Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Tang Tang asked in confusion, “What can I do?”
The regimental commander’s wife took the needle and thread from Tang Tang’s hands. Her voice was filled with excitement as she replied, “Look, your handiwork is so good, you can open a store that specialises in making clothes for people. The clothing you make looks so good. Surely, there will be many people who will like it. You don’t need to worry about not being able to sell.”
“Ah? Selling clothes?” Tang Tang was still muddled, “Sao Zi, isn’t that doing business? But I can’t leave home. I need to look after Xiao Zhuo and his father.”
“You. Why can’t you keep up with the times a little!” The regimental commander’s wife was truly amazed by Tang Tang at times. She was such a young girl but she doesn’t like going on the Internet and lives like an elder. Tang Tang wasn’t familiar with the Internet at all, yet even a middle-aged woman like her knew more than she did.
Tang Tang scratched her head and stared as she waited for the regimental commander’s wife to carry on explaining.
“I mean you can start an online shop. You can start one on something like TaoBao then you can make custom clothes for customers. I have seen you make AoQun and it looked great. I’m certain many females would like them.”
“Online shop?” Tang Tang remembered her own online shopping experience, “Is it like the ones where I buy things online from business owners on TaoBao? I can also become one?”
The regimental commander’s wife clapped, “That’s what I mean! You can post an example and when a customer buys one, you just need to take note of the customer’s measurements and make it for them. If it’s like this, you basically don’t need to leave the house. You can just work at home and it’ll be no different from how you’re currently living.”
“Is that really possible?” Tang Tang got convinced by the regimental commander’s wife. This was her first time finding out that she could make money from her needlework in this time period. Also, she didn’t need to go out and look for a job. This simply suited her just fine.
The regimental commander’s wife also thought her own idea was excellent. She got excited and patted her hand, “The cost of opening an online shop is not a lot. Even if business isn’t good, you won’t lose much since we don’t have any stock. Everything is made when ordered so there won’t be any losses. To be honest, I thought about doing a clothing shop online but it’s not convenient to store stock here. In addition, selling clothes on TaoBao is not as easy nowadays and I can’t make much money so I gave up. But you can do it, your clothes are unique, good-looking, and handmade when ordered so other people won’t be able to copy them. You won’t have to worry about them not selling.”
“It would really sell? People are willing to wear ancient costumes?” Won’t people talk and gossip if one wears ancient clothes outside?
“Normal people won’t wear them but there are now some who like cosplaying. I don’t understand the specifics. It was Wen Wen who told me these people like to buy ancient clothes to wear. Also, people who play traditional instruments like wearing ancient clothes when performing to make their performance more artistic.”
“Is that so.” Tang Tang also got excited after listening to the regimental commander’s wife. But she quickly got defeated by reality, “But, Sao Zi, I can make clothes but I don’t know how to handle the online shop. I won’t be able to learn that.”
The regimental commander’s wife knew Tang Tang was a bit of an idiot when it came to the internet. She thought for a moment before replying, “How about this, Tang Tang. If you trust me, I can help you handle your online shop. I can do customer service and do your deliveries. I have done those many times when I had a business. What do you think?”
Without thinking, Tang Tang nodded, “Of course, Sao Zi. I fully trust you. I’ll be rushing to thank you if you’re willing to help. As long as things get sold, I’ll split the profits with you 50:50.”
The regimental commander’s wife quickly waved her hand, “No need. I’m just doing some customer service work. How can I take 50% of the profits? If I say I’ll do it for free, you certainly won’t set up the online store. Then I won’t be polite, I will take 10% of the profits for each clothing you sell.”
“10% is too little, Sao Zi. How about 30%.”
“No, no, no, just 10%. I won’t be doing anything but moving my lips. 10% is enough. If you give me more, then I won’t do it.”
Since the regimental commander’s wife said that, Tang Tang could only agree.
