Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

After Nuo Nuo’s hearing aid had been fitted, the children were supposed to attend nursery again. However, Ji Yan still couldn’t leave the hospital due to his injury, and Tang Tang needed to stay to look after him. Since that was the case, the children wouldn’t have anyone to look after them if they returned, so Tang Tang contacted the nursery to extend the children’s leave. For the time being, both children didn’t need to go to school.
When Grandpa Ji became aware of this, he immediately suggested for the children to bring their textbooks and study in the hospital. In his opinion, learning was important even though they were still in nursery. Their studies must not be interrupted.
Naturally, Tang Tang and Ji Yan agreed. There was no end to learning. If no improvements were made then the children’s knowledge would only deteriorate. They didn’t want the children to take such a long leave of absence unless they had a choice.
But Tang Tang had to look after the elder, children, and Ji Yan. She really didn’t have much time to teach the children. Also, by her knowledge, it was insufficient to teach the two geniuses. It would be more fitting if they were to teach her instead.
Ji Yan could teach the two small geniuses but his injuries were too serious and he could not get up, so he couldn’t do so for now. The children could only read their books when they are at the hospital.
In response, Grandpa Ji waved his hand, “Since you two don’t have time, I will teach them. How can young children be left to self study?” He didn’t have anything to do anyway.
“Grandpa, are you sure you want to teach them?” Ji Yan asked to verify. It was like Ji Yan was doubting his ability.
Only Tang Tang saw the playfulness that flashed across Ji Yan’s eyes. She couldn’t help but smile secretly inside as well. There were times where he was quite playful and even dared to provoke Grandpa Ji.
But Tang Tang had cooperatively chosen to remain silent, she should listen to whatever her husband said.
Hehe, had she turned playful as well?
Grandpa Ji didn’t see the playfulness that Ji Yan concealed and really thought Ji Yan doubted him. He instantly became unhappy, “What’s wrong with me teaching them? It’s not like I can’t even teach two kids.”
Even though Grandpa Ji was a proper general, he wasn’t an ignorant person who was uneducated. In the past, he had gone to school and his writing was especially good. He could be considered good at literary and martial arts. So when Ji Yan doubted him, he got annoyed.
If he couldn’t even teach some 3 to 4 years old kids, then wasn’t he illiterate?
Ji Yan lowered his head and coughed. He pulled on Tang Tang and didn’t speak. They would just watch in silence.
Grandpa Ji became satisfied and took the children’s textbooks out. He started the class in the hospital seriously.
To show support, Tang Tang moved the little bench and table from home to the hospital. The children sat on one side while Grandpa Ji sat on the opposite and he began teaching.
Ji Yan had told Ji Xiao Zhuo in advance to listen earnestly. He wasn’t allowed to disrespect great-grandpa otherwise he would get a big spanking. As for Nuo Nuo, Ji Yan knew he didn’t need to worry about her.
To not get his butt spanked, Ji Xiao Zhuo gave his great-grandpa face and listened seriously with his back straight. He remained concentrated throughout like an honor student. But when Grandpa Ji followed according to the textbook and started to teach about adding and subtracting to ten, Ji Xiao Zhuo couldn’t help but frown. Especially when Grandpa Ji used the same method as their nursery teacher to teach them by counting using their fingers. Ji Xiao Zhuo wrinkled his chubby face which made his face look like a bun.
When Grandpa Ji looked at Ji Xiao Zhuo’s face then at Nuo Nuo who was counting with her fingers seriously, he thought Ji Xiao Zhuo didn’t like arithmetic and didn’t want to learn. He frowned with concern and patted on Xiao Zhuo’s shoulder, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how, but you need to put in effort. Look at Nuo Nuo using her fingers to calculate, you should also follow her example to get results.”
Ji Xiao Zhuo took a glance at Nuo Nuo’s well-behaved manner and sighed. Then he also extended his chubby fingers to start calculating and slowly wrote the answers down.
Grandpa Ji was satisfied when he saw that the answers were correct.
Tang Tang, who was watching from the side, couldn’t help but cover her face. She moved closer to Ji Yan’s ear and asked, “Dear, are you doing it on purpose? Why haven’t you told grandpa that these two are very smart?”
Stealthily, Ji Yan put a finger on her lips to indicate to her to keep it a secret. He smiled and answered quietly, “Ji Xiao Zhuo has always flaunted his intelligence and never listened properly in class. He should experience what it’s like to be a good student.”
Tang Tang couldn’t help but laugh secretly. This person is too playful! Would grandpa beat him if he finds out later?
Recalling his daddy’s instruction, Ji Xiao Zhuo listened earnestly and used his fingers to act like he was working out the question before writing down the answer he already knew ahead of time. He thought to himself that he was being very earnest and obedient. But no matter how obedient he was, he was still a child. After doing sums up to 10 for half an hour, his patience broke down. He didn’t even use his fingers anymore and he was giving off a ‘there was no point to life’ feeling.
