Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Quickly, Tang Tang reminded the regimental commander’s wife, “Sao Zi, don’t keep being excited, remember to ask for the customer’s measurements and their color requirements. Once they answer, I’ll start making their clothes.”
“Right, right, right, I was too happy and almost forgot.” The regimental commander’s wife hurriedly got into the role of a diligent customer service employee and communicated with the customers who placed an order. Once she got the information, the regimental commander’s wife passed the information to Tang Tang.
Now that she had the necessary information, Tang Tang promptly started making the clothes. Tang Tang worked on the customer’s orders during the day and worked on the wedding robes during the evening.
Seeing his mummy still making clothes so late and not going to rest, Ji Xiao Zhuo felt a slight heartache and touched Tang Tang’s face, “Mummy, are you not tired?”
Tang Tang gave him a kiss, “Mummy is not tired. There isn’t anything to do at night anyway.” When Ji Yan was at home, she would give him a footbath during this time. Then she would chat with him and watch him teach Ji Xiao Zhuo in his studies. Even though she wasn’t doing anything, she still felt very happy and fulfilling. But now he was not around, and time was going by very slowly. She needed to find something to do to keep her occupied so she wouldn’t keep thinking about him.
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at Tang Tang for a few seconds before sighing heavily, “Mummy, are you missing daddy?”
Tang Tang’s hand that was holding the needle, froze. The smile on her face dimmed a little. She did miss him. She really, really missed him.
Wrapping his arms around her neck, Ji Xiao Zhuo patted on her back and comforted, “Mummy, I know you miss daddy because I also miss daddy. But we need to be strong and can’t cry. We also can’t feel sad, alright?”
Tang Tang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry from his comfort. She sniffed and nodded, “Okay, mummy will be strong and won’t feel sad. We’ll wait for daddy’s return together.”
“That’s right. Stop working, mummy. Let’s go to sleep earlier. TV said women need more sleep to be pretty so mummy needs to sleep early to become more beautiful.”
Just like that, Tang Tang got comforted by the little one. She listened to the little one’s suggestion and put her needlework down and went to bed with Xiao Zhuo.
As usual, Ji Xiao Zhuo fell asleep within three minutes while Tang Tang had insomnia again. She kept tossing and turning but she still couldn’t sleep. Whenever she shut her eyes, she would remember things about Ji Yan. From when he left, Tang Tang simply couldn’t sleep well at night. She felt very worried about him. She didn’t know where he was, and if he was eating well, wearing enough, or if he was safe.
When she listened to the young soldier’s explanation that day, she could tell the mission was urgent and very important. Otherwise, they wouldn’t require a few battalion commanders to carry out the mission. She didn’t know if the mission would be dangerous.
In the past, Tang Tang only thought soldiers who protected the country were heroes and glorious, but she now knew the hardships that heroes go through. They had to train every day. Even in the winter, their clothes would be moist with sweat. They would be perfectly fine when leaving, but they would be filthy whenever they return. There would be mud under their nails and there would be wounds from training. Those were the efforts in order to protect the country.
Tang Tang was anxious every day, but she knew this was a soldier’s duty. So she could only pray for his safety every day. She had no other wish apart from his safety.
Tang Tang spent five nights to complete the wedding robes. The style of the wedding robes she made was very popular during her original time period. Also, many noble ladies liked them. It looked natural and beautiful. Compared to the Chinese wedding robes that currently exist that had modern elements, the ones she made were more traditional and beautiful. The bride would look especially charming when wearing the robes.
When Ji Yue received the wedding robes, her eyes were sparkling as she kept shaking Gu Zhang An’s arm, “I told you we should have a Chinese wedding when we got married. Look how beautiful and festive the traditional wedding clothes look, but you insisted on a western-style wedding! It’s your fault!”
Gu Zhang An couldn’t speak of his pain. At that time, it was Ji Yue who couldn’t decide whether to have a western or traditional wedding so he had to make the decision. He selected a western wedding in the end. As a result, he was receiving complaints from her.
Gu Zhang An hugged Ji Yue as he coaxed her, “Don’t complain. It’s nothing major. We can just have another wedding wearing the clothes Tang Tang made.”
Ji Yue’s mind was still clear. She hammered her fist on his chest, “You’re not afraid of other people laughing at us. What husband and wife would hold two weddings.”
“Then what should we do?” Gu Zhang An was at his wit’s end.
