Novel Name : My Wife Spoils Me Too Much

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

On the next day, Ji Yue came straight to the base and knocked on the door of Ji’s family home.
When Tang Tang saw Ji Yue, she was pleasantly surprised and gave Ji Yue a hug, “Ji Yue, how come you’re here?”
Ji Yue laughed happily and gave her a kiss, but she didn’t answer her question. Instead, she pulled and spun Tang Tang around twice to look over her, “Tang Tang, you look better again.”
“Really? You’re not just coaxing me, right?”
“I’m not coaxing you. I see that you have gained more weight, and your skin has improved. Your hair looks smoother too. Basically, you’ve become pretty. You’re a beauty now.”
“That’s too exaggerated. I’m no longer ugly at most, I’m still far off from being a beauty.” Even though Tang Tang was saying that she still couldn’t conceal her happiness. She was so happy that she could fly. Tang Tang pushed Ji Yue to sit on the sofa before bringing out delicious food and placing it in front of Ji Yue, “I made all of these. Quickly try some.”
Ji Yue was not courteous and ate with relish using both hands, “The food you make is the best. It’s much to my liking.”
“Eat more if you like it. When you leave, I’ll make some more so you can take it home and share it with brother Zhang An.”
Ji Yue was so moved that she really wanted to take Tang Tang home with her. This woman was truly too virtuous.
When Ji Yue pretty much ate enough, she took out a large bag that she brought with her. She took out the things for Tang Tang, “Look, I brought you some new skincare products. The results are better than the previous ones. I guarantee that you’ll become beautiful and join the beauty rank after a month.”
Tang Tang thought of Ji Yue as her good friend and naturally didn’t refuse Ji Yue’s goodwill. She accepted the new products and then took out the AoQun she made for Ji Yue, “Look, the AoQun I made for you is completed. I originally planned to mail it to you, but I didn’t expect you would personally come here. I don’t need to send it anymore.”
The moment Ji Yue saw the AoQun, her eyes brightened. She took the AoQun and kept flipping it back and forth as she looked at it, “It’s really beautiful, ah. I like the moon white colour. I should look beautiful wearing this.”
Tang Tang pulled Ji Yue towards the bedroom, “Go and try it first. I’ll see if there’s anything I need to change.”
In full agreement with Tang Tang, Ji Yue started to take her clothes off in front of Tang Tang. Before Tang Tang could react, Ji Yue was already in her lingerie.. The crucial point was that Ji Yue’s underwear was extremely sexy, which made Tang Tang blush. Tang Tang quickly turned around as she didn’t dare to look anymore. She was acting like a young boy seeing a beauty.
Ji Yue was amused with Tang Tang’s reaction, “What are you doing? We are both women, what are you embarrassed for? You also have what I have, ah. Quickly turn around and help me. I don’t know how to wear this.”
Tang Tang could only turn back and look at Ji Yue with a red face. Her gaze swept past Ji Yue’s two plump mountain peaks. A little envy flashed across Tang Tang’s eyes.
Ji Yue propped up her two large peaks and asked sarcastically, “What do you think? My breast size and shape are not bad, right?”
Tang Tang nodded embarrassedly. Ji Yue’s figure was especially good. Even as a woman, she also thought that Ji Yue was beautiful. Unlike her, who was so flat that there was practically nothing. Tang Tang guessed that even some men had a bigger chest than her own.
Ai, the big difference between women was too hurtful.
Noticing the envy in Tang Tang’s eyes, Ji Yue patted her shoulder and comforted, “It’s nothing. There’s no need to envy me. Take a look at yourself; your figure has improved. Just work a bit harder, and you’ll be like me.”
Tang Tang was not confident, “Even if I have gained weight, my breasts are still small. I won’t look as good as you.”
Ji Yue cast a quick glance at Tang Tang’s chest. Honestly speaking, they were rather flat. Based on her figure proportion, her breasts won’t get bigger even if she gained more weight, but this was not a difficult issue for Ji Yue. “Don’t worry. I have a way. Wait till I get back, and I’ll send you some breast enlargement products. It’s a product that my company developed, and it’s effective. If you persist in using it, increasing one cup size is not a problem.”
“Really, ah, there’s a product like that?” Tang Tang was surprised. She never knew that such a thing existed. Even things like chest size can get bigger?
“Of course. I’ll send it to you when I get back. But first, help me wear this, I don’t know how.”
