Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Gu Yan Ran swept her eyes across the table and smiled as she asked Ji Yan, “Did you tell Tang Tang that I was coming? Is that why there are so many dishes prepared?”
Ji Yan took a glance at Tang Tang before replying, “Tang Tang always cook plentiful. Let’s eat.”
Following his words, Gu Yan Ran ate some food and suddenly said ruefully, “Seems like I should learn how to cook, otherwise, what should I do if my future husband doesn’t like me because I can’t cook, ah?”
Immersing herself to eating, Tang Tang didn’t reply, so Ji Yan had to respond, “Everyone specialises in different things. You spend a lot of effort in medicine, so, naturally, you won’t be as good at other things.”
Gu Yan Ran nodded in agreement, “That’s true. Thinking about it, women have to give up on their career to become a full-time housewife, who supports her husband and teaches the children. The life of a woman without a career is not meaningful. It’s a hard choice to make.”
Tang Tang secretly rolled her eyes as she scooped some rice to her mouth. Gu Yan Ran was obviously saying those words for her to hear. Isn’t Gu Yan Ran saying that there is no meaning in her life being a housewife! That woman was really amazing, ah. Going into someone else’s territory to mock them, so annoying!
Ji Yan didn’t really agree with those words. He was afraid that Tang Tang would think too much and said, “Actually, staying at home to teach the children and support the husband is not easier than working. Sacrificing for the family is also meaningful.”
When Tang Tang heard Ji Yan’s words, she became happy in her mind and wanted to smile, but Gu Yan Ran’s reply made her unable to, “You’re right. Being a housewife is hard; they need to sacrifice their career, friendship, and even beauty. Not everyone can accomplish that sort of sacrifice. For example, I wouldn’t dare to. I’m afraid that I would get called an old woman by those bored senseless people in society. People like Tang Tang are truly admirable, ah!”
Even Tang Tang, with her usually naive personality, wanted to cough blood at those words. Gu Yan Ran might be praising her on the surface, but she was actually saying that Tang Tang had no career, no friends, and no beauty, that she was an old hag.
You’re the old hag!
Ah, ah, ah, that person was too hateful. If she could, Tang Tang really didn’t want that person to stay, but she didn’t have a reason to kick her out either.
Restraining herself, Tang Tang suffered through the tasteless meal. But who knew that after washing the dishes in the kitchen, the scene she saw when she came out made her choke.
Gu Yan Ran and Ji Yan were sitting on the sofa with Ji Xiao Zhuo in the middle. Gu Yan Ran was coming up with questions for Ji Xiao Zhuo, “Listen clearly, Xiao Zhuo, what is 88 x 67?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t even have to think about it and gave the answer directly, “5896!”
“Oh my, very good. I need to increase the difficulty.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo wasn’t nervous as he calmly waited for the question. He looked very confident.
“Ok, listen, what is 123 x 134?”
Once again, Ji Xiao Zhuo thought for a second and answered, “16482!”
Gu Yan Ran kissed Ji Xiao Zhuo’s forehead in reward, “Darling, you’re so smart. Seems like your daddy has passed on his intelligence well to you. Back in the days, your daddy could do multiplying mental arithmetic up to five figures in junior high school and eight figures and up in university. He was so amazing! It seems like our Xiao Zhuo won’t be worse than your daddy, ah.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at his daddy with worship, “Daddy, you’re so amazing. When will I be as amazing as you?”
Calmly, Ji Yan patted the little one’s head, “Wait till you’re in junior high school, you can catch up with daddy.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo immediately stuck his fingers out to calculate how many years there were left till he attended junior high.
Gu Yan Ran beamed at Ji Yan, “Brother Ji Yan, it looks like Xiao Zhuo has inherited your intelligence. Xiao Zhuo won’t be any worse than you in the future.”
Ji Yan smiled as he looked at Ji Xiao Zhuo with hidden pride that was hard to detect.
At this moment, the people who were sitting on the sofa looked just like a harmonious family. The man was handsome, the woman was a beauty, the child was adorable, and they were chatting happily. Tang Tang looked at herself; she was wearing grey sportswear with an apron and slippers, and her hands were wet with water. Her appearance was ordinary, and her figure was lacking. Compared to the harmonious group on the sofa, she looked like a housekeeper.
