Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

That night, Wen Nuo, who remained unconscious, suddenly had a fever and started to mumble gibberish.
Tang Tang noticed that something was wrong and immediately went to find a nurse. The nurse took Wen Nuo’s temperature. It was almost 40°C. She quickly went to find a doctor to prescribe some medicine and started a new drip for Wen Nuo.
Just when the nurse changed a new drip and left, Wen Nuo abruptly moved her head to the side and threw up. She threw up on Tang Tang who was beside her.
But Tang Tang didn’t care about that. Because of Wen Nuo’s sudden movement, there was now a lump on her hand, where the drip was connected, due to reflux. The regimental commander’s wife hurriedly went to find a nurse but before the issue was dealt with, the little girl fell back into unconsciousness. She never opened her eyes again during the procedure.
“It’s alright, people who had a concussion will feel dizzy and throw up.” The regimental commander’s wife tried to ease Tang Tang, “You should go to the bathroom and freshen up and get a change of clothes.”
Tang Tang took the clothes that the regimental commander’s wife brought and went to the toilet to get changed. When she came out, she got a basin of hot water and cleaned the little girl’s face with a towel.
The little girl’s face was not very big originally, but her face looked even smaller now that she was sick. She looked extremely pitiful. Even the regimental commander’s wife couldn’t stand by and watch. She spoke with her teeth clenched, “That Liu Zi Xuan simply went too far. We can’t let this go no matter what she says. I need to speak to Wen Zhang Yi’s political commissar. This issue must be handled properly!”
“En,” Tang Tang carried on, “Let’s wait until Nuo Nuo is awake and ask her what happened. We can’t just let them listen to one side of the story.”
The regimental commander’s wife understood the reasoning and suppressed her anger temporarily. She held Ji Xiao Zhuo, who was deeply worried and refused to go home, and patted him on the back, “Nuo Nuo is alright. You should go back to sleep and accompany Nuo Nuo again tomorrow.”
Worriedly, Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at Wen Nuo again. After confirming she was alright, he rubbed his eyes and fell asleep in the embrace of the regimental commander’s wife.
The two adults didn’t dare to shut their eyes all night. They watched over her until daybreak. However, the good news was that the little girl was finally awake in the morning after a day of unconsciousness. She slowly opened her eyes.
Ji Xiao Zhuo was the first person to notice that she was awake. He quickly went and grabbed her hand, “Nuo Nuo, Nuo Nuo, you’re awake! You’re finally awake! You really scared me this time!”
The two adults also gathered at the bed to take a look. Seeing the little girl was really awake, they repeated the same words.
The regimental commander’s wife ran to look for a doctor.
Tang Tang stroked the little girl’s pale face, “Nuo Nuo, can you hear auntie? Can you give some response to auntie if you hear me?”
The little girl’s eyes were a little lifeless. She finally moved her eyes after a long time. Slowly, she looked at the people near her and blinked. Her lips moved. There was some sound but she was too quiet, and the adults couldn’t hear her. Only Ji Xiao Zhuo who was the closest was able to hear her.
“Mummy, Nuo Nuo says she’s in a lot of pain. What should we do?”
Tang Tang sighed in relief. It seemed like her mind was clear. Her brain wasn’t injured. That was some good news in this unfortunate matter.
To appease her, Tang Tang gave a kiss on the little girl’s forehead, “Be good, darling. Uncle doctor will be here soon. It won’t hurt soon.”
The little girl inclined her head slightly. Her gaze at Tang Tang was somewhat blank.
Tang Tang thought the little girl was slightly dazed since she just woke up. So Tang Tang didn’t say anything else and went to the bathroom to get some hot water for the little girl to wash her face and freshen up.
Impatiently, Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t wait until Wen Nuo had cleaned her face and started to question her about the cause of her injury. He sounded furious, “Nuo Nuo, tell me how did you get hurt? Did your stepmother hit you?”
Wen Nuo frowned. She moved to look at Ji Xiao Zhuo but she did not speak.
Seeing that she didn’t reply, Ji Xiao Zhuo patted his chest and said, “Nuo Nuo, don’t be scared. Tell m, I’ll avenge you.”
Blankly, Wen Nuo moved her head and quietly said, “Big brother Zhuo, speak a bit louder. I can’t hear you properly.”
It was Ji Xiao Zhuo’s turn to be stunned. He did speak loudly. Why couldn’t she hear him properly?
