Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Ji Yan was very amused with Tang Tang’s expression.
“You’re still smiling!” Tang Tang stomped her feet. She thought he had turned completely bad. Usually, he was very solemn and cold. The children would be afraid when they saw him. His underlings were also afraid of him, but he was clearly being a bad person in these moments.
“Ok, ok, ok, I’m not smiling now. Let’s talk about something serious. Come over and sit here.” If he teased anymore, she would get really angry so Ji Yan quickly pacified her.
Tang Tang made a humph sound. She wrinkled her nose and went to sit on the chair. She was determined not to sit on the bed as she was afraid he would do something bad again.
Ji Yan didn’t dare to carry on teasing her, he pulled on her hand asked, “Why are you here? What about the children?”
Tang Tang paused before replying quietly, “The children are napping at home. I was worried about you so I came over.”
Ji Yan raised his brows. He could instantly tell Tang Tang concealed something from him. According to Tang Tang’s usual self, she would never feel at ease to leave the children at home, so she must have found someone to look after them. But who could it be and why didn’t she simply tell him?
“Tang Tang, is there someone else at home?”
Sighing in her heart, Tang Tang knew nothing could be kept from him. Unconsciously, she twiddled her fingers together just like how Ji Xiao Zhuo does whenever he got nervous, and replied guiltily, “When I … I returned before, we saw grandpa so …”
Ji Yan blanked. He never expected that answer.
Tang Tang didn’t know what happened between him and grandpa Ji, and he had never mentioned it to her. Seeing that he didn’t speak, she explained with uncertainty while observing his expression, “When you were in A&E, grandpa came. He only left when you were out of the critical stage. But he would still come back every day in the early morning to watch over you. He hasn’t eaten or slept well and lost a lot of weight. When I took Xiao Zhuo back, we saw grandpa’s car and he was resting in the car. The guard said he wasn’t willing to go home. I couldn’t bear to see an elder like that, so I took him home to give him food and let him get some rest.”
There was no expression on Ji Yan’s face and he didn’t speak either, so Tang Tang couldn’t guess what he was thinking. Suddenly, she felt nervous and kneaded on Ji Yan’s fingers while asking, “Dear, did I do something wrong? Don’t stay quiet. If I did something wrong, you need to tell me.”
Smoothing his lips, Ji Yan shook his head slowly, “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just didn’t think grandpa would also be here.”
Seeing he truly wasn’t angry, Tang Tang hesitantly said, “Grandpa has always been here. No matter who persuaded him, he wouldn’t return. Dear, I think grandpa really cares about you.”
There was more pressure on Ji Yan’s lips. He didn’t speak for a long time and the emotion in his eyes was difficult to recognize.
When Tang Tang thought he wasn’t going to speak anymore, he suddenly said, “Tang Tang, tell grandpa to come to the ward tonight.”
“Ah?” Tang Tang was startled, “Dear, did you say to let grandpa come and visit you?”
“En” Ji Yan replied faintly. He massaged her hand and slowly said, “Tell him to come. Let Xiao Zhuo tell him. Grandpa dotes on Xiao Zhuo. He’ll definitely come.”
Tang Tang was surprised, “Dear, how do you know Xiao Zhuo will succeed? Xiao Zhuo said –” Didn’t Xiao Zhuo say his daddy didn’t know he and great-grandpa see each other occasionally? He told her to keep it a secret too.
What was going on?
Ji Yan laughed gently, “Did that kid tell you to keep it a secret and not to let me know about him meeting grandpa?”
Tang Tang blinked. How did he know?
As Ji Yan remembered how Ji Xiao Zhuo looked whenever he tried to hide something from him, Ji Yan found it funny. “Honestly, I knew he and grandpa would secretly meet up together. That kid thought he hid it really well, but there were a couple of times when the smell of KFC would overflow his mouth and he still wanted to hide it from me. Even a fool can make the correct guess but I just pretended that I didn’t know.”
Tang Tang now knew where the little one had exposed himself. It turned out the big fox always knew and pretended not to know while the little fox thought he concealed it well. It appeared the little fox was still inexperienced.
But there was still something that Tang Tang didn’t understand, “Dear, you actually don’t oppose grandpa and Xiao Zhuo meeting together but why is your relationship with grandpa like this now? I really don’t understand.”