That thought made Tang Tang feel sad. She didn’t want to look at that scene anymore. Tang Tang took the apron off and silently went into the bedroom.
When Tang Tang was unhappy, she liked to find things to do, so she took the laundry to the bathroom to wash it. Cha. Cha. Cha. She kept scrubbing the clothes. The more she scrubbed, the more strength she put into it and the angrier she felt. She wasn’t stupid. Tang Tang knew that Gu Yan Ran was deliberately demonstrating to her. She had seen these tricks many times in her past life, but she was still angry. Tang Tang was very annoyed because she cared about Ji Yan, but she didn’t know what Ji Yan’s thoughts were.
Knock. Knock. Knock. A noise was suddenly heard from the bathroom’s door, which pulled Tang Tang out from her thoughts.
“Tang Tang? Are you in there?” It was Ji Yan’s voice.
Tang Tang pouted and let out a powerless “En” sound in response.
“Why have you been in here for so long? What’s wrong?”
Tang Tang shook her head before remembering that Ji Yan wouldn’t be able to see her from outside and answered out loud, “Nothing is wrong. I’m just doing the laundry.”
There was silence outside for a second before the door opened. Ji Yan crouched down next to her, “Why aren’t you using the washing machine? There are so many clothes, how long are you planning to wash till?”
Tang Tang continued to look down as she scrubbed, “I’m used to doing it by hand. I have always been washing clothes by hand.”
Ji Yan blanked. He just discovered that she had actually been washing clothes by hand all this time. Then how many things does she do in a day, ah? Apart from looking after Ji Xiao Zhuo, she goes shopping, cooks three daily meals, cleans the house, and does the laundry. For the remaining time, she either cooks or makes clothes, and she also gives him a foot bath every night. She doesn’t have any time to relax.
Feeling upset, Ji Yan pulled her arm up, “Get up, I’ll wash the clothes. I have more strength.”
Tang Tang shook her head and pulled her arm away, “No need. I’m almost done. Then I just need to hang them to dry, you should accompany the guest. It’s not good to leave them alone.”
Half pulling half carrying, Ji Yan moved Tang Tang to the side and started to wash the clothes, “You don’t need to be so courteous with Yan Ran. She will look after herself.”
Ji Yan’s tone that included Gu Yan Ran as someone familiar made Tang Tang feel even more dispirited. As the sound of the wind accompanied them, Tang Tang’s heart felt bitter. For the first time, Tang Tang couldn’t be bothered with Ji Yan. She turned and left the bathroom. She sat on the sofa in the bedroom as she immersed herself in completing the unfinished clothing until Ji Xiao Zhuo came over while rubbing his eyes, “Mummy, I’m sleepy. Stop making clothes now. Let’s go to sleep.”
Tang Tang came out of her trance and saw that Ji Xiao Zhuo had already washed and was wearing his pyjamas. She grabbed her phone to look at the time. It was already half-past ten. Without realising it, it was already so late.
Putting the things she was holding down, Tang Tang patted the little one’s head, “Mummy will shower first and then go to sleep. Go and lay on the bed first.”
“Okay, you need to be fast, mummy.” Ji Xiao Zhuo climbed onto the bed and obediently laid down.
Tang Tang quickly took a shower. After taking a shower, she subconsciously started to prepare the hot water for Ji Yan’s foot bath. But when the water filled the basin halfway, she suddenly didn’t want to prepare the water anymore. There was a little angry voice in her mind shouting, ‘Why does she still need a cook for a person who came to mock her! Why can they chat happily like a family while she works as a housekeeper, ah! She doesn’t want to be a housekeeper!’
Alright, Tang Tang admitted she was unhappy because of Gu Yan Ran and she was taking it out on Ji Yan. She wanted to be willful for once tonight.
Thinking up to this point, Tang Tang poured the water away and re-entered the bedroom empty-handed. She kept her eyes looking forward as she went to the other side of the bed to lay down. Tang Tang kissed Ji Xiao Zhuo’s forehead and said, “Okay, Bao Bao, let’s sleep now.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. He immediately went to sleep after hearing Tang Tang’s words.
