Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

The abrupt noise scared Tang Tang and made her turn around. When she turned, she saw that Gu Yan Ran was actually sitting beside her, which she hadn’t even noticed.
When did she sit down?
Gu Yan Ran looked worriedly at Tang Tang as she said, “I just saw you talking with Tang Mi and Ji Shi Yue. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, what could have happened? I currently don’t remember any of them.” Tang Tang didn’t want to speak too much with Gu Yan Ran about anything.
Seeing that there wasn’t the slightest fluctuation in Tang Tang’s mood when speaking about Tang Mi and Ji Shi Yue, something flashed across Gu Yan Ran’s eyes. Gu Yan Ran probed, “Tang Tang, do you really don’t remember Ji Shi Yue? Did you truly forget your feelings for him?”
These words made Tang Tang’s heart jump, but she didn’t want to lose her composure in front of Gu Yan Ran, so she looked straight at Gu Yan Ran indifferently, “I’ve lost my memory. I don’t know who Ji Shi Yue is, and neither do I have any feelings for other people. I’m a married woman with a child. Please don’t make irresponsible remarks!”
Gu Yan Ran froze before smiling apologetically, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything. Originally, I didn’t want to say anything, but I understand the pain of letting go of someone you love. You are the one who was meant to be Ji Shi Yue’s wife. Everything that was supposed to be yours was snatched away by someone else. If it were me, I wouldn’t be willing to let it go. I was thinking that even if you lost your memories, you should still have the right to know. It’s unfair to you if you don’t know anything.”
As Tang Tang listened, she actually wanted to laugh. What was Gu Yan Ran trying to do? Was she testing Tang Tang because she didn’t believe that Tang Tang had amnesia? Or was she reminding Tang Tang the things from the past so Tang Tang could recover her memories? What was Gu Yan Ran’s purpose for doing this?
Tang Tang didn’t believe that a woman who liked her husband would say something like that to her out of goodwill.
If she really was the body’s original owner and lost their memory, maybe she would try to recover her memories and pursue the man she loved after listening to these words. Then she would break off with Ji Yan, and their peaceful relationship wouldn’t be salvageable. After that, Gu Yan Ran would have the chance to be with Ji Yan.
Unfortunately, she was not the original owner.
After this, Tang Tang was sure that Gu Yan Ran liked Ji Yan and that she wanted to be with him. Currently, Gu Yan Ran was executing her plan, starting with Tang Tang.
In the beginning, Tang Tang inwardly rejoiced that this world only recognized the marriage between one man and one woman, so she thought there weren’t any schemes and fights between women. She didn’t expect that contradictions and conspiracies between women would still exist.
Tang Tang honestly didn’t like how Gu Yan Ran didn’t have good intentions towards her but still pretended that everything was done out of kindness. Tang Tang bluntly broke the pretense, “What are you trying to achieve by saying that? Do you want me to pursue my true love and not live my days peacefully with Ji Yan? Do you want me and Ji Yan to have a contradiction?”
Gu Yan Ran never thought Tang Tang would simply speak such sharp words as it didn’t match her personality. Gu Yan Ran blanked before carrying on pretending, “What are you saying, Tang Tang? I just didn’t want you to be clueless about yourself. That type of life is too pitiful. What type of person are you taking me for? Why wouldn’t I want you to live well with brother Ji Yan?”
Tang Tang looked at Gu Yan Ran directly, “You know what you’re thinking. You’re also clear about what your intentions are.”
Gu Yan Ran’s expression changed, “What do you mean by that? Explain it clearly to me!”
“You clearly know who you like in your heart. Not everyone is blind. Also,stop treating me like I’m a fool. At least, I can tell.”
Abruptly, Gu Yan Ran widened her eyes and stared at Tang Tang. After confirming that Tang Tang wasn’t joking around, Gu Yan Ran suddenly smiled. She didn’t bother to conceal it, “You’re not as innocent and naive as you normally display to be. You’re just pretending, right? Even having amnesia is fake, right? You never lost your memory!”
Tang Tang’s pupils contracted. Her slight change was immediately noticed by Gu Yan Ran, which made Gu Yan Ran confident in her judgment.
