Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Extra 5

Extra 5

After tossing and turning for two hours, Ji Xiao Zhuo gave up trying to sleep. He got up and ran to Nuo Nuo’s bedroom door. He was going to ask her who it was that she liked, but he hesitated when he lifted his hand to knock. In the end, he wasn’t willing to disturb her sleep so he put his hand down again. He scratched his head in annoyance and returned to his room.
Switching on his phone, he found Hou Zi’s number and called him. When the call was accepted, he immediately said, “I can’t sleep. Accompany me to play games.”
Hou Zi, who was forced to wake up said, “Brother Zhuo, you can’t sleep?”
Hou Zi swore internally. He sobered a bit more and sat up excitedly, “Brother Zhuo, are you feeling ‘unsatisfied’? Hehehe.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo’s face darkened, “Screw you, who knew you’d be so vulgar. I must be blind.” He ended the call straight away.
Hou Zi humphed at the phone, “He’s definitely too embarrassed to admit it. We’re both guys. Did you think I won’t understand? What is there to be embarrassed about, hehe, it looks like I need to take the initiative to rescue a youngster from insomnia.”
Two minutes later, Ji Xiao Zhuo, who was still awake, received a video file from Hou Zi. The video was called: A god-level tool to treat insomnia.
Since Ji Xiao Zhuo was currently troubled from not being able to sleep, he thought Hou Zi sent him a hypnosis video or something similar judging by the file name. So he put on his earphones and opened the video.
Ten minutes later, he saw a scene of the male and female lead melding together and the female lead was making moaning sounds. Ji Xiao Zhuo swore. His face turned red. He was tricked into his first time watching p*rn.
Ji Xiao Zhuo clenched his teeth, “Damn Hou Zi, I’ll beat you up tomorrow.”
They have reached the age where they were curious about the opposite sex. Particularly the boys’ curiosity which got awakened earlier than the girls. Many boys would watch those types of videos. Ji Xiao Zhuo was aware of that but he was never interested. When other people invited him to watch those videos, he would refuse. He thought if there was time to watch those unhealthy things, he might as well go and play basketball.
So when he saw this unexpectedly, he immediately closed the video with his face still red. He buried his face into his pillow and he shut his eyes as he tried to hypnotize himself to sleep.
Sitting with a straight back, Nuo Nuo sat in front of her desk as she did her homework. She was biting her pen and her brows were slightly wrinkled. It seemed like she met with some difficulty.
It must be a question that she was stuck on.
Seeing this scene, Ji Xiao Zhuo smiled and went to take the pen away from her mouth. “How many times have I told you not to bite pens. It’s dirty.”
Nuo Nuo smiled. She looked at him with bright eyes and silently promised not to bite pens again.
Whenever she was like this, he could never do anything about it. As long as she smiled, he simply couldn’t get angry.
With no other choice, he sighed and sat down beside her, “Which question are you stuck on? I’ll explain it to you.”
Nuo Nuo hurriedly pointed at the question she didn’t understand.
His gaze fell on her fair and slender finger for two seconds. He felt dry inside. Then he forced his gaze away to look at the question, and slowly started to explain.
After his explanation, everything became clear to Nuo Nuo. As usual, she smiled at him sweetly, “You’re amazing, Brother Zhuo.”
Immediately, his chest felt very comfortable. He moved his face closer and said, “Then how are you going to thank me?”
Nuo Nuo smiled shyly. Just like when they were at nursery, she slowly moved closer and kissed his cheeks. Then she retreated quickly with a blushing face. She looked especially pretty.
He stared at her face, which was nearby, blankly. He suddenly realized his little Nuo Nuo had actually grown up without him noticing. She was no longer the same little girl. She had become a beautiful young lady. A very, very beautiful young lady, especially her large bright eyes. When she looked at him, it felt like she could steal his heart away.
Ji Xiao Zhuo felt his heart thumping uncontrollably. It felt like she had something on her which made her incredibly attractive. Unconsciously, he got closer and closer to her.