Tang Tang also shut her eyes to go to sleep. She didn’t even bother with Ji Yan, who was still reading a book.
Ji Yan, who was still waiting for his foot bath, blanked out when he saw Tang Tang simply went to sleep. He stared at Tang Tang for a while. After confirming that she was asleep, Ji Yan was at a loss.
She would give him a foot bath every night, no matter how busy she was, did she forget today? But why did he feel that something was not right?
Silently, Ji Yan sat there for a long time. He couldn’t think of anything, so he could only switch off the light and go to sleep.
By the time Tang Tang woke up on the day after, Ji Yan and Gu Yan Ran were already gone. Without a doubt, they must have left together.
Tang Tang flattened her lips gloomily. She was still feeling unhappy. The guilt she had felt last night from not giving Ji Yan a foot bath disappeared instantly.
The regimental commander’s wife was bored at home alone, so she came to find Tang Tang to chat and pass some time. As they talked, the topic went to Gu Yan Ran, “I saw the military doctor from the main base and Ji Yan leave together this morning, did she stay over at your house last night? Does she know Ji Yan?”
Tang Tang explained their relationship, “Doctor Gu is a sister he grew up with.”
The regimental commander’s wife laughed and joked, “So they grew up together. No wonder her vision is set so high.”
“What do you mean?”
“Doctor Gu has set her vision high, ah. She is in charge of the body checks here, and she is already the deputy when she is so young. She is capable and beautiful. I’m sure that many young men like her in this unit. I heard that she’s still single, and many military wives wanted to introduce her to people. They all have good qualifications, but she refused. So it turns out that she grew up with someone like Ji Yan as a brother, no wonder she won’t like anyone ordinary, ah. There aren’t many people more outstanding than Ji Yan here.”
There was a smile on Tang Tang’s face, but she wasn’t smiling inside. Gu Yan Ran didn’t set her vision high, she just had her sight on someone, but Tang Tang couldn’t say this out loud. Tang Tang could only change the topic and ask about something else, “Sao Zi, do you know a battalion commander called Wen Zhang Yi in this district?
“Wen Zhang Yi?” The regimental commander’s wife was puzzled, “Why are you asking about him? He’s not in our regiment. He belongs to a different regiment.”
“I don’t know him, but I know his daughter. Isn’t his daughter called Wen Nuo? She is Xiao Zhuo’s desk mate. When Xiao Zhuo comes back, he keeps telling me that Wen Nuo is hungry and to give him more food so he can give it to Wen Nuo. That child also keeps saying that Wen Nuo is being abused. I just remembered, so I wanted to ask you.”
The regimental commander’s wife frowned slightly, “That girl is always hungry every day? Her stepmother probably wouldn’t dare to mistreat the little girl that badly?”
“Stepmother? What’s that about?”
“Not many people know about this matter. I’ll tell you, but don’t go telling anyone else. Wen Zhang Yi and his first wife are divorced. After the divorce, the little girl’s mother got remarried to a far place and never came back again. Wen Zhang Yi remarried to his current wife, and the family background of his current wife is not ordinary. Her family has some influence in the military. The two of them used to be lovers, but the wife’s family didn’t like Wen Zhang Yi as he is from an ordinary family and split them up. Wen Zhang Yi married the little girl’s mother by someone introducing them, but they divorced when the little girl was one year old. Then his past lover came to find him, and their relationship rekindled. In the end, the female’s family agreed to their relationship, so he remarried.
Tang Tang understood. So it was a couple who went through twists and turns before they finally ended up together.
The regimental commander’s wife expressed her own views on the topic, “Actually, Wen Zhang Yi always liked his current wife in his heart. He probably married his previous wife casually and didn’t have feelings for her. Truthfully, his previous wife was very virtuous and filial to the elders. Wen Zhang Yi’s parents really liked her, but they still divorced in the end. Other people thought they got a divorce due to the clashing of personalities, but the truth was that his current wife came to bother her. Because the current wife has a powerful family, the previous wife was forced to divorce and leave to a faraway place.”
Tang Tang’s heart sank. The story reminded her of Gu Yan Ran. She was also getting bothered by Gu Yan Ran, and her family was also powerful. Would she also be forced to leave?