Hurriedly, Tang Tang helped Ji Yue change. Once it was done, she pulled Ji Yue towards the full-length mirror, “What do you think? Does it feel comfortable?”
Without a word, Ji Yue took out her phone and passed it to Tang Tang so she could take a picture of her. “Quick, quick, quick, take a picture of me. I want to post it on my friend’s group. I look so beautiful, just like a noble young miss from the ancient times. The clothes look more authentic than the ones at the photography studios.”
Seeing that she liked it, Tang Tang simply pulled Ji Yue to sit in front of the dressing table, “Since you’re going to take a picture, I’ll do your hair so it can match the clothes.”
“You even know how to do that? Quickly do my hair.”
To Tang Tang, doing an ancient hairstyle was very easy. It was done within ten minutes. The hair on both sides was brought to the back of the head and rolled into a bun. The remaining hair was loose and draped down Ji Yue’s shoulder and back. The hairstyle suited Ji Yue. She looked sweet and charming. Then Tang Tang drew a red flower in the middle of Ji Yue’s forehead. Ji Yue looked very dainty.
If Ji Yue was placed in ancient times now, she wouldn’t look out of place, and no one would suspect that she wasn’t from that time.
Ji Yue practically wanted to kneel to Tang Tang. She held in her tears as she held Tang Tang’s hands, “Tang Tang, if you want to join a production crew with your skills, you’ll definitely be the makeup team leader. The hairstyle you did is better than the female leads in ancient TV dramas, alright? If those famous directors knew about your skills, they’d probably be willing to spend a lot to hire you as the makeup artist.”
Tang Tang blinked in shock, “Ah, really, are you saying hair styling is a job?”
“Of course, the production crew really needs talents like you. If one day you need to, you could definitely join a production crew to earn money. Haha.”
Tang Tang’s eyes brightened. Before she could ask any more questions, she got dragged by an emotional Ji Yue into taking pictures.
Impatiently, Ji Yue posted a picture onto the friend’s group with a caption: ‘Haha, my personal stylist created a perfect ancient costume for me. Don’t I look like a beauty from ancient times?’
Immediately, there were many replies to the post.
Very pretty. Very beautiful. Where did you go to get it done? I want to go as well!
Quickly get me a set of those clothes, I really like it! That hairstyle is so beautiful, I want to have that hairstyle. Take me along!
Begging for the recommendation and brand!
Gu Zhang An also left a reply: Come back and let me take a look.
Ji Yue was extremely happy.
In the afternoon, there were only Ji Yue and Tang Tang eating together. During that time, Ji Yue finally decided to address the issue, and casually asked, “How is it? Do you like living here? Are you getting used to it?”
Tang Tang nodded, “It’s quite nice here. Everyone is very kind.”
“Is that so? Then that’s good. Right, I heard that Yan Ran came and stayed over before. It must have troubled you.”
Tang Tang blanked for a second before forcing a smile, “It’s no trouble.”
Ji Yue took notice of Tang Tang’s little reactions, and she became certain that Tang Tang was unhappy because of Gu Yan Ran. Truthfully, when she heard Ji Yan talk about the past couple of days, she could already guess that it was due to Gu Yan Ran. It was only these careless men who couldn’t tell.
It was most likely Tang Tang had found out about Gu Yan Ran’s feelings.
Ji Yue didn’t beat around the bush and directly asked, “Tang Tang, you don’t like Gu Yan Ran, right? Don’t lie to me. I want to hear the truth.”
Wrinkling her brows, Tang Tang nodded after a long time.
Ji Yue sighed, “You found out, right?”
Tang Tang, for some reason, understood what Ji Yue was saying. She put down her bowl and chopsticks as the food suddenly became tasteless, “Ji Yue, do you all know about Ji Yan and Gu Yan Ran’s matter?”
Once Ji Yue heard what Tang Tang said, she immediately knew that there was a misunderstanding. Ji Yue reacted and quickly explained, “Let me say this first, there is nothing going on between Ji Yan and Gu Yan Ran apart from being childhood friends!”
“Ah?” Tang Tang’s mind was blank.
Ji Yue asked, “Did you find out that Gu Yan Ran likes Ji Yan?”
Tang Tang nodded.