“Brother Zhuo, what are you doing?” Nuo Nuo asked him in confusion.
He didn’t hear what she said. He just saw her red lips. For some reason, he suddenly felt thirsty and he wanted to know what her lips tasted like.
With this hunger, he gravitated towards her. He covered her lips with his and started to suck fervently.
Sweet. It was really sweet. It was so sweet that he didn’t want to let go. He wanted more. Kissing wasn’t enough. He wanted to touch her. His hand moved as he pleased. He moved his hand under her skirt and touched her soft and tender skin. He felt like there was something throbbing in his pants.
“Xiao Zhuo…”
At the crucial moment, a shout took Ji Xiao Zhuo away from that moment. He opened his eyes and saw a white ceiling. He was currently lying in his bed.
He reached for his heart and he could still feel the uncontrollable heart rate but he was the only person in the room…
When he moved, he could feel the stickiness below. He understood what had happened.
In an instant, Ji Xiao Zhuo’s expression turned unsightly. He simply couldn’t believe that he had such a dream. He actually had such a shameful dream and he dreamed of Nuo Nuo.
Nuo Nuo was his little sister! A sister who he grew up with! How can he have such a dream?!
In his life, Ji Xiao Zhuo had never felt so disgusted with himself as he did now. He even suspected that his brain was broken. Otherwise, why else would he have such a dream?
When Ji Xiao Zhuo’s mind was becoming more muddled, Tang Tang knocked on his bedroom door again, “Xiao Zhuo, wake up or you’ll be late.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo had to force down his disorderly thoughts and lifted his blanket away to get off the bed, “I know, mum. I’m getting up now.”
After hearing a response, Tang Tang relaxed and went back to make breakfast.
Ji Xiao Zhuo went to the bathroom to change his underwear. Even though he came out with his usual expression on his face, only he knew how complex his feelings were inside, especially when he saw Nuo Nuo. His gaze couldn’t help but keep going back to her. This made him feel like he was a beast.
For the rest of the day, Ji Xiao Zhuo’s mind was constantly floating around. His mind kept bringing up the dream from last night. He knew he shouldn’t think about it but he just couldn’t control himself. He truly didn’t know why he was like this. Also, he couldn’t ask anyone about it. With no other choice, he took out his phone and posted a question on an online forum.
[Why would I dream about being intimate with a girl? I always thought of her as my little sister. Is my brain broken?]
A lot of people replied instantly.
[OP, your brain isn’t broken. It’s just your mind thinking about the girl.]
*OP: Original Poster
[OP, how old are you? You’re too innocent. Such a thing doesn’t need to be asked, you must be having indecent thoughts for her. All men understand.]
[OP, stop lying to yourself. What sister? That’s just false. You definitely don’t think of her as a little sister in your heart unless you’re a pervert.]
[Agree with above. You simply like her. Don’t use treating her like a sister to lie to yourself.]
[If OP wants to know about your own feelings, just stare at the girl and imagine kissing her. If you feel expectation and excitement instead of repulsiveness, then without a doubt, you have other thoughts for her.]
Upon seeing the last comment, Ji Xiao Zhuo clenched his fists. After a long time, he turned to look at Nuo Nuo as she focused in class.
If he were to kiss her now, he alarmingly discovered that he wouldn’t reject the idea at all. Instead, he realized he really wanted to kiss her as he did in his dream.
Could it be that he had really fallen for Nuo Nuo?
Ji Xiao Zhuo was a cool-headed type of person. Up till now, he had only shown another side of him to Nuo Nuo. He forced himself to calm down. He suddenly realized something was fishy as he used a third-person perspective to view his treatment towards Nuo Nuo.
He disliked Nuo Nuo interacting with other boys too often. He didn’t like Nuo Nuo giving him the cold shoulder. He even couldn’t accept Nuo Nuo finding a boyfriend. In the past, he always thought that was simply puppy love, but now, he realized it wasn’t the case. He just simply couldn’t accept Nuo Nuo liking another boy.