“That’s a long story.” Ji Yan sighed, “I’ll tell you when we return home.”
“Okay, let’s speak about it later.” Tang Tang knew this wasn’t a good place to speak privately. Then she changed the topic that was currently important, “Dear, I will really tell grandpa to come. But when grandpa comes, you need to take the initiative and greet him. Grandpa looks like someone who has a lot of pride. You will be wronged a little but treat it as yielding to an elder.”
It was impossible for grandpa to take the initiative and speak to Ji Yan first.
Ji Yan smiled and pinched her cheeks, “It seems like you have already experienced grandpa’s temperament.”
Tang Tang nodded. She had experienced it. Immediately, she copied grandpa Ji’s manner. With her hands behind her back, she made a faint “en” sound with no expression.
“You imitated him really well.” Ji Yan was amused by her imitation.
“That’s because grandpa constantly has that one expression, haha.”
“Grandpa probably doesn’t like you a lot at the moment but don’t put it to heart. He will change when he sees your merits. Grandpa isn’t someone who can’t see people clearly.”
Tang Tang knew he was comforting her. He was afraid she would be upset from grandpa’s attitude. Taking his hand from her face, she rubbed it and said, “Of course, I won’t take it to heart. After all, grandpa isn’t aware of my situation. It’s normal for him to dislike me. This clearly shows grandpa cares about you. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t care about what kind of wife you married.”
Ji Yan’s smile gradually faded as he replied with an “En” sound.
Grandpa really did love him. His grandpa looked after him from when he was still baby drinking milk and didn’t understand anything. He was personally taught by his grandpa about everything like walking, speaking, eating, and studying etc. He remembered when he was younger, his grandpa would put him on his shoulders as they went everywhere. His grandpa took him to see a tank shooting and aircraft. Taking him to see everything he liked. Even though he didn’t receive a father or mother’s love, he was still very happy.
It was grandpa who brought him up step by step. Taking him to see the wonders of this world.
But later…
Ji Yan blinked. As he remembered the past, he couldn’t help but feel his throat choke up.
This time, he almost died. He almost thought he couldn’t get past the critical stage. When he was on the verge of death, there was one more person he couldn’t let go of apart from Tang Tang and Xiao Zhuo and that was grandpa. When his life flashed by him, he felt regretful. He regretted not reconciling with his grandpa. He regretted his stubbornness and didn’t let go of the grudge in his heart. Compared to his grandpa who bought him up, what was so important about the grudge and stubbornness?
Humans would only see things clearly when they were about to lose something.
Luckily, he still had the chance to make up for it.
Ji Yan opened his eyes again. His eyes looked happy like he was released from a burden, “Tang Tang, persuade grandpa to eat here together tonight. Consider it a simple family meal and let grandpa stay over at home after the meal. Let the elder rest properly from a night to raise his spirits.
“En. En.” Tang Tang could see the relief in his eyes. She felt happy for him in her heart. Naturally, she agreed, “Dear, tell me what grandpa’s favourite foods are and I’ll make them tonight for him. Our dinner should be sumptuous tonight. Let us have a good family meal.”
Ji Yan naturally knew what his grandpa liked to eat. No one knew better than him, “Actually, grandpa’s favourite foods are simple. He’s from the North and likes flour-based foods, especially large white mantou. He’ll definitely like it if you steam two large authentic mantou. He really dislikes the ones sold outside as he thinks the taste is not authentic and it’s full of food additives.”
“Just that simple?” And Tang Tang thought the old man’s requirements would be very high. It turned out that he liked mantou?
“It’s just that simple. If you make some braised pig trotters, he would be happier.” Generally, people would think with grandpa’s status and position, he would certainly enjoy exotic and luxurious delicacies but his favourite food was actually very simple.
“There’s really nothing else? Nothing I need to take note of?” Seeing Ji Yan didn’t speak, Tang Tang urged him to continue. She felt it was too simple.
Ji Yan kneaded her hands, “Relax, there really isn’t anything else. Just leave everything else to Ji Xiao Zhuo. With Ji Xiao Zhuo present, grandpa will definitely feel happy.”