“Ok, but I want to tell you that it’s true that Gu Yan Ran likes Ji Yan. But Ji Yan doesn’t like Gu Yan Ran; actually, he doesn’t even know that Gu Yan Ran likes him. This includes everyone else in the group. They all don’t know that Gu Yan Ran likes Ji Yan. They all treat Gu Yan Ran as their little sister. Only me, a sensitive woman, found out, and now you found out as well.”
Tang Tang just blinked. It took her some time to absorb the information. In a flash, joy started bubbling up inside her, and the corner of her lips subconsciously started to rise.
Seeing that Tang Tang was smiling from just that, Ji Yue pinched her face, “Did you misunderstand something was going on between Ji Yan and Gu Yan Ran?”
Tang Tang nodded with embarrassment, “I did misunderstand because, during grandma Zhuo’s birthday party, Gu Yan Ran said that if it wasn’t for me, she would have been Ji Yan’s wife. She said that the granddaughter-in-law that grandpa Ji wanted was her.”
When Ji Yue heard those words, she laughed sarcastically and had a mocking expression as she said, “Tang Tang, Gu Yan Ran has gone crazy. Don’t believe what she says. What’s that about being Ji Yan’s wife? That’s impossible. Ji Yan doesn’t even like her, so how would he marry her? As for grandpa Ji, it’s true he originally wanted to connect with our Gu family through marriage and find a daughter from the Gu family to be Ji Yan’s wife, but he didn’t say that it was Gu Yan Ran. There are many daughters in the Gu family. It’s not for certain that it would be her. Then Ji Yan married you and everyone just treated that as a joke, and never mentioned it again.”
Suddenly, Tang Tang didn’t know what to say. It turned out she interpreted it wrong. The truth was actually like this.
“To tell you the truth, I don’t like Gu Yan Ran even though she’s my sister-in-law, and naturally, she doesn’t like me either. We mutually don’t like each other, but we pretend to be harmonious on the surface. I dislike people like Gu Yan Ran, she doesn’t have any face. It’s clear that the other has a family, but she still interrupts and tries to replace the original. Her three views are not right! But she faked it too well, she never displayed her feelings for Ji Yan, so that group of men never found out about it, and this includes Ji Yan. He is not aware of this and treats her like his little sister.”
Tang Tang was upset, “They can’t tell? I think it’s quite obvious. I’m stupid, and even I can tell.”
“Men and women are different. Us, women, are naturally sensitive to these types of things, and that group of men doesn’t get this point. Also, Gu Yan Ran faked it too well. Furthermore, ever since Ji Yan entered university, he doesn’t see Gu Yan Ran a lot, so it’s normal that he doesn’t know.”
But there was still something Tang Tang didn’t understand, “Since she likes Ji Yan so much, why didn’t she say anything? They grew up together, so she must have had many opportunities, ah.”
Ji Yue laughed, “That’s her personality, ah. How can a proud princess lower herself to take the initiative and pursue a man? It has to be the man that chases her, so she didn’t say anything. She thought Ji Yan would definitely be hers, but she got slapped in the face instead when Ji Yan married you. But your relationship with Ji Yan was not good before, so you didn’t enter her eyes. Now that your relationship is getting better, she is getting anxious and even went to your home to show force, am I right? Did she come to you the other day to harass you?”
Tang Tang let out an “En” sound and told Ji Yue what Gu Yan Ran had said to her at grandma Ji’s birthday party and from the other day.
As Ji Yue listened, she became increasingly angry and cursed Gu Yan Ran for not having face inwardly. Ji Yue has never seen someone who wants to be the other woman acting so arrogant, “Ignore her! Don’t take her words to heart! The main point is that Ji Yan doesn’t even have such thoughts. You need to believe in Ji Yan. He may be over 30, but he didn’t have a first love or even an ambiguous relationship with someone before, so you’re his first love and wife, do you understand? You have a big advantage.”
So there wasn’t anyone in his heart, and he didn’t have a relationship with Gu Yan Ran, this made Tang Tang’s heart beat faster. Her heart rose from the pits and was even filled with happy bubbles.
The main reason Ji Yue came today was to help Ji Yan solve his problem. Since it had been resolved, she could leave with her mission completed. So after the meal, Ji Yue took the AoQun and food that Tang Tang made and confidently took her leave. But before she left, Ji Yue gave Ji Yan a call and told him everything, including the feelings Gu Yan Ran had for him.
Originally, she wouldn’t have mentioned that, but Gu Yan Ran started to openly bully his wife. It wasn’t appropriate to keep quiet about that matter. As for what happened next, Ji Yue trusted that Ji Yan would handle it properly.