Ji Yue chuckled, “Let’s wear these clothes and take some pictures. Let’s treat it as making up for our wedding photos and give the pictures to Tang Tang to advertise.”
Gu Zhang An agreed unconditionally, “Ok, ok, ok, we’ll do whatever you say. I have no opinions.”
Immediately, Ji Yue contacted the best photography studio. The first thing she did on the next day was dragging Gu Zhang An to get their pictures done.
When Tang Tang checked the friend’s circle on the next day, she saw the traditional wedding photos that Ji Yue posted. Ji Yue looked incredibly beautiful and Gu Zhang An also looked very handsome. The couple was simply the example of a lovely couple. Many people were stunned by their photos.
Grandma Zhuo was once again the first person to comment: I want those robes. When Zhuo Ji gets married, he will wear them!
Ji Yue replied: Grandma, you have good taste. Quickly get big brother to find a granddaughter-in-law for you.
Tang Tang quickly added: I’ll make brother Ji’s wedding robes free of charge.
Zhuo Ji: Did I innocently get implicated?
Gu Zhang An: Hahaha, the only path you have, brother, is to look for a wife as soon as possible.
Tang Tang read it cheerful.
The regimental commander’s wife uploaded the photos that Ji Yue sent to the online store. The store officially had its second merchandise. The selling price of the wedding robes was not cheap. After a discussion between the two of them, they decided to set the price at 9999 yuan.
The two orders that were made before had been completed and the regimental commander’s wife used the fastest express delivery service to send the clothes out. Their first business was successfully dispatched.
Tang Tang practically felt like flying after completing her first business transaction in her life. She excitedly dreamed about many people placing orders in her shop and the regimental commander’s wife was very busy running around in circles. While she was also very busy making clothes. Then lots of money that was falling from the sky, and practically buried her and the regimental commander’s wife underneath. Both of them were sitting on the floor splitting the money.
When Tang Tang told the regimental commander’s wife her dream on the next day, the regimental commander’s wife burst out laughing. Even her tears almost came out. After a long time, the regimental commander’s wife said, “Honestly, I’m not looking to earn lots of money. I’m quite satisfied now. I have something to do now and not get bored senseless every day. I have something to strive for now.”
Tang Tang also agreed, “Me too, I feel my life has been enriched now. I’m feeling very happy.” So this was the feeling of having your own business? It truly feels great.
There were no more orders for now. Tang Tang started making the robes for the two children. The regimental commander’s wife helped her at the side. Their productive day had started.
However, they had just started and banging was heard from the door. It was Ji Xiao Zhuo, who Tang Tang had just sent to the nursery, that was shouting, “Mummy! Quickly, open the door, mummy! Quickly, mummy!”
Both Tang and the regimental commander’s wife were shocked, they quickly put the things in their hands down and went to open the door. Ji Xiao Zhuo threw himself on Tang Tang. His little face was red from rushing, “Mummy, come with me quickly to Nuo Nuo’s house to find her. Nuo Nuo is in danger!”
“What?” Tang Tang carried the little one, “What’s wrong? Where’s Nuo Nuo?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo’s eyes were almost red, “Mummy, Nuo Nuo didn’t come to school today. I asked the teacher and the teacher said Nuo Nuo is not well and resting at home. But Nuo Nuo was fine yesterday, so I secretly went to Nuo Nuo’s home to look for her but that auntie won’t let me see Nuo Nuo. Mummy, Nuo Nuo is definitely in danger!”
Tang Tang and the regimental commander’s wife looked at each other. Both of them didn’t really believe Ji Xiao Zhuo’s words.
The regimental commander’s wife said hesitantly, “She should be feeling unwell. It’s normal for children to fall ill.”
Tang Tang also didn’t think it would be as excessive as what Ji Xiao Zhuo said. Nuo Nuo’s stepmother wouldn’t do much to her, but going for a visit would be good. So she said, “Sao Zi, let’s go and take a look. If Nuo Nuo is really ill, I will make some soup for her.”
The regimental commander’s wife agreed. The two of them locked their doors and went to Wen Nuo’s home with Ji Xiao Zhuo.
Tang Tang knocked on the door. Once again, she knocked for a long time before the door opened. It was Liu Zi Xuan who opened the door. Her expression changed slightly when she saw Tang Tang’s group before smiling again and asked, “You came for?”
The regimental commander’s wife explained, “We heard Nuo Nuo is not feeling well and didn’t go to school. We’re a bit worried and came to visit. Is she alright?”