“Then did Wen Zhang Yi just let his current wife do as she pleased and force his previous wife to leave? No matter what, his first wife had birthed him a child, ah. Even if there was no affection, surely there would be friendship. He couldn’t be that heartless.”
The regimental commander’s wife patted Tang Tang’s hand, “You’re too young, ah. You don’t understand that men are biased. Whoever he loves, then that’s who is right. If a man doesn’t love you, then no matter how good you treat him, you’re not even worth a single strand of hair of the woman he loves.”
Tang Tang’s heart chilled. Ji Yan doesn’t love her. Does that mean that it was no use, no matter how well she treated him?
Unwilling to give up, Tang Tang said, “But if the former wife had sincerely treated the man well, maybe the man could’ve loved her.”
The regimental commander’s wife didn’t believe it. “The unobtainable will always be remembered. Men will always remember their white moonlight. Maybe the sincere treatment will never enter their eyes, and it could become something that is expected, so, I always say, one can’t treat men too well. When it’s required, you need to show them some colours; otherwise, they won’t take you seriously.”
Wen Wen had previously told Tang Tang that her father may look like a prideful man, but he was actually very obedient to her mother and treated her mother really well. If her mother got angry, her father would become anxious. Tang Tang really admired the regimental commander’s wife, “Sao Zi, how is your relationship with the regimental commander? Do you show him your true colours?”
The regimental commander’s wife laughed, “Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Treat him too well, and he’ll forget himself, so I need to show him some colours. If I’m not happy, then I won’t do anything for him, and let him do it himself. I’ll ignore him and let him sit on the cold stool for two days, then he’ll naturally admit defeat and treat you better than before.”
This was the first time that Tang Tang heard these views. Her nanny didn’t tell her anything before. She only said to serve her husband properly.
The regimental commander’s wife really saw Tang Tang as her real sister, so she bluntly said, “Let me tell you, Tang Tang, I see you treat Ji Yan so well like you want to hold him in your hands. Spoiling your husband isn’t wrong, but you can’t blindly accommodate him and place yourself at the bottom place, ok? When you’re unhappy, you can show an appropriate amount of temper and show your true colours. This is beneficial to the couple’s harmony and relationship.”
After thinking about it, Tang Tang thought that the regimental commander’s wife’s words were reasonable. Wasn’t it just the same as giving candy to a crying child to appease them. It seemed like she needed to learn to show some temper; otherwise, she would probably get the same ending as Wen Nuo’s mother.
Tang Tang decided that before she felt happy again, she wouldn’t give Ji Yan a foot bath. He can do it himself.
As a result, not only Ji Yan didn’t receive a warm welcome when he got home, he didn’t get a foot bath again either. After Tang Tang bathed, she went directly to bed and slept. She didn’t even glance at him.
He thought she had forgotten last night. But he was now sure that she didn’t forget. Instead, she purposely didn’t give him a foot bath.
It was all going well; why did it suddenly become like this? Was she unhappy again? Wasn’t she alright after receiving the gifts before?
Ji Yan scratched his head gloomily. He was thinking if he should ask Ji Yue to buy some things and send it to her again, but she didn’t seem to like those things. Also, Tang Tang still hasn’t used the clothing and makeup that he gifted her before and she has mentioned last time not to give her things again.
Nevermind. Let’s not give anything, in case she becomes even more upset.
For the next couple of days, Ji Yan didn’t receive Tang Tang’s enthusiastic treatment, which he was not accustomed to. He asked Tang Tang directly what was wrong, but Tang Tang replied that it was nothing and didn’t say anything else. At the moment, Ji Yan would always gloomily smoke two cigarettes every day before going home. By the time he had smoked the entire packet, Ji Yan decided to call for help again, but he didn’t call Gu Zhang An this time. Instead, he directly gave Ji Yue a call.
Women understood women the best.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 43 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 43 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 43,He promised to love her until the end of time,In the quiet mornings, they shared whispered confessions,He gazed at her as if she were the only one in the world,With a gentle stroke, he brushed the hair from her face,He promised to love her until the end of time,Their love was a dance, graceful and passionate, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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