Tang Tang finally discovered something was wrong. Her expression changed. She moved to face the little girl and spoke at a normal volume, “Nuo Nuo, can you hear what auntie is saying?”
The little girl looked blank again and requested once more, “What?”
Tang Tang felt her heart fall to the bottom instantly. She also felt her heart shiver. It can’t be. It can’t be.
The regimental commander’s wife had come back with a doctor. Tang Tang immediately spoke to the doctor in a trembling voice, “Doctor, our little girl’s ears can’t seem to hear properly. Please take a look quickly.”
“What? What’s wrong with her ears?!” There was also a large change in the regimental commander’s wife expression.
The doctor seriously examined Wen Nuo’s ears and took her out of the ward to an examination room. The remaining three of them were scared witless as they waited. When the results came, the doctor told them, “Due to the heavy impact, it has injured the child’s nerves in the ears, leading to a loss of hearing in the child’s left ear and a weakened hearing in the right ear.”
Those words were like a clap of thunder from nowhere. It struck them at their heart. Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t really understand the doctor. But he could tell how serious it was from the regimental commander’s wife and Tang Tang’s reaction.
Loss of hearing! That was a disability! To a child, that would be a huge misfortune.
“Doctor, the child is still young. She can’t lose her hearing. Save her. Please save her. She still has a long life ahead of her.” Tang Tang sobbed.
The regimental commander’s wife also couldn’t hold back her tears and pleaded to the doctor to help the child.
The doctor comforted them and said, “Our medical skills in this hospital are limited. I suggest you wait until the child’s health gets better and take her to a larger hospital. Maybe they can recover her hearing.” In life, there never lacked miracles.
Tang Tang saw hope. Right. That was true. They could go to a bigger hospital. Maybe there would be a way. They could find a better doctor who could find a way to cure her.
Tang Tang decided to wait for the little girl to recover from the concussion before taking her to the best hospital in the city.
Originally, the regimental commander’s wife was just angry but there was now even a killing intent, “That woman has gone too far. How can she use so much force! Did she want to kill the child? That’s too malicious! She committed a wrong and she hasn’t even come to take a look when the child has been out for the entire day. It’s like this child has got nothing to do with her!”
Tang Tang had a cold expression. She was restraining her emotions in her stomach. She really wanted to let it burst but there was nowhere to vent. It was a terrible feeling.
Now, Ji Xiao Zhuo also knew Wen Nuo’s left ear had lost her sense of hearing after getting hit. He clenched his hands into tight little fists. Then he went closer to Wen Nuo’s right ear and asked loudly, “Nuo Nuo, why did she hit you? Tell me. I’ll make them pay!”
Wen Nuo heard him this time. The rim of her eyes turned red and her lips flattened in grievance. She quietly sobbed, “My little brother snatched the tiger, so I snatched it back. He ended up falling and cried, wuwu, so she hit me. Wuwu.”
The little girl spoke in broken sentences and it was unclear, but Tang Tang understood. The toy tiger she gave got snatched and the two children got into a dispute. Liu Zi Xuan slapped the girl for that.
The regimental commander’s wife got so angry that she circled the ward. After some time, she took out her mobile, “I can’t watch this any longer. I’m going to call the units’ commanding officer and see if they can do anything about it. If they don’t, I’m going to call the police. I’m going to report Liu Zi Xuan for child abuse!”
Tang Tang didn’t stop the regimental commander’s wife. She didn’t want to be nice this time.
The regimental commander’s wife reported the matter directly to the political commissar as well and they replied that they would investigate the issue.
They weren’t sure if they really did investigate Liu Zi Xuan. On the next, Liu Zi Xuan, who had never shown up, came to the hospital with a middle-aged woman carrying many things.
The middle-aged woman was Liu Zi Xuan’s mother. The moment she arrived, she ruthlessly criticized Liu Zi Xuan in front of Tang Tang and the regimental commander’s wife. Then she spoke to them while filled with regret, “Zi Xuan has been spoiled by us. Her temperament isn’t good since young and has a quick temper. Sometimes her temper would get the better of her, but she is not cruel. This time, she only hit the child because her temper got the better of her. But who knew the child would accidentally bump against the wall. Apart from this time, our Zi Xuan has never hit the child. You can ask the child if you don’t believe me.”