If it was him that Nuo Nuo liked, it seemed …. he wouldn’t be opposed to it at all.
Suddenly, Ji Xiao Zhuo widened his eyes. The conclusion he came to made him feel complicated, surprised, shocked, frantic, and a bit of happiness that couldn’t be concealed.
It turned out, he didn’t treat Nuo Nuo as a little sister. The feelings he had for her wasn’t familial love, it was romantic love.
Ji Xiao Zhuo sat quietly for a while as he absorbed this fact. He suddenly couldn’t help but hit his head before laughing.
Nuo Nuo heard the quiet laughter. She turned and looked at him, puzzled. By using her gaze, she silently asked him what was wrong.
Ji Xiao Zhuo stared at her face but he didn’t speak. His smile deeply which made Nuo Nuo’s heart jump. Quickly, she looked away as she didn’t dare to look at him anymore.
After school, Hou Zi came along with the basketball team to find Ji Xiao Zhuo to play, “Brother Zhuo, come and play basketball with us tonight. There’s a group who wants to challenge us to a game. We can’t do it without you.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo took a glance at Nuo Nuo and Zhu Zi Xiao who were walking side by side not too far away. His hands trembled. Then he waved his hand at the team, “I’m busy today. I need to take Nuo Nuo home.”
The group who were abandoned again, “…”
“Has anyone else noticed that Brother Zhuo’s been staying around his little sister Nuo Nuo recently? Did something happen that we’re not aware of?
“That’s true. How come Brother Zhuo suddenly needs to personally walk Nuo Nuo home? Can’t Zhu Zi Xiao do it. They both go in the same direction.”
Hou Zi touched his chin as he watched Nuo Nuo who wasn’t too far away, “I think I can understand. Our little sister Nuo Nuo is very pretty and junior high is not as safe as elementary school. There are so many wolves. Of course, Brother Zhuo needs to watch over her more closely. If I had a pretty and clever little sister, I would also keep an eye on her every day.”
The remaining people thought what Hou Zi said was reasonable. They finally understood why Ji Xiao Zhuo chose to send his sister home instead of playing basketball.
Brother Zhuo was truly a good big brother.
Ji Xiao Zhuo, the good brother that everyone was calling him, was currently stopping his bike next to Nuo Nuo, “Get on. I’ll take you home, Nuo Nuo.”
Nuo Nuo took a glance at Zhu Zi Xiao. As she was going to refuse, Zhu Zi Xiao spoke first. He waved his hand and said, “Go on, Nuo Nuo. It just happens that I don’t want to walk today. I’ll get a taxi home.”
Nuo Nuo nodded at this and obediently got on the back of the bike.
Ji Xiao Zhuo gave Zhu Zi Xiao a satisfied look then he quickly peddled away.
Zhu Zi Xiao wiped the sweat off his forehead and secretly sighed in relief. If he wasn’t tactful just now, he guessed Brother Zhuo would sort him out. He didn’t know why, but Brother Zhuo had been looking at him with a gaze that made him feel terrified recently. It was like Brother Zhuo saw him as a wolf trying to lure Nuo Nuo, but he obviously saw Nuo Nuo as a little sister. He didn’t dare to charm Nuo Nuo.
Ji Xiao Zhuo quickly peddled the bike that was carrying Nuo Nuo but he didn’t take her home. Instead, he brought her to the riverside. He sat on the river bank and stared at the water.
Confused, Nuo Nuo asked, “Why did you bring me here? Aren’t we going home? Auntie is waiting for us.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked into the distance, “I have already spoken to mum. It’s fine if we get home a bit later.”
“Oh.” Nuo Nuo didn’t ask any more questions and sat down beside him.
Ji Xiao Zhuo took a deep breath. The mess in his brain had already dissipated. He was extremely clear-headed at the moment. It was clear that he liked her. It couldn’t be concealed. Men should be straightforward. They should strive for the person they like. In any case, Nuo Nuo wasn’t his biological sister. Technically, they were childhood friends – so it was fine.