Tang Tang felt like she couldn’t bear watching anymore.
Tapping on the table, Grandpa Ji spoke sternly, “Xiao Zhuo, it has only been 30 minutes. The lesson hasn’t ended yet. You can’t be so impatient. You need to persevere and work hard to accomplish things, and not have a brief moment of enthusiasm! Look at how much better Nuo Nuo is! You can’t even compare to a girl?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo looked at Nuo Nuo like she was a little fool. He propped his face with his hands and said with grief, “Great-grandpa, it’s not that I’m being impatient but the things you’re teaching are too easy. Can’t you teach something I haven’t learnt before?”
In response, Grandpa Ji blanked. He looked down at the textbook in his hands and confirmed the textbook was correct and the contents were something children had yet to learn. How can this be too easy?
“You’re saying you know how to do these?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo swayed his chubby legs and nodded dispiritedly.
Grandpa Ji was in disbelief. He thought Xiao Zhuo was most likely thinking of a way to goof off. So he purposely asked a difficult question, “Then tell me what is 29+34?”
Without blinking, Ji Xiao Zhuo answered instantly, “63.”
Grandpa Ji blanked again. Seeing the little one gave the answer without thinking, he couldn’t help but straighten his back as he carried on asking, “Then, what’s 92+67?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo sighed and replied lifelessly, “159.”
Grandpa Ji wrinkled his brows. He didn’t think the little one wanted to goof off anymore. The little one really knew the answers! Grandpa Ji probed, “Tell great-grandpa where you have learned up to?”
After thinking for a moment, Ji Xiao Zhuo replied, “I’ve learned up to three figures mental arithmetic of multiplication and division. Then daddy went on a mission and stopped teaching me. How about great-grandpa teach me instead?”
“……”Grandpa Ji was speechless and turned to look at Ji Yan who was watching the show leisurely, “You taught him?”
Ji Yan cleared his throat and nodded. But he didn’t dare to meet Grandpa Ji’s gaze because Grandpa Ji’s expression was enough to let people know that he wanted to beat someone up.
It was true Grandpa Ji wanted to beat someone because he was clearly aware of how intelligent Ji Yan was. His mental arithmetic abilities were especially good and he had taught Xiao Zhuo. Teaching Xiao Zhuo adding and subtracting to ten just now just made a laughing stock out of himself, no wonder Xiao Zhuo said it was too easy.
The point was Ji Yan already knew that but didn’t say anything about it! How dare he!
What would an old man like himself know about mental arithmetic? How can he teach the children?
To keep his reputation in front of the children, Grandpa Ji thickened his skin and said to Ji Xiao Zhuo, “Let your daddy teach you that instead. Great-grandpa still needs to teach Nuo Nuo. If great-grandpa teaches something complicated to you, Nuo Nuo won’t understand.”
“Who said Nuo Nuo doesn’t understand.” When Ji Xiao Zhuo finished speaking, he immediately held Nuo Nuo’s fingers that were moving to calculate. At the same time, he lightly tapped her forehead, “Silly Nuo Nuo, why are you still using your fingers to calculate so seriously?”
Nuo Nuo blinked at him and smiled. She looked cute and adorable.
In response, Grandpa Ji blanked and asked, “Nuo Nuo knows too? Has Nuo Nuo also learnt it before?”
“Of course. I taught her. Nuo Nuo can do multiplication and division arithmetic up to three figures. Even though she isn’t as good as me, she is still quite good.”
Grandpa Ji looked at Nuo Nuo for confirmation, “Little girl, do you really know how?”
Nuo Nuo nodded. Brother Xiao Zhuo taught her.
Grandpa Ji was a bit disarrayed. It could be said Ji Yan’s intelligence was passed on to Ji Xiao Zhuo but who did Nuo Nuo inherit from? Wasn’t her biological father a normal person?
In disbelief, Grandpa Ji gave a question, “What is 141×59?”
Knowing great-grandpa wanted to test Nuo Nuo, Ji Xiao Zhuo stayed quiet at the side.
Nuo Nuo blinked. She picked up the pencil beside her and wrote the answer on paper: ‘8319’.
Taking out a calculator, Grandpa Ji poked it a few times and the answer was really 8319. He couldn’t doubt it anymore. The little girl was also very clever!
In a flash, Grandpa Ji didn’t feel too good. Weren’t these two kids not normal? Which family’s 3 years old child could do arithmetic up to 3 figures?
Oh right, he had seen a child like that before once. That was when Ji Yan was small. That kid could do mental arithmetic up to large figures from a young age. It made him, as his grandpa, not able to teach a student in year one which made him feel defeated.
He didn’t expect he could get the same feeling again after so many years and there were two of them this time.