“I could tell from early on that you getting amnesia was fake. How can such a small car accident, that didn’t even injure the brain, cause one to get amnesia?You forgot that I’m a doctor. I have seen patients who truly suffered from amnesia. I’m clear what a person should be like after losing its memory. Did you really think that everyone would believe you after coming up with a random reason?”
Tang Tang pursed her lips into a straight line. Her lips were getting pale.
Since her facade got destroyed, Gu Yan Ran didn’t want to pretend anymore, and she wasn’t willing to continue acting either. All the hatred and bitterness that she felt from over the years turned into cutting words that erupted into Tang Tang, “Did you know that people like you are so despicable? You obviously love someone else but used low schemes against Ji Yan. Using children to blackmail him into marrying you, and then discarding him once you found out he couldn’t help you with your goal. Who do you think you are to use Ji Yan like that? If it wasn’t for Xiao Zhuo, do you think Ji Yan would have tolerated you for so long? Is a woman like you even suitable to stay beside Ji Yan? Have you ever looked at the mirror and seen what you are!?”
Tang Tang clenched her right hand into a fist. So the original owner used that type of method to marry Ji Yan. No wonder Ji Yan didn’t like her.
At this moment, Gu Yan Ran discarded her elegant, generous, and noble image. She was just like an aggressive killer who wanted Tang Tang dead, “What? You can’t retort? You purposely pretended to have amnesia because there is no other path. Only by having amnesia would Ji Yan let go of the past and not divorce you, so you won’t be like a stray dog without anywhere to go. But what do you think Ji Yan would do if he knew you faked having amnesia?”
Tang Tang’s nails were kneaded onto her skin as she clenched her hands into a fist, but she couldn’t feel any pain because her brain was buzzing with Gu Yan Ran’s final sentence.
When someone poked your deepest fear in front of you, you could no longer pretend your fear didn’t exist.
While it was true that she didn’t lose her memory and Gu Yan Ran’s prediction was not right, there was still one thing Tang Tang couldn’t retort. She was not the person who gave birth to Xiao Zhuo. Also, she wasn’t Ji Yan’s real wife. She had been lying to them all this time.
If Ji Yan knew that she didn’t lose her memory and was actually a stranger and that she wasn’t Xiao Zhuo’s birth mother but just a lonely ghost, would he still treat her the same? Or would he simply kick her out?
Unknowingly, Tang Tang’s expression changed into fear and worry, which finally made Gu Yan Ran feel delighted. All the hatred that she felt over the years and hid in her heart, made Gu Yan Ran really want to kill the other woman. Unfortunately, the time was not right. Gu Yan Ran still had to endure it.
She, Gu Yan Ran, has always been a patient person. There will be a day where she will snatch Ji Yan back!
Happiness, that day would come for her soon.
“Tang Tang, the granddaughter-in-law that grandpa Ji recognises is me. If it wasn’t for you, I would have already married Ji Yan! Everything you have should have belonged to me. You just wait, I will make Ji Yan look through your mask!”
“Mummy, let me tell you, Du Du has a little gold monkey that’s the same as mine. Daddy said that great-grandma gifted it to Du Du. We both got one each.”
“Also, Du Du’s daddy and my daddy are the same. They are both in the armed forces. Both are amazing.”
“Mummy, Du Du likes playing Anipop as well, but his level isn’t as high as mine. I promised to play with him next time.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo excitedly told Tang Tang about Du Du, a new friend he met. But while Xiao Zhuo spoke a lot, his mummy didn’t respond with her usual enthusiasm. Suspicious, he pinched his mummy’s nose, “What’s wrong, mummy? Did you hear what I said?”
“Ah? What’s the matter?” Tang Tang’s hand was held by the little one’s hands. She came back to her senses from the little one’s pinch, “What did you just tell mummy?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo sighed and frowned in worry, “What’s wrong, mummy. Why are you not happy?”
Tang Tang smiled and shook her head, “There is nothing wrong. Mummy is just feeling a bit tired.”
“Oh, so it was like that, ah. Then mummy can sleep while leaning on me. We’ll be home soon.” Ji Xiao Zhuo patted on his shoulder so his mummy could lean on him with ease.
Tang Tang was moved by the little man, so she gently rested her head on his young shoulder and closed her eyes.
