put the medicine away. Ji Yan kneaded his forehead as he felt a headache. He thought something must be placed wrongly today, that was why he was like this. That must definitely be it.
As Tang Tang sat on a stool to give him a foot massage, her collar fell down quite a bit when she leaned forward to look down as she was too skinny and her pyjamas were baggy. The view inside her clothes entered Ji Yan’s eyes without warning. Ji Yan could clearly see the purple lace bra wrapped around two fair mounds. He exhaled. There was a dip in the middle.
Ji Yan’s body promptly went stiff.
Seeing the foot in her hands went rigid, Tang Tang looked up baffled. She saw Ji Yan’s expression was strange and his gaze was fixed at a place. Tang Tang followed his gaze. He was looking at her chest.
She immediately knew what he saw. Tang Tang’s face became as red as a monkey’s butt. She immediately went to cover her collar and stared embarrassedly at Ji Yan, “You, you, you.” No other words would come out.
Ji Yan coughed and moved his gaze away. He wanted to explain but nothing sounded right. Should he say ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to look?’
In the extremely awkward moment between the two, a ringtone went off. It was a timely distraction that dispelled the awkward atmosphere.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 45 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 45 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 45,She melted into his arms, feeling completely at ease,She found home in the warmth of his embrace,With a stolen glance, they shared a moment of understanding,He promised to love her until the end of time,She found comfort in the sound of his heartbeat,With a love letter in hand, he confessed his feelings, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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