The regimental commander’s wife has an impetuous personality. When they finished speaking, she immediately rushed home after saying, “I’m going to apply for an online shop. I’ll give you an update in a couple of days. Tang Tang, didn’t you make some clothes before? Let’s use those as samples. It’s best to find a model and take a few photos so customers can look at them. From now on, it’s best if you make some more clothes with different styles to use as samples.”
Tang Tang nodded, “Ok, leave that to me.”
After the regimental commander’s wife had left, Tang Tang was still somewhat in disbelief. Her heart was beating rapidly. To be honest, she couldn’t believe she would actually start a business. She had never thought about doing this before in both of her lifetimes.
Would it really be a success? Let’s try it. Since Sao Zi said it didn’t require much capital then it wouldn’t be a big loss even if it fails. Why not give it a try?
Thinking until there, Tang Tang picked up her mobile and gave Ji Yue a call. When the call got picked up, Tang Tang told Ji Yue about her plan to start an online shop and sought Ji Yue’s opinion.
After Ji Yue had finished listening, she became happy for Tang Tang and gave her opinion, “Tang Tang, I don’t dare to say this to anyone else, but if it’s you then there will be no problems. The clothing you make is unique. Machine-made ones can’t be compared to the ones you make. When you open your store, I will buy every single item!”
Ji Yue’s words cheered Tang Tang up and increased her self confidence a lot, “You don’t need to buy them. I’ll give you them for free.”
“Aiya, how can I accept that?” Ji Yue pretended to be courteous before saying, “Since you’re offering, I won’t be courteous. When you send me the new clothes, I will model them for you for free. I’ll use my company’s expert photographer to take the pictures and you can post them on your store. Then you don’t need to look for a model or photographer. How about that? How’s my token of appreciation?”
“Really?” Tang Tang was pleasantly surprised, “Ji Yue, how are you so good? You’re great! Your figure is very good, and you’re very beautiful. The clothing will look very good when you’re wearing it and customers will definitely want them when they see the pictures.”
Ji Yue laughed out loud. “Since you’re praising me so much, I’ll certainly be your model. When your store is set up, I’ll publicise for you. I guarantee your business will be prosperous.”
Tang Tang wished she could give Ji Yue a kiss. How can her luck be so good? The people she met were all helping her.
Suddenly, Ji Yue gave her a suggestion, “Tang Tang, I recommend you do a style of wedding clothes. It will absolutely sell well because many people now like having a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony. The wedding clothing people use now are provided by photography stores. Honestly, the quality of them isn’t that good, and the style doesn’t look great either. Many rich people will specifically find people to get a custom made one. But I don’t think the clothing you make will lose out to those expensive custom made ones.”
“Really? Then I’ll make wedding clothes first and then send it to you so you can take pictures for me.”
“No problem. For the men’s wedding clothing, I’ll let my family old Gu make a guest appearance as a model. We can also reminisce about our wedding day. Haha. Tang Tang, you need to make them fast. I’m in a rush to try them on.”
“Alright, I make the wedding clothes first. It will be quick.”
If Tang Tang was feeling nervous before the phone call, she felt very confident after the call. Ji Yue was so amazing and even she said it will be no problem. Then there certainly won’t be any problems. The only thing Tang Tang needed to make sure was that the clothing she made looked good.
Thinking up to that point, Tang Tang couldn’t keep still. Instantly, she took out a pen and paper to sketch an outline. The first sketch was the wedding clothes. She had seen many wedding clothes before. When her older sisters got married, she had seen their clothes in the residence. She had even once made her own.
Apart from this, she was planning to make two different styles of women’s dresses and ancient style clothing for little children. She would use Ji Xiao Zhuo’s measurements for the boy and Wen Nuo’s measurements for the girl and let them both be her little models. At that time, both children will definitely look especially cute!
When she finished drawing the clothes, Tang Tang went to her usual online material store to buy all the necessary materials. She even paid extra to get them delivered as soon as possible.