Tang Tang remembered grandpa’s docile and obedient manner with Ji Xiao Zhuo and realized she really didn’t need to worry. With the little one who knew how to coax people, she didn’t need to worry about grandpa being unhappy.
It seemed like she just needed to cook well.
Considering tonight’s dinner was extremely important, Tang Tang immediately started to think about what she needed to prepare. When she finished thinking, she hurriedly went to the market to buy the ingredients.
However, before she left, Tang Tang went to explain to Sun Yi that he didn’t need to eat from the canteen and he should eat with them.
Sun Yi, who would be courteous before, immediately forgot about being polite after having a taste of Tang Tang’s cooking. He nodded readily and felt extremely touched.
Although he would frequently get oppressed by this couple, he would accept the dog food since he would be able to eat Ji Yan’s wife delicious cooking
If he ever goes on a blind date next time, Sun Yi hoped to meet a girl who could cook.
When Tang Tang returned home with bags of ingredients, grandpa Ji hadn’t left. He was sitting on the sofa playing with Ji Xiao Zhuo and Wen Nuo. The children were building the model close together while grandpa Ji was beaming from the side as he watched them. He would give guidance to the children from time to time.
The guard was missing and she didn’t know where he had gone.
Seeing Tang Tang had returned, Ji Xiao Zhuo immediately climbed down from the sofa and threw himself at her. He gave her a big hug, “Mummy, you’re back!”
Wen Nuo stopped playing with the model and climbed off the sofa and ran towards Tang Tang to hug her as well. She rubbed against Tang Tang like an obedient little rabbit.
Tang Tang gave them a kiss each. Then she lifted the bags and let them look in it, “Mummy came back to make dinner. Look, mummy has brought many yummy foods.”
“Wah– there’s beef and pig trotters. Mummy, you’re making a lot of yummy food tonight?” Ji Xiao Zhuo was the same as Ji Yan. They both enjoyed meat. His eyes would brighten whenever he sees meat.
Tang Tang took a glance at grandpa Ji and saw he was looking at them. Joy flashed across her eyes as she nudged on Ji Xiao Zhuo’s nose, “Daddy said he wanted us to eat with him at the hospital. He was bored eating alone so mummy is going to bring a lot of good food.”
“Okay. We can go and eat with daddy from now on for every meal then daddy won’t be bored.” Ji Xiao Zhuo only felt his daddy was annoying when he stole his mummy away. Apart from that, the little one was still very filial to his father.
But when Ji Xiao Zhuo just finished speaking, he turned and saw his great-grandpa sitting on the sofa gazing at them. Xiao Zhuo suddenly made an “Ah” sound. If they all went to the hospital to accompany daddy, then what about great-grandpa? There would be no one to accompany him. How about…
“Mummy, what about great-grandpa? Can we bring great grandpa along with us?” Ji Xiao Zhuo’s eyes shot towards his great-grandpa as he spoke loudly.
Tang Tang immediately understood Ji Xiao Zhuo’s thoughts. She had to praise him in her heart. Her Bao Bao was so clever. She hadn’t said anything but he had already thought of it.
So she immediately answered, “Of course we can bring great-grandpa with us. If great grandpa is willing to go together, we can go and visit daddy with great-grandpa then we can eat together. Daddy will definitely be happy.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo’s eyes brightened. Then he turned to grandpa Ji and looked at him with puppy eyes, “Great-grandpa, why don’t you come with us to visit daddy?”
Grandpa Ji’s face sunk and refused firmly, “I won’t go. I don’t need people to accompany me. I’ll leave in a bit.”
After wrinkling his brows, Ji Xiao Zhuo threw himself into the elder’s embrace which made grandpa Ji take a step back. He almost fell but he didn’t get angry. Instead, he held the little one tightly to prevent him from falling but the elder reprimanded solemnly, “Men need to be steady. What’s the point of being impatient!”
Ji Xiao Zhuo was not afraid of grandpa Ji’s cold expression. He lifted his legs and sat on his great grandpa’s lap. Then he wrapped his arms around grandpa Ji’s neck and complained, “Great-grandpa, you have just come but you’re already talking about leaving. You haven’t even had a meal with me.”
Grandpa Ji frowned but didn’t answer.