Seeing Grandpa Ji with many feelings mixed together, such as blankness, defeat, pride and wistfulness, Tang Tang was afraid it would agitate the elder too much. After all, she also suffered a large stimulation as well at the beginning and doubted if her intellect was normal or if she were dumb, how could she not even compare to a 3 to 4 years old child. In the end, she understood that it wasn’t her who was too stupid. It was the two kids who were too clever.
To rescue Grandpa Ji’s heart and face, Tang Tang quickly put away the textbook Grandpa Ji abandoned and said, “Grandpa, I think arithmetic is quite boring. How about teaching something else? How about something you’re good at? The children will certainly enjoy it, right?”
Since they got asked, the children immediately nodded cooperatively. They wanted to learn something else and didn’t want to learn those simple sums.
Grandpa Ji readily accepted the way out Tang Tang gave. He stopped getting tangled over the arithmetic issue and asked the children, “What do you want to learn? Great-grandpa can tell you a bit about the special forces.”
The two little ones surely wouldn’t have already learnt things about the special forces.
Nuo Nuo blinked but didn’t speak because she didn’t know what she should learn. Instead, it was Ji Xiao Zhuo who got excited and asked, “Great-grandpa, do you have a gun? Can you tell us about guns?”
Ji Xiao Zhuo was very curious about guns but he knew it wasn’t something he could play with so he made the request.
Grandpa Ji didn’t expect Xiao Zhuo to be interested in guns. But speaking about guns, he was an expert in it. Even though guns were not easy to get hold of and mustn’t be played thoughtlessly, those matters weren’t a problem for him. It was easy to satisfy the children’s request. He immediately called the guard to bring a gun over.
Both of the children’s eyes brightened at once. They were simply sparkling like a star.
Tang Tang and Ji Yan looked at each other. It seemed like they needed to be wary about the hospital lessons.
The guard acted very quickly. He soon brought a black box over. It contained two of Grandpa Ji’s guns but the bullets had been taken out from both of them.
Grandpa Ji placed the guns in front of the kids, “Look, this is a gun. If you have any questions, just ask great-grandpa.”
“Wa– So amazing!” Immediately, Ji Xiao Zhuo picked a gun up with his eyes shining brightly. The admiration and infatuated look in his eyes were simply mesmerising. It seemed Ji Xiao Zhuo was like all other boys and naturally liked those types of things.
Nuo Nuo also picked up the other gun and looked at it carefully. There was no excitement shown in her expression; instead, she looked like she was studying an important object.
Once Ji Xiao Zhuo was satisfied with playing with it, he suddenly asked, “Great-grandpa, can the gun be dismantled and reassembled again?”
“Of course, assembling firearms is a large field of study. Watch.” After Grandpa Ji finished speaking, he took the gun from Ji Xiao Zhuo and easily dismantled it. Then he reassembled it in front of Ji Xiao Zhuo, “This is how to assemble it. An excellent soldier, especially a marksman, can’t just be good at using it. Knowing how to disassemble and assemble it is also very important.”
“Can I try, great-grandpa?” Ji Xiao Zhuo asked as he was brimming with expectation. It was obvious he was eager to try.
Grandpa Ji thought such a task was impossible to be completed by a 3 years old child. Even though the little one was intelligent, it still did not seem possible. But to avoid affecting his enthusiasm, Grandpa Ji dismantled the gun again and slowly assembled it for Ji Xiao Zhuo to watch before passing it to him.
Ji Xiao Zhuo copied Grandpa Ji and started dismantling and assembling it enthusiastically. But when he actually attempted to assemble it, he found it very difficult. There were many components inside and it was too complicated. There were steps to put the components together and there couldn’t be any mistakes, otherwise, the assembling won’t be successful. Ji Xiao Zhuo’s memory was good. He tried to redo Grandpa Ji’s steps but he couldn’t remember it all. He could only assemble part of it.
After trying for a long while, Ji Xiao Zhuo gave up in defeat. He simply dismantled it again and pushed the pile of components to Nuo Nuo deflatedly, “It’s better if you do the building. It looks like I am only suitable for dismantling.”
Nuo Nuo gave him a kiss to comfort him. Brother Xiao Zhuo was smart.
Ji Xiao Zhuo felt slightly comforted. It was like he accepted reality and stroked her head, “You do it.”
Grandpa Ji smiled as he shook his head. Even Ji Xiao Zhuo, a naughty boy, couldn’t build it, a little girl wouldn’t do any better. It was more like the two children were just playing around.
But one minute later, Grandpa Ji was stunned.
Sun Yi, who was watching from one side, was stunned.
The guard, who delivered the gun, was stunned as well.
Nuo Nuo, a little girl who wasn’t even four, had assembled the gun to its original state within a minute and there weren’t any mistakes.
This can’t be real.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 70 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 70 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 70,Their love was a story, written in the stars above,In the silence of the night, they shared whispered promises,In his arms, she found a love she had never known,With a gentle whisper, he declared his love for her,In the stillness, they found solace in each others arms,She found sanctuary in the warmth of his love, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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