After that, Tang Tang started sketching the clothing for children. The clothes for the boy will be a long gown with a little waist belt and same coloured little boots and little hat. It will be very adorable. The clothes for the girl would have more patterns. Tang Tang was planning to first make a long pink gown with a white lace smock. It will go with a pair of embroidered moon white shoes. It would also look very cute.
Even though it was a bit weird to wear ancient clothes now, no one would say anything if it was children who were wearing them. Instead, other people would think they were cute and it was normal to wear something different on birthdays.
Tang Tang impatiently went to get Ji Xiao Zhuo and Wen Nuo’s measurements.
“Mummy, what are you doing?” Ji Xiao Zhuo lifted his little arms and legs and let Tang Tang move them as she wished.
“Mummy is taking your and Nuo Nuo’s measurements. Then I’ll make ancient clothes for you two. When it’s ready, can mummy ask you two to be models for mummy’s online shop?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo was a child who was not shy or afraid of attention. To him, being a model was something new so he nodded, “Yes, sure. I’m so handsome. Being a model is good.”
Even though she didn’t understand what she would be doing, seeing Ji Xiao Zhuo nod had also made Wen Nuo nod along without any hesitation. She could also be a model.
Tang Tang gave them a kiss each. Then she took out the completed toy tiger and gave it to Wen Nuo as a reward, “Nuo Nuo since you’re going to model for auntie, this is the reward auntie is giving you.”
Seeing the toy tiger, Wen Nuo’s eyes brightened. But she didn’t take it and looked at Ji Xiao Zhuo hesitantly because Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t have a reward.
Upon seeing this, Tang Tang took out some pastries for Ji Xiao Zhuo and said, “This is Xiao Zhuo’s reward.”
That made Ji Xiao Zhuo feel satisfied. He took the toy tiger and stuffed it into Wen Nuo’s hands, “Alright, you should take it. From now on, you can hug the toy tiger when you sleep. Tigers are awesome. With the tiger accompanying you to sleep, you don’t need to be afraid anymore.”
Wen Nuo nodded, her lips lifted stealthily and exposed her teeth. Her eyes also became little crescents. She kept touching the tiger’s tail. She suddenly remembered something and turned around and threw herself to Tang Tang’s side. As expected, she gave a kiss on Tang Tang’s cheeks. After the kiss, she bashful buried her face into the toy tiger.
Tang Tang laughed. She fondly stroked her hair, “Nuo Nuo is really cute.”
In response, Ji Xiao Zhuo proudly stuck out his chest. He taught Nuo Nuo that. It was thanks to him that she was called cute.
Wen Nuo went shy for a moment. Then she placed the toy tiger in front of Ji Xiao Zhuo.
Tang Tang didn’t understand what the little girl was doing. While Ji Xiao Zhuo waved his hand, “I’m a man and brave. I don’t need a toy tiger to accompany me to sleep. You need it. You should take it home and play.”
After hearing Ji Xiao Zhuo say that, Wen Nuo took the toy tiger back and hugged it in her embrace.
Like a little grown up, Ji Xiao Zhuo pulled her on hand to lead her to the area where they usually played and said, “Ok, come with me. Let’s eat the pastries. I’ll share mine with you.”
Wen Nuo obediently sat on the carpet. When she was about to eat her share of the pastries, she heard Ji Xiao Zhuo constantly clearing his throat.
Wen Nuo stopped moving and blinked at him puzzledly.
Seeing that she didn’t understand, Ji Xiao Zhuo made a noise and pretended to accidentally poke his cheek.
Wen Nuo suddenly remembered what Ji Xiao Zhuo taught her how to say thanks a few days ago. Understandingly, she put the pastry down and kissed on his chubby cheek to express her gratitude.
Ji Xiao Zhuo was satisfied and his eyes became little crescents, “Ok, let’s eat.”
Watching on one side, Tang Tang was dumbstruck and speechless. Does that consider her Bao Bao taking advantage of the little girl? Should he get spanked?