The regimental commander’s wife didn’t accept that excuse. She humphed coldly and furiously said, “So she can hit a child because anger got better of her? Do you know the child has a concussion? Do you know the child has lost her hearing because of the slap? How can you hit a child so heavily?! Would she be willing to be so heavy-handed against her own child?”
Liu Zi Xuan and mother Liu’s expression changed. They never thought it would be so serious. Liu Zi Xuan finally started to get scared. She looked uncomfortably towards her mother.
Mother Liu glared fiercely at Liu Zi Xuan and lowered her stance, “We truly never thought it would be so serious. Zi Xuan saw Nuo Nuo make her little brother cry so she got angry and slapped the child. She didn’t foresee the child’s head would hit against the wall. She really didn’t do it deliberately.”
“Not deliberately? If we didn’t force our way in, your daughter never planned to let us take a look at the girl from the start. She even lied to us saying she caught a cold! The little girl was knocked unconscious but she didn’t even take her to see a doctor and hid the girl at home. Was she trying to delay treatment and let the girl die? How is that not deliberate?”
Liu Zi Xuan defended herself, “There were no wounds on her and there was no bleeding on her head. At the time, I just thought she would be unconscious temporarily and would wake soon. If I knew it was so serious, I would have taken her to see a doctor.”
Mother Liu smoothed her lips and her expression didn’t look too good. As a mother, she naturally understood her daughter. Zi Xuan was afraid of people finding out that she hit a child as it would harm her reputation, so that was why she wanted to hide it. But who knew she couldn’t hide it, and the situation got alerted. If they didn’t handle this matter properly, it would definitely affect Zhang Yi’s promotion.
When Mother Liu thought it was soon time for the change in command within the special forces, her eyes went deep. She forced down her feelings and said, “Zi Xuan did cause this issue accidentally. As a mother, her method of educating the child was not appropriate. We have already lectured her and she knows she is wrong. For the past two days, we were also very worried at home. I wish to take the child to a larger hospital for treatment. After all, the conditions here don’t reach to par.”
Mother Liu’s words were skilled. Her words simply grouped Liu Zi Xuan’s actions as inappropriate parenting and they now wanted to take the child away. If it was like this, then no matter who investigates the issue later, such a large issue would just be covered up.
Such a skilled and profound strategy!
The regimental commander’s wife stubbornly went against their wishes. She tried to kick them out with a cold expression, “You should leave. The child is so pitiful to be abused to such a state. How can we be at ease to hand the child back? I’m afraid the child will be gone once we give the child back.”
“What nonsense are you spouting!” Liu Zi Xuan got angry and glared fiercely at the regimental commander’s wife. She didn’t keep her usual image up.
Mother Liu was also unhappy. Her expression also changed, “I’m sure you’re aware that she is our family’s child. It’s not up to outsiders to get involved in this matter. You shouldn’t meddle in other people’s affairs.”
“That isn’t for you to say.” The regimental commander’s wife didn’t back down, “This matter involves child abuse. If the unit won’t handle it, then I’ll go to the police. I hate seeing domestic violence like child abuse. Don’t even think about taking the child away today.”
Liu Zi Xuan and mother Liu’s expressions turned unsightly. It was only due to someone in a higher position that wanted to investigate the matter that they were forced to come and resolve the issue. If the matter was investigated by the police as well, not only would Wen Zhang Yi’s promotion be affected, even Liu’s family reputation would be affected.
No, this matter must not worsen.
Mother Liu’s gaze moved to Tang Tang, “I recall that you are Ji Yan’s wife, right?”
With a cold expression, Tang Tang didn’t respond. She didn’t want to pretend to be civil with them. From the moment they arrived, those two people never asked or cared about the child. They only cared about the consequences that the issue might bring. That really annoyed her.
Seeing a young battalion commander’s wife daring to give her such an attitude, Mother Liu was raging inside. But she had to calm herself and said, “Ji Yan is a capable officer with great prospects. I believe he will get a higher position in the future, but you, as his wife, shouldn’t hold him back. You need to think things through before doing anything. Otherwise, if you offended someone who can affect your man’s future, aren’t you afraid that he will blame you in his heart?”
“What are you hinting? Are you threatening me?” Was she threatening her that if she wasn’t tactful, then what they were doing would affect Ji Yan’s future prospects?