But they were still young. He guessed Nuo Nuo didn’t understand things as he did. He would be crazy to do something to Nuo Nuo now. However, he remembered Nuo Nuo already had someone she liked. If he doesn’t do something now, what should he do if someone else moved first? After all, he couldn’t constantly keep an eye on Nuo Nuo at all times.
Nuo Nuo was his. No one else can touch her. In order to prevent that situation from happening, he would strike first and gain the upper hand.
That was why he brought her here.
After clearing his throat, Ji Xiao Zhuo started to say, “Nuo Nuo, I brought you here because I have something to tell you.”
Nuo Nuo looked at him and made an “En” sound. Then she quietly waited for him to speak.
Ji Xiao Zhuo clenched his fists and pressed them against the edge of his lips, “Nuo Nuo, do you really have someone you like in your heart?”
Nuo Nuo nodded.
Dejection flashed across his eyes, but Ji Xiao Zhuo carried on, “Then what if another boy likes you, he grew up together with you and treats you really well, would you consider accepting him?”
Nuo Nuo’s eyelashes trembled. She slowly lifted her head and looked into his eyes and asked, “Who?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo clenched his teeth, “A boy who grew up with you and treats you well. Who else could it be?”
Nuo Nuo blinked. Her mouth slightly agape. She looked silly.
Ji Xiao Zhuo couldn’t help and kneaded her face and coarsely asked, “Speak, what do you think?”
Nuo Nuo’s face was being kneaded into a bun but she didn’t care. She stared stupidly at Ji Xiao Zhuo for a long time before nodding gently.
It was Ji Xiao Zhuo’s turn to be dumbfounded.
Did she nod so easily? He was prepared to be rejected and made many plans to persuade her otherwise, but he didn’t need to use any of it?
“Nuo Nuo, do you know what this nod means?”
With her large and clear eyes open, Nuo Nuo nodded.
Suddenly, Ji Xiao Zhuo started to laugh. He pulled her into his embrace and rubbed her with all his strength, “You nodded. I’ll treat it as you agreed. You can’t take it back. If you dare to back out, I’ll smack your little bottom!”
Obediently, Nuo Nuo nodded again.
Ji Xiao Zhuo, who didn’t feel ashamed of his confession or threat towards the other party, dashed forward and howled against the water surface. A second later, he lifted Nuo Nuo up horizontally and spun around. This frightened Nuo Nuo as she clung to his neck and didn’t dare to let go. She only got down when she almost felt faint from dizziness.
Ji Xiao Zhuo lifted Nuo Nuo’s chin up. Then he threatened her like an evil tyrant, “Classmate Wen Nuo, you’re my girlfriend from now on. Do you understand?”
Nuo Nuo nodded once again.
“No matter who you liked before, you cannot like him anymore, alright?”
Nuo Nuo carried on nodding.
“From now on, you can only like me, ok?”
Nuo Nuo nodded again.
“Good.” Even though the agreement came from threats, Ji Xiao Zhuo was still joyous. He couldn’t help but stoop down and kissed her forehead, “Nuo Nuo is so obedient.”
Nuo Nuo lowered her head. The corner of her lips lifted secretly. He thought she only agreed because of the threat. Little did he know that he was the person she waited for a very long time.
She never wanted to be Ji Xiao Zhuo’s sister. She wanted to be Ji Xiao Zhuo’s only love.
From when he took her home from the nursery, she told herself that she would never separate from him in this life.
Fortunately, this was the result of exhausting all her thoughts and plans. She was not disappointed.
He had finally realized it.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Extra 5 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Extra 5 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Extra 5,He promised to love her until the end of time,With a stolen glance, they shared a moment of understanding,His eyes sparkled with affection as he looked at her,Every moment spent together felt like a dream,In his eyes, she saw her reflection - pure love,Their love was a sunrise, bringing light to their darkest days, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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