Liu Zi Xuan stood at the door, “Nothing is wrong. She caught a cold last night so I planned to let her rest at home for a few days.”
“Caught a cold? Then we’ll go and take a look at the little girl.” The regimental commander’s wife wanted to enter but Liu Zi Xuan remained still. She didn’t plan to move. She met their astonished gaze and explained with a slight smile, “Nuo Nuo is sleeping at the moment. It was hard for her to fall asleep. I think let’s not disturb her. You can come back tomorrow to visit her.”
The regimental commander’s wife and Tang Tang looked at each other. They both thought something was not right. They were just going to take a look at the child but why were there so many excuses?
Tang Tang said, “We’ll go in quietly. We won’t disturb the child. We just want to take a look to be reassured. Is that okay?”
Liu Zi Xuan’s expression turned a little ugly. It appeared she was getting impatient with Tang Tang’s group as they didn’t understand how to be tactful. She endured and replied, “It’s really not convenient today. Come again on another day.”
All of them stood still as they were caught up in an awkward deadlock.
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked around and understood the situation. He held his hands into a fist and clenched his teeth before suddenly slipping past Liu Zi Xuan when everyone was not paying attention. He headed straight for the only room that had it’s door shut.
Before Liu Zi Xuan could react, they heard Ji Xiao Zhuo’s alarmed shout, “Mummy, come quickly, Nuo Nuo is dead!”
The regimental commander’s wife and Tang Tang’s expression changed. The regimental commander’s wife didn’t care about anything else and pushed Liu Zi Xuan to let Tang Tang run in while Liu Zi Xuan stumbled.
Tang Tang went directly to the room Nuo Nuo was located in and saw the little girl lying on the bed with her eyes shut. There was no color in her lips and there was a shocking handprint on her left cheek. Blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth.
There was no life from the little girl. She didn’t wake up no matter how Ji Xiao Zhuo called.
Suddenly, Tang Tang’s hands started shaking as she put her hand beneath the little girl’s nose. When Tang Tang could feel the girl’s breathing, she sighed heavily in relief. Fortunately, the little girl was not dead.
“Bao Bao, Nuo Nuo is not dead. Nuo Nuo is alive.”
In response, Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at her blurry through his tears, “Then why is Nuo Nuo not waking up?”
Tang Tang was also unsure of the reason. She examined the little girl carefully. In the end, she discovered that apart from the wound on her face, there were marks around her wrists. It could be told in a glance that it was caused by someone grabbing her wrist strongly.
But those shouldn’t be what caused the little girl to be like this, there must be some other wounds.
The regimental commander’s wife and Liu Zi Xuan were in a struggle outside which gave Tang Tang enough time to inspect the little girl’s body. Tang Tang didn’t find any more superficial wounds but there was a large bump on the back of the girl’s head. The bump practically covered the entire back of her head. It must be caused by hitting against something very hard.
The little girl was knocked into unconsciousness!
Thinking up to that point, Tang Tang lifted the little girl and carried her towards the entrance, “Bao Bao, we need to take Nuo Nuo to the hospital now.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo wiped his tears and followed Tang Tang closely from behind.
Liu Zi Xuan, who was still in a struggle with the regimental commander’s wife, changed her expression swiftly when she saw Tang Tang carrying the child out. She threw off the regimental commander’s wife and blocked Tang Tang, “What are you doing? This is kidnapping!”
Tang Tang’s eyes went cold and anger filled her voice, “It should be me asking what you’re doing! Why is there a handprint on Nuo Nuo’s face? Why is she knocked unconscious? Why did you not take her to see a doctor when she’s unconscious?”
Light flashed across Liu Zi Xuan’s eyes, she didn’t cower back, “What does that have anything to do with you? That is my daughter. She was naughty so I slapped her, can’t I do that? She was unruly and knocked against the wall and fell unconscious. I thought she would wake after a while. Don’t you know it’s not convenient seeing a doctor here?”
“You’re simply twisting words to make it logical. Step aside, I’m not going to speak to you about that yet. I’m taking her to see a doctor.” Tang Tang avoided her to leave.
Liu Zi Xuan didn’t let step aside. Instead, she reached out to take the child away from Tang Tang. Luckily, the regimental commander’s wife rushed over to block her, “I’m telling you, Liu Zi Xuan. If anything happens to the child, you cannot escape the consequences. You best let Tang Tang take her to see a doctor. Otherwise, you can’t handle the aftermath.”