Mother Liu smiled, “I’m not threatening you. I just don’t want you to do things impulsively. This matter was originally a family conflict. Why does it need to involve others and make the issue so serious? We should have a good talk together. That would be good for everyone, don’t you agree?”
Tang Tang clenched her hands into a fist and chased them out this time for good, “I think there is nothing for us to talk about. You should leave!”
“You! You really don’t care about your husband’s future? Have you thought about what the consequences would be from your actions?” Originally, Mother Liu thought if she used Ji Yan’s future as a threat, Tang Tang would back down and compromise. Who would have thought that she wouldn’t care about her husband’s future? Also, Ji Yan had no background at all. Does that woman not know how easy it would be for them to do something behind the scenes to affect Ji Yan’s promotion? Should she say Tang Tang was stupid or just trying to be a good person?
Tang Tang simply threw everything the two women bought. “My husband’s future will be earned by himself. He doesn’t need to depend on others to give him charity! You should leave!”
After she finished speaking, Tang Tang slammed the door shut with a bang in front of their faces.
Liu Zi Xuan was extremely angry, “Mother, she doesn’t know what’s good for her! We’ve already lowered ourselves to them but they’re still acting like that!”
Mother Liu had never been kicked out like that before. She never felt so humiliated. In her mind, she was also resenting them for not knowing what was good for them as well. She snorted coldly and simply turned around to leave.
Liu Zi Xuan hurriedly caught up with her, “Mother, are we just leaving like that? Are we not going to bother about the issue anymore? Then wouldn’t it affect Zhang Yi’s career?”
Mother Liu coldly said, “I will speak to your father about this matter. The promotion opportunity cannot fall onto someone else’s hands this time. As for them, since they don’t know what’s good for them then they will need to bear the consequences. I want to see if she still can be so mighty and righteous when her own husband’s career is affected.”
Instantly, Liu Zi Xuan understood her mother’s meaning and relaxed.
In the ward, the regimental commander’s wife let go of her previous fierceness and exposed the worry she felt inside, “Tang Tang, the Liu Family’s influence in the military isn’t low. My family old Yu is already at such an age. His career won’t change much from now, so I’m not afraid. But Ji Yan’s future is unlimited. What should you do if they really did something towards Ji Yan’s career?”
Even though Tang Tang didn’t give much face to the Liu family’s mother and daughter pair, she was feeling afraid inside. She didn’t care what happened to herself, but Ji Yan mustn’t be wronged because of her. He worked so hard and he was so outstanding. If he was suppressed, she could never forgive herself.
“Sao Zi, is their family that influential? Would the opportunities and merits that should go to Ji Yan be taken away so easily?”
The regimental commander’s wife sighed, “Tang Tang, sometimes, things are not as good and fair as you think they are. Do you think you would know if someone with influence and a high position really did something in the back? Although battalion commander Wen’s abilities are excellent, he still can’t be compared to your family’s Ji Yan but he has a slight power that exceeds Ji Yan. Isn’t that because of the backing of his father-in-law?”
Tang Tang pursed her lips.
The regimental commander’s wife patted on Tang Tang’s shoulder and went closer to her ear and quietly said, “Honestly, Sao Zi shouldn’t be telling you this, but I have to say it now. I heard there will be a change in command in the forces this time. From the few battalion commanders, one of them will be promoted to be the regimental commander.”
Tang Tang panicked, “Sao Zi, you mean to say…”
The regimental commander’s wife nodded her head slightly, “I’m telling you this so you can warn Ji Yan. It’s best to think of a way so the Liu family doesn’t do something in the back to impact the promotion. Based on ability and military merits, Ji Yan should be the one selected, but I’m afraid…”
Tang Tang paled slightly, “Sao Zi, is it really so easy to do something in the back? Aren’t people already aware of their abilities and merits?”
The regimental commander’s wife waved her hand and carried on speaking softly, “I heard your regimental commander say that Ji Yan should have been promoted two years ago. But for some reason he still hasn’t been chosen, otherwise, he would be a regimental commander ages ago.”
Tang Tang understood what she meant. She felt her heart gradually sink.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 60 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 60 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 60,With a stolen glance, they shared a secret smile,In the depths of his eyes, she found eternity,With a tender kiss, he sealed their love forever,With a simple smile, she stole his heart,With a tender kiss, he promised to never let her go,With a gentle caress, he wiped away her doubts, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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