With Tang Tang resting on his shoulder, Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t dare to move randomly. He stretched his chest as he wanted his mummy to sleep a bit more comfortable.
Ji Yan took a glance at Tang Tang from the rear mirror. A slight worry flashed across his eyes.
When the family of three got home, it was already 8 pm. Tang Tang was heading for the kitchen to make dinner, but Ji Yan pulled on her hand, “You’re tired tonight. There’s no need to trouble you. I’ll make some noodles to fill our stomach.”
“I’ll go.” She shivered from the touch of the scalding hand that was holding hers. Tang Tang had no time to go through her feelings and pulled her hand away. She entered the kitchen and immersed herself and made a large pot of noodles. The small family ate a simple dinner.
After the meal, the three of them took their bath. Tang Tang was used to preparing a foot bath of medicinal herbs. Once the water was ready, Tang Tang was surprised when she found that she had unconsciously prepared everything. Doing this had become normal for her, it was like eating and drinking, there was no need to think about it.
How much did she actually like him, ah?
But could she always continue doing this for him? If she wasn’t Xiao Zhuo’s mother, he definitely wouldn’t let her do these things … She took someone else’s identity and enjoyed her life. Would he think that she was shameless?
Currently, Tang Tang’s mind was a mess. She couldn’t calm her mind. All she could do was to restrain her thoughts and put on her usual expression in front of Ji Yan. Halfway through the massage, Ji Yan pulled on her hand, “Tang Tang, let’s stop there tonight. Go to sleep if you’re tired. Take a rest earlier.” She had been absent-minded all night, she must be too tired.
Tang Tang blanked for a moment before looking up at him. His deep and dark eyes suddenly made her feel extremely uneasy. Then she quickly flung her hands and passed the towel to him, “Then … then you should soak it for a little longer. I’ll go to sleep first.”
“…… OK.”
Ji Yan watched her lay on the other side of the bed and hug Ji Xiao Zhuo into her embrace before simply closing her eyes. She did not even glance at him during the process.
His brows wrinkled unconsciously. According to Tang Tang’s personality, she would normally smile sweetly at him and say something like: “Husband, I’m not tired. I’ll go to sleep after finishing your massage.” Also, before she would fall asleep, she would definitely smile at him and say good night, right?
What happened today?
While her eyes were shut, Tang Tang wasn’t actually asleep. She couldn’t sleep as her mind kept repeating Gu Yan Ran’s words, “You just wait, I will make Ji Yan look through your mask!”
What did Gu Yan Ran mean by those words? Did she discover something?
Tang Tang didn’t sleep well that night as she was very worried. She even had a nightmare. In the nightmare, Gu Yan Ran exposed that Tang Tang wasn’t Xiao Zhuo’s real mother. Ji Yan got very angry and shouted at Tang Tang that she was a fraud. Ji Xiao Zhuo refused to recognise her. The father and son kicked her out and told her to never return.
After she got kicked out, Tang Tang didn’t have anything and didn’t know anyone. She didn’t know how to earn money either, so she ended up being a beggar on the streets.
The next day, Tang Tang got frightened awake. She touched her cheeks and noticed that they were wet with tears.
“Mummy, why are you crying? Does somewhere feel painful?” Ji Xiao Zhuo just entered the bedroom and saw his mummy crying. He was shocked and immediately went to Tang Tang to wipe her tears with his little hands.
Tang Tang sniffed deeply, “It’s nothing. Mummy just had a bad dream. It’s alright now. What time is it?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at his watch and replied, “It’s nine o’clock, mummy.”
9 am! Tang Tang immediately sat up from the bed, “Why didn’t you wake mummy, Bao Bao? Are you hungry? Mummy will make breakfast for you.”
“You don’t need to mummy. Daddy brought breakfast back with him this morning. Daddy told me not to wake you up. He said you were tired and needed to rest. He also said that I should tell you to eat breakfast when you’re awake.”
Instantly, Tang Tang felt something that was hard to describe. She was feeling happy and sad. Tang Tang was happy that Bao Bao’s daddy was treating her so well, but she was also feeling sad because everything was just an illusion that could shatter at any time.