Ji Yan never thought that Gu Yan Ran actually had such feelings for him. He had always considered her as his little sister, and Gu Yan Ran never displayed anything different to him. How come it was like this?
Sitting in his office, Ji Yan smoked a cigarette. As the smoke lingered and curled, he recalled the recent events. Right, Tang Tang was in a bad mood after coming back from grandma Ji’s birthday party. He thought that she was angry because she thought that he didn’t treat her well enough, so he bought gifts to appease her. When it was finally getting better, Gu Yan Ran came, and Tang Tang was unhappy with him again.
Did she think something was going on between him and Gu Yan Ran? Since she was bothered about it, why didn’t she just ask him directly instead of hiding it in her heart? Do all women like complicating simple matters?
Ji Yan bitterly smiled while shaking his head. As he was thinking that Tang Tang was being silly, he was also thinking that he was stupid. He only knew about such a matter from somebody else.
After he silently finished smoking a cigarette, Ji Yan gave Gu Zhang An a call. The best way to deal with this matter was to let Gu Zhang An speak to his little sister to end her thoughts. This method was the best for everyone; otherwise their friendship would reach an end. Hopefully, Gu Zhang An would be able to resolve this matter.
From now on, he and Gu Yan Ran can’t interact with each other as they did in the past.
After ending the call, Ji Yan immediately returned home. Tang Tang was currently in the kitchen making dinner. She was clearly weak and thin, but she was constantly busy from day till night. He doesn’t know where she gets so much energy from.
Tang Tang didn’t even notice when Ji Yan walked up to her back. She only realised it when he made a noise, and she turned around like a startled rabbit, “You’re back?”
Ji Yan let out a deep “En” sound. When Tang Tang was going to turn back around to cook, he said, “Tang Tang, nothing is going on between me and Gu Yan Ran. I have always just considered her as a little sister who grew up with me.”
Tang Tang froze and looked back at him, “You … you know?”
“En, Ji Yue told me. Sorry, I didn’t know that Gu Yan Ran had said such things to you.”
“…. That can’t be blamed on you. It’s me who misunderstood.” It was also her fault that she was too much of a coward to ask him.
Ji Yan held Tang Tang’s shoulder as he stared at her, “In the future, just ask me if you have any questions. I will answer them. Don’t keep it inside.”
Tang Tang nodded. This happened because she didn’t have the guts to ask. If she had asked directly, this wouldn’t have occurred. She would definitely ask next time.
Since the matter was spoken out loud, everything was fine now, and Tang Tang continued cooking. In the end, she discovered that Ji Yan didn’t leave and was still standing beside her. She pushed him and said, “Go and take Xiao Zhuo to wash his hands. There’s a lot of smoke here. I’ll finish cooking soon, and we can eat.”
Ji Yan pursed his lips and remained standing still.
Tang Tang looked at him, puzzled, “What’s wrong?”
Ji Yan cleared his throat. He spoke with his usual expressionless face, but his voice was slightly different, “Then … will there be a foot bath tonight?”
“…..” Tang Tang suddenly wanted to laugh, but because of Ji Yan’s expression, she restrained herself and solemnly replied, “En, there will be a foot bath tonight.”
Without any expression, Ji Yan nodded and turned to leave the kitchen, but his back figure seemed to show some joy.
On that night, Tang Tang resumed Ji Yan’s foot bath benefit. Ji Yan secretly let out a comfortable sigh from the massage after missing it for a few days. There was a content feeling that he couldn’t explain. He felt himself relax.
After not getting a foot bath for a few days, he kept feeling strange. He didn’t have as much energy during training in the day, and he didn’t sleep as well at night. Who knew one could get addicted to foot baths, ah.
Finally, things were back to normal.
No wonder men said the wife could not be angered. They were right.
On this side, the atmosphere was comfortable and harmonious, but, on the other side, an intense conversation was in progress.

Read My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 44 By 月半要分家

My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Chapter 44 Updated Here. My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Author 月半要分家 update Chapter 44,With a single word, he captured her heart,Their love was a dance, graceful and passionate,She found strength in his unwavering support,Their love story was written in the constellations above,He promised to love her until the end of time,With a bouquet of carnations, he declared his devotion, My Wife Spoils Me Too Much Has the latest chapter been updated?


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