“Why can’t I handle it? That is my child. When is it your turn to come here and give me orders? You’re the ones who should get lost from my home!” Liu Zi Xuan was strong. Even when the regimental commander’s wife was pulling her, Liu Zi Xuan did not let go of Tang Tang and dragged her along. Tang Tang couldn’t leave.
At this moment, Ji Xiao Zhuo, who didn’t speak, suddenly rushed up and ruthlessly bit on Liu Zi Xuan’s thigh. Immediately, Liu Zi Xuan shrieked. She got unsteady in the struggle and fell down on the floor.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, Tang Tang rushed out while carrying the child without any delay. Ji Xiao Zhuo followed closely from behind. The regimental commander’s wife also ran out and followed at the back. They quickly left the courtyard of the military housing.
Since the regimental commander’s wife saw there was no reaction from the little girl after so long, she worriedly called Tang Tang to a stop, “Tang Tang, we don’t know what’s wrong with Nuo Nuo. If we just go now, we don’t know if we’re making it worse. I think we should see the base’s military doctor first. It’ll be safer.”
Tang Tang agreed after a moment of thought. Then she headed straight to the base’s entrance while carrying the little girl. She explained the situation to the soldier guarding the entrance, and the soldiers went in to ask for instructions.
Soon, two military doctors were rushing to them while carrying a medical box. They carefully examined the little girl and their expression was not good, “This girl has been knocked unconscious. It might be a concussion but you need to go to a large hospital to get a CT done to confirm. Based on the circumstances, she would probably need to be hospitalised. We will immediately dispatch a car to take you. There can’t be any delays.”
Although Tang Tang didn’t know what a concussion was, she could tell it was something serious based on the doctors’ expressions. She couldn’t hold her tears back and she was choking as she gave her thanks. When the car arrived, they all climbed onto the car to go to the County hospital.
When they arrived at the hospital, a doctor took the little girl to get the CT done. After some time, the doctor came out and announced, “The little girl has a concussion and her situation is quite serious. She needs to be hospitalized for some time.”
Tang Tang agreed repeatedly, “Ok. Ok. Ok, let’s get her admitted.”
The hospital arranged a two-person ward for the little girl. There was already a patient in the ward. They were also hospitalized for a head injury.
The regimental commander’s wife let Tang Tang stay to watch over the children while she returned to pack some essential items during the hospitalization.
A nurse went to insert a needle for a drip. The little girl was thin and her veins were distinct. When the needle was inserted, she looked especially pitiful which made Tang Tang’s heartache. She held the little girl’s ice-cold hand in her own hands.
Ji Xiao Zhuo climbed onto the bed and held onto the little girl’s other hand. He also moved closer and blew on her cheeks like he wanted to blow the handprint away, “Nuo Nuo, I’ll blow it for you so it won’t hurt anymore. It doesn’t hurt anymore so wake up.”
Seeing Wen Nuo remained lying still without moving, Ji Xiao Zhuo flattened his lips. He held himself back from crying and said, “Nuo Nuo, you can’t keep sleeping. Hurry and wake up. Don’t be scared. I will protect you from now on. I won’t let you get bullied.”
Tang Tang felt sour inside. She went to the nurse to get an ointment and gently applied it on Nuo Nuo’s cheeks. Before it was a red handprint, but her cheeks had started to get swollen. Children’s skin was delicate and Nuo Nuo’s skin was more delicate than other children in her same age group, so the slap she took looked especially shocking.
How much strength was used to cause such an injury? Even though the child wasn’t biological theirs, how could they use such force against a child? What couldn’t be sat down and explained?
If Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t insist on looking for Nuo Nuo today… If she didn’t go and take a look, Liu Zi Xuan would probably just conceal it. What would happen if they missed this chance for treatment and there was brain damage? Tang Tang got scared whenever she thought about that.
Tang Tang was feeling very angry inside. She was angry at Liu Zi Xuan, but she was even angrier at Wen Zhang Yi. Since he wasn’t in love, then why did he get married? Why did he abandon his previous wife after he got married? After abandoning his first wife, he couldn’t even ensure that his daughter had a comfortable life.
No matter how capable a man was, what use was there for a man like that?

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 59 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 59 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 59,With a bouquet of wildflowers, he professed his love,Their love was a painting, vibrant and full of life,In the stillness, they found solace in each others arms,With a single touch, they ignited a flame that would never fade,In his arms, she found a love she had never known,With a tender kiss, he sealed their love forever, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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