Tang Tang held Ji Xiao Zhuo tightly into her embrace. She couldn’t help it and probed, “Bao Bao, mummy is going to ask you a question. If mummy isn’t your real mummy, would you still like mummy?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo touched his temples as he puzzledly said, “But you are my mummy. Daddy said that I came out of your tummy.”
“It’s a what-if scenario. If you came out from someone else’s tummy, would you still like me and call me mummy?”
For Ji Xiao Zhuo, the question was too difficult for him to comprehend. His fingers intertwined but couldn’t think of anything.
Seeing that she had put the little one in a difficult situation, Tang Tang knocked on her head. She felt like she was possessed. Tang Tang started worrying about this since yesterday, but there was no point in worrying. Whatever needs to happen, will happen sooner or later. If she worried about this every day, how was she supposed to live?
Also, a normal person wouldn’t think she took over a body, right? Even Gu Yan Ran just thought that she was faking amnesia.
She was probably thinking too much about it …
So to prevent herself from worrying about it again, Tang Tang decided to keep herself busy to avoid having any time to think about unnecessary things.
Also, she happened to agree to make a skirt for Wen Wen and an AoQun for Ji Yue. Since she had nothing to do now, Tang Tang could get started on them.
That day,Tang Tang decided to buy online a lot of materials to make the clothes. After making that decision, Tang Tang would do housework, look after Xiao Zhuo, and work hard on making clothes. Once she started, she really pushed Gu Yan Ran to the back of her mind, and Tang Tang’s day became peaceful again.
Only at night when Tang Tang turned her head to secretly look at Ji Yan, she would unconsciously remember Gu Yan Ran’s words. Gu Yan Ran said that if it wasn’t for the body’s original owner, she would have married Ji Yan, and she was the granddaughter-in-law that grandpa Ji recognised.
Thinking about it deeper, Gu Yan Ran and Ji Yan grew up together. Gu Yan Ran’s appearance, ability, and family background were all outstanding. The two families’ social status should be a good match as well. It was probably true that grandpa Ji wanted Ji Yan to marry Gu Yan Ran, and Gu Yan Ran probably shouldn’t dare to lie about that.
Then did Ji Yan want to marry Gu Yan Ran? Was it the body’s original owner’s appearance that separated them?
Does Ji Yan still like Gu Yan Ran in his heart?
Alright, Tang Tang admitted that she really wanted to know if Ji Yan liked Gu Yan Ran. Tang Tang liked Ji Yan, and she wanted him to like her back, which was why Tang Tang could keep working hard and even invest herself for him. But if there was already someone in a man’s heart, then how could she enter his heart? It was impossible.
She remembered that her wet nurse once told her that there is no need to worry if a man doesn’t have you in his heart, but you still had to make sure that there was no one else in his heart either. If a man has someone else in his heart, you would never enter his heart. Don’t have real feelings for a man who likes someone else; otherwise, you would just end up hurting yourself.
Tang Tang thought that her wet nurse’s words were reasonable.
Thinking about Ji Yan and Gu Yan Ran’s interaction carefully, Ji Yan didn’t treat Gu Yan Ran differently, but he didn’t treat her with his usual coldness. He would exercise, speak, and smile to Gu Yan Ran when he hasn’t even smiled that many times to her…
To be honest, Tang Tang really wanted to ask Ji Yan. She would open her mouth many times, but no words would come out. That’s true, what right did she have to ask? Ji Yan didn’t like her, and she wasn’t even his real wife.
Also, what if the answer was the one that she didn’t want? Then how would they interact in the future? Tang Tang could only continue to keep herself busy and pretend to know anything.
Even though Tang Tang was no different from usual, Ji Yan could tell something was not right with Tang Tang.
The number of times she had looked at him directly, recently, could be counted with his hands. Even when their gazes met, she would quickly avoid it. In the past, she would be happy but bashful as she looked at him, then she would sweetly call him “husband.” She rarely calls him that recently.
What’s wrong with her? Did something happen?

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 38 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 38 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 38,His eyes sparkled with affection as he looked at her,With a whispered promise, he vowed to love her forever,Their love story was written in the constellations above,He whispered sweet nothings into her ear,She traced her fingers along the lines of his palm,Their love was a dance, graceful and passionate, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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