The application for the online store was quickly sorted. When the store name was required, the regimental commander’s wife simply used Tang Tang’s name and called it Tang Tang’s Custom Made Ancient Clothing.
Ji Yue also put in a lot of effort. She wore the AoQun and embroidered shoes that Tang Tang gave her previously. Then, she got a makeup artist to do her hair to match the clothing and went to their company’s photography studio. She got the photographer to take many pictures. Each picture was very beautiful and with an ancient style theatre curtain, she looked like a fairy from the ancient times.
When the regimental commander’s wife saw the pictures, she got emotional and hit her own thigh, “Aiya, these look great. Even a middle-aged woman like me wants to try them on. These will certainly sell well. I’ll post this on the store! This is our shop’s first merchandise.”
The regimental commander’s wife was good with the computer and she soon posted the picture. When she reached the final line of the pricing, she was stuck. She asked Tang Tang, “How much should we sell this for?”
“Huh?” Tang Tang also doesn’t know. She never thought about it before, “Sao Zi, all the material required to make it cost around 200 Yuan. It took about three days for me to make it. What price do you think would be suitable?”
The regimental commander’s wife did clothing business before so she was knowledgeable in this area. She thought about it carefully and replied while clenching her teeth, “We’ll sell it for 1888 Yuan!”
Tang Tang got shocked, “Sao Zi, wouldn’t that be too expensive?” Dresses in shopping centres do cost a thousand or more but, generally speaking, clothing sold online were usually cheaper. 1888 Yuan was too expensive.
The regimental commander’s wife had her own reasons, “I think our clothes should go for the high-grade route and not clothes that could be bought randomly. Anyway, your skills are worth this price. We are not relying on quantity but quality!”
“But would anyone be willing to buy it?” It was so expensive, who would be willing to buy from her?
Confidently, the regimental commander’s wife nodded, “There will be people. Even though there won’t be many people, our goal is not making money but finding something to do. If it were cheap, many people would make an order and you will get tired out.”
Tang Tang thought that was true. She had Ji Yan to support her. She wasn’t relying on the business to live. If there were lots of customers, she would get too busy and she wouldn’t have time to take care of Xiao Zhuo and Ji Yan. That can’t do.
In the end, the dress was priced for 1888 yuan.
When the first merchandise was posted, Ji Yue was the first bookmark to store then she posted on her friends circle: The recommendation you wanted last time for the clothes is here now!
On the AoQun Ji Yue posted on her social circle, many people commented that they wanted to know where the clothes were from. This time Ji Yue posted the shop’s link at the bottom.
Ji Yue’s friends circle was large. There were countless comments on her post.
Grandma Zhuo also left a comment: Tang Tang really makes good looking clothes. Ji Yue also got full marks as the model.
Gu Zhang An: With my wife as the model, the store will get famous.
Zhuo Ji: This is Tang Tang’s shop?
Ji Yue’s cousin: Hahaha, last time I asked to borrow it for a day but you weren’t willing. Now, I will buy one for myself!
Stranger 1: This shop is awesome, they actually managed to get our boss to model for them? So amazing, I admire them.
Stranger 2: No need to say anything. Might get one. I also want to get my pictures taken.
Ji Yue’s post was getting out of control. But it had to be said when Ji Yue made the move, the results were out of the ordinary. Very soon, the shop went from getting bookmarked by one person to fifty-four people. And there were actually two customers who made an order.
The regimental commander’s wife was so excited that she was like a kid, “We’ve just opened and we’re already so popular! Tang Tang, your friend is amazing. They led business to us so quickly.”
Tang Tang was also very excited. It was originally something that got bought up randomly but it seemed like they would succeed!
She would also have her own career.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 58 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 58 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 58,Lost in each others gaze, time seemed to stand still,Their love was a beacon, guiding them through the darkness,With each heartbeat, their love grew stronger,Their love was a symphony of passion and desire,Their love was a fire, burning bright and fierce,She found happiness in the depths of his eyes, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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