Ji Xiao Zhuo swayed his neck and persisted, “Great-grandpa, come with me to see daddy. If you don’t come, I won’t be able to eat. If I don’t eat, I’ll become thin then I won’t be handsome anymore. It’s not easy for me to grow up to be so handsome.”
To strengthen his words, Ji Xiao Zhuo blinked his eyes and asked the two females in the house, “Mummy, Nuo Nuo, isn’t that right?”
“……” Tang Tang forced herself to nod.
While Nuo Nuo nodded without any hesitation, she fully believed him. Tang Tang felt the little girl had been brainwashed by Ji Xiao Zhuo.
Faint joy flashed across grandpa Ji’s eyes, he patted on the back of Xiao Zhuo’s head, “Alright. Alright, you’re really good at speaking. If you’re not handsome, you’ll blame it on great-grandpa and great-grandpa can’t shoulder this responsibility, so I’ll go and share a meal with you tonight. But great grandpa is only going to accompany you, not for seeing your daddy. What’s so good about seeing your daddy!”
Ji Xiao Zhuo blinked. He cooperatively said, “Of course, daddy is not as handsome as me so great-grandpa certainly likes me and doesn’t like daddy, right?”
Grandpa Ji paused. His expression was somewhat rigid before he finally nodded after some time.
Tang Tang restrained her smile and rushed to the kitchen. It would be bad if she smiled in front of them. She discovered grandpa Ji was actually hard on the outside and soft on the inside. He was an awkward old man. He would say many things that he didn’t actually mean. When she thought about it, she found it quite cute.
Tang Tang’s actions were quick. She steamed mantou while cooking other dishes and simmered soup in a pot. In just over an hour, a sumptuous meal was done.
On their way to the hospital, Ji Xiao Zhuo was pulling on grandpa Ji’s hand for the entire journey. Tang Tang noticed as they got closer to Ji Yan’s ward, the elder’s back got straighter. His expression turned tighter as well. It was like he was going to a fight instead of a visit. His expression was actually quite frightening. Children with less courage would probably start crying if they saw him. But Tang Tang guessed the old man probably felt uncomfortable inside. For grandpa Ji’s face, Tang Tang purposely went ahead and entered the ward first. She spoke loudly, “Dear, grandpa is here. Xiao Zhuo really wanted to eat with grandpa so he dragged grandpa along. Xiao Zhuo is really not sensible.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo sighed silently. To get his daddy and great-grandpa to make up, he sure didn’t have it easy~
Ji Yan stared at his grandpa who he hadn’t seen in a long time. His back was still straight, his expression was still solemn, and he had lost a lot of weight. His appearance looked more aged than what Ji Yan remembered. In the past, the grandpa in his heart was like a large tree that could raise the sky but now, his grandpa really looked like an old man who had passed his prime.
Grandpa had aged.
When had he turned old?
Ji Yan’s eyes suddenly felt tart. His voice shivered slightly as he called out, “Grandpa~” for the first time in years.
Grandpa Ji went stiff. He almost thought he was hallucinating.
Until Ji Yan called him again, he finally believed the words “Grandpa” was really said.
How many years had he not heard that word? The last time he heard it, Ji Yan was still fifteen years old. He thought he wouldn’t ever hear this brat call him “grandpa” again for the rest of his life.
Grandpa Ji’s hands trembled. He quickly turned his head away to not let anyone see his expression. But Tang Tang had sharp eyes and saw the old man’s eyes turned slightly red, she knew he definitely didn’t want anyone to see this side of him so she immediately started placing the food she brought onto the table. “Come, come, come, I made many dishes today. Everyone should eat a bit more today. Xiao Zhuo, Nuo Nuo, quickly go and wash your hands before you eat.”
By the time Tang Tang passed a bowl and chopsticks to grandpa Ji, he had already recovered to his usual expression. He looked solemn and only appeared a bit better to the children. It was like nothing had happened just then.
But Tang Tang believed that wasn’t true. Grandpa just needed time.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 65 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 65 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 65,She found peace in the melody of his voice,Their love was a dance, graceful and timeless,He promised to love her until the end of time,With a simple smile, she stole his heart,In the quiet mornings, they shared whispered confessions,Their love was a journey, filled with twists and turns, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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